Beispiel #1
        // consume exactly 1 partial-step
        INodeMatcher ConsumePartialStep()
            CssToken t = GetNext();

            switch (t.Type)
            case CssTokenType.Name:         return(new NameSelector(t.Text));

            case CssTokenType.Class:        return(AttributeSelector.ContainsClass(t.Text.Substring(1)));

            case CssTokenType.Id:           return(AttributeSelector.IdIs(t.Text.Substring(1)));

            case CssTokenType.Square:       {
                CssToken insideText = GetNext();
                GetNext();                                 // throw away closing token

            case CssTokenType.Pseudo:

                switch (t.Text)
                case ":even":           return(SiblingSelector.Even);

                case ":odd":            return(SiblingSelector.Odd);

                case ":nth-child":      _index += 3;    return(ParseSibling(_tokens[_index - 2].Text));

                case ":contains":       _index += 3;    return(new ContainsTextSelector(_tokens[_index - 2].Text));

                default:                        _index += 3;    return(ParseColon(t.Text));

            --_index;            // If didn't use it, we need to push it back onto the stream
