Beispiel #1
        public Result Load()
            if (Loaded)

            if (Buffer == null)
                if (Filepath != null && Filepath.Contains(".wav"))
                    var buf = File.ReadAllBytes(Filepath);
                    using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buf))
                        int ch;
                        int bit;
                        int r;

                            Buffer     = LoadWave(ms, out ch, out bit, out r);
                            Channels   = ch;
                            Bits       = bit;
                            SampleRate = r;
                        catch { }
                else if (Filepath != null && Filepath.Contains(".mp3"))
                    var buf = File.ReadAllBytes(Filepath);
                    using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buf))
                        int ch;
                        int bit;
                        int r;

                            Buffer     = LoadWave(ms, out ch, out bit, out r);
                            Channels   = ch;
                            Bits       = bit;
                            SampleRate = r;
                        catch { }
                else if (Stream != null)
                    int ch  = 0;
                    int bit = 0;
                    int r   = 0;

                        if (Format == "WAV")
                            Buffer = LoadWave(Stream, out ch, out bit, out r);
                        else if (Format == "MP3")
                            Buffer = LoadMp3(Stream, out ch, out bit, out r);
                        Channels   = ch;
                        Bits       = bit;
                        SampleRate = r;
                    catch { }
            if (Buffer == null)

            Source   = AL.GenSource();
            ALBuffer = AL.GenBuffer();
            var format = ALFormat.Stereo16;

            if (Channels == 2 && Bits == 8)
                format = ALFormat.Stereo8;
            else if (Channels == 1 && Bits == 16)
                format = ALFormat.Mono16;
            else if (Channels == 1 && Bits == 8)
                format = ALFormat.Mono8;
            AL.BufferData(ALBuffer, format, Buffer, Buffer.Length, SampleRate);
            AL.BindBufferToSource(Source, ALBuffer);

            Loaded = true;
Beispiel #2
        public static void Main()
            var devices = ALC.GetStringList(GetEnumerationStringList.DeviceSpecifier);

            Console.WriteLine($"Devices: {string.Join(", ", devices)}");

            // Get the default device, then go though all devices and select the AL soft device if it exists.
            string deviceName = ALC.GetString(ALDevice.Null, AlcGetString.DefaultDeviceSpecifier);

            foreach (var d in devices)
                if (d.Contains("OpenAL Soft"))
                    deviceName = d;

            var allDevices = Extensions.Creative.EnumerateAll.EnumerateAll.GetStringList(Extensions.Creative.EnumerateAll.GetEnumerateAllContextStringList.AllDevicesSpecifier);

            Console.WriteLine($"All Devices: {string.Join(", ", allDevices)}");

            var device  = ALC.OpenDevice(deviceName);
            var context = ALC.CreateContext(device, (int[])null);



            ALC.GetInteger(device, AlcGetInteger.MajorVersion, 1, out int alcMajorVersion);
            ALC.GetInteger(device, AlcGetInteger.MinorVersion, 1, out int alcMinorVersion);
            string alcExts = ALC.GetString(device, AlcGetString.Extensions);

            var attrs = ALC.GetContextAttributes(device);

            Console.WriteLine($"Attributes: {attrs}");

            string exts = AL.Get(ALGetString.Extensions);
            string rend = AL.Get(ALGetString.Renderer);
            string vend = AL.Get(ALGetString.Vendor);
            string vers = AL.Get(ALGetString.Version);

            Console.WriteLine($"Vendor: {vend}, \nVersion: {vers}, \nRenderer: {rend}, \nExtensions: {exts}, \nALC Version: {alcMajorVersion}.{alcMinorVersion}, \nALC Extensions: {alcExts}");

            Console.WriteLine("Available devices: ");
            var list = Extensions.Creative.EnumerateAll.EnumerateAll.GetStringList(Extensions.Creative.EnumerateAll.GetEnumerateAllContextStringList.AllDevicesSpecifier);

            foreach (var item in list)
                Console.WriteLine("  " + item);

            Console.WriteLine("Available capture devices: ");
            list = ALC.GetStringList(GetEnumerationStringList.CaptureDeviceSpecifier);
            foreach (var item in list)
                Console.WriteLine("  " + item);
            int auxSlot = 0;

            if (EFX.IsExtensionPresent(device))
                Console.WriteLine("EFX extension is present!!");
                EFX.GenEffect(out int effect);
                EFX.Effect(effect, EffectInteger.EffectType, (int)EffectType.Reverb);
                EFX.GenAuxiliaryEffectSlot(out auxSlot);
                EFX.AuxiliaryEffectSlot(auxSlot, EffectSlotInteger.Effect, effect);

            // Record a second of data
            CheckALError("Before record");
            short[]         recording     = new short[44100 * 4];
            ALCaptureDevice captureDevice = ALC.CaptureOpenDevice(null, 44100, ALFormat.Mono16, 1024);


                int current = 0;
                while (current < recording.Length)
                    int samplesAvailable = ALC.GetAvailableSamples(captureDevice);
                    if (samplesAvailable > 512)
                        int samplesToRead = Math.Min(samplesAvailable, recording.Length - current);
                        ALC.CaptureSamples(captureDevice, ref recording[current], samplesToRead);
                        current += samplesToRead;

            CheckALError("After record");

            // Playback the recorded data
            CheckALError("Before data");
            AL.GenBuffer(out int alBuffer);
            // short[] sine = new short[44100 * 1];
            // FillSine(sine, 4400, 44100);
            // FillSine(recording, 440, 44100);
            AL.BufferData(alBuffer, ALFormat.Mono16, ref recording[0], recording.Length * 2, 44100);
            CheckALError("After data");

            AL.Listener(ALListenerf.Gain, 0.1f);

            AL.GenSource(out int alSource);
            AL.Source(alSource, ALSourcef.Gain, 1f);
            AL.Source(alSource, ALSourcei.Buffer, alBuffer);
            if (EFX.IsExtensionPresent(device))
                EFX.Source(alSource, EFXSourceInteger3.AuxiliarySendFilter, auxSlot, 0, 0);

            Console.WriteLine("Before Playing: " + AL.GetErrorString(AL.GetError()));

            if (Extensions.SOFT.DeviceClock.DeviceClock.IsExtensionPresent(device))
                long[] clockLatency = new long[2];
                Extensions.SOFT.DeviceClock.DeviceClock.GetInteger(device, Extensions.SOFT.DeviceClock.GetInteger64.DeviceClock, clockLatency);
                Console.WriteLine("Clock: " + clockLatency[0] + ", Latency: " + clockLatency[1]);
                CheckALError(" ");

            if (Extensions.SOFT.SourceLatency.SourceLatency.IsExtensionPresent())
                Extensions.SOFT.SourceLatency.SourceLatency.GetSource(alSource, Extensions.SOFT.SourceLatency.SourceLatencyVector2d.SecOffsetLatency, out var values);
                Extensions.SOFT.SourceLatency.SourceLatency.GetSource(alSource, Extensions.SOFT.SourceLatency.SourceLatencyVector2i.SampleOffsetLatency, out var values1, out var values2, out var values3);
                Console.WriteLine("Source latency: " + values);
                Console.WriteLine($"Source latency 2: {Convert.ToString(values1, 2)}, {values2}; {values3}");
                CheckALError(" ");

            while (AL.GetSourceState(alSource) == ALSourceState.Playing)
                if (Extensions.SOFT.SourceLatency.SourceLatency.IsExtensionPresent())
                    Extensions.SOFT.SourceLatency.SourceLatency.GetSource(alSource, Extensions.SOFT.SourceLatency.SourceLatencyVector2d.SecOffsetLatency, out var values);
                    Extensions.SOFT.SourceLatency.SourceLatency.GetSource(alSource, Extensions.SOFT.SourceLatency.SourceLatencyVector2i.SampleOffsetLatency, out var values1, out var values2, out var values3);
                    Console.WriteLine("Source latency: " + values);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Source latency 2: {Convert.ToString(values1, 2)}, {values2}; {values3}");
                    CheckALError(" ");
                if (Extensions.SOFT.DeviceClock.DeviceClock.IsExtensionPresent(device))
                    long[] clockLatency = new long[2];
                    Extensions.SOFT.DeviceClock.DeviceClock.GetInteger(device, Extensions.SOFT.DeviceClock.GetInteger64.DeviceClock, 1, clockLatency);
                    Console.WriteLine("Clock: " + clockLatency[0] + ", Latency: " + clockLatency[1]);
                    CheckALError(" ");



            // Test float32 format extension
            if (EXTFloat32.IsExtensionPresent())
                Console.WriteLine("Testing float32 format extension with a sine wave...");

                float[] sine = new float[44100 * 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < sine.Length; i++)
                    sine[i] = MathF.Sin(440 * MathF.PI * 2 * (i / (float)sine.Length));

                var buffer = AL.GenBuffer();
                EXTFloat32.BufferData(buffer, FloatBufferFormat.Mono, sine, 44100);

                AL.Listener(ALListenerf.Gain, 0.1f);

                AL.Source(alSource, ALSourcef.Gain, 1f);
                AL.Source(alSource, ALSourcei.Buffer, buffer);


                while (AL.GetSourceState(alSource) == ALSourceState.Playing)


            // Test double format extension
            if (EXTDouble.IsExtensionPresent())
                Console.WriteLine("Testing float64 format extension with a saw wave...");

                double[] saw = new double[44100 * 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < saw.Length; i++)
                    var t = (i / (double)saw.Length) * 440;
                    saw[i] = t - Math.Floor(t);

                var buffer = AL.GenBuffer();
                EXTDouble.BufferData(buffer, DoubleBufferFormat.Mono, saw, 44100);

                AL.Listener(ALListenerf.Gain, 0.1f);

                AL.Source(alSource, ALSourcef.Gain, 1f);
                AL.Source(alSource, ALSourcei.Buffer, buffer);


                while (AL.GetSourceState(alSource) == ALSourceState.Playing)


