         *  SIF_Request
        public SIF_Ack SifRequest(IZone zone, Query query, String destinationId, String sifMsgId)
            //  Send SIF_Request...
            SIF_Request msg = new SIF_Request();
            // Find the maxmimum requested version and set the version of the message to lower
            // if the version is currently higher than the highest requested version.
            // In other words, if the Adk is initialized to 2.0, but the highest requested version
            // is 1.5r1, set the message version to 1.5r1
            SifVersion highestRequestVersion = SifVersion.SIF11;
            if (query.ObjectType == InfraDTD.SIF_ZONESTATUS)
                // This query will be satisfied by the ZIS. Use the ZIS compatibility
                // version, which returns the highest version supported by the ZIS
                // (Default to Adk.SIFVersion() if not specified in the config)
                highestRequestVersion = ((ZoneImpl)zone).HighestEffectiveZISVersion;
                msg.AddSIF_Version(new SIF_Version(highestRequestVersion));
                SifVersion[] requestVersions = query.SifVersions;
            if( requestVersions.Length > 0 ){
                // If the Query has one or more SIFVersions set, use them,
                // and also add [major].*
                foreach( SifVersion version in requestVersions ){
                    msg.AddSIF_Version(  new SIF_Version( version ) );
                    if( version.CompareTo( highestRequestVersion ) > 0 ){
                        highestRequestVersion = version;
            } else {
                highestRequestVersion = Adk.SifVersion;
                if( highestRequestVersion.Major == 1 ){
                    msg.AddSIF_Version(  new SIF_Version( highestRequestVersion ) );
                } else {
                    // 2.0 and greater, request all data using
                    // [major].*, with 2.0r1 as the message version
                    // This allows for maximum compatibility will all 2.x providers
                    msg.AddSIF_Version( new SIF_Version( highestRequestVersion.Major + ".*" ));
                    msg.SifVersion = SifVersion.GetEarliest( highestRequestVersion.Major );


            AgentProperties zoneProperties = zone.Properties;

            if (zoneProperties.OverrideSifMessageVersionForSifRequests != null)
                //There is a property in Agent.cfg that can be used to override the message version from the
                //default of 2.0r1 This is needed to pass the test harness for 2.3
                msg.SifVersion = SifVersion.Parse(zoneProperties.OverrideSifMessageVersionForSifRequests);

            else if(msg.SifVersion.CompareTo(highestRequestVersion) > 0)
                // The current version of the SIF_Message is higher than the highest
                // requested version. Back the version number of message down to match
                msg.SifVersion = highestRequestVersion;

            msg.SIF_MaxBufferSize = zone.Properties.MaxBufferSize;

            SIF_Query sifQ = CreateSIF_Query(query, highestRequestVersion, zone);
            msg.SIF_Query = sifQ;

            SIF_Header msgHeader = msg.Header;

            if (destinationId != null)
                msgHeader.SIF_DestinationId = destinationId;
            if (sifMsgId != null)
                msgHeader.SIF_MsgId = sifMsgId;

            // Set the SIF_Context
            msgHeader.SIF_Contexts = new SIF_Contexts(
                            new SIF_Context(query.SifContext.Name));

            return ((ZoneImpl)zone).Dispatcher.send(msg);
        // TODO: Implement
        public void testReportPublishSIFExceptionAfterReportInfo()
        ElementDef objType = SifDtd.SIF_REPORTOBJECT;
        ErrorMessageHandler handler = new ErrorMessageHandler( ErrorMessageHandler.BVR_SET_REPORT_INFO_THROW_EXCEPTION );
        fZone.setReportPublisher( handler, ADKFlags.PROV_NONE);

        TestProtocolHandler testProto = new TestProtocolHandler();
        MessageDispatcher testDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher( fZone );
        testDispatcher.dispatch( createSIF_Request( objType, ADK.makeGUID(), fZone ) );
        String msg = testProto.readMsg();

        SIFParser parser = SIFParser.newInstance();
        SIFElement element = parser.parse(new StringReader(msg), fZone);
        assertTrue(element instanceof SIF_Response);
        SIF_Response response = (SIF_Response) element;
        assertTrue(response.getSIF_Error() != null);

        public void testReportPublishSIFExceptionAfterReportInfo() throws ADKException, IOException
        ElementDef objType = SifDtd.SIF_REPORTOBJECT;
        ErrorMessageHandler handler = new ErrorMessageHandler( ErrorMessageHandler.BVR_SET_REPORT_INFO_THROW_EXCEPTION );
        fZone.setReportPublisher( handler, ADKFlags.PROV_NONE);

        TestProtocolHandler testProto = new TestProtocolHandler();
        MessageDispatcher testDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher( fZone );
        testDispatcher.dispatch( createSIF_Request( objType, ADK.makeGUID(), fZone ) );
        String msg = testProto.readMsg();

        SIFParser parser = SIFParser.newInstance();
        SIFElement element = parser.parse(new StringReader(msg), fZone);
        assertTrue(element instanceof SIF_Response);
        SIF_Response response = (SIF_Response) element;
        assertTrue(response.getSIF_Error() != null);

        private SIF_Request createSIF_Request(IElementDef objType)
            SIF_Request request = new SIF_Request();
             request.Header.SIF_MsgId = MSG_GUID;
             request.Header.SIF_SourceId = "foo";
             request.SIF_MaxBufferSize = 32768;
             request.AddSIF_Version(new SIF_Version(Adk.SifVersion.ToString()));
             SIF_Query q = new SIF_Query();
             SIF_QueryObject sqo = new SIF_QueryObject();
             sqo.ObjectName = objType.Name;

             q.SIF_QueryObject = sqo;
             request.SIF_Query = q;

             return request;
        private void SetRequestPolicy( SIF_Request request, IZone zone )
            SIF_Query query = request.SIF_Query;
            if( query == null ) {
            // SIF_ExtendedQuery and SIF_Example are not supported by ADK Policy yet

            // Object Request Policy
            // Determine if there is policy in effect for this Query
            String objectName = query.SIF_QueryObject.ObjectName;
            ObjectRequestPolicy requestPolicy = fPolicyFactory.GetRequestPolicy( zone, objectName );
            if( requestPolicy != null ){

            // SIF_Request/SIF_Version policy
            String requestVersions = requestPolicy.RequestVersion;
            if( requestVersions != null ){
                if( (Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Policy ) > 0 ){
                    zone.Log.Info( "POLICY: Setting SIF_Request/SIF_Version to " + requestVersions );
                // Clear the list of SIF Versions
                foreach( SIF_Version existingVersion in request.GetSIF_Versions() ){
                    request.RemoveChild( existingVersion );

                // The version will be a comma-delimited list. Set each of these
                // as SIF_Version elements, but also try to derive the most logical
                // version element to set the SIF Message/@Version attribute to
                // NOTE: Someone could theoretically set versions incorrectly, such
                // as "1.1,1.5r1". Multiple SIF_Version elements are not supported in
                // SIF 1.x, but we won't bother with validating incorrect settings. Policy
                // is power in the configurator's hands to use or abuse.

                String[] versions = requestVersions.Split( ',' );
                String lowestVersion = versions[0];
                foreach( String version in versions ){
                    String ver = version.Trim();
                    request.AddSIF_Version(new SIF_Version(ver));
                    if (lowestVersion.CompareTo(ver) > 0)
                        lowestVersion = ver;

                // Determine how the SIF_Message/@Version should be set to
                //  * If the policy is set to a single version, use it
                //  * If a list, use the lowest
                //  * If *, ignore
                //  * if [major].*, use the lowest version supported
                if( lowestVersion.Length > 0  ){
                    SifVersion newMsgVersion = null;
                    if( lowestVersion.EndsWith( "*" ) ){
                            // 2.*, requests go out with a message version of 2.0r1
                            int major = int.Parse(  lowestVersion.Substring( 0, 1 ) );
                            newMsgVersion = SifVersion.GetEarliest( major );

                        } catch( FormatException iae ){
                                    "POLICY: Error parsing ObjectRequestPolicy version '" +
                                    requestVersions + "' : " +
                                    iae.Message, iae );

                    } else {
                            newMsgVersion = SifVersion.Parse( lowestVersion );
                        } catch( FormatException iae ){
                                    "POLICY: Error parsing ObjectRequestPolicy version '" +
                                    requestVersions + "' : " +
                                    iae.Message, iae );
                    if( newMsgVersion != null ){
                        if( (Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Policy ) > 0 ){
                            zone.Log.Info( "POLICY: Setting SIF_Messaage/@Version to " + newMsgVersion );
                        request.SifVersion = newMsgVersion;

            // SIF_DestinationID policy
            String requestSourceId = requestPolicy.RequestSourceId ;
            if( requestSourceId != null ){
                if( (Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Policy) > 0 ){
                    zone.Log.Info( "POLICY: Setting SIF_Request SIF_DestinationID to " + requestPolicy.RequestSourceId );
                request.SIF_Header.SIF_DestinationId = requestSourceId;