public void testSubjectAreaSIF15r1()
            Adk.SifVersion = SifVersion.SIF15r1;
            SchoolCourseInfo sci = new SchoolCourseInfo();
            SubjectAreaList lst = new SubjectAreaList();
            sci.SubjectAreaList = lst;

            SubjectArea sa = new SubjectArea( "13" );
            sa.TextValue = "Graphic Arts"; // for SIF 1.x ???
            OtherCodeList ocl = new OtherCodeList();
            ocl.Add( new OtherCode( Codeset.TEXT, "Graphic Arts" ) );
            sa.OtherCodeList = ocl;
            lst.Add( sa );

            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            SifWriter sifw = new SifWriter( sw );
            sifw.Write( sci );

            String xml = sw.ToString();
            Console.WriteLine( xml );

            int found = xml.IndexOf( ">Graphic Arts</SubjectArea>" );
            Assertion.Assert( found > -1 );
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>  Returns the XML representation of this SIF Data Object</summary>
 public virtual string ToXml()
     using (StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter())
         SifWriter w = new SifWriter(buffer);
         * Runs a schema validation test on a single object using the ADK
         * @param sdo
         * @throws Exception
        protected void testSchemaElement(SifElement se)
            bool validated = fSchemaValidator.Validate( se, fVersion );

            // 4) If validation failed, write the object out for tracing purposes
            if ( !validated ) {
            SifWriter outWriter = new SifWriter( fOutput );
            outWriter.Write( se, fVersion );
            fSchemaValidator.PrintProblems( fOutput );
            Assertion.Assert( "Errors validating...", false );
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>  Called by the Adk to construct a SifMessageInfo</summary>
        /// <param name="msg">The SIF_Message
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="zone">The associated zone
        /// </param>
        public SifMessageInfo(SifMessagePayload msg,
                              IZone zone)
            fZone    = zone;
            fPayload = Adk.Dtd.GetElementType(msg.ElementDef.Name);
            if (zone.Properties.KeepMessageContent)
                try {
                    StringWriter sw     = new StringWriter();
                    SifWriter    writer = new SifWriter(sw);

                    fMessage = sw.ToString();
                catch {
                    // Do nothing

            //  Set SIF_Header values
            fHeader = msg.Header;
            IList <SifContext> contexts = msg.SifContexts;

            fContexts = new SifContext[contexts.Count];
            contexts.CopyTo(fContexts, 0);

            //  Set information about the message payload
            fPayloadVersion = msg.SifVersion;
            switch (fPayload)
            case SifMessageType.SIF_Request:
                SIF_Request req = (SIF_Request)msg;
                fObjects["SIF_MaxBufferSize"]   = req.SIF_MaxBufferSize;
                fObjects["SIF_RequestVersions"] = req.parseRequestVersions(fZone.Log);

            case SifMessageType.SIF_Response:
                SIF_Response rsp = (SIF_Response)msg;
                this.SIFRequestMsgId         = rsp.SIF_RequestMsgId;
                fObjects["SIF_PacketNumber"] = rsp.SIF_PacketNumber;
                SetAttribute("SIF_MorePackets", rsp.SIF_MorePackets);
        public void CreateElementOrAttribute()
            String firstName = "Rosemary";
             String middleName = null;
             String lastName = "Evans";
             StudentPersonal retval = new StudentPersonal();

             retval.SetElementOrAttribute("Name[@Type='04']/FirstName", firstName);
             retval.SetElementOrAttribute("Name[@Type='04']/MiddleName", middleName);
             retval.SetElementOrAttribute("Name[@Type='04']/LastName", lastName);

             Name name = retval.Name;
             Assert.AreEqual(firstName, name.FirstName, "First Name");
             Assert.AreEqual(lastName, name.LastName, "Last Name");
             Assert.IsNull(name.MiddleName, "Middle Name");

             // echo to the console so we can see what's going on
             SifWriter writer = new SifWriter(Console.Out);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the XML representation of this Query in the format required by SIF
        /// for the specified version
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="version">The SIF Version to render the Query in. The ADK will attempt to render
        /// the query path using the proper element or attribute names for the version of SIF
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>a string containing the XML representation as a SIF_Query element. If an error
        /// occurs during the conversion, an empty string ("") is returned.
        /// </returns>
        public String ToXml(SifVersion version)
            // Create a SIF_Query object
            SIF_Query sifQ = SIFPrimitives.CreateSIF_Query(this, version, true);

                using (StringWriter outStream = new StringWriter())
                    SifWriter w = new SifWriter(outStream);
            catch (Exception e)
                Adk.Log.Warn("Error creating XML equivalent of Query: " + e, e);
Beispiel #7
        public void CustomSIFElementEncoding()
            SIF_Query q = new SIF_Query();
            q.SIF_QueryObject = new SIF_QueryObject( StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL.Name );
            SIF_Conditions conditions = new SIF_Conditions( ConditionType.NONE );
            conditions.AddSIF_Condition( "Name[@Type=\"05\"]/LastName", Operators.EQ, "Cookie" );
            q.SetSIF_ConditionGroup( ConditionType.NONE, conditions );

            string xml;
            using ( StringWriter w = new StringWriter() )
                SifWriter writer = new SifWriter( w );
                writer.Write( q );
                xml = w.ToString();

            Console.WriteLine( xml );
            // Mainly, just check to make sure that the single quotes didn't get encoded
            int index = xml.IndexOf( "&quot;" );
            Assert.AreEqual( -1, index, "Single quotes should not be encoded" );
        //public string Send(string msg)
        //   lock (this)
        //   {
        //      fMessages.AddLast(msg);
        //   }
        //   return makeAck();
        public IMessageInputStream Send( IMessageOutputStream msg )
            lock ( this )
                    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
                    msg.CopyTo( stream );
                    stream.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );
                    SifParser parser = SifParser.NewInstance();
                    SifMessagePayload smp = (SifMessagePayload) parser.Parse( stream, fZone );

                    fMessages.Add( smp );
                    parser = null;

                    SIF_Ack ack = smp.ackStatus( 0 );
                    SIF_Header hdr = ack.Header;
                    hdr.SIF_Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
                    hdr.SIF_MsgId = Adk.MakeGuid();
                    hdr.SIF_SourceId = fZone.Agent.Id;

                    StringWriter str = new StringWriter();
                    SifWriter writer = new SifWriter( str );
                    writer.Write( ack );
                    writer = null;
                    return new MessageStreamImpl( str.ToString() );
                catch( Exception ex )
                    // Possible error parsing. Write the message to console out
                    throw new AdkMessagingException(ex.Message, fZone, ex);
    /// <summary>  Respond to SIF Requests
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void OnRequest( IDataObjectOutputStream outStream,
                                   Query query,
                                   IZone zone,
                                   IMessageInfo inf )
        SifMessageInfo info = (SifMessageInfo) inf;
        SifWriter debug = new SifWriter( Console.Out );

            ( "Received a request for " + query.ObjectTag + " from agent \"" + info.SourceId +
              "\" in zone " + zone.ZoneId );

        // Tell the ADK to automatically filter out any objects that don't meet the requirements
        // of the query conditions
        outStream.Filter = query;

        //  Read all learners from the database to populate a HashMap of
        //  field/value pairs. The field names can be whatever we choose as long
        //  as they match the field names used in the <mappings> section of the
        //  agent.cfg configuration file. Each time a record is read, convert it
        //  to a LearnerPersonal object using the Mappings class and stream it to
        //  the supplied output stream.
        IDictionary data = new Hashtable();
        IDbCommand command = null;

        Console.WriteLine( "The SIF Request was requested in the following SIF Versions" );
        foreach ( SifVersion version in info.SIFRequestVersions )
            Console.WriteLine( "    - " + version );

        Console.WriteLine( "This agent will respond in its latest supported version, which is: " );
        Console.WriteLine( "    - " + info.LatestSIFRequestVersion );

        //  Get the root Mappings object from the configuration file
        Mappings m =
            fCfg.Mappings.GetMappings( "Default" ).Select
                ( info.SourceId, zone.ZoneId, info.LatestSIFRequestVersion );

        //  Ask the root Mappings instance to select a Mappings from its
        //  hierarchy. For example, you might have customized the agent.cfg
        //  file with mappings specific to zones, versions of SIF, or
        //  requesting agents. The Mappings.selectOutbound() method will select
        //  the most appropriate instance from the hierarchy given the
        //  three parameters passed to it.
        MappingsContext mappings = m.SelectOutbound( StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL, info );

            int count = 0;

            //  Query the database for all students
            command = fConn.CreateCommand();
            command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Students";
            using ( IDataReader rs = command.ExecuteReader( CommandBehavior.CloseConnection ) )
                DataReaderAdaptor dra = new DataReaderAdaptor( rs );
                while ( rs.Read() )
                    //  Finally, create a new LearnerPersonal object and ask the
                    //  Mappings to populate it with SIF elements from the HashMap
                    //  of field/value pairs. As long as there is an <object>/<field>
                    //  definition for each entry in the HashMap, the ADK will take
                    //  care of producing the appropriate SIF element/attribute in
                    //  the LearnerPersonal object.
                    StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal();
                    sp.RefId = Adk.MakeGuid();
                    mappings.Map( sp, dra );

                    //  Now write out the LearnerPersonal to the output stream and
                    //  we're done publishing this student.
                    Console.WriteLine( "\nThe agent has read these values from the database:" );
                    DumpDictionaryToConsole( data );
                    Console.WriteLine( "To produce this LearnerPersonal object:" );
                    debug.Write( sp );

                    outStream.Write( sp );


                ( "- Returned " + count + " records from the Student database in response" );
        catch ( Exception ex )
            Console.WriteLine( "- Returning a SIF_Error response: " + ex.ToString() );
            throw new SifException
                ( SifErrorCategoryCode.RequestResponse, SifErrorCodes.REQRSP_GENERIC_ERROR_1,
                  "An error occurred while querying the database for students", ex.ToString(), zone );
            if ( command != null )
                catch ( Exception ignored )
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the XML representation of this Query in the format required by SIF
 /// for the specified version
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="version">The SIF Version to render the Query in. The ADK will attempt to render
 /// the query path using the proper element or attribute names for the version of SIF
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>a string containing the XML representation as a SIF_Query element. If an error
 /// occurs during the conversion, an empty string ("") is returned.
 /// </returns>
 public String ToXml(SifVersion version)
     // Create a SIF_Query object
     SIF_Query sifQ = SIFPrimitives.CreateSIF_Query(this, version, true);
         using (StringWriter outStream = new StringWriter())
             SifWriter w = new SifWriter(outStream);
             return outStream.ToString();
     catch (Exception e)
         Adk.Log.Warn("Error creating XML equivalent of Query: " + e, e);
         return "";
Beispiel #11
        private void Log(string fileName,
                          IDataObjectInputStream input,
                          SifMessageInfo info,
                          bool logToConsole)
                // Ensure that the directory is there
                FileInfo file = new FileInfo(fileName);
                int numObjects = 0;

                using (Stream outStream = File.OpenWrite(fileName))
                    using (TextWriter twriter = new StreamWriter(outStream, Encoding.UTF8))
                        SifWriter writer = new SifWriter(twriter);
                        SifWriter consoleWriter = null;
                        if (logToConsole)
                            consoleWriter = new SifWriter(Console.Out);

                        SifDataObject o;
                        while ((o = input.ReadDataObject()) != null)
                            if (logToConsole)
                        if (logToConsole)


                        ("Received {0} objects for {1}, Packet# {2}", numObjects,
                          input.ObjectType.Name, info.PacketNumber);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Adk.Log.Error(ex.Message, ex);
 /// <summary>  Returns the XML representation of this SIF Data Object</summary>
 public virtual string ToXml()
     using ( StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter() )
         SifWriter w = new SifWriter( buffer );
         w.Write( this );
         return buffer.ToString();
        private bool RunSingleTest(
            SifVersion parseVersion, 
            SifVersion writeVersion, 
            string fileName, 
            TextWriter output, 
            SchemaValidator sv)

            if (VERBOSE)
                output.Write("Running test on " + fileName + "\r\n");

            // 1) Read the object into memory
            SifElement se = null;
                se = AdkObjectParseHelper.ParseFile(fileName, parseVersion);
            catch (AdkException adke)
                // Parsing failed. However, since this unit test is a complete
                // test of all available objects, just emit the problem and allow
                // the test to continue (with a notification of false)
                        .WriteLine("Error parsing file " + fileName + "\r\n  - "
                                + adke);
                return false;
            catch (Exception re)
                output.WriteLine("Error parsing file " + fileName + "\r\n  - " + re);
                return false;

            //            if (VERBOSE)
            //            {
            //                SifWriter writer = new SifWriter(output);
            //                writer.Write(se,parseVersion);
            //                output.Flush();
            //            }

            // Before we can validate with the schema, we need to ensure that the
            // data object is wrapped in a SIF_Message elements, because the SIF
            // Schema makes that assumption
            SifMessagePayload smp = SchemaValidator.MakeSIFMessagePayload(se);

            String tmpFileName = fileName + "." + writeVersion.ToString() + ".adk";

            // 2) Write the message out to a file
                SchemaValidator.WriteObject( writeVersion, tmpFileName, smp );
            catch( Exception ex )
                Console.WriteLine( "Error running test on {0}. {1}", tmpFileName, ex );
                return false;

            // 3) Validate the file
            bool validated = sv.Validate(tmpFileName);

            // 4) If validation failed, write the object out for tracing purposes
            if (!validated)
                if (VERBOSE)
                    SifWriter outWriter = new SifWriter(output);
                    outWriter.Write(se, writeVersion );
                output.WriteLine("Validation failed on " + tmpFileName );
                return false;

            // 5) Read the object again into memory
                se = AdkObjectParseHelper.ParseFile(fileName, parseVersion);
            catch (AdkException adke)
                // Parsing failed. However, since this unit test is a complete
                // test of all available objects, just emit the problem and allow
                // the test to continue (with a notification of false)
                output.WriteLine("Error parsing file " + fileName + ": "
                        + adke.Message );
                return false;
            catch (Exception re)
                output.Write("Error parsing file " + fileName + ": "
                        + re.Message + "\r\n");
                return false;

            return validated;
        private void AckPush( SIF_Ack ack,
                              AdkHttpResponse response )
            try {
                //  Set SIF_Ack / SIF_Header fields
                SIF_Header hdr = ack.Header;
                hdr.SIF_Timestamp = DateTime.Now;

                hdr.SIF_MsgId = SifFormatter.GuidToSifRefID( Guid.NewGuid() );
                hdr.SIF_SourceId = this.Zone.Agent.Id;

                ack.LogSend( this.Zone.Log );

                response.ContentType = SifIOFormatter.CONTENTTYPE;
                // TODO: This code may need to change. The ADKHttpResponse should not automatically set the content length
                // and other implementations will not do so.
                SifWriter w = new SifWriter( response.GetResponseStream() );
                w.Write( ack );
            catch ( Exception thr ) {
                    ( "HttpProtocolHandler failed to send SIF_Ack for pushed message (zone=" +
                      this.Zone.ZoneId + "): " + thr );
                throw new AdkHttpException
                    ( AdkHttpStatusCode.ServerError_500_Internal_Server_Error, thr.Message, thr );
        private static IMessageInputStream makeAck()
            SIF_Ack retval = new SIF_Ack();
            retval.SIF_Status = new SIF_Status( 0 );
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                SifWriter sifWriter = new SifWriter( ms );
                sifWriter.Write( retval );

                MessageStreamImpl imp = new MessageStreamImpl( ms );
                return (IMessageInputStream) imp;
            catch ( Exception )
                return null;
        /// <summary>  Called by the Adk to construct a SifMessageInfo</summary>
        /// <param name="msg">The SIF_Message
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="zone">The associated zone
        /// </param>
        public SifMessageInfo( SifMessagePayload msg,
                               IZone zone )
            fZone = zone;
            fPayload = Adk.Dtd.GetElementType( msg.ElementDef.Name );
            if ( zone.Properties.KeepMessageContent ) {
                try {
                    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                    SifWriter writer = new SifWriter( sw );
                    writer.Write( msg );

                    fMessage = sw.ToString();
                catch {
                    // Do nothing

            //  Set SIF_Header values
            fHeader = msg.Header;
            IList<SifContext> contexts = msg.SifContexts;
            fContexts = new SifContext[ contexts.Count ];
            contexts.CopyTo( fContexts, 0 );

            //  Set information about the message payload
            fPayloadVersion = msg.SifVersion;
            switch ( fPayload ) {
                case SifMessageType.SIF_Request:
                        SIF_Request req = (SIF_Request) msg;
                        fObjects["SIF_MaxBufferSize"] = req.SIF_MaxBufferSize;
                        fObjects["SIF_RequestVersions"] = req.parseRequestVersions( fZone.Log );

                case SifMessageType.SIF_Response:
                        SIF_Response rsp = (SIF_Response) msg;
                        this.SIFRequestMsgId = rsp.SIF_RequestMsgId;
                        fObjects["SIF_PacketNumber"] = rsp.SIF_PacketNumber;
                        SetAttribute( "SIF_MorePackets", rsp.SIF_MorePackets );
        public void WriteSpeedTest()
            Adk.Debug = AdkDebugFlags.None;

             StudentPersonal sp = ObjectCreator.CreateStudentPersonal();
             Address addr = sp.AddressLists[0][0];
             // Add in a few cases where escaping needs to be done
             addr.Street.Line1 = "ATTN: \"Miss Thompson\"";
             addr.Street.Line2 = "321 Dunn & Bradstreeet Lane";
             addr.Street.Line3 = "Weyer's Way, MO 32254";

             // Dump the object once to the console
             SifWriter writer = new SifWriter(Console.Out);

             MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
             writer = new SifWriter(stream);

             for (int a = 0; a < 50000; a++)
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

             Console.WriteLine("Test Complete. Please See timings for details");