Beispiel #1
 //Input: Physical Object ref and array of PointF to rotate around the object center point
 //Output: PointF array each with the new coordinates after the point has rotated around the object center point
 public static PointF[] RotatePointFArray(PhysicalObject ob, PointF[] p)
     for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++)
         p[i] = RotatePointF(ob, p[i]);
Beispiel #2

        // ----- Main Receiving Function -----

        // This is the main function, which handle the events after the user click on the Display
        // The function, depending on the selected picturebox, will create a new object (lens, source or other)
        // while creating the new object it will give it some initial data depending on which object is it
        // such as the curser loctation on the display and the object type

        private void Display_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
                if (objectsList.Count < maxObjects && selectedPic != -1)
                    // setting new point, which is where the cursor is on the display
                    Point currentLocation = this.displayScreen.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);

                    //creating objects corresponding to the dropped picturebox

                    if (selectedPic == 1 || selectedPic == 2 || selectedPic == 3 || selectedPic == 4 || selectedPic == 5)
                        objectsList.Add(new Lens(selectedPic));

                    else if (selectedPic == 6)
                        objectsList.Add(new StraightSource());
                    else if (selectedPic == 7)
                        objectsList.Add(new CircularSource());
                    else if (selectedPic == 8)
                        objectsList.Add(new Block());
                    else if (selectedPic == 9)
                        objectsList.Add(new Medium());
                    else if (selectedPic == 10)
                        objectsList.Add(new Mirror());
                    PhysicalObject ob = objectsList[objectsList.Count - 1];
                    ob.X             = currentLocation.X;
                    ob.Y             = currentLocation.Y;
                    highlightedIndex = objectsList.Count - 1;
                    propTab.SelectedIndex = 0;

                    selectedPic = -1;
                else if (objectsList.Count >= maxObjects && selectedPic != -1)
                    MessageBox.Show("Too many obejcts on screen");
                selectedPic = -1;
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #3
 //copy button
 private void copyToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         if (highlightedIndex != -1)
             saveObjectsList = (PhysicalObject)objectsList[highlightedIndex].GetCopy();
     catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #4
        //Input: Physical Object ref and PointF to rotate around the object center point
        //Output: PointF with the new coordinates after the point has rotated around the object center point
        public static PointF RotatePointF(PhysicalObject ob, PointF pointToRotate)
            double angleInRadians = -ob.Angle * (Math.PI / 180);
            PointF centerPoint    = new PointF(ob.X, ob.Y);
            double cosTheta       = Math.Cos(angleInRadians);
            double sinTheta       = Math.Sin(angleInRadians);

            return(new PointF
                X =
                    (cosTheta * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X) -
                     sinTheta * (pointToRotate.Y - centerPoint.Y) + centerPoint.X),
                Y =
                    (sinTheta * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X) +
                     cosTheta * (pointToRotate.Y - centerPoint.Y) + centerPoint.Y)
        //Input: Light list, graphics g, Physical object
        //Output: Change the Light list to the path casued by the Block
        public static void BlockAlgoritem(List <Light> lightList, Graphics g, PhysicalObject obj)
            Light  last       = lightList[lightList.Count - 1];
            PointF pi         = last.pi;
            PointF pf         =;
            Color  lightColor = last.LightColor;
            Region BlockReg   = obj.GetRegion();
            Region rayReg     = last.GetRegion();

            BlockReg.Intersect(rayReg); //Intersect area of lens and the last light
            if (!BlockReg.IsEmpty(g))
                //getting the heat point
                RectangleF boundsRect = BlockReg.GetBounds(g);
                PointF     hit        = new PointF((boundsRect.Right + boundsRect.Left) / 2, (boundsRect.Top + boundsRect.Bottom) / 2);

                lightList[lightList.Count - 1] = new Light(pi, hit, lightColor); //light from start to hit point
Beispiel #6
        //Input: Light and Graphics in which the light and the lens found at and index to ignore
        //Output: return the closest object which is IReflect in the screen
        public static int ClosestReflectionObject(Light light, Graphics g, int ignore)
            int    closesObj = -1;
            double minDistance = Main_Form.displayWidth, temp;

            for (int i = 0; i < Main_Form.objectsList.Count; i++)
                if (Main_Form.objectsList[i] is IInteract && i != ignore)
                    PhysicalObject obj = Main_Form.objectsList[i];
                    if (((IInteract)obj).IsIntersect(light, g))
                        temp = MathHelper.DistanceBetweenPointF(light.pi, obj.CenterPoint);
                        if (temp < minDistance)
                            minDistance = temp;
                            closesObj   = i;
        //Input: Graphics g, point which the last light start from, Lens object, angle of last light and the hit point
        //Output: calculate the angle in which the light comes out of the lens
        public static double GetImagePointAngle(Graphics g, PointF firstPoint, Lens obj, double angle, PointF hit)
            bool imaginary = false;

            float f  = (float)obj.FocalPoint;
            float u  = (float)Math.Abs(obj.X - firstPoint.X);
            float ho = firstPoint.Y - obj.Y;
            float v  = 1 / ((1 / f) - (1 / u));
            float hi = (v * ho / u);

            PointF imagePoint = new PointF();

            bool isVertical = obj.Angle > 225 && obj.Angle < 315 || obj.Angle > 45 && obj.Angle < 135;

            if (!isVertical)
                Color imageColor = obj.RealImageColor;
                if (v * u < 0)
                    imageColor = obj.ImaginaryImageColor;
                    imaginary  = true;
                if (firstPoint.X > obj.X)
                    v *= -1;

                imagePoint = new PointF(obj.X + (float)(v), obj.Y - (float)hi);

                /*double angleToRotate = obj.Angle;
                 * if (angleToRotate >= 90 && angleToRotate <= 270) angleToRotate = angleToRotate + 180;
                 * imagePoint = MathHelper.RotatePointF(imagePoint, obj.CenterPoint, 0*angleToRotate);*/

                //drawing image
                if (obj.ShowImage)
                    g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(imageColor), imagePoint.X - 5, imagePoint.Y - 5, 10, 10);
                u  = (float)Math.Abs(obj.Y - firstPoint.Y);
                ho = -firstPoint.X + obj.X;
                v  = 1 / ((1 / f) - (1 / u));
                hi = (v * ho / u);

                Color imageColor = obj.RealImageColor;
                if (v * u < 0)
                    imageColor = obj.ImaginaryImageColor;
                    imaginary  = true;
                if (firstPoint.Y > obj.Y)
                    v *= -1;

                imagePoint = new PointF(obj.X + (float)(v), obj.Y - (float)hi);

                /*double angleToRotate = obj.Angle;
                 * if (angleToRotate >= 0 && angleToRotate <= 180) angleToRotate = angleToRotate + 180;
                 * imagePoint = MathHelper.RotatePointF(imagePoint, obj.CenterPoint, angleToRotate);*/

                //drawing image
                if (obj.ShowImage)
                    g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(imageColor), imagePoint.X - 5, imagePoint.Y - 5, 10, 10);

            //give information to data class
            if (Main_Form.highlightedIndex != -1)
                PhysicalObject highlighted = Main_Form.objectsList[Main_Form.highlightedIndex];
                if (highlighted == obj)
                    LensInfo.focal = Math.Round(f, 3);
                    LensInfo.u     = Math.Round(u, 3);
                    LensInfo.v     = Math.Round(-v, 3);
                    LensInfo.ho    = Math.Round(-ho, 3);
                    LensInfo.hi    = Math.Round(hi, 3);

            double angleToReturn = new Light(hit, imagePoint).GetAngle();

            if (imaginary)
                angleToReturn = new Light(hit, imagePoint).GetAngle() + 180;

        //Input: Light list, graphics g, Physical object, screen index, medium index
        //Output: Change the Light list to the path casued by the Medium
        public static void MediumAlgoritem(List <Light> lightList, Graphics g, PhysicalObject obj, double n1, double n2)
            Light  last       = lightList[lightList.Count - 1];
            PointF pi         = last.pi;
            PointF pf         =;
            PointF firstPoint = new PointF(pi.X, pi.Y);
            Color  lightColor = last.LightColor;
            Region mediumReg  = obj.GetRegion();
            Region rayReg     = last.GetRegion();
            double angle      = last.GetAngle();

            mediumReg.Intersect(rayReg); //Intersect area of lens and the last light
            if (!mediumReg.IsEmpty(g))
                PointF hit = GetHitPoint(pf, mediumReg, g);
                bool   oppSide = false, isCritical = false;

                double alpha = 0, beta = 0, tempBeta = 0, criticalAngle = 0;//angles

                //getting hiting angle using math
                PointF[] points = obj.GetPoints();
                Light    first  = new Light(firstPoint, hit);
                Light    second = new Light(firstPoint, hit);//need to modified
                if (points.Length == 2)
                    second = new Light(points[0], points[1]);
                alpha = 90 - MathHelper.AngleBetweenLights(first, second);

                if ((firstPoint.X - hit.X) * (obj.X - hit.X) > 0)
                    oppSide = true;

                //calculate critical angle
                if (!oppSide)
                    if (n1 > n2)
                        criticalAngle = Math.Round(Math.Asin(n2 / n1) * 180 / Math.PI);
                    isCritical = criticalAngle != 0 && alpha >= criticalAngle;
                    if (n2 > n1)
                        criticalAngle = Math.Round(Math.Asin(n1 / n2) * 180 / Math.PI);
                    isCritical = criticalAngle != 0 && alpha >= criticalAngle;

                if (isCritical)//act like a mirror
                    MirrorAlgoritem(lightList, g, obj);
                    if (!oppSide)
                        beta     = (Math.Asin(n1 / n2 * Math.Sin(alpha * Math.PI / 180)) * 180 / Math.PI); //snal law
                        beta     = Math.Round(beta);
                        tempBeta = beta;                                                                   //save beta value
                    else //opposite side
                        beta     = (Math.Asin(n2 / n1 * Math.Sin(alpha * Math.PI / 180)) * 180 / Math.PI); //snal law
                        tempBeta = Math.Round(beta);                                                       //save beta value
                        beta     = 180 - Math.Round(beta);
                    //fix light direction
                    float dirction = (firstPoint.Y - hit.Y) / (firstPoint.X - hit.X);
                    dirction = Math.Abs(dirction) / dirction;
                    if (oppSide)
                        dirction *= -1;
                    if (dirction == 1)
                        beta = 360 - beta;

                    if (alpha % 90 != 0)
                        lightList[lightList.Count - 1] = new Light(firstPoint, hit, lightColor);//light from the start to the hit point
                        lightList.Add(new Light(hit, MathHelper.GetEndLight(hit, beta + obj.Angle), lightColor));
                //give information to data class
                if (Main_Form.highlightedIndex != -1)
                    PhysicalObject highlighted = Main_Form.objectsList[Main_Form.highlightedIndex];
                    if (highlighted == obj)
                        MediumInfo.alphaAngle    = alpha;
                        MediumInfo.betaAngle     = tempBeta;
                        MediumInfo.mediumIndex   = n2;
                        MediumInfo.criticalAngle = criticalAngle;
        //Input: Light list, graphics g and a Physical object
        //Output: Change the Light list to the path casued by the Mirror
        public static void MirrorAlgoritem(List <Light> lightList, Graphics g, PhysicalObject obj)
            Light  last       = lightList[lightList.Count - 1];
            PointF pi         = last.pi;
            PointF pf         =;
            PointF firstPoint = new PointF(pi.X, pi.Y);
            Color  lightColor = last.LightColor;
            Region mirrorReg  = obj.GetRegion();
            Region rayReg     = last.GetRegion();
            double angle      = last.GetAngle();
            bool   vertical   = false;

            mirrorReg.Intersect(rayReg); //Intersect area of lens and the last light
            if (!mirrorReg.IsEmpty(g))
                PointF hit = GetHitPoint(pf, mirrorReg, g);

                lightList[lightList.Count - 1] = new Light(pi, hit, lightColor); //light from the start to the hit point

                double alpha = 180 - (angle - 2 * obj.Angle);

                //check if the light hiting the vertical part of the mirror
                PointF[] points = obj.GetPoints();
                if (points.Length == 4)
                    PointF p1     = points[0];
                    PointF p2     = points[1];
                    PointF p3     = points[2];
                    PointF p4     = points[3];
                    float  x      = hit.X;
                    float  y      = hit.Y;
                    bool   check1 = x >= Math.Min(p1.X, p4.X) && x <= Math.Max(p1.X, p4.X) && y >= Math.Min(p1.Y, p4.Y) && y <= Math.Max(p1.Y, p4.Y);
                    bool   check2 = x >= Math.Min(p2.X, p3.X) && x <= Math.Max(p2.X, p3.X) && y >= Math.Min(p2.Y, p3.Y) && y <= Math.Max(p2.Y, p3.Y);
                    vertical = check1 || check2;
                    if (vertical)
                        alpha += 180;
                lightList.Add(new Light(hit, MathHelper.GetEndLight(hit, alpha), lightColor)); //light from the hit point farther

                //draw image and give info
                Color  imageColor = Color.Blue;
                Mirror mirror     = obj as Mirror;
                if (mirror != null && mirror.ShowImage)
                    //calc image
                    imageColor = mirror.ImageColor;
                    double beta      = alpha + 180;
                    double radius    = MathHelper.DistanceBetweenPointF(hit, firstPoint);
                    float  height    = (float)(radius * Math.Sin(beta * Math.PI / 180));
                    float  width     = (float)(radius * Math.Cos(beta * Math.PI / 180));
                    float  addWidth  = obj.X - hit.X;
                    float  addHeight = obj.Y - hit.Y;

                    //draw image
                    PointF imagePoint    = new PointF(obj.X + width + addWidth, obj.Y - height + addHeight);
                    double angleToRotate = obj.Angle;
                    if (angleToRotate >= 180 && angleToRotate <= 360)
                        angleToRotate = angleToRotate + 180;
                    imagePoint = MathHelper.RotatePointF(imagePoint, obj.CenterPoint, angleToRotate);
                    g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(imageColor), imagePoint.X - 5, imagePoint.Y - 5, 10, 10);

                    //give information to data class
                    if (Main_Form.highlightedIndex != -1)
                        PhysicalObject highlighted = Main_Form.objectsList[Main_Form.highlightedIndex];
                        if (highlighted == obj)
                            MirrorInfo.startPoint = firstPoint;
                            //MirrorInfo.imagePoint = imagePoint;