Beispiel #1
        private void butMovePats_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (gridMain.SelectedIndices.Length < 1)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "You must select at least one clinic to move patients from.");
            if (_clinicNumTo == -1)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "You must pick a 'To' clinic in the box above to move patients to.");
            Dictionary <long, Clinic> dictClinicsFrom = gridMain.SelectedTags <Clinic>().ToDictionary(x => x.ClinicNum);
            Clinic clinicTo = gridMain.GetTags <Clinic>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClinicNum == _clinicNumTo);

            if (clinicTo == null)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "The clinic could not be found.");
            if (dictClinicsFrom.ContainsKey(clinicTo.ClinicNum))
                MsgBox.Show(this, "The 'To' clinic should not also be one of the 'From' clinics.");
            Dictionary <long, int> dictClinFromCounts = Clinics.GetClinicalPatientCount(true)
                                                        .Where(x => dictClinicsFrom.ContainsKey(x.Key)).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            if (dictClinFromCounts.Sum(x => x.Value) == 0)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "There are no patients assigned to the selected clinics.");
            string msg = Lan.g(this, "This will move all patients to") + " " + clinicTo.Abbr + " " + Lan.g(this, "from the following clinics") + ":\r\n"
                         + string.Join("\r\n", dictClinFromCounts.Select(x => dictClinicsFrom[x.Key].Abbr)) + "\r\n" + Lan.g(this, "Continue?");

            if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes)
            ODProgress.ShowAction(() => {
                int patsMoved             = 0;
                List <Action> listActions = dictClinFromCounts.Select(x => new Action(() => {
                    Patients.ChangeClinicsForAll(x.Key, clinicTo.ClinicNum);                           //update all clinicNums to new clinic
                    Clinic clinicCur;
                    SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.PatientEdit, 0, "Clinic changed for " + x.Value + " patients from "
                                              + (dictClinicsFrom.TryGetValue(x.Key, out clinicCur)?clinicCur.Abbr:"") + " to " + clinicTo.Abbr + ".");
                    patsMoved += x.Value;
                    ClinicEvent.Fire(ODEventType.Clinic, Lan.g(this, "Moved patients") + ": " + patsMoved + " " + Lan.g(this, "out of") + " "
                                     + dictClinFromCounts.Sum(y => y.Value));
                ODThread.RunParallel(listActions, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
                                  startingMessage: Lan.g(this, "Moving patients") + "...",
                                  eventType: typeof(ClinicEvent),
                                  odEventType: ODEventType.Clinic);
            _dictClinicalCounts = Clinics.GetClinicalPatientCount();
            MsgBox.Show(this, "Done");
Beispiel #2
        private void butMovePats_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (gridMain.SelectedIndices.Length < 1)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "You must select at least one clinic to move patients from.");
            List <Clinic> listClinicsFrom = gridMain.SelectedIndices.OfType <int>().Select(x => (Clinic)gridMain.Rows[x].Tag).ToList();
            List <Clinic> listClinicsTo   = gridMain.Rows.Select(x => x.Tag as Clinic).ToList();

            if (_clinicNumTo == -1)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "You must pick a 'To' clinic in the box above to move patients to.");
            Clinic clinicTo = listClinicsTo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClinicNum == _clinicNumTo);

            if (clinicTo == null)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "The clinic could not be found.");
            Action actionCloseProgress = ODProgressOld.ShowProgressStatus("ClinicReassign", this, Lan.g(this, "Gathering patient data") + "...");
            Dictionary <long, List <long> > dictClinicPats = Patients.GetPatNumsByClinic(listClinicsFrom.Select(x => x.ClinicNum).ToList()).Select()
                                                             .GroupBy(x => PIn.Long(x["ClinicNum"].ToString()), x => PIn.Long(x["PatNum"].ToString()))
                                                             .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());

            int totalPatCount = dictClinicPats.Sum(x => x.Value.Count);

            if (totalPatCount == 0)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "The selected clinics are not clinics for any patients.");
            string strClinicFromDesc = string.Join(", ", listClinicsFrom.FindAll(x => dictClinicPats.ContainsKey(x.ClinicNum)).Select(x => (x.ClinicNum == 0?"HQ":x.Abbr)));
            string strClinicToDesc   = clinicTo.Abbr;
            string msg = Lan.g(this, "Move all patients to") + " " + strClinicToDesc + " " + Lan.g(this, "from the following clinics") + ": " + strClinicFromDesc + "?";

            if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK)
            actionCloseProgress = ODProgressOld.ShowProgressStatus("ClinicReassign", this, Lan.g(this, "Moving patients") + "...");
            int           patsMoved   = 0;
            List <Action> listActions = dictClinicPats.Select(x => new Action(() => {
                patsMoved += x.Value.Count;
                ODEvent.Fire(new ODEventArgs("ClinicReassign", Lan.g(this, "Moving patients") + ": " + patsMoved + " out of " + totalPatCount));
                Patients.ChangeClinicsForAll(x.Key, clinicTo.ClinicNum);               //update all clinicNums to new clinic
                SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.PatientEdit, 0, "Clinic changed for " + x.Value.Count + " patients from "
                                          + (x.Key == 0 ? "HQ" : Clinics.GetAbbr(x.Key)) + " to " + clinicTo.Abbr + ".");

            ODThread.RunParallel(listActions, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
            _dictClinicalCounts = Clinics.GetClinicalPatientCount();
            MsgBox.Show(this, "Done");
Beispiel #3
 private void FormClinics_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (ListClinics == null)
         ListClinics = Clinics.GetAllForUserod(Security.CurUser);
     if (_listClinicDefLinksAll == null)
         _listClinicDefLinksAll = DefLinks.GetDefLinksByType(DefLinkType.Clinic);
     ListClinicsOld                 = ListClinics.Select(x => x.Copy()).ToList();
     _listClinicDefLinksAllOld      = _listClinicDefLinksAll.Select(x => x.Copy()).ToList();
     _listDefLinkClinicSpecialties  = GetDefLinkClinicList();
     _listClinicSpecialtyDefs       = Defs.GetDefsForCategory(DefCat.ClinicSpecialty);
     checkOrderAlphabetical.Checked = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.ClinicListIsAlphabetical);
     _dictClinicalCounts            = Clinics.GetClinicalPatientCount();
     if (IsSelectionMode)
         butAdd.Visible           = false;
         butOK.Visible            = true;
         groupClinicOrder.Visible = false;
         groupMovePats.Visible    = false;
         int widthDiff = (groupClinicOrder.Width - butOK.Width);
         this.MinimumSize        = new Size(this.MinimumSize.Width - widthDiff, this.MinimumSize.Height);
         this.Width             -= widthDiff;
         gridMain.Width         += widthDiff;
         checkShowHidden.Visible = false;
         checkShowHidden.Checked = false;
         if (checkOrderAlphabetical.Checked)
             butUp.Enabled   = false;
             butDown.Enabled = false;
             butUp.Enabled   = true;
             butDown.Enabled = true;
     if (IsMultiSelect)
         butSelectAll.Visible   = true;
         butSelectNone.Visible  = true;
         gridMain.SelectionMode = GridSelectionMode.MultiExtended;
     for (int i = 0; i < gridMain.Rows.Count; i++)
         if (ListSelectedClinicNums.Contains(((Clinic)gridMain.Rows[i].Tag).ClinicNum))
             gridMain.SetSelected(i, true);
Beispiel #4
 private void FormClinics_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     checkOrderAlphabetical.Checked = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.ClinicListIsAlphabetical);
     if (ListClinics == null)
         ListClinics = Clinics.GetAllForUserod(Security.CurUser);
         if (IncludeHQInList)
             ListClinics.Insert(0, new Clinic()
                 ClinicNum = 0, Description = Lan.g(this, "Headquarters"), Abbr = Lan.g(this, "HQ")
         //if alphabetical checkbox is checked/unchecked it triggers a pref cache refresh, but does not refill the clinic cache, so we need to sort here
         //in case the pref was changed since last time this was opened.
     _listClinicsOld           = ListClinics.Select(x => x.Copy()).ToList();
     _listClinicDefLinksAllOld = DefLinks.GetDefLinksByType(DefLinkType.Clinic);
     _dictClinicalCounts       = new SerializableDictionary <long, int>();
     if (IsSelectionMode)
         butAdd.Visible           = false;
         butOK.Visible            = true;
         groupClinicOrder.Visible = false;
         groupMovePats.Visible    = false;
         int widthDiff = (groupClinicOrder.Width - butOK.Width);
         MinimumSize             = new Size(MinimumSize.Width - widthDiff, MinimumSize.Height);
         Width                  -= widthDiff;
         gridMain.Width         += widthDiff;
         butSelectAll.Location   = new Point(butSelectAll.Location.X + widthDiff, butSelectAll.Location.Y);
         butSelectNone.Location  = new Point(butSelectNone.Location.X + widthDiff, butSelectNone.Location.Y);
         checkShowHidden.Visible = false;
         checkShowHidden.Checked = false;
         if (checkOrderAlphabetical.Checked)
             butUp.Enabled   = false;
             butDown.Enabled = false;
         _dictClinicalCounts = Clinics.GetClinicalPatientCount();
     if (IsMultiSelect)
         butSelectAll.Visible   = true;
         butSelectNone.Visible  = true;
         gridMain.SelectionMode = GridSelectionMode.MultiExtended;
     if (!ListSelectedClinicNums.IsNullOrEmpty())
         for (int i = 0; i < gridMain.ListGridRows.Count; i++)
             if (ListSelectedClinicNums.Contains(((Clinic)gridMain.ListGridRows[i].Tag).ClinicNum))
                 gridMain.SetSelected(i, true);