Beispiel #1
        ///<summary>Called on KeyUp from various textBoxes in the program to look for a ?abbrev and attempt to substitute.  Substitutes the text if found.</summary>
        public static string Substitute(string text, QuickPasteType type)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            int                   typeIndex            = QuickPasteCats.GetDefaultType(type);
            QuickPasteCat         quickPasteCatDefault = QuickPasteCats.GetDeepCopy()[typeIndex];
            List <QuickPasteNote> listQuickPasteCats   = GetDeepCopy();

            for (int i = 0; i < listQuickPasteCats.Count; i++)
                if (listQuickPasteCats[i].Abbreviation == "")
                if (listQuickPasteCats[i].QuickPasteCatNum != quickPasteCatDefault.QuickPasteCatNum)
                //We have to replace all $ chars with $$ because Regex.Replace allows "Substitutions" in the replacement parameter.
                //The replacement parameter specifies the string that is to replace each match in input. replacement can consist of any combination of literal
                //text and substitutions. For example, the replacement pattern a*${test}b inserts the string "a*" followed by the substring that is matched by
                //the test capturing group, if any, followed by the string "b".
                //The * character is not recognized as a metacharacter within a replacement pattern.
                //See for more information.
                string quicknote = listQuickPasteCats[i].Note.Replace("$", "$$");
                //Techs were complaining about quick notes replacing text that was pasted into text boxes (e.g. when a URL happens to have ?... that matches a quick note abbr).
                //The easiest way to deal with this is to not allow the regular expression to replace strings that have a non-whitespace character before or after the abbr.
                //The regex of '...(?<!\S)...' is utilizing an optional space via a lookbehind and visa versa with '...(?!\S)...' as a lookahead.
                var pattern        = @"(?<spaceBefore>(?<!\S))\?" + Regex.Escape(listQuickPasteCats[i].Abbreviation) + @"(?<spaceAfter>(?!\S))";
                var replacePattern = "${spaceBefore}" + (quicknote) + "${spaceAfter}";
                text = Regex.Replace(text, pattern, replacePattern, RegexOptions.None);
        ///<summary>When saving an abbrev, this makes sure that the abbreviation is not already in use.
        ///This checks the current cache for duplicates.</summary>
        public static string AbbrAlreadyInUse(QuickPasteNote note)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetString(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), note));
            string msgText = "";
            List <QuickPasteCat>  listQuickPasteCats = QuickPasteCats.GetDeepCopy();
            List <QuickPasteNote> listDuplicates     = GetWhere(x => note.Abbreviation == x.Abbreviation && note.QuickPasteNoteNum != x.QuickPasteNoteNum).ToList();

            if (listDuplicates.Count <= 0)
            msgText = Lans.g("FormQuickPasteNoteEdit", "The abbreviation")
                      + " '" + note.Abbreviation + "' " + Lans.g("FormQuickPasteNoteEdit", "is in use in the categories:") + "\r\n"
                      + String.Join(", ", listQuickPasteCats.Where(x => x.QuickPasteCatNum.In(listDuplicates.Select(z => z.QuickPasteCatNum))).Select(x => x.Description))
                      + "\r\n" + Lans.g("FormQuickPasteNoteEdit", "Do you wish to continue?");