         * Initialize the pathfinder and the navigation graph
        public PathFinder(World world)
            nodes = new List<Node>();
            List<Node> remainingNodes = new List<Node>();// = ALL
            List<Node> toProcess = new List<Node>();
            List<Node> toProcessLater = new List<Node>();
            List<Node> toRemove = new List<Node>();

            // , les mettres dans toProcessLater et ajouter n à l.outNodes

            Vector2 size = world.Size;

            objective = new Node(world.Objective);

            for(int x = 0; x < size.X; x += (int)size.X/20){
                for(int y = 0; y < size.Y; y += (int)size.Y/20){
                    remainingNodes.Add(new Node(new Vector2(x, y)));

            toProcess.Add(objective); // la premiere node a traiter est la destination finale

            //Tant qu'il reste des nodes à traiter
            while(toProcess.Count != 0){

                //pour chaque nodes n de toProcess,
                //on doit chercher les nodes accessible l dans remainingNode
                foreach( Node outNode in toProcess ){
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("toProcess : " + toProcess.Count);
                    foreach( Node inNode in remainingNodes ){
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("remaining : "+remainingNodes.Count);
                        if(!world.isCollidingWithObstacle(outNode.Position, inNode.Position)){
                            //Chaque node accessible est mise de coté pour le prochain traitement
                            if(toProcessLater.IndexOf(inNode) < 0){
                            //Chaque node accessible se voit ajouté outNode a sa liste de nodes sortantes
                            //On se prépare a retirer la node trouvée de remainingNode

                //Retrait des nodes trouvées de remainingNodes
                foreach( Node nod in toRemove ){


                Console.Out.WriteLine("cout : " + toProcess.Count);
Beispiel #2
         * Create a new entity with the given parameters
         * The default radius and maxiSpeed may change
        public Entity(Node dest, Vector2 position, int rad = 20, float maxiSpeed = 0.07f)
            this.position = position;
            radius = rad;
            this.destination = dest;
            maxSpeed = maxiSpeed;

            lastMoves = new List<Vector2>(nbLastMoves);
Beispiel #3
  * Create a new Entity with the given parameters
  * The default radius and maxiSpeed may change
 public Entity(Node dest, Vector2 position, int zoneWi, int zoneHei, int rad = 20, float maxiSpeed = 0.07f)
     this.position = position;
     radius = rad;
     this.destination = dest;
     maxSpeed = maxiSpeed;
     lastUpdateTime = 0;
     lastMoves = new List<Vector2>(nbLastMoves);
     toRemove = false;
     zoneHeight = zoneHei;
     zoneWidth = zoneWi;
         * Find the closest reachable node from the position
        public Node findClosestSubGoal(Vector2 pos, World world, Node lastGoal=null)
            Node closest = objective;

            foreach( Node nod in nodes){
                if(nod != lastGoal && !world.isCollidingWithObstacle(pos, nod.Position)
                   && (nod.Position - pos).Length() < (closest.Position - pos).Length()){
                    closest = nod;

            return closest;
         * Find the next destination after reaching the current node
        public Node findNextNode(Node current)
            List<Node> outNodes = current.OutNodes;

            //That shouldn't happen...really
            if(outNodes.Count == 0){
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error in during findNextNode, destination is already reached");
                return null;

            Node closestToEnd = outNodes[0];

            //Look for the most direct way
            foreach(Node nod in outNodes){
                if((nod.Position - objective.Position).Length() < (closestToEnd.Position - objective.Position).Length()){
                    closestToEnd = nod;

            return closestToEnd;
Beispiel #6
        public World(int xObjective, int yObjective, int width = 800, int height = 800,
		              int nbEntities = 30, int nbZonesPath = 20)
            nbZonesPerSide = nbZonesPath;
            lockZones = new List<List<Mutex>>();

            for(int i = 0; i < nbZonesPerSide; ++i){
                lockZones.Add(new List<Mutex>());
                for(int j = 0; j < nbZonesPerSide; ++j){

                    lockZones[i].Add(new Mutex());

            zoneWidth = width/nbZonesPerSide;
            zoneHeight = height/nbZonesPerSide;

            entities = new List<Entity>();
            obstacles = new List<Obstacle>();

            objective = new Vector2(xObjective, yObjective);
            size = new Vector2(width,height);

            Node destination = new Node(new Vector2(xObjective, yObjective));

            Random r = new Random();

            //Add some obstacles

            Wall wall;
            Vector2 startWall, endWall;
            /*for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
                startWall = new Vector2(r.Next((int)size.X), r.Next((int)size.Y));
                endWall = new Vector2(r.Next((int)size.X), r.Next((int)size.Y));
                wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);

            //surrounding walls
            startWall = new Vector2(10,10);
            endWall = new Vector2(10, height - 10);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            startWall = new Vector2(width - 10, height - 10);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            endWall = new Vector2(width - 10, 10);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            startWall = new Vector2(10,10);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);

            int tempW = 100;
            objective.X = width/2;
            objective.Y = tempW/2;

            //in walls
            startWall = new Vector2(width/2 - tempW/2, height - tempW);
            endWall = new Vector2(tempW, height - tempW);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            startWall = new Vector2(tempW, tempW);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            endWall = new Vector2(width - tempW, tempW);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            startWall = new Vector2(width - tempW, height - tempW);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            endWall = new Vector2(width/2 + tempW/2, height - tempW);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);

            /*startWall = new Vector2(width/2 - tempW/4, height - tempW - tempW/8);
            endWall = new Vector2(width/2 + tempW/4, height - tempW + tempW/8);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);

            //Create the pathFinder here
            pathFinder = new PathFinder(this, nbZonesPerSide);

            //Add some entities to the world

            Entity ent;
            Vector2 pos;
            for(int i = 0; i < nbEntities; ++i){

                pos = new Vector2(r.Next((int)size.X-30)+15, r.Next((int)size.Y-30)+15);
                ent = new Entity(destination, pos, zoneWidth, zoneHeight);

                while(isCollidingWithObstacle(ent.Position, ent.Position)
                      || isCollidingWithEntities(ent, ent.Position)){

                    pos = new Vector2(r.Next((int)size.X-30)+15, r.Next((int)size.Y-30)+15);
                    ent = new Entity(destination, pos, zoneWidth, zoneHeight);
                //find the first goal of each entities
                ent.Destination = pathFinder.findClosestSubGoal(ent.Position, this);

            threads = new List<Thread>();
            foreach(Entity enti in entities){

                Thread t = new Thread(enti.autonomousUpdate);

Beispiel #7
        public World(int xObjective, int yObjective, int width = 800, int height = 800, int nbEntities = 30)
            entities = new List<Entity>();
            obstacles = new List<Obstacle>();

            objective = new Vector2(xObjective, yObjective);
            size = new Vector2(width,height);

            Node destination = new Node(new Vector2(xObjective, yObjective));

            Random r = new Random();

            //Add some obstacles

            Wall wall;
            Vector2 startWall, endWall;
            /*for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
                startWall = new Vector2(r.Next((int)size.X), r.Next((int)size.Y));
                endWall = new Vector2(r.Next((int)size.X), r.Next((int)size.Y));
                wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);

            startWall = new Vector2(10,10);
            endWall = new Vector2(10, height - 10);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            startWall = new Vector2(width - 10, height - 10);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            endWall = new Vector2(width - 10, 10);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            startWall = new Vector2(10,10);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);

            int tempW = 100;
            objective.X = width/2;
            objective.Y = tempW/2;

            //in walls
            startWall = new Vector2(width/2 - tempW/2, height - tempW);
            endWall = new Vector2(tempW, height - tempW);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            startWall = new Vector2(tempW, tempW);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            endWall = new Vector2(width - tempW, tempW);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            startWall = new Vector2(width - tempW, height - tempW);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);
            endWall = new Vector2(width/2 + tempW/2, height - tempW);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);

            startWall = new Vector2(width/2 - tempW/4, height - tempW - tempW/8);
            endWall = new Vector2(width/2 + tempW/4, height - tempW + tempW/8);
            wall = new Wall(startWall, endWall);

            //Create the pathFinder here
            pathFinder = new PathFinder(this);

            //Add some entities to the world

            Entity ent;
            Vector2 pos;
            for(int i = 0; i < nbEntities; ++i){

                pos = new Vector2(r.Next((int)size.X -30)+15, r.Next((int)size.Y-30)+15);
                ent = new Entity(destination, pos);

                while(isCollidingWithObstacle(ent.Position, ent.Position)
                      || isCollidingWithEntities(ent, ent.Position)){

                    pos = new Vector2(r.Next((int)size.X -30)+15, r.Next((int)size.Y-30)+15);
                    ent = new Entity(destination, pos);
                //find the first goal of each entities
                ent.Destination = pathFinder.findClosestSubGoal(ent.Position, this);