Extract() public method

public Extract ( string html ) : JContainer
html string
return JContainer
        public void MicrosoftAnswersExtractionTest()
            var configPath = "answers.microsoft.com.json";
            var config = StructuredDataConfig.Parse(configPath);
            var extractor = new StructuredDataExtractor(config);
            var result = extractor.Extract(File.ReadAllText("answers.microsoft.com.html"));
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented);

            dynamic parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

            // Question
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, parsedJson["question"], "Extractor should find a question in the HTML file");
            var question = parsedJson["question"];
            Assert.AreEqual("I want to reserve my free copy of Windows 10, but I don’t see the icon on the taskbar", question["title"].Value, "The extracted title is incorrect");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, question["content"], "The extracted question should have a content");
            Assert.IsTrue(question["content"].Value.Length > 0, "The extracted question content should have a length > 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(1642653, question["views"].Value, "The extracted views snippet is incorrect");

            // Question context
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, question["hints"], "The extracted question should have hints");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, question["hints"].Count, "The extracted question should have 4 hints");
            Assert.AreEqual("PC", question["hints"][3].ToString(), "The 4th hint of the extracted question should be PC");

            // Answers
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, parsedJson["answers"], "Extractor should find answers in the HTML file");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, parsedJson["answers"].Count, "Extractor should find two answers in the thread summary of the HTML file");

            var secondAnswer = parsedJson["answers"][1];
            Assert.AreEqual("Most Helpful Reply", secondAnswer["type"].Value, "The extracted type of the answer is incorrect");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, secondAnswer["content"], "The content array in the extracted answer should not be null");
            Assert.IsTrue(secondAnswer["content"].Count > 0, "The content array in the extracted answer should have one or more items");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, secondAnswer["lists"].Count, "The lists array should have 4 items");
            Assert.IsTrue(secondAnswer["lists"][0]["items"].Count > 0, "First item in the lists array should have at least one item");

            // Check is textAboveLength exists in each list
            foreach (var answer in parsedJson["answers"])
                var lists = answer["lists"];

                if (lists != null)
                    foreach (var list in lists)
                        Assert.AreEqual(JTokenType.Integer, list["textAboveLength"].Type, "The extracted textAboveLength should be an integer");
                        var textAboveLength = ((JValue)list["textAboveLength"]).ToObject<int>();
                        Assert.IsTrue(textAboveLength > 0, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "textAboveLength was not greater than 0. The extracted value is: {0}", textAboveLength));
        public void OfficeSupportExtractionTest()
            var configPath = "support.office.com.json";
            var config = StructuredDataConfig.Parse(configPath);
            var extractor = new StructuredDataExtractor(config);
            var result = extractor.Extract(File.ReadAllText("support.office.com.html"));
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented);

            dynamic parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

            Assert.AreEqual("Export data to Excel", parsedJson["title"].Value, "The extracted title is incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual("You can copy data from a Microsoft Office Access 2007 database into a worksheet by exporting a database object to a Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbook. You do this by using the Export Wizard in Office Access 2007.", parsedJson["abstract"].Value, "The extracted abstract is incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, parsedJson["versions"].Count, "The extracted versions field is incorrect");

            Assert.AreEqual(5, parsedJson["sections"].Count, "The extracted json should have 5 sections");

            var secondSection = parsedJson["sections"][1];
            Assert.AreEqual("Exporting data to Excel: the basics", secondSection["title"].Value, "The title of the second section is incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, secondSection["text"]["paragraphs"].Count, "The paragraphs count of the second section is incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, secondSection["text"]["unorderedLists"].Count, "The paragraphs count of the second section is incorrect");

            var secondList = secondSection["text"]["unorderedLists"][1];
            Assert.AreEqual("If this is the first time you are exporting data to Excel", secondList["title"].Value, "The title of the second list in the second section is incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, secondList["items"].Count, "The second list in the second section should have 4 items");
        public void QuoraExtractionTest()
            var configPath = "quora.com.json";
            var config = StructuredDataConfig.Parse(configPath);
            var extractor = new StructuredDataExtractor(config);
            var result = extractor.Extract(File.ReadAllText("quora.com.html"));
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented);

            dynamic parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

            // Question
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, parsedJson["question"], "Extractor should find a question in the HTML file");

            var question = parsedJson["question"];
            Assert.AreEqual("What are some tips for creating a successful Kickstarter project?", question["title"].Value, "The extracted title is incorrect");

            // Question context
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, question["hints"], "The extracted question should have hints");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, question["hints"].Count, "The extracted question should have 5 hints");
            Assert.AreEqual("Kickstarter", question["hints"][3].ToString(), "The 4th hint of the extracted question should be Kickstarter");

            // Answers
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, parsedJson["answers"], "Extractor should find answers in the HTML file");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, parsedJson["answers"].Count, "Extractor should find 5 answers in the thread summary of the HTML file");

            var firstAnswer = parsedJson["answers"][0];
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, firstAnswer["content"], "The content string should not be null in the extracted answer");
            Assert.IsTrue(firstAnswer["content"].Value.Length > 0, "The content string should not be empty in the extracted answer");
            Assert.AreEqual(6800, firstAnswer["views"].Value, "The extracted views count is incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, firstAnswer["lists"].Count, "The lists array should have 1 item");
            Assert.IsTrue(firstAnswer["lists"][0]["items"].Count > 0, "First item in the lists array should have at least one item");

            var secondAnswer = parsedJson["answers"][1];
            Assert.AreEqual(2, secondAnswer["views"].Value, "The extracted views count is incorrect");

            // Check is textAboveLength exists in each list
            foreach (var answer in parsedJson["answers"])
                var lists = answer["lists"];

                if (lists != null)
                    foreach (var list in lists)
                        Assert.AreEqual(JTokenType.Integer, list["textAboveLength"].Type, "The extracted textAboveLength should be an integer");
                        var textAboveLength = ((JValue)list["textAboveLength"]).ToObject<int>();
                        Assert.IsTrue(textAboveLength > 0, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "textAboveLength was not greater than 0. The extracted value is: {0}", textAboveLength));
        public void QuoraWithWikiExtractionTest()
            var configPath = "quora.com.json";
            var config = StructuredDataConfig.Parse(configPath);
            var extractor = new StructuredDataExtractor(config);
            var result = extractor.Extract(File.ReadAllText("quora.com.withwiki.html"));
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented);

            dynamic parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

            // Question
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, parsedJson["question"], "Extractor should find a question in the HTML file");

            var question = parsedJson["question"];
            Assert.AreEqual("What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life?", question["title"].Value, "The extracted title is incorrect");

            // Answers
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, parsedJson["answers"], "Extractor should find answers in the HTML file");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, parsedJson["answers"].Count, "Extractor should find 5 answers in the thread summary of the HTML file");

            // Best Answer
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, parsedJson["bestAnswer"], "Extractor should find the best answer in the HTML file");

            var bestAnswer = parsedJson["bestAnswer"];
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, bestAnswer["content"], "The content string should not be null in the extracted answer");
            Assert.IsTrue(bestAnswer["content"].Value.Length > 0, "The content string should not be empty in the extracted answer");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, bestAnswer["lists"].Count, "The lists array should have 9 items");
            Assert.AreEqual(25, bestAnswer["lists"][1]["items"].Count, "Second item in the lists array should have 25 items");

            // Check is textAboveLength exists in each list
            foreach (var answer in parsedJson["answers"])
                var lists = answer["lists"];

                if (lists != null)
                    foreach (var list in lists)
                        Assert.AreEqual(JTokenType.Integer, list["textAboveLength"].Type, "The extracted textAboveLength should be an integer");
                        var textAboveLength = ((JValue)list["textAboveLength"]).ToObject<int>();
                        Assert.IsTrue(textAboveLength > 0, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "textAboveLength was not greater than 0. The extracted value is: {0}", textAboveLength));

            var bestAnswerLists = bestAnswer["lists"];

            if (bestAnswerLists != null)
                foreach (var list in bestAnswerLists)
                    Assert.AreEqual(JTokenType.Integer, list["textAboveLength"].Type, "The extracted textAboveLength should be an integer");
                    var textAboveLength = ((JValue)list["textAboveLength"]).ToObject<int>();
                    Assert.IsTrue(textAboveLength > 0, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "textAboveLength was not greater than 0. The extracted value is: {0}", textAboveLength));
        public void StackExchangeEx2ExtractionTest()
            var configPath = "stackexchange.com.json";
            var config = StructuredDataConfig.Parse(configPath);
            var extractor = new StructuredDataExtractor(config);
            var result = extractor.Extract(File.ReadAllText("stackoverflow.com.example2.html"));
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented);

            dynamic parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

            // Question
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, parsedJson["question"], "Extractor should find a question in the HTML file");

            var question = parsedJson["question"];
            Assert.AreEqual("How to configure Visual Studio 2008 to use IIS Express?", question["title"].Value, "The extracted title is incorrect");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, question["content"], "The extracted question should have a content");
            Assert.AreEqual(JTokenType.String, question["content"].Type, "The extracted question content should be a string");
            Assert.IsTrue(question["content"].Value.Length > 0, "The extracted question content should have a length > 0");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, question["votes"], "The extracted question should have a votes field");
            Assert.AreEqual(JTokenType.Integer, question["votes"].Type, "The votes extracted from the question should be of type int");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, question["votes"].Value, "The votes extracted from the question should have a value of 9");

            // Question context
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, question["hints"], "The extracted question should have hints");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, question["hints"].Count, "The extracted question should have 2 hints");
            Assert.AreEqual("iis-express", question["hints"][1].ToString(), "The 2nd hint of the extracted question should be passwords");

            // Best Answer
            var bestAnswer = parsedJson["bestAnswer"];
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, bestAnswer["content"], "The extracted answer should have a content");
            Assert.AreEqual(JTokenType.String, bestAnswer["content"].Type, "The extracted answer content should be a string");
            Assert.IsTrue(bestAnswer["content"].Value.Length > 0, "The extracted answer content should have a length > 0");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, bestAnswer["votes"], "The extracted answer should have a votes field");
            Assert.AreEqual(JTokenType.Integer, bestAnswer["votes"].Type, "The votes extracted from the answer should be of type int");
            Assert.AreEqual(17, bestAnswer["votes"].Value, "The votes extracted from the answer should have a value of 17");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, bestAnswer["lists"].Count, "The lists array should have 1 item");
            Assert.AreEqual(7, bestAnswer["lists"][0]["items"].Count, "The first item in the lists array should have 7 items");

            // Check is textAboveLength exists in each list
            var lists = bestAnswer["lists"];

            if (lists != null)
                foreach (var list in lists)
                    Assert.AreEqual(JTokenType.Integer, list["textAboveLength"].Type, "The extracted textAboveLength should be an integer");
                    var textAboveLength = ((JValue)list["textAboveLength"]).ToObject<int>();
                    Assert.IsTrue(textAboveLength > 0, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "textAboveLength was not greater than 0. The extracted value is: {0}", textAboveLength));