Beispiel #1
        private void AddObject(float centerX, float centerY, float angle, float speed, float radius, float mass, int r, int g, int b)
            //check validity of parameters
            if (radius <= 0 || radius > MAX_RADIUS)
                radius = GetRandValue(5, MAX_RADIUS);
            if (centerX < radius || centerX > this.ClientSize.Width - radius - menu.Width)
                centerX = GetRandValue((int)radius * 2 + 1, (int)(this.ClientSize.Width - radius - menu.Width));
            if (centerY < radius || centerY > this.ClientSize.Height - radius)
                centerY = GetRandValue((int)radius * 2 + 1, (int)(this.ClientSize.Height - radius));
            if (angle < 0 || angle >= 360)
                angle = GetRandValue(0, 360);
            if (speed < 0 || speed > MAX_SPEED)//
                speed = GetRandValue(0, MAX_SPEED);
            if (mass < 0) //no upper bound
                mass = GetRandValue(0, 10);
            if (r < 0 || r > 255)
                r = random.Next(0, 255);
            if (g < 0 || g > 255)
                g = random.Next(0, 255);
            if (b < 0 || b > 255)
                b = random.Next(0, 255);

            //if the new object intersects an existing object, find it new coordinates
            for (int i = 0; DoesOverlap(centerX, centerY, radius); ++i)
                centerX = GetRandValue((int)radius * 2 + 1, (int)(this.ClientSize.Width - radius - menu.Width));
                centerY = GetRandValue((int)radius * 2 + 1, (int)(this.ClientSize.Height - radius));
                if (i > 10)
                    radius = ReduceRadius(radius);

            PhysicalObject po = new PhysicalObject(centerX: centerX, centerY: centerY, angle: angle, speed: speed, radius: radius, mass: mass, color: Tuple.Create(r, g, b));

            var peh = new PaintEventHandler((sender, e) => PaintObject(sender, e, po));

            this.Paint += peh;
Beispiel #2
        public void CalculateCollision(PhysicalObject po1, PhysicalObject po2)
            m1 = po1.Mass;
            m2 = po2.Mass;

            v1 = po1.Speed;
            v2 = po2.Speed;

            alpha = po1.Angle; //in deg
            beta  = po2.Angle; //in deg

            //Console.WriteLine("\nAlpha: " + alpha);
            //Console.WriteLine("Beta: " + beta);

            inclineAngle = GetInclineAngle(po1.CenterX, po2.CenterX, po1.CenterY, po2.CenterY);
            //Console.WriteLine("Incline: " + inclineAngle);

            //Console.WriteLine("Alpha after shift: " + alpha);
            //Console.WriteLine("Beta after shift: " + beta);

            po1.SetAxisSpeeds(alpha, v1);
            po2.SetAxisSpeeds(beta, v2);

            //Console.WriteLine("InitSpeed1: " + v1);
            //Console.WriteLine("InitSpeed2: " + v2);

            //Momentum must be calculated after angle shift
            //Console.WriteLine("Momentum: " + momentum);

            //Console.WriteLine("Energy: " + energy);

            //Console.WriteLine("u2: " + u2);

            //Console.WriteLine("u1: " + u1);

            //find new speeds and calculate new angles
            newSpeed1 = CalculateNewSpeed(u1, alpha, v1);
            //Console.WriteLine("New Speed 1: " + newSpeed1);

            newSpeed2 = CalculateNewSpeed(u2, beta, v2);
            //Console.WriteLine("New Speed 2: " + newSpeed2);

            newAlpha = CalculateNewAngle(newSpeed1, u1, po1.SpeedY);
            //Console.WriteLine("New Alpha: " + newAlpha);

            newBeta = CalculateNewAngle(newSpeed2, u2, po2.SpeedY);
            //Console.WriteLine("New Beta: " + newBeta);

            //Console.WriteLine("New Alpha after restore: " + newAlpha);
            //Console.WriteLine("New Beta after restore: " + newBeta);

            po1.SetAxisSpeeds(newAlpha, Math.Abs(newSpeed1)); //spped should be positive
            po2.SetAxisSpeeds(newBeta, Math.Abs(newSpeed2));  //speed should be positive
Beispiel #3
        //private void AddVector()


        private float CalculateGravitationalForce(PhysicalObject po1, PhysicalObject po2)
            //if the object is the same the force is 0
            if (DistanceSq(po1.CenterX, po1.CenterY, po2.CenterX, po2.CenterY) == 0)
                return(Math.Abs(gravity_const) * (po1.Mass * po2.Mass) / DistanceSq(po1.CenterX, po1.CenterY, po2.CenterX, po2.CenterY));
Beispiel #4
 public void ApplyGravityOn(PhysicalObject po)
     for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
         //Console.WriteLine("grav force " + CalculateGravitationalForce(po, list[i]));
         //Console.WriteLine("grav force angle " + CalculateForceAngle(po, list[i]));
         AddToVector(CalculateGravitationalForce(po, list[i]) / po.Mass, CalculateForceAngle(po, list[i]));
     //Console.WriteLine("force size  " + vector.Item1);
     //Console.WriteLine("force angle " + vector.Item2);
     AddToVector(po.Speed, po.Angle);
     po.SetAxisSpeeds(vector.Item2, vector.Item1);
     //Console.WriteLine("New Speed " + vector.Item1);
     //Console.WriteLine("New Angle " + vector.Item2);
     vector = new Tuple <float, float>(0, 0);//nullify vector
Beispiel #5
        private void PaintObject(object sender, PaintEventArgs e, PhysicalObject po)
            graphics = e.Graphics;

            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(po.CenterX - po.Radius, po.CenterY - po.Radius, po.Radius * 2, po.Radius * 2);

            GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();

            PathGradientBrush pthGrBrush = new PathGradientBrush(path);

            //center color should be brghter; to make edges darker - lower values proportionally
            pthGrBrush.CenterColor = Color.FromArgb(255, po.Color.Item1, po.Color.Item2, po.Color.Item3);
            Color[] colors = { Color.FromArgb(255, po.Color.Item1 / 10 * 8, po.Color.Item2 / 10 * 8, po.Color.Item3 / 10 * 8) };
            pthGrBrush.SurroundColors = colors;

            graphics.FillEllipse(pthGrBrush, rect);
Beispiel #6
        private void MoveObject(PhysicalObject po)
            float newBall_x = po.CenterX + po.SpeedX;
            float newBall_y = po.CenterY + po.SpeedY;

            if (newBall_x < po.Radius || newBall_x > this.ClientSize.Width - po.Radius - menu.Width)
            if (newBall_y < po.Radius || newBall_y > this.ClientSize.Height - po.Radius)

            po.CenterX += po.SpeedX;
            po.CenterY += po.SpeedY;
            po.CenterX += po.SpeedX;
            po.CenterY += po.SpeedY;
Beispiel #7
        //calculates the force vector's angle
        private float CalculateForceAngle(PhysicalObject main, PhysicalObject second)
            float dx = main.CenterX - second.CenterX;
            float dy = main.CenterY - second.CenterY;

            if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)//if same object return 0
            float angle;// in rad

            //if dy < 0  ->  180 < a < 360
            //if dy > 0  ->  0 < a < 180
            angle = (float)Math.Atan(-(dy / dx));
            angle = angle * (180 / (float)Math.PI);
            if (angle < 0)
                angle += 180;
            if (dy < 0)
                angle += 180;
            if (dy == 0 && dx > 0)
                angle += 180;

            if (gravity_const < 0)
                angle += 180;
                angle %= 360;

Beispiel #8
 private void BounceOffVerticalWall(PhysicalObject po)
     po.SetAxisSpeeds((540 - po.Angle) % 360, po.Speed);
Beispiel #9
 private void BounceOffHorizontalWall(PhysicalObject po)
     po.SetAxisSpeeds(360 - po.Angle, po.Speed);