Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new CH edge data source.
        /// </summary>
        public CHEdgeDataDataSource(Stream stream, CHEdgeDataDataSourceSerializer serializer,
                                    int startOfRegions, CHVertexRegionIndex regionIndex, int zoom,
                                    int startOfBlocks, CHBlockIndex blockIndex, uint blockSize,
                                    ITagsCollectionIndexReadonly tagsIndex)
            _stream     = stream;
            _serializer = serializer;

            this.InitializeRegions(startOfRegions, regionIndex, zoom);
            this.InitializeBlocks(startOfBlocks, blockIndex, blockSize);

            _blocks    = new LRUCache <uint, CHBlock>(1000);
            _regions   = new LRUCache <ulong, CHVertexRegion>(1000);
            _tagsIndex = tagsIndex;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a topologically sorted version of the given graph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IDynamicGraph <CHEdgeData> SortGraph(IDynamicGraph <CHEdgeData> graph)
            // also add all downward edges.

            // sort the topologically ordered vertices into bins representing a certain height range.
            List <uint>[] heightBins = new List <uint> [1000];
            foreach (var vertexDepth in new CHDepthFirstEnumerator(graph))
            { // enumerates all vertixes depth-first.
                int binIdx = (int)(vertexDepth.Depth / _heightBinSize);
                if (heightBins.Length < binIdx)
                { // resize bin array if needed.
                    Array.Resize(ref heightBins, System.Math.Max(heightBins.Length + 1000, binIdx + 1));

                // add to the current bin.
                List <uint> bin = heightBins[binIdx];
                if (bin == null)
                { // create new bin.
                    bin = new List <uint>();
                    heightBins[binIdx] = bin;

            // temp test.
            MemoryDynamicGraph <CHEdgeData> sortedGraph   = new MemoryDynamicGraph <CHEdgeData>();
            Dictionary <uint, uint>         currentBinIds = new Dictionary <uint, uint>();
            uint newVertexId;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < heightBins.Length; idx++)
                List <uint> bin = heightBins[idx];
                if (bin != null)
                { // translate ids.
                    // fill current bin ids and add vertices to the new graph.
                    foreach (uint binVertexId in bin)
                        float latitude, longitude;
                        graph.GetVertex(binVertexId, out latitude, out longitude);
                        newVertexId = sortedGraph.AddVertex(latitude, longitude);

                        currentBinIds.Add(binVertexId, newVertexId); // add to the current bin index.

            // rebuild the CH graph based on the new ordering and build the CHRegions.
            newVertexId = 0;
            for (int idx = 0; idx < heightBins.Length; idx++)
                List <uint> bin = heightBins[idx];
                if (bin != null)
                { // translate ids.
                    foreach (uint binVertexId in bin)
                        currentBinIds.TryGetValue(binVertexId, out newVertexId);

                        // get the higher arcs and convert their ids.
                        //KeyValuePair<uint, CHEdgeData>[] arcs = graph.GetArcsHigher(binVertexId);
                        KeyValuePair <uint, CHEdgeData>[] arcs = graph.GetArcs(binVertexId);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, CHEdgeData> arc in arcs)
                            if (arc.Value.IsInformative || arc.Value.ToHigher)
                                // get target vertex.
                                uint nextVertexArcId = CHEdgeDataDataSourceSerializer.SearchVertex(arc.Key, currentBinIds, heightBins);
                                // convert edge.
                                CHEdgeData newEdge = new CHEdgeData();
                                newEdge.Direction = arc.Value.Direction;
                                if (arc.Value.HasContractedVertex)
                                { // contracted info.
                                    newEdge.ContractedVertexId = CHEdgeDataDataSourceSerializer.SearchVertex(arc.Value.ContractedVertexId, currentBinIds, heightBins);
                                { // no contracted info.
                                    newEdge.ContractedVertexId = 0;
                                newEdge.Tags   = arc.Value.Tags;
                                newEdge.Weight = arc.Value.Weight;
                                sortedGraph.AddArc(newVertexId, nextVertexArcId, newEdge, null);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Does the v2 serialization.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <param name="graph"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override void DoSerialize(LimitedStream stream,
                                            DynamicGraphRouterDataSource <CHEdgeData> graph)
            // sort the graph.
            IDynamicGraph <CHEdgeData> sortedGraph = CHEdgeDataDataSourceSerializer.SortGraph(graph);

            // create the regions.
            SortedDictionary <ulong, List <uint> > regions = new SortedDictionary <ulong, List <uint> >();

            for (uint newVertexId = 1; newVertexId < sortedGraph.VertexCount + 1; newVertexId++)
                // add to the CHRegions.
                float latitude, longitude;
                sortedGraph.GetVertex(newVertexId, out latitude, out longitude);
                Tile tile = Tile.CreateAroundLocation(new GeoCoordinate(
                                                          latitude, longitude), RegionZoom);
                List <uint> regionVertices;
                if (!regions.TryGetValue(tile.Id, out regionVertices))
                    regionVertices = new List <uint>();
                    regions.Add(tile.Id, regionVertices);

            // serialize the sorted graph.
            // STRART_OF_BLOCKS:        4bytes
            // START_OF_STAGS:          4bytes

            // SIZE_OF_REGION_INDEX:    4bytes
            // REGION_INDEX:            see SIZE_OF_REGION_INDEX
            // REGIONS:                 see START_OF_BLOCKS - 4bytes

            // SIZE_OF_BLOCK_INDEX:     4bytes
            // BLOCK_INDEX:             see SIZE_OF_BLOCK_INDEX.
            // BLOCKS:                  from START_OF_BLOCKS + 4bytes + SIZE_OF_BLOCKS_INDEX until END.

            // serialize regions and build their index.
            CHVertexRegionIndex chRegionIndex = new CHVertexRegionIndex();

            chRegionIndex.LocationIndex = new int[regions.Count];
            chRegionIndex.RegionIds     = new ulong[regions.Count];
            var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            int regionIdx    = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, List <uint> > region in regions)
                // serialize.
                CHVertexRegion chRegion = new CHVertexRegion();
                chRegion.Vertices = region.Value.ToArray();
                _runtimeTypeModel.Serialize(memoryStream, chRegion);

                // set index.
                chRegionIndex.LocationIndex[regionIdx] = (int)memoryStream.Position;
                chRegionIndex.RegionIds[regionIdx]     = region.Key;
            stream.Seek(12, SeekOrigin.Begin);                  // move to beginning of [REGION_INDEX]
            _runtimeTypeModel.Serialize(stream, chRegionIndex); // write region index.
            int sizeRegionIndex = (int)(stream.Position - 12);  // now at beginning of [REGIONS]

            memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            memoryStream.WriteTo(stream);             // write regions.
            int startOfBlocks = (int)stream.Position; // now at beginning of [SIZE_OF_BLOCK_INDEX]

            // serialize the blocks and build their index.
            memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            List <int> blockLocations = new List <int>();
            uint       vertexId       = 1;

            while (vertexId < sortedGraph.VertexCount)
                uint            blockId       = vertexId;
                List <CHArc>    blockArcs     = new List <CHArc>();
                List <CHVertex> blockVertices = new List <CHVertex>();
                while (vertexId < blockId + BlockVertexSize &&
                       vertexId < sortedGraph.VertexCount + 1)
                { // create this block.
                    CHVertex chVertex = new CHVertex();
                    float    latitude, longitude;
                    sortedGraph.GetVertex(vertexId, out latitude, out longitude);
                    chVertex.Latitude  = latitude;
                    chVertex.Longitude = longitude;
                    chVertex.ArcIndex  = (ushort)(blockArcs.Count);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, CHEdgeData> sortedArc in sortedGraph.GetArcs(vertexId))
                        CHArc chArc = new CHArc();
                        chArc.TargetId   = sortedArc.Key;
                        chArc.ShortcutId = sortedArc.Value.ContractedVertexId;
                        chArc.Weight     = sortedArc.Value.Weight;
                        chArc.Direction  = sortedArc.Value.Direction;
                        chArc.TagsId     = sortedArc.Value.Tags;
                    chVertex.ArcCount = (ushort)(blockArcs.Count - chVertex.ArcIndex);

                    vertexId++; // move to the next vertex.

                // create block.
                CHBlock block = new CHBlock();
                block.Arcs     = blockArcs.ToArray();
                block.Vertices = blockVertices.ToArray(); // TODO: get rid of the list and create an array to begin with.

                // write blocks.
                MemoryStream blockStream = new MemoryStream();
                _runtimeTypeModel.Serialize(blockStream, block);
                byte[] compressed = GZipStream.CompressBuffer(blockStream.ToArray());

                memoryStream.Write(compressed, 0, compressed.Length);
            CHBlockIndex blockIndex = new CHBlockIndex();

            blockIndex.LocationIndex = blockLocations.ToArray();

            stream.Seek(startOfBlocks + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin);                  // move to beginning of [BLOCK_INDEX]
            _runtimeTypeModel.Serialize(stream, blockIndex);                   // write region index.
            int sizeBlockIndex = (int)(stream.Position - (startOfBlocks + 4)); // now at beginning of [BLOCKS]

            memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            memoryStream.WriteTo(stream); // write blocks.

            // write tags after blocks.
            int tagsPosition = (int)stream.Position;

            TagIndexSerializer.SerializeBlocks(stream, graph.TagsIndex, 100);

            stream.Seek(startOfBlocks, SeekOrigin.Begin);              // move to [SIZE_OF_BLOCK_INDEX]
            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(sizeBlockIndex), 0, 4); // write start position of blocks. Now at [SIZE_OF_REGION_INDEX]

            // write index.
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);                           // move to beginning
            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(startOfBlocks), 0, 4);   // write start position of blocks. Now at [SIZE_OF_REGION_INDEX]
            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(tagsPosition), 0, 4);
            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(sizeRegionIndex), 0, 4); // write size of region index.