Beispiel #1
        public static object LookupAdomdSchemaObject(CubeDef cube, SourceSchemaMap.MapRow row)
            string typeStr    = row.SourceUniqueName.Substring(0, row.SourceUniqueName.IndexOf(':', 0));
            string uniqueName = row.SourceUniqueName.Substring(row.SourceUniqueName.IndexOf(':', 0) + 1);

            return(LookupAdomdSchemaObject(cube, typeStr, uniqueName));
Beispiel #2
        public string ConvertSchemaObjectUN(SchemaObjectType type, string uniqueName)
            SourceSchemaMap.MapRow row = null;
            string toReplace           = uniqueName;

            // if its' member, extract parent object
            if (type == SchemaObjectType.ObjectTypeMember)
                // lookup by key
                int delimiterIndex = uniqueName.IndexOf("].&[");
                if (delimiterIndex >= 0)
                    toReplace = uniqueName.Substring(0, delimiterIndex + 1);

                    // try to lookup as level
                    row = this.GetMapRow(SchemaObjectType.ObjectTypeLevel, toReplace);

                    // if not found, try as hierarchy
                    if (row == null)
                        row = this.GetMapRow(SchemaObjectType.ObjectTypeHierarchy, toReplace);
                    // if measure
                    if (uniqueName.StartsWith("[Measures]"))
                        row = this.GetMapRow(SchemaObjectType.ObjectTypeMeasure, toReplace);
                    else // lookup as member (all member)
                        row = this.GetMapRow(SchemaObjectType.ObjectTypeMember, toReplace);

                    //if (row == null)
                    //    throw new Exception("Unable to find parent object for member " + uniqueName);
            else // straight full-name lookup
                row = this.GetMapRow(type, toReplace);

            // return
            if (row == null || row.IsDestUniqueNameNull() || row.DestUniqueName == "")
                string replaceWith = row.DestUniqueName.Substring(row.DestUniqueName.IndexOf(':', 0) + 1);
                return(uniqueName.Replace(toReplace, replaceWith));
        void Map_RowChanged(object sender, DataRowChangeEventArgs e)
            SourceSchemaMap.MapRow row = (SourceSchemaMap.MapRow)e.Row;
            if (e.Row.Table == null)
                return; // removed row
            if (row.IsDestUniqueNameNull() || row.DestUniqueName == "")
                return; //unmatched row, nothing to validate
            string srcObjectType  = row.SourceUniqueName.Substring(0, row.SourceUniqueName.IndexOf(':', 0));
            string destObjectType = row.DestUniqueName.Substring(0, row.DestUniqueName.IndexOf(':', 0));

            if (srcObjectType != destObjectType)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} to {1} mapping error: ObjectType mismatch",
                                              row.SourceUniqueName, row.DestUniqueName));
                row.DestUniqueName = "";