Beispiel #1
        ///<summary>Inserts a generic alert where description will show in the menu item and itemValue will be shown within a MsgBoxCopyPaste.
        ///Set itemValue to more specific reason for the alert.  E.g. exception text details as to help the techs give better support.</summary>
        public static void CreateGenericAlert(string description, string itemValue)
            AlertItem alert = new AlertItem();

            alert.Type        = AlertType.Generic;
            alert.Actions     = ActionType.MarkAsRead | ActionType.Delete | ActionType.ShowItemValue;
            alert.Description = description;
            alert.Severity    = SeverityType.Low;
            alert.ItemValue   = itemValue;
 ///<summary>Also inserts an EConnectorError Alert where applicable.</summary>
 public static long Insert(EServiceSignal eServiceSignal)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         eServiceSignal.EServiceSignalNum = Meth.GetLong(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), eServiceSignal);
     //If this is an error and the EConnectorError alert is not already present, create it now.
     if (eServiceSignal.Severity == eServiceSignalSeverity.Error && AlertItems.RefreshForType(AlertType.EConnectorError).Count == 0)
         //Create an alert.
         AlertItems.Insert(new AlertItem {
             //Do not allow delete. The only way for this alert to be deleted is to open the eConnector form and ACK the error(s).
             Actions     = ActionType.MarkAsRead | ActionType.OpenForm,
             Description = Lans.g("EConnector", "eConnector has posted an error."),
             Severity    = SeverityType.Low,
             Type        = AlertType.EConnectorError,
             FormToOpen  = FormType.FormEServicesEConnector,