Beispiel #1
        private static void Select()
            var sf = new SelectFactory
                Selector = (Expression <Func <int, int> >)(x => x * x)

            var ff = new SinkFactory
                OutputType = typeof(int)

            var chain = new IFusionOperator[]
                sf, // .Select(x => x * x)

            var ivt = Compile(typeof(int), chain);

            var res = new List <int>();
            var err = default(Exception);
            var fin = false;

            var otp = Observer.Create <int>(res.Add, ex => err = ex, () => fin = true);
            var dsp = System.Reactive.Disposables.Disposable.Empty;

            var iv = (IObserver <int>)Activator.CreateInstance(ivt, new object[] { otp, dsp });


            Assert(res.SequenceEqual(new[] { 0, 1, 4, 9 }));
            Assert(err == null);
Beispiel #2
        private static void Old()
            // TODO: implement a few operators in terms of others and see fusion emit the same code
            //       e.g. xs.Last() == xs.Aggreggate((a, x) => x)

            // Aggregate
            // - Count/LongCount
            // Average/Sum/Min/Max
            // Any/All/IsEmpty
            // - First
            // - Last
            // Single
            // Contains
            // ElementAt
            // - IgnoreElements
            // Scan
            // Sample
            // - Take
            // Skip
            // TakeWhile/SkipWhile
            // Finally
            // CombineLatest
            // SequenceEqual
            // TakeUntil
            // SkipUntil
            // StartWith
            // Merge
            // SelectMany
            // Switch

            var wf1 = new WhereFactory
                Predicate = (Expression <Func <int, bool> >)(x => x > 0)

            var wf2 = new WhereIndexedFactory
                Predicate = (Expression <Func <int, int, bool> >)((x, i) => x != 0 && i < int.MaxValue)

            var df = new DistinctUntilChangedFactory
                OutputType = typeof(int)

            var sf1 = new SelectFactory
                Selector = (Expression <Func <int, int> >)(x => x * 2)

            var sf2 = new SelectIndexedFactory
                Selector = (Expression <Func <int, int, int> >)((x, i) => x * 3 + i)

            var tf1 = new TakeFactory
                OutputType = typeof(int),
                Count      = 1000

            var tf2 = new TakeFactory
                OutputType = typeof(int),
                Count      = 2000

            var af = new SumFactory(typeof(int));

            var ff = new SinkFactory
                OutputType = typeof(int)

            var chain = new IFusionOperator[]
                wf1, // .Where(x => x > 0)
                wf2, // .Where((x, i) => x != 0 && i < int.MaxValue)
                df,  // .DistinctUntilChanged()
                sf1, // .Select(x => x * 2)
                sf2, // .Select((x, i) => x * 3 + i)
                tf1, // .Take(1000)
                tf2, // .Take(2000)
                af,  // .Sum()

            var ivt = Compile(typeof(int), chain);
