Beispiel #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void verifyFixedSizeStoresCanRebuildIdGeneratorSlowly()
        public virtual void VerifyFixedSizeStoresCanRebuildIdGeneratorSlowly()
            // Given we have a store ...
            Config config    = Config.defaults(GraphDatabaseSettings.rebuild_idgenerators_fast, "false");
            File   storeFile = _testDirectory.file("nodes");
            File   idFile    = _testDirectory.file("idNodes");

            DynamicArrayStore labelStore = mock(typeof(DynamicArrayStore));
            NodeStore         store      = new NodeStore(storeFile, idFile, config, new DefaultIdGeneratorFactory(_fs), PageCacheRule.getPageCache(_fs), NullLogProvider.Instance, labelStore, RecordFormatSelector.defaultFormat());


            // ... that contain a number of records ...
            NodeRecord record = new NodeRecord(0);

            record.InUse = true;
            int highestId = 50;

            for (int i = 0; i < highestId; i++)
                assertThat(store.NextId(), @is((long)i));
                record.Id = i;
            store.HighestPossibleIdInUse = highestId;

            // ... and some have been deleted
            long?[] idsToFree = new long?[] { 2L, 3L, 5L, 7L };
            record.InUse = false;
            foreach (long toDelete in idsToFree)
                record.Id = toDelete;

            // Then when we rebuild the id generator
            store.OpenIdGenerator();               // simulate a restart to allow id reuse

            // We should observe that the ids above got freed
            IList <long> nextIds = new List <long>();

            nextIds.Add(store.NextId());                 // 2
            nextIds.Add(store.NextId());                 // 3
            nextIds.Add(store.NextId());                 // 5
            nextIds.Add(store.NextId());                 // 7
            nextIds.Add(store.NextId());                 // 51
            assertThat(nextIds, contains(2L, 3L, 5L, 7L, 50L));
Beispiel #2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void rebuildingIdGeneratorMustNotMissOutOnFreeRecordsAtEndOfFilePage()
        public virtual void RebuildingIdGeneratorMustNotMissOutOnFreeRecordsAtEndOfFilePage()
            // Given we have a store ...
            Config config    = Config.defaults(GraphDatabaseSettings.rebuild_idgenerators_fast, "false");
            File   storeFile = _testDirectory.file("nodes");
            File   idFile    = _testDirectory.file("idNodes");

            DynamicArrayStore labelStore = mock(typeof(DynamicArrayStore));
            NodeStore         store      = new NodeStore(storeFile, idFile, config, new DefaultIdGeneratorFactory(_fs), PageCacheRule.getPageCache(_fs), NullLogProvider.Instance, labelStore, RecordFormatSelector.defaultFormat());


            // ... that contain enough records to fill several file pages ...
            int        recordsPerPage = store.RecordsPerPage;
            NodeRecord record         = new NodeRecord(0);

            record.InUse = true;
            int highestId = recordsPerPage * 3;               // 3 pages worth of records

            for (int i = 0; i < highestId; i++)
                assertThat(store.NextId(), @is((long)i));
                record.Id = i;
            store.HighestPossibleIdInUse = highestId;

            // ... and some records at the end of a page have been deleted
            long?[] idsToFree = new long?[] { recordsPerPage - 2L, recordsPerPage - 1L };               // id's are zero based, hence -2 and -1
            record.InUse = false;
            foreach (long toDelete in idsToFree)
                record.Id = toDelete;

            // Then when we rebuild the id generator
            store.OpenIdGenerator();               // simulate a restart to allow id reuse

            // We should observe that the ids above got freed
            IList <long> nextIds = new List <long>();

            nextIds.Add(store.NextId());                 // recordsPerPage - 2
            nextIds.Add(store.NextId());                 // recordsPerPage - 1
            nextIds.Add(store.NextId());                 // recordsPerPage * 3 (we didn't use this id in the create-look above)
            assertThat(nextIds, contains(recordsPerPage - 2L, recordsPerPage - 1L, recordsPerPage * 3L));