Beispiel #1
        public void InitiateHandleEdit( int mousex, int mousey, Axis axis )

            Entity entity = selectionmodel.GetFirstSelectedEntity();

            if( entity != null )
                editing3d.iDragStartX = mousex;
                editing3d.iDragStartY = mousey;
                editing3d.startscale = entity.scale;
                editing3d.startpos = entity.pos;
                //DEBUG(  "initializing editing3d.startscale " << editing3d.startscale ); // DEBUG

                editing3d.currentaxis = axis;
                editing3d.currentedittype = Editing3d.EditType.ScaleHandle;
Beispiel #2
        public void InitiateHandleEdit( int mousex, int mousey, Axis axistype )

            Entity entity = selectionmodel.GetFirstSelectedEntity();
            if( entity == null )

            editing3d.iDragStartX = mousex;
            editing3d.iDragStartY = mousey;
            editing3d.startpos = entity.pos;
            Test.Debug(  "initializing startpos " + editing3d.startpos ); // Test.Debug

            editing3d.currentaxis = axistype;
            editing3d.currentedittype = Editing3d.EditType.PosHandle;
Beispiel #3
        void DrawSingleEditHandle( Vector3 entityscale, Vector3 handlescale, Axis handleaxis )

            graphics.SetMaterialColor( editing3d.GetEditHandleColor( handleaxis ) );
            RendererFactory.GetPicker3dModel().AddHitTarget( new HitTargetEditHandle( new Axis( handleaxis ) ) );
            double fTranslateAmount = ( handleaxis.GetAxisComponentIgnoreAxisDirection( entityscale ) + handleaxis.GetAxisComponentIgnoreAxisDirection( handlescale ) ) / 2;
            graphics.Translate( fTranslateAmount * handleaxis.ToVector() );
            graphics.Scale( handlescale );

            graphics.Rotate( handleaxis.ToRot() );

            graphics.Rotate( 90, 0, 1, 0 );

Beispiel #4
        // When the movement of the mouse is perpendicular to the selected axis, there are two cases to consider:
        // - the selected axis is in the plane of the screen -> there should be no resulting movement
        // - the selected axis is normal to the screen -> the movement should be infinite
        // Let's call the entity's selected axis in world axes "handleaxis"
        // Let's call the mouse move vector, in world axes "mousemove"
        // So, first we need to project handleaxis onto the screen, and project mousemove onto the unit vector of this,
        // This gives us a mouse vector, mousemove2 that is immune to the first case above (" - the selected axis is in the plane of the screen -> there should be no resulting movement")
        // Now, we project unit(handleaxis) onto unit(mousemove2)
        // This will give a number <= 1.
        // We will divide |mousemove2| by this value to get the distance that our entity moves along its axis
        // Now it is easy to get the position change by multiplying this quantity by unit(handleaxis)
        // Note that most of the above was in avatar axes (not entity axes or world axes)
        public void InteractiveHandleEdit( Axis axis, int mousex, int mousey )
            Entity entity = selectionmodel.GetFirstSelectedEntity();
            if( entity == null )

            Vector3 ourpos;
            Rot ourrot;

            if( camera.bRoamingCameraEnabled )
                ourpos = camera.RoamingCameraPos;
                ourrot = camera.RoamingCameraRot;
                Avatar ouravatar = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().myavatar;
                if( ouravatar != null )
                    ourpos = ouravatar.pos;
                    ourrot = ouravatar.rot;

            // what is the scaling from screen pixels to world pixels, at the distance of the object from us
            // obviously this is only approximate for nearish objects, which is most objects...
            double fDistanceFromUsToObject = ( entity.pos - ourpos ).Det();
            double fScalingFromPosToScreen = graphics.GetScalingFrom3DToScreen( fDistanceFromUsToObject );

            // Create a 3d vector represeting our mouse drag, in avatar coordinates, in screen pixels
            Vector3 mousemovescreenaxes = new Vector3( 0,
                - (double)( mousex - editing3d.iDragStartX ),
                - (double)( mousey - editing3d.iDragStartY ) );

            // transform into a 3d vector, in avatar coordinates, in "world units"
            Vector3 mousemoveavaxes = mousemovescreenaxes * ( 1 / fScalingFromPosToScreen );

            // Get handleaxis in avatar axes:
            Vector3 handleaxisentityaxes = axis.ToVector();
            Vector3 handleaxisworldaxes = handleaxisentityaxes * entity.rot.Inverse();
            Vector3 handleaxisavaxes = handleaxisworldaxes * ourrot;

            // we project our handleaxis onto the screen, then project our mousemove onto this
            // to get mousemove2 (see function description for more info)
            Vector3 handleaxisprojectedtoscreen = new Vector3( 0, handleaxisavaxes.y, handleaxisavaxes.z );
            Vector3 mousemove2 = handleaxisprojectedtoscreen.Unit() * Vector3.DotProduct( mousemoveavaxes, handleaxisprojectedtoscreen.Unit() );

            // now we are going to find the ratio between our mousemovement size and how far we need to move along the handleaxis
            double entitymovetomousemoveratio = Vector3.DotProduct( handleaxisavaxes.Unit(), mousemove2.Unit() );
            // This gives us the ratio between mouse move distance and entity move distance, now we can calculate how far the entity moves:

            Vector3 entitymoveworldaxes = new Vector3();
            if( Math.Abs( entitymovetomousemoveratio ) > 0.05 )  // forbid infinite moves...
                entitymoveworldaxes = ( mousemove2.Det() / entitymovetomousemoveratio ) * handleaxisworldaxes.Unit();

            entity.pos = editing3d.startpos + entitymoveworldaxes;
            //Test.Debug(  "pobjectpos: " + entity.pos ); // Test.Debug
Beispiel #5
 public Axis( Axis orig )
     bPositiveAxis = orig.bPositiveAxis;
     axisindex = orig.axisindex;