Beispiel #1
        ///<summary>Returns the new DefNum</summary>
        public static int Insert(Def def)
            string command = "INSERT INTO definition (category,itemorder,"
                             + "itemname,itemvalue,itemcolor,ishidden) VALUES("
                             + "'" + POut.PInt((int)def.Category) + "', "
                             + "'" + POut.PInt(def.ItemOrder) + "', "
                             + "'" + POut.PString(def.ItemName) + "', "
                             + "'" + POut.PString(def.ItemValue) + "', "
                             + "'" + POut.PInt(def.ItemColor.ToArgb()) + "', "
                             + "'" + POut.PBool(def.IsHidden) + "')";
            DataConnection dcon = new DataConnection();

            dcon.NonQ(command, true);
            int defNum = dcon.InsertID;          //used in conversion

Beispiel #2
        internal static void Insert(ProcNote procNote)
            if (PrefB.RandomKeys)
                procNote.ProcNoteNum = MiscDataB.GetKey("procnote", "ProcNoteNum");
            string command = "INSERT INTO procnote (";

            if (PrefB.RandomKeys)
                command += "ProcNoteNum,";
            command += "PatNum, ProcNum, EntryDateTime, UserNum, Note, SigIsTopaz, Signature) VALUES(";
            if (PrefB.RandomKeys)
                command += "'" + POut.PInt(procNote.ProcNoteNum) + "', ";
            command +=
                "'" + POut.PInt(procNote.PatNum) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PInt(procNote.ProcNum) + "', ";
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                command += POut.PDateT(MiscDataB.GetNowDateTime());
            else              //Assume MySQL
                command += "NOW()";
            command += ", "          //EntryDateTime
                       + "'" + POut.PInt(procNote.UserNum) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PString(procNote.Note) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PBool(procNote.SigIsTopaz) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.Base64(procNote.Signature) + "')";
            DataConnection dcon = new DataConnection();

            //Debug.WriteLine("Sig length: "+procNote.Signature.Length.ToString());
Beispiel #3
        public static int Update(Document doc)
            string command = "UPDATE document SET "
                             + "Description = '" + POut.PString(doc.Description) + "'"
                             + ",DateCreated = " + POut.PDate(doc.DateCreated)
                             + ",DocCategory = '" + POut.PInt(doc.DocCategory) + "'"
                             + ",WithPat = '" + POut.PInt(doc.WithPat) + "'"
                             + ",FileName    = '" + POut.PString(doc.FileName) + "'"
                             + ",ImgType    = '" + POut.PInt((int)doc.ImgType) + "'"
                             + ",IsFlipped   = '" + POut.PBool(doc.IsFlipped) + "'"
                             + ",DegreesRotated   = '" + POut.PInt(doc.DegreesRotated) + "'"
                             + ",ToothNumbers   = '" + POut.PString(doc.ToothNumbers) + "'"
                             + ",Note   = '" + POut.PString(doc.Note) + "'"
                             + ",SigIsTopaz    = '" + POut.PBool(doc.SigIsTopaz) + "'"
                             + ",Signature   = '" + POut.PString(doc.Signature) + "'"
                             + " WHERE DocNum = '" + POut.PInt(doc.DocNum) + "'";
            DataConnection dcon = new DataConnection();

Beispiel #4
        public static int Insert(Procedure proc)
            if (PrefB.RandomKeys)
                proc.ProcNum = MiscDataB.GetKey("procedurelog", "ProcNum");
            string command = "INSERT INTO procedurelog (";

            if (PrefB.RandomKeys)
                command += "ProcNum,";
            command += "PatNum, AptNum, OldCode, ProcDate,ProcFee,Surf,"
                       + "ToothNum,ToothRange,Priority,ProcStatus,ProvNum,"
                       + "Dx,PlannedAptNum,PlaceService,Prosthesis,DateOriginalProsth,ClaimNote,"
                       + "DateEntryC,ClinicNum,MedicalCode,DiagnosticCode,IsPrincDiag,ProcNumLab,"
                       + "BillingTypeOne,BillingTypeTwo,CodeNum,CodeMod1,CodeMod2,CodeMod3,CodeMod4,RevCode,UnitCode,UnitQty,BaseUnits,StartTime,StopTime) VALUES(";
            if (PrefB.RandomKeys)
                command += "'" + POut.PInt(proc.ProcNum) + "', ";
            command +=
                "'" + POut.PInt(proc.PatNum) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.AptNum) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PString(proc.OldCode) + "', "
                + POut.PDate(proc.ProcDate) + ", "
                + "'" + POut.PDouble(proc.ProcFee) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PString(proc.Surf) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PString(proc.ToothNum) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PString(proc.ToothRange) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.Priority) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PInt((int)proc.ProcStatus) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.ProvNum) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.Dx) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.PlannedAptNum) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PInt((int)proc.PlaceService) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PString(proc.Prosthesis) + "', "
                + POut.PDate(proc.DateOriginalProsth) + ", "
                + "'" + POut.PString(proc.ClaimNote) + "', ";
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                command += POut.PDateT(MiscDataB.GetNowDateTime());
            else              //Assume MySQL
                command += "NOW()";
            command += ", "          //DateEntryC
                       + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.ClinicNum) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PString(proc.MedicalCode) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PString(proc.DiagnosticCode) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PBool(proc.IsPrincDiag) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.ProcNumLab) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.BillingTypeOne) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.BillingTypeTwo) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.CodeNum) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PString(proc.CodeMod1) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PString(proc.CodeMod2) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PString(proc.CodeMod3) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PString(proc.CodeMod4) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PString(proc.RevCode) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PString(proc.UnitCode) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.UnitQty) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.BaseUnits) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.StartTime) + "', "
                       + "'" + POut.PInt(proc.StopTime) + "')";
            DataConnection dcon = new DataConnection();

            if (PrefB.RandomKeys)
                dcon.NonQ(command, true);
                proc.ProcNum = dcon.InsertID;
            if (proc.Note != "")
                ProcNote note = new ProcNote();
                note.PatNum  = proc.PatNum;
                note.ProcNum = proc.ProcNum;
                note.UserNum = proc.UserNum;
                note.Note    = proc.Note;
Beispiel #5
        ///<summary>Updates only the changed columns.</summary>
        public static int Update(Procedure proc, Procedure oldProc)
            bool   comma = false;
            string c     = "UPDATE procedurelog SET ";

            if (proc.PatNum != oldProc.PatNum)
                c    += "PatNum = '" + POut.PInt(proc.PatNum) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.AptNum != oldProc.AptNum)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "AptNum = '" + POut.PInt(proc.AptNum) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.OldCode != oldProc.OldCode)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "OldCode = '" + POut.PString(proc.OldCode) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.ProcDate != oldProc.ProcDate)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "ProcDate = " + POut.PDate(proc.ProcDate);
                comma = true;
            if (proc.ProcFee != oldProc.ProcFee)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "ProcFee = '" + POut.PDouble(proc.ProcFee) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.Surf != oldProc.Surf)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "Surf = '" + POut.PString(proc.Surf) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.ToothNum != oldProc.ToothNum)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "ToothNum = '" + POut.PString(proc.ToothNum) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.ToothRange != oldProc.ToothRange)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "ToothRange = '" + POut.PString(proc.ToothRange) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.Priority != oldProc.Priority)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "Priority = '" + POut.PInt(proc.Priority) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.ProcStatus != oldProc.ProcStatus)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "ProcStatus = '" + POut.PInt((int)proc.ProcStatus) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.ProvNum != oldProc.ProvNum)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "ProvNum = '" + POut.PInt(proc.ProvNum) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.Dx != oldProc.Dx)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "Dx = '" + POut.PInt(proc.Dx) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.PlannedAptNum != oldProc.PlannedAptNum)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "PlannedAptNum = '" + POut.PInt(proc.PlannedAptNum) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.PlaceService != oldProc.PlaceService)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "PlaceService = '" + POut.PInt((int)proc.PlaceService) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.Prosthesis != oldProc.Prosthesis)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "Prosthesis = '" + POut.PString(proc.Prosthesis) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.DateOriginalProsth != oldProc.DateOriginalProsth)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "DateOriginalProsth = " + POut.PDate(proc.DateOriginalProsth);
                comma = true;
            if (proc.ClaimNote != oldProc.ClaimNote)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "ClaimNote = '" + POut.PString(proc.ClaimNote) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.DateEntryC != oldProc.DateEntryC)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c += "DateEntryC = ";
                if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                    c += POut.PDateT(MiscDataB.GetNowDateTime());
                else                  //Assume MySQL
                    c += "NOW()";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.ClinicNum != oldProc.ClinicNum)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "ClinicNum = '" + POut.PInt(proc.ClinicNum) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.MedicalCode != oldProc.MedicalCode)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "MedicalCode = '" + POut.PString(proc.MedicalCode) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.DiagnosticCode != oldProc.DiagnosticCode)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "DiagnosticCode = '" + POut.PString(proc.DiagnosticCode) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.IsPrincDiag != oldProc.IsPrincDiag)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "IsPrincDiag = '" + POut.PBool(proc.IsPrincDiag) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.ProcNumLab != oldProc.ProcNumLab)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "ProcNumLab = '" + POut.PInt(proc.ProcNumLab) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.BillingTypeOne != oldProc.BillingTypeOne)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "BillingTypeOne = '" + POut.PInt(proc.BillingTypeOne) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.BillingTypeTwo != oldProc.BillingTypeTwo)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "BillingTypeTwo = '" + POut.PInt(proc.BillingTypeTwo) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.CodeNum != oldProc.CodeNum)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "CodeNum = '" + POut.PInt(proc.CodeNum) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.CodeMod1 != oldProc.CodeMod1)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "CodeMod1 = '" + POut.PString(proc.CodeMod1) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.CodeMod2 != oldProc.CodeMod2)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "CodeMod2 = '" + POut.PString(proc.CodeMod2) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.CodeMod3 != oldProc.CodeMod3)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "CodeMod3 = '" + POut.PString(proc.CodeMod3) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.CodeMod4 != oldProc.CodeMod4)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "CodeMod4 = '" + POut.PString(proc.CodeMod4) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.RevCode != oldProc.RevCode)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "RevCode = '" + POut.PString(proc.RevCode) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.UnitCode != oldProc.UnitCode)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "UnitCode = '" + POut.PString(proc.UnitCode) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.UnitQty != oldProc.UnitQty)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "UnitQty = '" + POut.PInt(proc.UnitQty) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.BaseUnits != oldProc.BaseUnits)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "BaseUnits = '" + POut.PInt(proc.BaseUnits) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.StartTime != oldProc.StartTime)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "StartTime = '" + POut.PInt(proc.StartTime) + "'";
                comma = true;
            if (proc.StopTime != oldProc.StopTime)
                if (comma)
                    c += ",";
                c    += "StopTime = '" + POut.PInt(proc.StopTime) + "'";
                comma = true;
            int rowsChanged = 0;

            if (comma)
                c += " WHERE ProcNum = '" + POut.PInt(proc.ProcNum) + "'";
                DataConnection dcon = new DataConnection();
                rowsChanged = dcon.NonQ(c);
                //rowsChanged=0;//this means no change is actually required.
            if (proc.Note != oldProc.Note ||
                proc.UserNum != oldProc.UserNum ||
                proc.SigIsTopaz != oldProc.SigIsTopaz ||
                proc.Signature != oldProc.Signature)
                ProcNote note = new ProcNote();
                note.PatNum     = proc.PatNum;
                note.ProcNum    = proc.ProcNum;
                note.UserNum    = proc.UserNum;
                note.Note       = proc.Note;
                note.SigIsTopaz = proc.SigIsTopaz;
                note.Signature  = proc.Signature;
Beispiel #6
        ///<summary>Inserts a new document into db, creates a filename based on Cur.DocNum, and then updates the db with this filename.  Also attaches the document to the current patient.</summary>
        public static int Insert(Document doc, string patLF, int patNum)
            if (PrefB.RandomKeys)
                doc.DocNum = MiscDataB.GetKey("document", "DocNum");
            string command = "INSERT INTO document (";

            if (PrefB.RandomKeys)
                command += "DocNum,";
            command += "Description,DateCreated,DocCategory,WithPat,FileName,ImgType,"
                       + "IsFlipped,DegreesRotated,ToothNumbers,Note,SigIsTopaz,Signature,CropX,CropY,CropW,CropH,"
                       + "WindowingMin,WindowingMax) VALUES(";
            if (PrefB.RandomKeys)
                command += "'" + POut.PInt(doc.DocNum) + "', ";
            command +=
                "'" + POut.PString(doc.Description) + "', "
                + POut.PDate(doc.DateCreated) + ", "
                + "'" + POut.PInt(doc.DocCategory) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PInt(doc.WithPat) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PString(doc.FileName) + "', "           //this may simply be the extension at this point, or it may be the full filename.
                + "'" + POut.PInt((int)doc.ImgType) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PBool(doc.IsFlipped) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PInt(doc.DegreesRotated) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PString(doc.ToothNumbers) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PString(doc.Note) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PBool(doc.SigIsTopaz) + "', "
                + "'" + POut.PString(doc.Signature) + "',"
                + "'" + POut.PInt(doc.CropX) + "',"
                + "'" + POut.PInt(doc.CropY) + "',"
                + "'" + POut.PInt(doc.CropW) + "',"
                + "'" + POut.PInt(doc.CropH) + "',"
                + "'" + POut.PInt(doc.WindowingMin) + "',"
                + "'" + POut.PInt(doc.WindowingMax) + "')";

            /*+"'"+POut.PDate  (LastAltered)+"', "//will later be used in backups
             +"'"+POut.PBool  (IsDeleted)+"')";//ditto*/
            DataConnection dcon = new DataConnection();

            if (PrefB.RandomKeys)
                dcon.NonQ(command, true);
                doc.DocNum = dcon.InsertID;
            //If the current filename is just an extension, then assign it a unique name.
            if (doc.FileName == Path.GetExtension(doc.FileName))
                string extension = doc.FileName;
                doc.FileName = "";
                string s = patLF;              //pat.LName+pat.FName;
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                    if (Char.IsLetter(s, i))
                        doc.FileName += s.Substring(i, 1);
                doc.FileName += doc.DocNum.ToString() + extension;            //ensures unique name
                //there is still a slight chance that someone manually added a file with this name, so quick fix:
                command = "SELECT FileName FROM document WHERE WithPat=" + POut.PInt(doc.WithPat);
                DataTable table     = dcon.GetTable(command);
                string[]  usedNames = new string[table.Rows.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                    usedNames[i] = PIn.PString(table.Rows[i][0].ToString());
                while (IsFileNameInList(doc.FileName, usedNames))
                    doc.FileName = "x" + doc.FileName;

                /*Document[] docList=GetAllWithPat(doc.WithPat);
                 * while(IsFileNameInList(doc.FileName,docList)) {
                 *      doc.FileName="x"+doc.FileName;
                 * }*/
            DocAttach docAttach = new DocAttach();

            docAttach.DocNum = doc.DocNum;
            docAttach.PatNum = patNum;