public ConstructorDefImpl(string className, IConstructorArg[] args, bool injectable)
            this.args = args;
            this.className = className;
            if (injectable)
                var duplicateItems = from x in args
                                     group x by x into grouped
                                     where grouped.Count() > 1
                                     select grouped.Key;

                if (duplicateItems.Any())
                    var e = new ClassHierarchyException(
                        "Repeated constructor parameter detected.  "
                        + "Cannot inject constructor " + ToString());
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);
Beispiel #2
        public static INode CreateClassNode(INode parent, Type clazz)
            // var namedParameter = clazz.GetCustomAttribute<NamedParameterAttribute>();
            var unit = null != clazz.GetCustomAttribute<UnitAttribute>();
            string simpleName = ReflectionUtilities.GetName(clazz);
            string fullName = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(clazz);
            // bool isStatic = true; // clazz.IsSealed && clazz.IsAbstract; always true in C# for Java static class
            // bool injectable = true; // always true in C#

            bool isAssignableFromExternalConstructor = ReflectionUtilities.IsAssignableFromIgnoreGeneric(typeof(IExternalConstructor<>), clazz); 

            // bool parentIsUnit = false; 

            ////No such thing in C#, should be false
            ////bool foundNonStaticInnerClass = false;
            ////foreach (Type c in clazz.getNestedTypes()) {
            ////  if (!Modifier.isStatic(c.getModifiers())) {
            ////    foundNonStaticInnerClass = true;
            ////  }

            var injectableConstructors = new List<IConstructorDef>();
            var allConstructors = new List<IConstructorDef>();

            foreach (ConstructorInfo c in clazz.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))  
                var constructorAnnotatedInjectable = null != c.GetCustomAttribute<InjectAttribute>();

                bool constructorInjectable = constructorAnnotatedInjectable;

                ConstructorDefImpl constructorDef = CreateConstructorDef(c, constructorAnnotatedInjectable);

                if (constructorInjectable)
                    // if (injectableConstructors.Contains(constructorDef))
                    if (constructorDef.IsInList(injectableConstructors))
                        var e = new ClassHierarchyException(
                            "Ambiguous boundConstructors detected in class " + clazz + ": "
                                + constructorDef + " differs from some other" + " constructor only "
                                + "by parameter order.");
                        Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);


            string defaultImplementation = null;
            DefaultImplementationAttribute defaultImpl = clazz.GetCustomAttribute<DefaultImplementationAttribute>();
            if (null != defaultImpl)
                Type defaultImplementationClazz = defaultImpl.Value;

                if (defaultImplementationClazz == null)
                    defaultImplementation = defaultImpl.Name;
                    if (!ReflectionUtilities.IsAssignableFromIgnoreGeneric(clazz, defaultImplementationClazz))
                        var e = new ClassHierarchyException(clazz
                                                          + " declares its default implementation to be non-subclass "
                                                          + defaultImplementationClazz);
                        Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);
                    defaultImplementation = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(defaultImplementationClazz);
                defaultImplementation = null;

            return new ClassNodeImpl(parent, simpleName, fullName, unit, true, isAssignableFromExternalConstructor, 
                injectableConstructors, allConstructors, defaultImplementation);
Beispiel #3
 // private static void assertIsSubclassOf(Class<?> named_parameter, Class<?> default_class, Type argClass) {
 private static void AssertIsSubclassOf(Type namedparameter, Type defaultclass, Type argClass)
     bool isSubclass = false;
     string argClassName = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(argClass);
     foreach (Type t in ReflectionUtilities.ClassAndAncestors(defaultclass))
         if (argClassName.Equals(ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(t)))
             isSubclass = true;
     if (!isSubclass)
         var e = new ClassHierarchyException(namedparameter + " defines a default class "
             + ReflectionUtilities.GetName(defaultclass) + " with a type that does not extend of its target's type " + argClass);
         Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);
Beispiel #4
        public static INamedParameterNode CreateNamedParameterNode(INode parent, Type clazz, Type argClass)
            Type setRawArgType = ReflectionUtilities.GetInterfaceTarget(typeof(ISet<>), argClass);
            bool isSet = setRawArgType != null;
            if (isSet) {
                argClass = setRawArgType;

            Type listRawArgType = ReflectionUtilities.GetInterfaceTargetForType(typeof(IList<>), argClass);
            bool isList = listRawArgType != null;
            if (isList)
                argClass = listRawArgType;

            string simpleName = ReflectionUtilities.GetName(clazz);
            string fullName = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(clazz);
            string fullArgName = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(argClass);
            string simpleArgName = ReflectionUtilities.GetName(argClass);

            NamedParameterAttribute namedParameter = clazz.GetCustomAttribute<NamedParameterAttribute>();

            if (namedParameter == null)
                Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new IllegalStateException("Got name without named parameter post-validation!"), LOGGER);

            bool hasStringDefault, hasClassDefault, hasStringSetDefault, hasClassSetDefault;
            int default_count = 0;
            if (namedParameter.DefaultValue == null || namedParameter.DefaultValue.Equals(NamedParameterAttribute.ReefUninitializedValue))
                hasStringDefault = false;
                hasStringDefault = true;

            if (namedParameter.DefaultClass != null /*Void.class*/)
                hasClassDefault = true;
                hasClassDefault = false;

            if (namedParameter.DefaultValues != null && namedParameter.DefaultValues.Length > 0)
                hasStringSetDefault = true;
                hasStringSetDefault = false;

            if (namedParameter.DefaultClasses != null && namedParameter.DefaultClasses.Length > 0) 
                hasClassSetDefault = true;
                hasClassSetDefault = false;

            if (default_count > 1)
                var e = new ClassHierarchyException("Named parameter " + fullName + " defines more than one of default_value, default_class, default_values and default_classes");
                Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);

            string[] defaultInstanceAsStrings = new string[] { };

            if (default_count == 0)
                defaultInstanceAsStrings = new String[] { };
            else if (hasClassDefault)
                Type default_class = namedParameter.DefaultClass;
                AssertIsSubclassOf(clazz, default_class, argClass);
                defaultInstanceAsStrings = new String[] { ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(default_class) };
            else if (hasStringDefault)
                // Don't know if the string is a class or literal here, so don't bother validating.
                defaultInstanceAsStrings = new String[] { namedParameter.DefaultValue };
            else if (hasClassSetDefault)
                Type[] clzs = namedParameter.DefaultClasses;
                defaultInstanceAsStrings = new String[clzs.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < clzs.Length; i++)
                    AssertIsSubclassOf(clazz, clzs[i], argClass);
                    defaultInstanceAsStrings[i] = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(clzs[i]);
            else if (hasStringSetDefault)
                defaultInstanceAsStrings = namedParameter.DefaultValues;
                Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new IllegalStateException(), LOGGER);

            string documentation = namedParameter.Documentation;
            string shortName = namedParameter.ShortName;
            if (namedParameter.ShortName != null && namedParameter.ShortName.Length == 0)
                shortName = null;

            return new NamedParameterNodeImpl(parent, simpleName, fullName,
                fullArgName, simpleArgName, isSet, isList, documentation, shortName, defaultInstanceAsStrings, namedParameter.Alias, namedParameter.AliasLanguage);
Beispiel #5
 public object ParseDefaultValue(INamedParameterNode name)
     string[] vals = name.GetDefaultInstanceAsStrings();
     object[] ret = new object[vals.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++)
         string val = vals[i];
             ret[i] = Parse(name, val);
         catch (ParseException e)
             Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Caught(e, Level.Error, LOGGER);
             var ex = new ClassHierarchyException("Could not parse default value " + val, e);
             Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
     if (name.IsSet())
         return new HashSet<object>(ret.ToList<object>());
     if (name.IsList())
         return new List<object>(ret.ToList<object>());
     if (ret.Length == 0)
         return null;
     if (ret.Length == 1)
         return ret[0];
     var ec = new IllegalStateException("Multiple defaults for non-set named parameter! " + name.GetFullName());
     Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ec, LOGGER);
     return null; // this line would be never reached as Throw will throw an exception
Beispiel #6
        public INode BuildPathToNode(Type type)
            INode parent = GetParentNode(type);

            Type argType = ReflectionUtilities.GetNamedParameterTargetOrNull(type);

            if (argType == null)
                return NodeFactory.CreateClassNode(parent, type);
            INamedParameterNode np = NodeFactory.CreateNamedParameterNode(parent, type, argType);

            if (Parameterparser.CanParse(ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(argType))) 
                if (type.GetCustomAttribute<NamedParameterAttribute>().DefaultClass != null) 
                    var e = new ClassHierarchyException("Named parameter " + ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(type) + " defines default implementation for parsable type " + ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(argType));
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(np.GetAlias()))
                IDictionary<string, string> mapping = null;
                _aliasLookupTable.TryGetValue(np.GetAliasLanguage().ToString(), out mapping);
                if (null == mapping)
                    mapping = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    _aliasLookupTable.Add(np.GetAliasLanguage().ToString(), mapping);
                    mapping.Add(np.GetAlias(), np.GetFullName());
                catch (Exception)
                    var e = new TangApplicationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Duplicated alias {0} on named parameter {1}.", np.GetAlias(), np.GetFullName()));
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);

            string shortName = np.GetShortName();
            if (shortName != null && !shortName.Equals(string.Empty))
                INamedParameterNode oldNode = null;
                shortNames.TryGetValue(shortName, out oldNode);
                if (oldNode != null)
                    if (oldNode.GetFullName().Equals(np.GetFullName()))
                        var ex = new IllegalStateException("Tried to double bind "
                            + oldNode.GetFullName() + " to short name " + shortName);
                        Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
                    var e = new ClassHierarchyException("Named parameters " + oldNode.GetFullName()
                        + " and " + np.GetFullName() + " have the same short name: "
                        + shortName);
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);
                shortNames.Add(shortName, np);
            return np;            
Beispiel #7
        public INode RegisterType(Type type)
            if (ReflectionUtilities.IsAnonymousType(type))
                // DevNote: Kinda hacky way to indicate the no-op case.
                return rootNode;

            INode n = GetAlreadyBoundNode(type);
            if (n != null)
                return n;

            if (type.BaseType != null)

            foreach (Type interf in type.GetInterfaces())

            Type enclosingClass = type.DeclaringType; // this.GetEnclosingClass(type);
            if (enclosingClass != null)

            INode node = RegisterClass(type);

            foreach (Type inner in type.GetNestedTypes())

            IClassNode classNode = node as ClassNodeImpl;
            if (classNode != null)
                foreach (IConstructorDef constructorDef in classNode.GetInjectableConstructors())
                    foreach (IConstructorArg constructorArg in constructorDef.GetArgs())
                        if (constructorArg.Gettype() == null)
                            Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new ArgumentException("not type in arg"), LOGGER);
                        RegisterType(constructorArg.Gettype());  // Gettype returns param's Type.fullname
                        if (constructorArg.GetNamedParameterName() != null)
                            var pn = RegisterType(constructorArg.GetNamedParameterName());
                            if (!(pn is INamedParameterNode))
                                string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                                               "The class {0}, used in the constructor of {1}, should not be defined as a NamedParameter.",
                                Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new ArgumentException(message), LOGGER);

                            INamedParameterNode np = (INamedParameterNode)RegisterType(constructorArg.GetNamedParameterName());
                                if (np.IsSet() || np.IsList())
                                    // throw new NotImplementedException();
                                    if (!ReflectionUtilities.IsCoercable(ClassForName(constructorArg.Gettype()), ClassForName(np.GetFullArgName())))
                                        var e = new ClassHierarchyException(
                                            "Named parameter type mismatch in " + classNode.GetFullName() + ".  Constructor expects a "
                                                + constructorArg.Gettype() + " but " + np.GetName() + " is a "
                                                + np.GetFullArgName());
                                        Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);
                            catch (TypeLoadException e)
                                Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Caught(e, Level.Error, LOGGER);
                                var ex = new ClassHierarchyException("Constructor refers to unknown class "
                                    + constructorArg.GetType(), e);
                                Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
                INamedParameterNode npNode = node as INamedParameterNode;
                if (npNode != null)
            return node;
        public INode BuildPathToNode(Type type)
            INode parent = GetParentNode(type);

            Type argType = ReflectionUtilities.GetNamedParameterTargetOrNull(type);

            if (argType == null)
                return NodeFactory.CreateClassNode(parent, type);
            INamedParameterNode np = NodeFactory.CreateNamedParameterNode(parent, type, argType);

            if(Parameterparser.CanParse(ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(argType))) {
                if(type.GetCustomAttribute<NamedParameterAttribute>().DefaultClass != null) 
                    var e = new ClassHierarchyException("Named parameter " + ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(type) + " defines default implementation for parsable type " + ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(argType));
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);

            string shortName = np.GetShortName();
            if (shortName != null && !shortName.Equals(""))
                INamedParameterNode oldNode = null;
                shortNames.TryGetValue(shortName, out oldNode);
                if (oldNode != null)
                    if (oldNode.GetFullName().Equals(np.GetFullName()))
                        var ex = new IllegalStateException("Tried to double bind "
                            + oldNode.GetFullName() + " to short name " + shortName);
                        Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
                    var e = new ClassHierarchyException("Named parameters " + oldNode.GetFullName()
                        + " and " + np.GetFullName() + " have the same short name: "
                        + shortName);
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);
                shortNames.Add(shortName, np);

            return np;            
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the named parameter target or null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ClassHierarchyException">Named parameter  + GetName(type) +  implements 
        ///                                   + multiple interfaces.  It is only allowed to implement Name</exception>
        public static Type GetNamedParameterTargetOrNull(Type type)
            var npAnnotation = type.GetCustomAttribute<NamedParameterAttribute>();
            if (npAnnotation != null)
                Type[] intfs = type.GetInterfaces();
                if (intfs.Length > 1)
                    var ex = new ClassHierarchyException("Named parameter " + GetName(type) + " implements "
                                  + "multiple interfaces.  It is only allowed to implement Name<T>");
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);

                else if (intfs.Length == 0 || !IsName(intfs[0]))
                    var ex = new ClassHierarchyException("Found illegal [NamedParameter " + GetName(type)
                                  + " does not implement Name<T>");
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
                Type[] args = intfs[0].GetGenericArguments();
                if (args.Length > 1)
                    var ex = new ClassHierarchyException("Found illegal [NamedParameter " + GetName(type)
                        + " that has more than one arguments");
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
                if (args.Length == 0)
                    var ex = new ClassHierarchyException("Found illegal [NamedParameter " + GetName(type)
                        + " that has no argument");
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
                if (HasConstructor(type) || HasInjectableConstructor(type))
                    var ex = new ClassHierarchyException("Named parameter " + GetName(type) + " has "
                                  + (HasInjectableConstructor(type) ? "an injectable" : "a") + " constructor. "
                                  + " Named parameters must not declare any constructors.");
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);

                return args[0];

            if (ImplementName(type)) //Implement Name<> but no  [NamedParameter] attribute
                var ex = new ClassHierarchyException("Named parameter " + GetName(type)
                                  + " is missing its [NamedParameter] attribute.");
                Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
            return null;
Beispiel #10
 public static void ProcessConfigData(IConfigurationBuilder conf, IList<KeyValuePair<string, string>> settings)
     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kv in settings)
             conf.Bind(kv.Key, kv.Value);
         catch (BindException ex)
             Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Caught(ex, Level.Error, LOGGER);
             var e = new BindException("Failed to process configuration tuple: [" + kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value + "]", ex);
             Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);
         catch (ClassHierarchyException ex)
             Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Caught(ex, Level.Error, LOGGER);
             var e = new ClassHierarchyException("Failed to process configuration tuple: [" + kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value + "]", ex);
             Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);