Beispiel #1
 void onContentChanged(TestStepList sender, ChildStepsChangedAction Action, ITestStep Object, int Index)
     if (Parent != null && Parent.Parent != null && Parent.Parent.ChildTestSteps != null)
         Parent.Parent.ChildTestSteps.onContentChanged(sender, Action, Object, Index);
     if (ChildStepsChanged != null)
         ChildStepsChanged(sender, Action, Object, Index);
Beispiel #2
 private void TestStepList_ChildStepsChanged(TestStepList senderList, ChildStepsChangedAction Action, ITestStep Object, int Index)
     if (idLookup == null)
     if (Action == ChildStepsChangedAction.RemovedStep)
         foreach (var thing in Utils.FlattenHeirarchy(new[] { Object }, x => x.ChildTestSteps))
     else if (Action == ChildStepsChangedAction.AddedStep)
         foreach (var thing in Utils.FlattenHeirarchy(new[] { Object }, x => x.ChildTestSteps))
             // in some cases a thing can be added twice.
             // happens for TestPlanReference. Hence we should use [] and not Add
             idLookup[thing.Id] = thing;