Beispiel #1
        public static DataTable GetInsAgingTable(RpAgingParamObject rpo)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), rpo));
            #region Insurance Aging
            string asOfDateStr   = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate);
            string thirtyDaysAgo = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate.AddDays(-30));
            string sixtyDaysAgo  = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate.AddDays(-60));
            string ninetyDaysAgo = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate.AddDays(-90));
            string patOrGuar     = (rpo.IsGroupByFam?"guar":"patient");
            string command       = "SELECT guarAging.PatNum,";
            if (ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Prefs.GetBoolNoCache(PrefName.ReportsShowPatNum)))
                command += DbHelper.Concat("guarAging.PatNum", "' - '", "guarAging.LName", "', '", "guarAging.FName", "' '", "guarAging.MiddleI");
                command += DbHelper.Concat("guarAging.LName", "', '", "guarAging.FName", "' '", "guarAging.MiddleI");
            command += @" PatName," + (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown ? "guarAging.CarrierName,guarAging.CarrierNum,guarAging.GroupName,guarAging.PlanNum," : "")
                       + @"guarAging.InsPayEst_0_30,guarAging.InsPayEst_31_60,guarAging.InsPayEst_61_90,guarAging.InsPayEst_90,guarAging.InsPayEst_Total
				FROM (
					SELECT "                     + patOrGuar + ".PatNum," + patOrGuar + ".LName," + patOrGuar + ".FName," + patOrGuar + @".MiddleI,"
                       + (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown ? "carrier.CarrierName,carrier.CarrierNum,insplan.GroupName,insplan.PlanNum," : "")
                       + @"SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate >= " + thirtyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_0_30,
					SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate < "                     + thirtyDaysAgo + " AND cp.ProcDate >= " + sixtyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_31_60,
					SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate < "                     + sixtyDaysAgo + " AND cp.ProcDate >= " + ninetyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_61_90,
					SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate < "                     + ninetyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_90,
					SUM(cp.InsPayEst) InsPayEst_Total
					FROM claimproc cp
					INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=cp.PatNum"
                       + (rpo.IsGroupByFam ? @"
					INNER JOIN patient guar ON patient.Guarantor=guar.PatNum"                     : "")
                       + (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown ? @"
					LEFT JOIN insplan ON insplan.PlanNum=cp.PlanNum
					LEFT JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum=insplan.CarrierNum"                     : "");
            command += @"
				WHERE cp.Status IN ("                 + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + @")
				AND cp.ProcDate <= "                 + asOfDateStr + @"
				AND (cp.Status = "                 + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + " OR (cp.Status = " + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + " AND cp.DateCP > " + asOfDateStr + ")) ";
            if (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rpo.CarrierNameFilter))
                    command += @"
						AND (carrier.CarrierNum IS NULL OR carrier.CarrierName LIKE '%"                         + rpo.CarrierNameFilter + "%') ";
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rpo.GroupNameFilter))
                    command += @"
						AND (insplan.GroupName IS NULL OR insplan.GroupName LIKE '%"                         + rpo.GroupNameFilter + "%') ";
            if (rpo.ListBillTypes.Count > 0)          //if all bill types is selected, list will be empty
                command += "AND " + patOrGuar + ".BillingType IN (" + string.Join(",", rpo.ListBillTypes.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            if (rpo.ListProvNums.Count > 0)           //if all provs is selected, list will be empty
                command += "AND " + patOrGuar + ".PriProv IN (" + string.Join(",", rpo.ListProvNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            if (rpo.ListClinicNums.Count > 0)           //listClin may contain "Unassigned" clinic with ClinicNum 0, in which case it will also be in the query string
                command += "AND " + patOrGuar + ".ClinicNum IN (" + string.Join(",", rpo.ListClinicNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            command += "GROUP BY " + patOrGuar + ".PatNum"
                       + (rpo.GroupByCarrier ? ",carrier.CarrierName" : "")
                       + (rpo.GroupByGroupName ? ",insplan.GroupName" : "") + @") guarAging
				WHERE (guarAging.InsPayEst_0_30 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_31_60 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_61_90 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_90 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_Total > 0.005)
				ORDER BY guarAging.LName,guarAging.FName"                ;
            ReportComplexEvent.Fire(ODEventType.ReportComplex, Lans.g("ReportComplex", "Running Insurance Estimate Query..."));
            DataTable insTable = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command));
            #endregion Insurance Aging
            #region Regular Aging
            DataTable regAging = new DataTable();
            //Don't run regular aging if detailed breakdown as it can take a long time to run for large customers.
            if (!rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown)
                regAging = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => RpAging.GetAgingTable(rpo));
            #endregion Regular Aging
            #region Merge Insurance and Regular Aging
            DataTable insAgingTable = new DataTable();
            if (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown)
            Dictionary <long, DataRow>            dictPatInsAgingRows      = new Dictionary <long, DataRow>();
            Dictionary <AgingTableRowId, DataRow> dictDetailedInsAgingRows = new Dictionary <AgingTableRowId, DataRow>();
            #region Add All Insurance Aging Rows to Dictionary
            foreach (DataRow insRow in insTable.Rows)
                DataRow newRow = insAgingTable.NewRow();              //create a new row with the structure of the new table
                //copy the ins aging table's values over to the new row and fill the pat bal columns with -insPayEst for the appropriate bucket
                newRow["PatName"] = insRow["PatName"];
                if (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown)
                    newRow["CarrierName"] = insRow["CarrierName"];
                    newRow["GroupName"]   = insRow["GroupName"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_0_30"]  = insRow["InsPayEst_0_30"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_31_60"] = insRow["InsPayEst_31_60"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_61_90"] = insRow["InsPayEst_61_90"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_90"]    = insRow["InsPayEst_90"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_Total"] = insRow["InsPayEst_Total"];
                dictPatInsAgingRows[PIn.Long(insRow["PatNum"].ToString())]    = newRow;           //PatNum only used to link insAgingRows to regAgingRows
                dictDetailedInsAgingRows[AgingTableRowId.FromDataRow(insRow)] = newRow;           //Only used for Detailed report.
            #endregion Add All Insurance Aging Rows to Dictionary
            #region Add Regular Aging Rows and Apply Insurance Estimates to Dictionary
            foreach (DataRow row in regAging.Rows)
                long    patNumCur = PIn.Long(row["PatNum"].ToString());
                DataRow insAgingRow;
                if (dictPatInsAgingRows.TryGetValue(patNumCur, out insAgingRow))
                    //check to see if that patient exists in the insurance aging report
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_0_30"]  = PIn.Double(row["Bal_0_30"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_0_30"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_31_60"] = PIn.Double(row["Bal_31_60"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_31_60"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_61_90"] = PIn.Double(row["Bal_61_90"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_61_90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_90"]    = PIn.Double(row["BalOver90"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_Total"] = PIn.Double(row["BalTotal"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_Total"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["InsWoChange"]  = PIn.Double(row["InsWoEst"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBalEst"]    = PIn.Double(insAgingRow["PatBal_Total"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsWoChange"].ToString());
                else                  //if pat doesn't exist in ins aging report, create a new row with 0.00 insurance values and fill the patient aging values
                    insAgingRow                    = insAgingTable.NewRow();
                    insAgingRow["PatName"]         = row["PatName"];
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_0_30"]  = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_31_60"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_61_90"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_90"]    = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_Total"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_0_30"]     = PIn.Double(row["Bal_0_30"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_31_60"]    = PIn.Double(row["Bal_31_60"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_61_90"]    = PIn.Double(row["Bal_61_90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_90"]       = PIn.Double(row["BalOver90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_Total"]    = PIn.Double(row["BalTotal"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["InsWoChange"]     = PIn.Double(row["InsWoEst"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBalEst"]       = PIn.Double(row["BalTotal"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(row["InsWoEst"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(row["InsPayEst"].ToString());
                    dictPatInsAgingRows[patNumCur] = insAgingRow;
            #endregion Add Regular Aging Rows and Apply Insurance Estimates to Dictionary
            dictPatInsAgingRows = dictPatInsAgingRows.OrderBy(x => x.Value["PatName"]).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
            #endregion Merge Insurance and Regular Aging
            #region Add Rows to Table Filtered by Age
            if (rpo.IsDetailedBreakdown)             //Remove patient columns for detailed breakdown
                AddRowsFromDict <AgingTableRowId>(rpo, dictDetailedInsAgingRows, insAgingTable);
                AddRowsFromDict <long>(rpo, dictPatInsAgingRows, insAgingTable);
            #endregion Add Rows to Table Filtered by Age
Beispiel #2
        public static DataTable GetInsAgingTable(RpAgingParamObject rpo)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), rpo));
            #region Insurance Aging
            string asOfDateStr   = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate);
            string thirtyDaysAgo = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate.AddDays(-30));
            string sixtyDaysAgo  = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate.AddDays(-60));
            string ninetyDaysAgo = POut.Date(rpo.AsOfDate.AddDays(-90));
            string patOrGuar     = (rpo.IsGroupByFam?"guar":"patient");
            string command       = "SELECT guarAging.PatNum,";
            if (ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Prefs.GetBoolNoCache(PrefName.ReportsShowPatNum)))
                command += DbHelper.Concat("guarAging.PatNum", "' - '", "guarAging.LName", "', '", "guarAging.FName", "' '", "guarAging.MiddleI");
                command += DbHelper.Concat("guarAging.LName", "', '", "guarAging.FName", "' '", "guarAging.MiddleI");
            command += @" PatName,guarAging.InsPayEst_0_30,guarAging.InsPayEst_31_60,guarAging.InsPayEst_61_90,guarAging.InsPayEst_90,guarAging.InsPayEst_Total
				FROM (
					SELECT "                     + patOrGuar + ".PatNum," + patOrGuar + ".LName," + patOrGuar + ".FName," + patOrGuar + @".MiddleI,
					SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate >= "                     + thirtyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_0_30,
					SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate < "                     + thirtyDaysAgo + " AND cp.ProcDate >= " + sixtyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_31_60,
					SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate < "                     + sixtyDaysAgo + " AND cp.ProcDate >= " + ninetyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_61_90,
					SUM(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate < "                     + ninetyDaysAgo + @" THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst_90,
					SUM(cp.InsPayEst) InsPayEst_Total
					FROM claimproc cp
					INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=cp.PatNum
					"                     + (rpo.IsGroupByFam?"INNER JOIN patient guar ON patient.Guarantor=guar.PatNum":"") + @"
					WHERE cp.Status IN ("                     + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + @")
					AND cp.ProcDate <= "                     + asOfDateStr + @"
					AND (cp.Status = "                     + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + " OR (cp.Status = " + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + " AND cp.DateCP > " + asOfDateStr + ")) ";
            if (rpo.ListBillTypes.Count > 0)          //if all bill types is selected, list will be empty
                command += "AND " + patOrGuar + ".BillingType IN (" + string.Join(",", rpo.ListBillTypes.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            if (rpo.ListProvNums.Count > 0)           //if all provs is selected, list will be empty
                command += "AND " + patOrGuar + ".PriProv IN (" + string.Join(",", rpo.ListProvNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            if (rpo.ListClinicNums.Count > 0)           //listClin may contain "Unassigned" clinic with ClinicNum 0, in which case it will also be in the query string
                command += "AND " + patOrGuar + ".ClinicNum IN (" + string.Join(",", rpo.ListClinicNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            command += "GROUP BY " + patOrGuar + @".PatNum) guarAging
				WHERE (guarAging.InsPayEst_0_30 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_31_60 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_61_90 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_90 > 0.005
					OR guarAging.InsPayEst_Total > 0.005)
				ORDER BY guarAging.LName,guarAging.FName"                ;
            ReportComplexEvent.Fire(new ODEventArgs("ReportComplexEvent", Lans.g("ReportComplex", "Running Insurance Estimate Query...")));
            DataTable insTable = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command));
            #endregion Insurance Aging
            #region Regular Aging
            DataTable regAging = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => RpAging.GetAgingTable(rpo));
            #endregion Regular Aging
            #region Merge Insurance and Regular Aging
            DataTable insAgingTable = new DataTable();
            Dictionary <long, DataRow> dictPatInsAgingRows = new Dictionary <long, DataRow>();
            #region Add All Insurance Aging Rows to Dictionary
            foreach (DataRow insRow in insTable.Rows)
                DataRow newRow = insAgingTable.NewRow();              //create a new row with the structure of the new table
                //copy the ins aging table's values over to the new row and fill the pat bal columns with -insPayEst for the appropriate bucket
                newRow["PatName"]         = insRow["PatName"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_0_30"]  = insRow["InsPayEst_0_30"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_31_60"] = insRow["InsPayEst_31_60"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_61_90"] = insRow["InsPayEst_61_90"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_90"]    = insRow["InsPayEst_90"];
                newRow["InsPayEst_Total"] = insRow["InsPayEst_Total"];
                dictPatInsAgingRows[PIn.Long(insRow["PatNum"].ToString())] = newRow;              //PatNum only used to link insAgingRows to regAgingRows
            #endregion Add All Insurance Aging Rows to Dictionary
            #region Add Regular Aging Rows and Apply Insurance Estimates to Dictionary
            foreach (DataRow row in regAging.Rows)
                long    patNumCur = PIn.Long(row["PatNum"].ToString());
                DataRow insAgingRow;
                if (dictPatInsAgingRows.TryGetValue(patNumCur, out insAgingRow))
                    //check to see if that patient exists in the insurance aging report
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_0_30"]  = PIn.Double(row["Bal_0_30"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_0_30"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_31_60"] = PIn.Double(row["Bal_31_60"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_31_60"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_61_90"] = PIn.Double(row["Bal_61_90"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_61_90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_90"]    = PIn.Double(row["BalOver90"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_Total"] = PIn.Double(row["BalTotal"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsPayEst_Total"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["InsWoChange"]  = PIn.Double(row["InsWoEst"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBalEst"]    = PIn.Double(insAgingRow["PatBal_Total"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(insAgingRow["InsWoChange"].ToString());
                else                  //if pat doesn't exist in ins aging report, create a new row with 0.00 insurance values and fill the patient aging values
                    insAgingRow                    = insAgingTable.NewRow();
                    insAgingRow["PatName"]         = row["PatName"];
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_0_30"]  = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_31_60"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_61_90"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_90"]    = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["InsPayEst_Total"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_0_30"]     = PIn.Double(row["Bal_0_30"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_31_60"]    = PIn.Double(row["Bal_31_60"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_61_90"]    = PIn.Double(row["Bal_61_90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_90"]       = PIn.Double(row["BalOver90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_Total"]    = PIn.Double(row["BalTotal"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["InsWoChange"]     = PIn.Double(row["InsWoEst"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBalEst"]       = PIn.Double(row["BalTotal"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(row["InsWoEst"].ToString()) - PIn.Double(row["InsPayEst"].ToString());
                    dictPatInsAgingRows[patNumCur] = insAgingRow;
            #endregion Add Regular Aging Rows and Apply Insurance Estimates to Dictionary
            dictPatInsAgingRows = dictPatInsAgingRows.OrderBy(x => x.Value["PatName"]).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
            #endregion Merge Insurance and Regular Aging
            #region Add Rows to Table Filtered by Age
            foreach (DataRow rowCur in dictPatInsAgingRows.Values)
                double insPayEstTotal = PIn.Double(rowCur["InsPayEst_Total"].ToString());
                double patBalTotal    = PIn.Double(rowCur["PatBal_Total"].ToString()) + insPayEstTotal;
                if (patBalTotal <= -0.005)
                double insWoChange = PIn.Double(rowCur["InsWoChange"].ToString());
                double patBal0_30  = PIn.Double(rowCur["PatBal_0_30"].ToString()) + PIn.Double(rowCur["InsPayEst_0_30"].ToString());
                double patBal31_60 = PIn.Double(rowCur["PatBal_31_60"].ToString()) + PIn.Double(rowCur["InsPayEst_31_60"].ToString());
                double patBal61_90 = PIn.Double(rowCur["PatBal_61_90"].ToString()) + PIn.Double(rowCur["InsPayEst_61_90"].ToString());
                double patBal90    = PIn.Double(rowCur["PatBal_90"].ToString()) + PIn.Double(rowCur["InsPayEst_90"].ToString());
                if ((!insPayEstTotal.IsZero() || !insWoChange.IsZero()) && new[] { patBal0_30, patBal31_60, patBal61_90, patBal90 }.All(x => x < 0.005))
                if (patBal90 >= 0.005 ||            //always include if bal over 90
                    (rpo.AccountAge <= AgeOfAccount.Over60 && patBal61_90 >= 0.005) ||                  //if age 60, 30, or Any, include if bal 61 to 90
                    (rpo.AccountAge <= AgeOfAccount.Over30 && patBal31_60 >= 0.005) ||                  //if age 30 or Any, include if bal 31 to 60
                    (rpo.AccountAge == AgeOfAccount.Any && patBal0_30 >= 0.005))                     //if Any age, include if bal 0 to 30
            #endregion Add Rows to Table Filtered by Age
Beispiel #3
        public static DataTable GetInsAgingTable(DateTime asOfDate, bool isGroupByFam, AgeOfAccount accountAge,
                                                 bool hasBillTypesAll, bool hasProvAll, List <long> listProv, List <long> listClinicNums, List <long> listBillType)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), asOfDate, isGroupByFam,
                                     accountAge, hasBillTypesAll, hasProvAll, listProv, listClinicNums, listBillType));
            //ins aging---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (asOfDate.Year < 1880)
                asOfDate = DateTime.Today;
            string asOfDateStr   = POut.Date(asOfDate);
            string thirtyDaysAgo = POut.Date(asOfDate.AddDays(-30));
            string sixtyDaysAgo  = POut.Date(asOfDate.AddDays(-60));
            string ninetyDaysAgo = POut.Date(asOfDate.AddDays(-90));
            string command       = "SELECT patient.PatNum, ";

            if (ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => (Prefs.GetBoolNoCache(PrefName.ReportsShowPatNum))))
                command += DbHelper.Concat("patient.PatNum", "' - '", "patient.LName", "', '", "patient.FName", "' '", "patient.MiddleI");
                command += DbHelper.Concat("patient.LName", "', '", "patient.FName", "' '", "patient.MiddleI");
            command += @"patName,
				guarAging.InsEst0_30 AS InsBal_0_30,
				guarAging.InsEst31_60 AS InsBal_31_60,
				guarAging.InsEst61_90 AS InsBal_61_90,
				guarAging.InsEst90 AS InsBal_90,
				guarAging.InsPayEst AS InsBalTotal 
				FROM (
					SELECT tSums.PatNum,"                    //if grouped by guar, this is the guar's PatNum; if grouped by patient.PatNum rows are individual pats
                       + @"tSums.InsPayEst InsPayEst, 
					tSums.InsOver90 InsEst90, 
					tSums.Ins61_90 InsEst61_90, 
					tSums.Ins31_60 InsEst31_60, 
					tSums.Ins0_30 InsEst0_30 
					FROM("                    ;
            command += "SELECT " + (isGroupByFam?"p.Guarantor PatNum,":"trans.PatNum,");
            command += "SUM(CASE WHEN trans.TranDate <= " + asOfDateStr + @" AND trans.InsPayEst != 0 THEN trans.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst,
					SUM(CASE WHEN trans.TranDate < "                     + ninetyDaysAgo + @" THEN IFNULL(trans.InsPayEst,0) ELSE 0 END) InsOver90,
					SUM(CASE WHEN trans.TranDate < "                     + sixtyDaysAgo + @" AND trans.TranDate >= " + ninetyDaysAgo + @" THEN IFNULL(trans.InsPayEst,0) ELSE 0 END) Ins61_90,
					SUM(CASE WHEN trans.TranDate < "                     + thirtyDaysAgo + @" AND trans.TranDate >= " + sixtyDaysAgo + @" THEN IFNULL(trans.InsPayEst,0) ELSE 0 END) Ins31_60,
					SUM(CASE WHEN trans.TranDate <= "                     + asOfDateStr + @" AND trans.TranDate >= " + thirtyDaysAgo + @" THEN IFNULL(trans.InsPayEst,0) ELSE 0 END) Ins0_30 
					FROM("                    ;
            #region Regular Claimproc By DateCP
            command += @" 
						SELECT cp.ProcDate TranDate,
						(CASE WHEN cp.ProcDate <= "                         + asOfDateStr + @"
							AND (cp.Status = "                             + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + @" OR (cp.Status = " + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + " AND cp.DateCP > " + asOfDateStr + @")) 
							THEN cp.InsPayEst ELSE 0 END) InsPayEst,
						FROM claimproc cp 
						WHERE cp.status IN ("                         + (int)ClaimProcStatus.NotReceived + "," + (int)ClaimProcStatus.Received + ") ";
            #endregion Regular Claimproc By DateCP
            command += ") trans ";
            if (isGroupByFam)
                command += "INNER JOIN patient p ON p.PatNum=trans.PatNum "
                           + "GROUP BY p.Guarantor";
                if (!PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.AgingIsEnterprise))                         //only if for one fam or if not using famaging table
                    command += " ORDER BY NULL";
                command += "GROUP BY trans.PatNum";
            command += ") tSums"
                       + ") guarAging "
                       + "INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=guarAging.PatNum ";
            command += "WHERE TRUE ";
            if (listBillType.Count > 0)                  //if all bill types is selected, list will be empty
                command += "AND patient.BillingType IN (" + string.Join(",", listBillType.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            if (listProv.Count > 0)                   //if all provs is selected, list will be empty
                command += "AND patient.PriProv IN (" + string.Join(",", listProv.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            if (listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                //listClin may contain "Unassigned" clinic with ClinicNum 0, in which case it will also be in the query string
                command += "AND patient.ClinicNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            command += "AND (guarAging.InsEst0_30 > 0.005 OR guarAging.InsEst31_60 > 0.005 OR guarAging.InsEst61_90 > 0.005 OR guarAging.InsEst90 > 0.005 "
                       + "OR guarAging.InsPayEst > 0.005) ";
            command += "ORDER BY patient.LName,patient.FName";
            DataTable insTable = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command));
            //-- regular aging table --------------------------------------------------
            bool      isOnlyNeg               = false;
            bool      isWoAged                = true;
            bool      isIncludeNeg            = true;
            bool      hasDateLastPay          = false;
            bool      isExcludeInactive       = false;
            bool      isExcludeBadAddress     = false;
            bool      isExcludeArchived       = false;
            bool      isOnlyInsNoBal          = false;
            bool      isIncludeInsNoBal       = false;
            bool?     isForceAgeNegAdj        = null;
            bool      isForInsAging           = true;
            bool      doAgePatPayPlanPayments = false;
            DataTable regAging                = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => RpAging.GetAgingTable(asOfDate, isWoAged, hasDateLastPay, isGroupByFam, isOnlyNeg,
                                                                                                                 AgeOfAccount.Any, isIncludeNeg, isExcludeInactive, isExcludeBadAddress, listProv, listClinicNums, listBillType, isExcludeArchived, isIncludeInsNoBal,
                                                                                                                 isOnlyInsNoBal, isForceAgeNegAdj, isForInsAging, doAgePatPayPlanPayments));
            //------------ Combine Tables ---------------------------------------------
            DataTable insAgingTable = new DataTable();
            //define columns here
            insAgingTable.Columns.Add("PatNum");             //this will not show, for correlating the two (ins and pat) aging tables to each other.
            List <DataRow> listInsAgingRows = new List <DataRow>();
            //loop through the insurance aging table
            foreach (DataRow insRow in insTable.Rows)
                //create a new row with the structure of the new table
                DataRow newRow = insAgingTable.NewRow();
                //copy the insurance aging table's values over to the new row. (also fill the patient bal columns with -(insurance estimate) for the appropriate bucket.)
                newRow["PatNum"]       = insRow["patNum"];
                newRow["PatName"]      = insRow["patName"];
                newRow["InsBal_0_30"]  = insRow["InsBal_0_30"];
                newRow["InsBal_31_60"] = insRow["InsBal_31_60"];
                newRow["InsBal_61_90"] = insRow["InsBal_61_90"];
                newRow["InsBal_90"]    = insRow["InsBal_90"];
                newRow["InsBal_Total"] = insRow["InsBalTotal"];
                newRow["PatBal_0_30"]  = -PIn.Double(insRow["InsBal_0_30"].ToString());
                newRow["PatBal_31_60"] = -PIn.Double(insRow["InsBal_31_60"].ToString());
                newRow["PatBal_61_90"] = -PIn.Double(insRow["InsBal_61_90"].ToString());
                newRow["PatBal_90"]    = -PIn.Double(insRow["InsBal_90"].ToString());
                newRow["PatBal_Total"] = -PIn.Double(insRow["InsBalTotal"].ToString());
            //loop through rows in the regular aging table
            foreach (DataRow row in regAging.Rows)
                DataRow insAgingRow = listInsAgingRows.FirstOrDefault(x => x["PatNum"].ToString() == row["PatNum"].ToString());
                //check to see if that patient exists in the insurance aging report
                if (insAgingRow != null)
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_0_30"]  = PIn.Double(insAgingRow["PatBal_0_30"].ToString()) + PIn.Double(row["Bal_0_30"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_31_60"] = PIn.Double(insAgingRow["PatBal_31_60"].ToString()) + PIn.Double(row["Bal_31_60"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_61_90"] = PIn.Double(insAgingRow["PatBal_61_90"].ToString()) + PIn.Double(row["Bal_61_90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_90"]    = PIn.Double(insAgingRow["PatBal_90"].ToString()) + PIn.Double(row["BalOver90"].ToString());
                    insAgingRow["PatBal_Total"] = PIn.Double(insAgingRow["PatBal_Total"].ToString()) + PIn.Double(row["BalTotal"].ToString());
                else                  //if it doesn't create a new row with 0.00 insurance values and fill the patient aging values.
                    DataRow newRow = insAgingTable.NewRow();
                    newRow["PatName"]      = row["patName"];
                    newRow["InsBal_0_30"]  = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    newRow["InsBal_31_60"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    newRow["InsBal_61_90"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    newRow["InsBal_90"]    = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    newRow["InsBal_Total"] = PIn.Double("0.00");
                    newRow["PatBal_0_30"]  = PIn.Double(row["Bal_0_30"].ToString());
                    newRow["PatBal_31_60"] = PIn.Double(row["Bal_31_60"].ToString());
                    newRow["PatBal_61_90"] = PIn.Double(row["Bal_61_90"].ToString());
                    newRow["PatBal_90"]    = PIn.Double(row["BalOver90"].ToString());
                    newRow["PatBal_Total"] = PIn.Double(row["BalTotal"].ToString());
            listInsAgingRows = listInsAgingRows.OrderBy(x => x["PatName"]).ToList();
            foreach (DataRow rowCur in listInsAgingRows)
                if (accountAge == AgeOfAccount.Any)
                else if (accountAge == AgeOfAccount.Over30)
                    if (PIn.Double(rowCur["PatBal_31_60"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                        PIn.Double(rowCur["InsBal_31_60"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                        PIn.Double(rowCur["PatBal_61_90"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                        PIn.Double(rowCur["InsBal_61_90"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                        PIn.Double(rowCur["PatBal_90"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                        PIn.Double(rowCur["InsBal_90"].ToString()) != 0)
                else if (accountAge == AgeOfAccount.Over60)
                    if (PIn.Double(rowCur["PatBal_61_90"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                        PIn.Double(rowCur["InsBal_61_90"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                        PIn.Double(rowCur["PatBal_90"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                        PIn.Double(rowCur["InsBal_90"].ToString()) != 0)
                    if (PIn.Double(rowCur["PatBal_90"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                        PIn.Double(rowCur["InsBal_90"].ToString()) != 0)