Beispiel #1
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 public override void RecoverUnfinalizedSegments()
     lock (this)
             IList <string> children = zkc.GetChildren(ledgerPath, false);
             foreach (string child in children)
                 if (!child.StartsWith(BkjmEditInprogress))
                 string znode            = ledgerPath + "/" + child;
                 EditLogLedgerMetadata l = EditLogLedgerMetadata.Read(zkc, znode);
                     long endTxId = RecoverLastTxId(l, true);
                     if (endTxId == HdfsConstants.InvalidTxid)
                         Log.Error("Unrecoverable corruption has occurred in segment " + l.ToString() + " at path "
                                   + znode + ". Unable to continue recovery.");
                         throw new IOException("Unrecoverable corruption," + " please check logs.");
                     FinalizeLogSegment(l.GetFirstTxId(), endTxId);
                 catch (BookKeeperJournalManager.SegmentEmptyException)
                     Log.Warn("Inprogress znode " + child + " refers to a ledger which is empty. This occurs when the NN"
                              + " crashes after opening a segment, but before writing the" + " OP_START_LOG_SEGMENT op. It is safe to delete."
                              + " MetaData [" + l.ToString() + "]");
                     // If the max seen transaction is the same as what would
                     // have been the first transaction of the failed ledger,
                     // decrement it, as that transaction never happened and as
                     // such, is _not_ the last seen
                     if (maxTxId.Get() == l.GetFirstTxId())
                         maxTxId.Reset(maxTxId.Get() - 1);
                     zkc.Delete(znode, -1);
         catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException)
         catch (KeeperException ke)
             // nothing to recover, ignore
             throw new IOException("Couldn't get list of inprogress segments", ke);
         catch (Exception ie)
             throw new IOException("Interrupted getting list of inprogress segments", ie);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>Construct BookKeeper edit log input stream.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Construct BookKeeper edit log input stream.
        /// Starts reading from firstBookKeeperEntry. This allows the stream
        /// to take a shortcut during recovery, as it doesn't have to read
        /// every edit log transaction to find out what the last one is.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        internal BookKeeperEditLogInputStream(LedgerHandle lh, EditLogLedgerMetadata metadata
                                              , long firstBookKeeperEntry)
            this.lh         = lh;
            this.firstTxId  = metadata.GetFirstTxId();
            this.lastTxId   = metadata.GetLastTxId();
            this.logVersion = metadata.GetDataLayoutVersion();
            this.inProgress = metadata.IsInProgress();
            if (firstBookKeeperEntry < 0 || firstBookKeeperEntry > lh.GetLastAddConfirmed())
                throw new IOException("Invalid first bk entry to read: " + firstBookKeeperEntry +
                                      ", LAC: " + lh.GetLastAddConfirmed());
            BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(new BookKeeperEditLogInputStream.LedgerInputStream
                                                                  (lh, firstBookKeeperEntry));

            tracker = new FSEditLogLoader.PositionTrackingInputStream(bin);
            DataInputStream @in = new DataInputStream(tracker);

            reader = new FSEditLogOp.Reader(@in, tracker, logVersion);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>Finalize a log segment.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Finalize a log segment. If the journal manager is currently
        /// writing to a ledger, ensure that this is the ledger of the log segment
        /// being finalized.
        /// Otherwise this is the recovery case. In the recovery case, ensure that
        /// the firstTxId of the ledger matches firstTxId for the segment we are
        /// trying to finalize.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override void FinalizeLogSegment(long firstTxId, long lastTxId)
            string inprogressPath = InprogressZNode(firstTxId);

                Stat inprogressStat = zkc.Exists(inprogressPath, false);
                if (inprogressStat == null)
                    throw new IOException("Inprogress znode " + inprogressPath + " doesn't exist");
                EditLogLedgerMetadata l = EditLogLedgerMetadata.Read(zkc, inprogressPath);
                if (currentLedger != null)
                    // normal, non-recovery case
                    if (l.GetLedgerId() == currentLedger.GetId())
                        catch (BKException bke)
                            Log.Error("Error closing current ledger", bke);
                        currentLedger = null;
                        throw new IOException("Active ledger has different ID to inprogress. " + l.GetLedgerId
                                                  () + " found, " + currentLedger.GetId() + " expected");
                if (l.GetFirstTxId() != firstTxId)
                    throw new IOException("Transaction id not as expected, " + l.GetFirstTxId() + " found, "
                                          + firstTxId + " expected");
                string finalisedPath = FinalizedLedgerZNode(firstTxId, lastTxId);
                    l.Write(zkc, finalisedPath);
                catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException)
                    if (!l.Verify(zkc, finalisedPath))
                        throw new IOException("Node " + finalisedPath + " already exists" + " but data doesn't match"
                zkc.Delete(inprogressPath, inprogressStat.GetVersion());
                string inprogressPathFromCI = ci.Read();
                if (inprogressPath.Equals(inprogressPathFromCI))
            catch (KeeperException e)
                throw new IOException("Error finalising ledger", e);
            catch (Exception ie)
                throw new IOException("Error finalising ledger", ie);