Beispiel #1
        } // count of tabs to return

        public override Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment GetItem(int position)
            int pos = position + 1; // position starts at 0, add 1 so tabs go from 1 to 4

            if (pos == 1)
                return(CompaniesRootFragment.newInstance()); // create new instance of companiesrootfragment
            else if (pos == 2)
                return(QsRootFragment.newInstance()); // create new instance of qsrootfragment
            else if (pos == 3)
                return(RegisterRootFragment.newInstance()); // create new instance of registerrootfragment
            else if (pos == 4)
                return(ProfileRootFragment.newInstance()); // create new instance of profilerootfragment
            else if (pos == 5)
                throw new NotImplementedException(); // must return something
        } // fragments to return
        public static CompaniesRootFragment newInstance()
            CompaniesRootFragment fragment = new CompaniesRootFragment();
