private void FormDiscountPlanEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            textDescript.Text = DiscountPlanCur.Description;
            _listPatNames     = DiscountPlans.GetPatsForPlan(DiscountPlanCur.DiscountPlanNum)
                                .Select(x => x.LName + ", " + x.FName)
                                .OrderBy(x => x)
            _feeSchedCur      = FeeScheds.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.FeeSchedNum == DiscountPlanCur.FeeSchedNum, true);
            textFeeSched.Text = _feeSchedCur != null ? _feeSchedCur.Description : "";
            _listAdjTypeDefs  = Defs.GetDiscountPlanAdjTypes().ToList();
            for (int i = 0; i < _listAdjTypeDefs.Count; i++)
                if (_listAdjTypeDefs[i].DefNum == DiscountPlanCur.DefNum)
                    comboBoxAdjType.SelectedIndex = i;
            //populate patient information
            int countPats = _listPatNames.Count;

            textNumPatients.Text = countPats.ToString();
            if (countPats > 10000)           //10,000 per Nathan. copied from FormInsPlan.cs
                comboPatient.Visible     = false;
                butListPatients.Visible  = true;
                butListPatients.Location = comboPatient.Location;
                comboPatient.Visible    = true;
                butListPatients.Visible = false;
                if (_listPatNames.Count > 0)
                    comboPatient.SelectedIndex = 0;
            checkHidden.Checked = DiscountPlanCur.IsHidden;
            if (!Security.IsAuthorized(Permissions.InsPlanEdit, true))            //User may be able to get here if FormDiscountPlans is not in selection mode.
                textDescript.ReadOnly   = true;
                comboBoxAdjType.Enabled = false;
                butFeeSched.Enabled     = false;
                butOK.Enabled           = false;
                checkHidden.Enabled     = false;
            if (IsSelectionMode)
                butDrop.Visible = true;