Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a quaternion that represents the rotation vector between this
        /// Vector3 and a destination Vector3.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destination">The vector we would like to rotate to.</param>
        /// <returns>A quaternion representing the axis of rotation between this vector
        /// and the destination vector.</returns>
        public Quaternion GetRotationTo(Vector3 destination)
            // Based on Stan Melax's algorithm in "Game Programming Gems"
            Vector3 t_source = this.Normalize();
            Vector3 t_dest   = destination.Normalize();

            float d = t_source.Dot(t_dest);

            // if dot == 1 then the vectors are the same
            if (d >= 1.0f)
            else if (d < (1e-6f - 1.0f))
                Vector3 t_axis = Vector3.UnitX.Cross(this);
                if (t_axis.LengthSquared() < (1e-12)) // pick another if colinear
                    t_axis = Vector3.UnitY.Cross(this);
                return(Quaternion.FromAngleAxis((float)Math.PI, t_axis));
                float t_sqrt = (float)Math.Sqrt((1 + d) * 2.0f);
                float t_invs = 1.0f / t_sqrt;

                Vector3 t_cross = t_source.Cross(t_dest);
                return(new Quaternion(t_cross.X * t_invs, t_cross.Y * t_invs, t_cross.Z * t_invs, t_sqrt * 0.5f).Normalize());