/// <summary>Checks that the instance has no data.</summary>
        public static bool IsEmpty(CommentPages value)
                return false;

                return false;

                return false;

                return false;

            if(value.Current > 1 || value.Total > 1)
                return false;

            return true;
        public EntryPage[] LoadOtherCommentPages(CommentPages commentPages, ILJClientData clientData)
            int initialIndex = commentPages.Current;
            int total = commentPages.Total;

            log.Info(String.Format("Loading other comment pages given page №{0} out of {1}.", commentPages.Current, commentPages.Total));

            // We need to download these.
            int[] need = Enumerable.Range(1, total).Where(i => i != initialIndex).ToArray();
            IDictionary<int, LiveJournalTarget> targets = new SortedDictionary<int, LiveJournalTarget>();
            IDictionary<int, EntryPage> pages = new SortedDictionary<int, EntryPage>();
            EntryPage p;

            CommentPages latest = commentPages;
            while(pages.Count < need.Length)
                int cur = latest.Current;

                if(cur != 1 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(latest.FirstUrl))
                    targets[1] = LiveJournalTarget.FromString(latest.FirstUrl);
                if(cur != total && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(latest.LastUrl))
                    targets[total] = LiveJournalTarget.FromString(latest.LastUrl);
                    targets[cur - 1] = LiveJournalTarget.FromString(latest.PrevUrl);
                    targets[cur + 1] = LiveJournalTarget.FromString(latest.NextUrl);

                // First target without a page.
                int keyToDownload = targets.Keys.First(z => z != initialIndex && !pages.ContainsKey(z));
                log.Info(String.Format("Will download page №{0}.", keyToDownload));
                LiveJournalTarget targetToDownload = targets[keyToDownload];

                // Download the page.
                string content = _client.GetContent(targetToDownload, clientData);
                p = _parser.ParseAsAnEntryPage(content);
                latest = p.CommentPages;
                pages[keyToDownload] = p;
                log.Info(String.Format("Parsed page №{0}.", keyToDownload));

            EntryPage[] ret = pages.Values.ToArray();
            return ret;