public IDisposable AddLink(string sourceMethod, string destinationMethod)
            var source = _handlers.Find(z => z.Method == sourceMethod);
            var h      = new LinkedHandler(destinationMethod, source, () => _handlers.RemoveAll(z => z.Method == destinationMethod));

        public IDisposable AddLink(string fromMethod, string toMethod)
            var source = _descriptors.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Method == fromMethod);

            if (source == null)
                if (_descriptors.Any(z => z.Method == toMethod))
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                              $"Could not find descriptor for '{fromMethod}', but I did find one for '{toMethod}'.  Did you mean to link '{toMethod}' to '{fromMethod}' instead?", fromMethod

                throw new ArgumentException(
                          $"Could not find descriptor for '{fromMethod}', has it been registered yet?  Descriptors must be registered before links can be created!", nameof(fromMethod)

            var descriptor = new LinkedHandler(toMethod, source, () => _descriptors.RemoveAll(z => z.Method == toMethod));

            ImmutableInterlocked.InterlockedExchange(ref _descriptors, _descriptors.Add(descriptor));