Beispiel #1
        internal static List <IAccessPoint> GetAPs(string adapterName)
            var apList = new List <IAccessPoint>();

            INTF_ENTRY entry = new INTF_ENTRY();

            entry.Guid = adapterName;
            INTF_FLAGS flags = 0;

            int result = WZCQueryInterface(null, INTF_FLAGS.INTF_ALL, ref entry, out flags);

            if (result != 0)
                throw new Exception("WZCQueryInterface failed for " + adapterName);

                // Figure out how many SSIDs there are.
                if (entry.rdBSSIDList.cbData == 0)
                    // list is empty

                NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST rawlist = new NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST(entry.rdBSSIDList.lpData, true);

                for (int i = 0; i < rawlist.NumberOfItems; i++)
                    // Get the next raw item from the list.
                    BSSID bssid = rawlist.Item(i);

                    // Using the raw item, create a cooked
                    // SSID item.
                    AccessPoint ssid = new AccessPoint(bssid);

                    // Add the new item to this.

                WZCDeleteIntfObj(ref entry);
Beispiel #2
        internal unsafe void RefreshListPreferred(bool nearbyOnly)
            // If the caller wants only the local preferred APs,
            // we check nearby list and, if the AP is not there,
            // we don't add it to our own preferred list.
            AccessPointCollection apc = null;

            if (nearbyOnly)
                apc = m_adapter.NearbyAccessPoints;

            // First step is to get the INTF_ENTRY for the adapter.
            // This includes the list of preferred SSID values.
            INTF_ENTRY ie = INTF_ENTRY.GetEntry(this.m_adapter.Name);

            // The field rdStSSIDList is the preferred list.  It comes
            // in the form of a WZC_802_11_CONFIG_LIST.
            RAW_DATA rd = ie.rdStSSIDList;
            WLANConfigurationList cl = new WLANConfigurationList(rd);

            // Step through the list and add a new AP to the
            // collection for each entry.
            for (int i = 0; i < cl.NumberOfItems; i++)
                WLANConfiguration c = cl.Item(i);

                //for (int d = 1; d <= c.Data.Length; d++)
                //    Debug.Write(string.Format("{0:x2}{1}", c.Data[d - 1], (d%8 == 0) ? "\r\n" : " "));

                // If we're only showing those which we can hear,
                // see if the current SSID is in the nearby list.
                if (nearbyOnly)
                    // Find the currently active AP with the SSID
                    // to match the one we're working on.
                    AccessPoint activeAP = apc.FindBySSID(c.SSID);
                    int         ss;

                    // If the given SSID is not in range, don't add
                    // an entry to the list.
                    if (activeAP != null)
                        // Update signal strength.
                        ss = activeAP.SignalStrengthInDecibels;

                        // Copy the signal strength value to the
                        // NDIS_WLAN_BSSID structure for the
                        // preferred list entry.
                        c.Rssi = ss;

                        // Create the AP instance and add it to the
                        // preferred list.
                        AccessPoint ap = new AccessPoint(c);
                    // Create the AP instance and add it to the
                    // preferred list.  The signal strength will
                    // not necessarily be valid.
                    AccessPoint ap = new AccessPoint(c);

            // Dispose of INTF_ENTRY