public void CheckInsert (TestCaseResult result)
			DropTable ();
			CreateTable ();
			InsertRow (0);
			InsertRow (1);
			InsertRow (2);
			CheckTable (result);
		public void RollbackNoWork (TestCaseResult result)
			CheckTransactionCapable (result);

			CheckTable (result);
			VirtuosoTransaction t = connection.BeginTransaction ();
			result.FailIfNotSame (connection, t.Connection);
			t.Rollback ();
			CheckTable (result);
Beispiel #3
 public void RunCase(TestCaseResult result)
      public void TestGetString (TestCaseResult result)
	  InsertRowText ();

	  VirtuosoCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand ();
	  cmd.CommandText = "select data from xmlt";

	  VirtuosoDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader ();
	  rdr.Read ();
	  String x = rdr.GetString (0);

	  FailIfXmlNotEqual (result, x, TheXml);
		public override void EndTest (TestCase testCase, TestCaseResult result)
			if (result.HasSkipped ())
				Console.WriteLine ("SKIPPED: {0}", testCase.Name);
			else if (result.HasPassed ())
				Console.WriteLine ("PASSED: {0}", testCase.Name);
#if false
			else if (result.HasWarnings ())
				Console.WriteLine ("PASSED with warnings: {0}", testCase.Name);
				Console.WriteLine ("***FAILED: {0}", testCase.Name);
		public void DelayLessThanTimeout (TestCaseResult result)
			VirtuosoCommand command = connection.CreateCommand ();
				command.CommandTimeout = 50;
				command.CommandText = "delay(5)";
				command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
				command.Dispose ();
      public void TestGetValue (TestCaseResult result)
	  InsertRowText ();

	  VirtuosoCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand ();
	  cmd.CommandText = "select data from xmlt";

	  VirtuosoDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader ();
	  rdr.Read ();
	  object obj = rdr.GetValue (0);
	  result.FailIfNotEqual (typeof (SqlXml).Name, obj.GetType().Name);
	  SqlXml x = (SqlXml) obj;
	  FailIfXmlNotEqual (result, x.ToString (), TheXml);
 private void EndTest(TestCase testCase, TestCaseResult testCaseResult)
     lock (listeners.SyncRoot)
         if (testCaseResult.HasPassed())
         foreach (ITestListener listener in listeners)
             listener.EndTest(testCase, testCaseResult);
		public void DeriveParamters (TestCaseResult result)
			DropProcedure ();
			ExecuteNonQuery (
				"create function BAR (in X integer, out Y integer, inout Z integer, in V varchar(20), in W nvarchar(20), in D numeric(20, 5)) returns real\n" +
				"{\n" +
				"  return 0.0;\n" +

			VirtuosoCommand command = connection.CreateCommand ();
			command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
			command.CommandText = "BAR";

				VirtuosoCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters (command);
				result.FailIfNotEqual ("Parameter Count", 7, command.Parameters.Count);
				CheckParameter (result,	command.Parameters[0],
					"ReturnValue", ParameterDirection.ReturnValue, VirtDbType.Real, DbType.Single,
					4, 0, 0); // FIXME: The precision should be 7.
				CheckParameter (result,	command.Parameters[1],
					"X", ParameterDirection.Input, VirtDbType.Integer, DbType.Int32,
					4, 10, 0);
				CheckParameter (result,	command.Parameters[2],
					"Y", ParameterDirection.Output, VirtDbType.Integer, DbType.Int32,
					4, 10, 0);
				CheckParameter (result, command.Parameters[3],
					"Z", ParameterDirection.InputOutput, VirtDbType.Integer, DbType.Int32,
					4, 10, 0);
				CheckParameter (result, command.Parameters[4],
					"V", ParameterDirection.Input, VirtDbType.VarChar, DbType.AnsiString,
					20, 0, 0);
				CheckParameter (result, command.Parameters[5],
					"W", ParameterDirection.Input, VirtDbType.NVarChar, DbType.String,
					20, 0, 0);
				CheckParameter (result, command.Parameters[6],
					"D", ParameterDirection.Input, VirtDbType.Decimal, DbType.Decimal,
					19, 20, 5);
				command.Dispose ();
		public void State (TestCaseResult result)
			string host = TestSettings.GetString ("HOST");
			string connectionString = "HOST=" + host + ";UID=dba;PWD=dba;";
			VirtuosoConnection conn = new VirtuosoConnection (connectionString);
				result.FailIfNotEqual (ConnectionState.Closed, conn.State);
				conn.Open ();
				result.FailIfNotEqual (ConnectionState.Open, conn.State);
				conn.Close ();
				result.FailIfNotEqual (ConnectionState.Closed, conn.State);
				conn.Dispose ();
		public void DisposeInvalid (TestCaseResult result)
			VirtuosoConnection conn = null;
				string connectionString = "InvalidConnectionString";
				conn = new VirtuosoConnection (connectionString);
			catch (ArgumentException)
				// suppress ArgumentException
				if (conn != null)
					conn.Dispose ();
		private void CheckParameter (
			TestCaseResult result,
			VirtuosoParameter parameter,
			string parameterName,
			ParameterDirection direction,
			VirtDbType vdbType,
			DbType dbType,
			int size,
			byte precision,
			byte scale)
			result.FailIfNotEqual (this, "ParameterName", parameterName, parameter.ParameterName);
			result.FailIfNotEqual (this, parameterName + ".Direction", direction, parameter.Direction);
			result.FailIfNotEqual (this, parameterName + ".VirtDbType", vdbType, parameter.VirtDbType);
			result.FailIfNotEqual (this, parameterName + ".DbType", dbType, parameter.DbType);
			result.FailIfNotEqual (this, parameterName + ".Size", size, parameter.Size);
			result.FailIfNotEqual (this, parameterName + ".Precision", precision, parameter.Precision);
			result.FailIfNotEqual (this, parameterName + ".Scale", scale, parameter.Scale);
Beispiel #13
		public void DelayMoreThanTimeout (TestCaseResult result)
			VirtuosoCommand command = connection.CreateCommand ();
			bool thrown = false;
				command.CommandTimeout = 5;
				command.CommandText = "delay(50)";
				command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
			catch (SystemException)
				thrown = true;
				command.Dispose ();
			result.FailIfNot ("No timeout exception is thrown", thrown);
		public void GetMethods (TestCaseResult result)
			DropTable ();
			CreateTable ();

			DataSet dataset = new DataSet ();
			VirtuosoDataAdapter adapter = null;
			VirtuosoCommandBuilder builder = null;
				adapter = new VirtuosoDataAdapter ();
				adapter.SelectCommand = new VirtuosoCommand ("select * from foo", connection);
				adapter.Fill (dataset, "table");

				builder = new VirtuosoCommandBuilder ();
				builder.DataAdapter = adapter;

				VirtuosoCommand delete = builder.GetDeleteCommand ();
				VirtuosoCommand insert = builder.GetInsertCommand ();
				VirtuosoCommand update = builder.GetUpdateCommand ();

				// dummy thing to evade the delete,insert,update not used warnings
				if (delete != null || insert != null || update != null)
				  adapter = null;
				if (builder != null)
					builder.Dispose ();
					builder = null;
				if (adapter != null)
					adapter.Dispose ();
					adapter = null;
		public void TestGetCharsDefaultNChar (TestCaseResult result)
			DoGetDataTest (result, "select nc from foo order by id", 0,
				CommandBehavior.Default, Selector.GetChars, Sequence.GetAll);
		public void TestDataSetTable (TestCaseResult result)
			CheckDataSetTable (result);
		private void CompareData (TestCaseResult result,
			int row, int column, char[] data,
			long length, long offset)
			DataRow dataRow = checkTable.Rows[row];
			char[] chars = dataRow[column].ToString().ToCharArray();
			char[] expected = new char[length];
			char[] actual = new char[length];
			Array.Copy (chars, (int) offset, expected, 0, (int) length);
			Array.Copy (data, 0, actual, 0, (int) length);
			result.FailIfNotEqual (this, expected, actual);
		private void CompareData (TestCaseResult result,
			int row, int column, byte[] data,
			long length, long offset)
			DataRow dataRow = checkTable.Rows[row];
			byte[] bytes = (byte[]) dataRow[column];
			byte[] expected = new byte[length];
			byte[] actual = new byte[length];
			Array.Copy (bytes, (int) offset, expected, 0, (int) length);
			Array.Copy (data, 0, actual, 0, (int) length);
			result.FailIfNotEqual (this, expected, actual);
		public void RunCase (TestCaseResult result)
			SetUp ();
				PerformTest (result);
				TearDown ();
Beispiel #20
		public void ResultSetAndOutputParameters (TestCaseResult result)
			DropProcedure ();
			DropProcedure ();
			ExecuteNonQuery (
				"create procedure bar (out x integer)\n" +
				"{\n" +
				"  declare i int;\n" +
				"  result_names (i);\n" +
				"  result (1);\n" +
				"  result (2);\n" +
				"  x := 3;\n" +
				"  return 4;\n" +

			VirtuosoCommand command = connection.CreateCommand ();
			command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
			command.CommandText = "bar";

			VirtuosoParameter returnValue = command.CreateParameter ();
			returnValue.ParameterName = "ReturnValue";
			returnValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
			returnValue.VirtDbType = VirtDbType.Integer;
			command.Parameters.Add (returnValue);

			VirtuosoParameter x = command.CreateParameter ();
			x.ParameterName = "x";
			x.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
			x.VirtDbType = VirtDbType.Integer;
			command.Parameters.Add (x);

			VirtuosoDataReader reader = null;
			bool closed = false;
				reader = command.ExecuteReader ();
				result.FailIfNotEqual (1, reader.FieldCount);
				result.FailIfNotEqual ("i", reader.GetName (0).ToLower ());
				result.FailIfNotEqual (typeof (int), reader.GetFieldType (0));
				result.FailIfNotEqual (true, reader.Read ());
				result.FailIfNotEqual (1, reader["i"]);
				result.FailIfNotEqual (true, reader.Read ());
				result.FailIfNotEqual (2, reader["i"]);
				result.FailIfNotEqual (false, reader.Read ());

				reader.Close ();
				closed = true;

				result.FailIfNotEqual ("Out Parameter", 3, x.Value);
				result.FailIfNotEqual ("Return Value", 4, returnValue.Value);
				if (reader != null && !closed)
					reader.Close ();
				command.Dispose ();
		public void GetMethods (TestCaseResult result)
			WriteCommand ("builder.GetDeleteCommand ():", builder.GetDeleteCommand ());
			WriteCommand ("builder.GetInsertCommand ():", builder.GetInsertCommand ());
			WriteCommand ("builder.GetUpdateCommand ():", builder.GetUpdateCommand ());
Beispiel #22
		public void OutputParameters (TestCaseResult result)
			DropProcedure ();
			ExecuteNonQuery (
				"create procedure bar (in x integer, out y integer, inout z integer)\n" +
				"{\n" +
				"  y := x * 2;\n" +
				"  z := z * 2;\n" +
				"  return y + z;\n" +

			VirtuosoCommand command = connection.CreateCommand ();
			command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
			command.CommandText = "bar";

			VirtuosoParameter returnValue = command.CreateParameter ();
			returnValue.ParameterName = "ReturnValue";
			returnValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
			returnValue.VirtDbType = VirtDbType.Integer;
			command.Parameters.Add (returnValue);

			VirtuosoParameter x = command.CreateParameter ();
			x.ParameterName = "x";
			x.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
			x.VirtDbType = VirtDbType.Integer;
			x.Value = 2;
			command.Parameters.Add (x);

			VirtuosoParameter y = command.CreateParameter ();
			y.ParameterName = "y";
			y.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
			y.VirtDbType = VirtDbType.Integer;
			command.Parameters.Add (y);

			VirtuosoParameter z = command.CreateParameter ();
			z.ParameterName = "z";
			z.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
			z.VirtDbType = VirtDbType.Integer;
			z.Value = 3;
			command.Parameters.Add (z);

				command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
				result.FailIfNotEqual (this, "Return Value", 10, returnValue.Value);
				result.FailIfNotEqual (this, "Out Parameter", 4, y.Value);
				result.FailIfNotEqual (this, "InOut Parameter", 6, z.Value);
				command.Dispose ();
Beispiel #23
        public void Run(TestResult testResult)
            TestCaseResult testCaseResult = CreateTestCaseResult(testResult);

            testResult.RunCase(this, testCaseResult);
		public void TestGetCharsSequentialNCharSkip (TestCaseResult result)
			DoGetDataTest (result, "select nc from foo order by id", 0,
				CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, Selector.GetChars, Sequence.GetHalf);
Beispiel #25
		public void DisposeNewCommand (TestCaseResult result)
			VirtuosoCommand command = connection.CreateCommand ();
			command.Dispose ();
		public void TableUpdate (TestCaseResult result)
			DropTable ();
			CreateTable ();
			InsertRow (1);
			InsertRow (2);

			DataSet dataset = new DataSet ();
			VirtuosoDataAdapter adapter = null;
			VirtuosoCommandBuilder builder = null;
				adapter = new VirtuosoDataAdapter ();
				adapter.SelectCommand = new VirtuosoCommand ("select * from foo", connection);
				adapter.Fill (dataset, "table");

				builder = new VirtuosoCommandBuilder ();
				builder.DataAdapter = adapter;

				DataTable table = dataset.Tables["table"];
				if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
					DataRow row = table.Rows[0];
					row.Delete ();
				//if (table.Rows.Count > 1)
				//	DataRow row = table.Rows[1];
				//	row["j"] = 555;
				//	row["s"] = "bbb";
				DataRow newrow = table.NewRow ();
				newrow["i"] = 3;
				newrow["n"] = 333;
				table.Rows.Add (newrow);

				adapter.Update (dataset, "Table");
				if (builder != null)
					builder.Dispose ();
					builder = null;
				if (adapter != null)
					adapter.Dispose ();
					adapter = null;
 public void RunCase(TestCase testCase, TestCaseResult testCaseResult)
     EndTest(testCase, testCaseResult);
		private void CheckDataSetTable (TestCaseResult result)
			VirtuosoCommand select = connection.CreateCommand ();
			select.CommandText = "select * from foo order by id";

			VirtuosoDataAdapter adapter = new VirtuosoDataAdapter ();
			adapter.SelectCommand = (VirtuosoCommand) select;

			DataSet dataset = new DataSet ();
			adapter.Fill (dataset);

			DataTable table = dataset.Tables["table"];

			result.FailIfNotEqual (checkTable.Rows.Count, table.Rows.Count);
			result.FailIfNotEqual (checkTable.Columns.Count, table.Columns.Count);
			for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
				DataRow row = table.Rows[i];
				DataRow checkRow = checkTable.Rows[i];
				for (int j = 0; j < table.Columns.Count; j++)
					string name = table.Columns[j].ColumnName;
					result.FailIfNotEqual (this, "Comparison failed for column " + name + ": ", checkRow[name], row[name]);
Beispiel #29
		public void MultipleResultSets (TestCaseResult result)
			DropProcedure ();
			ExecuteNonQuery (
				"create procedure bar ()\n" +
				"{\n" +
				"  declare i int;\n" +
				"  declare c char;\n" +
				"  result_names (i);\n" +
				"  result (1);\n" +
				"  result (2);\n" +
				"  end_result ();\n" +
				"  result_names (c);\n" +
				"  result ('a');\n" +
				"  result ('b');\n" +
				"  return 0;\n" +

			VirtuosoCommand command = connection.CreateCommand ();
			command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
			command.CommandText = "bar";

			VirtuosoDataReader reader = null;
				reader = command.ExecuteReader ();
				result.FailIfNotEqual (1, reader.FieldCount);
				result.FailIfNotEqual ("i", reader.GetName (0).ToLower ());
				result.FailIfNotEqual (typeof (int), reader.GetFieldType (0));
				result.FailIfNotEqual (true, reader.Read ());
				result.FailIfNotEqual (1, reader["i"]);
				result.FailIfNotEqual (true, reader.Read ());
				result.FailIfNotEqual (2, reader["i"]);
				result.FailIfNotEqual (false, reader.Read ());
				result.FailIfNotEqual (true, reader.NextResult ());
				result.FailIfNotEqual (1, reader.FieldCount);
				result.FailIfNotEqual ("c", reader.GetName (0).ToLower ());
				result.FailIfNotEqual (typeof (string), reader.GetFieldType (0));
				result.FailIfNotEqual (true, reader.Read ());
				result.FailIfNotEqual ("a", reader["c"]);
				result.FailIfNotEqual (true, reader.Read ());
				result.FailIfNotEqual ("b", reader["c"]);
				result.FailIfNotEqual (false, reader.NextResult ());
				if (reader != null)
					reader.Close ();
				command.Dispose ();
		public void RowUpdatingHandler (TestCaseResult result)
			WriteCommand ("SelectCommand", adapter.SelectCommand);

			DataSet dataset = new DataSet ();
			adapter.Fill (dataset, "table");

			DataTable table = dataset.Tables["table"];
			if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
				DataRow row = table.Rows[0];
				row.Delete ();
			if (table.Rows.Count > 1)
				DataRow row = table.Rows[1];
				row["j"] = 555;
				row["s"] = "bbb";
			DataRow newrow = table.NewRow ();
			newrow["i"] = 3;
			newrow["n"] = 333;
			table.Rows.Add (newrow);

			adapter.Update (dataset, "table");
		private void DoGetDataTest (TestCaseResult result, string text, int column,
			CommandBehavior behavior, Selector selector, Sequence sequence)
			VirtuosoCommand cmd = null;
			VirtuosoDataReader dr = null;
				cmd = new VirtuosoCommand (text, connection);
				dr = cmd.ExecuteReader (behavior);
				CheckGetData (result, dr, column, selector, sequence);
				if (dr != null)
					dr.Close ();
				if (cmd != null)
					cmd.Dispose ();
Beispiel #32
 protected override void PerformTest(TestCaseResult result)
		private void CheckGetData (TestCaseResult result,
			VirtuosoDataReader dr, int column, Selector selector, Sequence sequence)
			string name = dr.GetName (column);
			int tableColumn = checkTable.Columns.IndexOf (name);
			for (int row = 0; dr.Read (); row++)
				//if (dr.IsDBNull (column))
				if (row == 0)

				long length;
				if (selector == Selector.GetBytes)
					length = dr.GetBytes (column, 0, null, 0, 0);
				else //if (selector == Selector.GetChars)
					length = dr.GetChars (column, 0, null, 0, 0);

				//Console.WriteLine ("row: {0}", row);
				//Console.WriteLine ("length: {0}", length);

				CompareSize (result, row, tableColumn, selector, length, 0);

				long offset = 0;
				byte[] bytes = new byte[BufferSize];
				char[] chars = new char[BufferSize];
				int count = 0;
				while (offset < length)
					//Console.WriteLine ("offset: {0}", offset);

					long nextLength;
					if (selector == Selector.GetBytes)
						for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
							bytes[i] = 0;
						nextLength = dr.GetBytes (column, offset, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
					else //if (selector == Selector.GetChars)
						for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
							chars[i] = (char) 0;
						nextLength = dr.GetChars (column, offset, chars, 0, chars.Length);

					result.FailIfEqual (this, 0, nextLength);
					if (offset + nextLength < length)
						result.FailIfNotEqual (this, (long) BufferSize, nextLength);
						result.FailIfNotEqual (this, (long) (length - offset), nextLength);

					if (selector == Selector.GetBytes)
						CompareData (result, row, tableColumn, bytes, nextLength, offset);
					else //if (selector == Selector.GetChars)
						CompareData (result, row, tableColumn, chars, nextLength, offset);

					if (sequence == Sequence.GetAll)
						offset += nextLength;
					else if (sequence == Sequence.GetHalf)
						offset += 2 * nextLength;
					else //if (sequence == Sequence.GetTwice)
						if (count == 2)
							count = 0;
							offset += 2 * nextLength;
		public void TestGetCharsSequentialBinTwice (TestCaseResult result)
			DoGetDataTest (result, "select b from foo order by id", 0,
				CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, Selector.GetBytes, Sequence.GetTwice);
		private void CompareSize (TestCaseResult result,
			int row, int column, Selector selector,
			long length, long offset)
			DataRow dataRow = checkTable.Rows[row];
			object columnData = dataRow[column];
			if (selector == Selector.GetBytes)
				byte[] bytes = (byte[]) columnData;
				if (offset > bytes.Length)
					result.FailIfNotEqual (this, 0, length);
					result.FailIfNotEqual (this, bytes.Length - offset, length);
			if (selector == Selector.GetChars)
				char[] chars = columnData.ToString().ToCharArray();
				if (offset > chars.Length)
					result.FailIfNotEqual (this, 0, length);
					result.FailIfNotEqual (this, chars.Length - offset, length);
			if (selector == Selector.GetValue)
				throw new NotSupportedException ();