Beispiel #1
        private static void SendEditSubmissionNotification(Model.ChargePoint poi, Model.User user)
                string approvalStatus = "Edit Submitted for approval";

                //send notification
                var notification = new NotificationManager();
                var msgParams    = new Hashtable();
                msgParams.Add("Description", "OCM-" + poi.ID + " : " + poi.AddressInfo.Title);
                msgParams.Add("SubmissionStatusType", approvalStatus);
                msgParams.Add("ItemURL", "" + poi.ID);
                msgParams.Add("ChargePointID", poi.ID);
                msgParams.Add("UserName", user != null ? user.Username : "******");
                              "Edit item for Approval: Location " + approvalStatus + " OCM-" + poi.ID + " Submitted: " +

                notification.PrepareNotification(NotificationType.LocationSubmitted, msgParams);

                //notify default system recipients
            catch (Exception)
                ; //failed to send notification
Beispiel #2
        public bool ProcessEquipmentSubmission(HttpContext context, ref OCM.API.Common.Model.ChargePoint cp)
            System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream);
            //TODO: handle encoding (UTF etc) correctly
            string responseContent = sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();

            string jsonString = responseContent;

                JObject o = JObject.Parse(jsonString);

                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                cp = (Common.Model.ChargePoint)serializer.Deserialize(new JTokenReader(o), typeof(Common.Model.ChargePoint));

                //validate cp submission

                if (POIManager.IsValid(cp))
            catch (Exception exp)

                //submission failed
        public override void ParseAdditionalData(ChargePoint cp, XmlNode item, CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            string descriptionText = item["description"].InnerText;
            if (descriptionText.Contains("<p>24 hour access</p>")) cp.AddressInfo.AccessComments = "24 Hour Access";
            if (descriptionText.Contains("Business hours only")) cp.AddressInfo.AccessComments = "Business Hours Only";

            if (descriptionText.Contains("Please contact the host premises")) cp.UsageType = ImportRefData.UsageType_PublicNoticeRequired;

            //attempt country match for locations which commonly have geocoding issues
            switch (cp.AddressInfo.Town.Trim())
                case "Cork":
                case "Dublin":
                case "Meath":
                case "Waterford":
                case "Wicklow":
                case "Clare":
                case "Galway":
                case "Kerry":
                case "Wexford":
                    cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c=>c.ISOCode=="IE");
                case "Antrim":
                case "Derry":
                    cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ISOCode == "GB");
        public DataQualityReport GetDataQualityReport(OCM.API.Common.Model.ChargePoint poi)
            DataQualityReport report = new DataQualityReport();

        public static POIMongoDB FromChargePoint(OCM.API.Common.Model.ChargePoint cp, POIMongoDB poi = null)
            if (poi == null)
                poi = new POIMongoDB();

            poi.AddressInfo            = cp.AddressInfo;
            poi.Chargers               = cp.Chargers;
            poi.Connections            = cp.Connections;
            poi.DataProvider           = cp.DataProvider;
            poi.DataProviderID         = cp.DataProviderID;
            poi.DataProvidersReference = cp.DataProvidersReference;
            poi.DataQualityLevel       = cp.DataQualityLevel;

            if (cp.DateCreated != null)
                poi.DateCreated = (DateTime?)DateTime.SpecifyKind(cp.DateCreated.Value, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            if (cp.DateLastConfirmed != null)
                poi.DateLastConfirmed = (DateTime?)DateTime.SpecifyKind(cp.DateLastConfirmed.Value, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            if (cp.DateLastStatusUpdate != null)
                poi.DateLastStatusUpdate = (DateTime?)DateTime.SpecifyKind(cp.DateLastStatusUpdate.Value, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            if (cp.DatePlanned != null)
                poi.DatePlanned = (DateTime?)DateTime.SpecifyKind(cp.DatePlanned.Value, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            poi.GeneralComments = cp.GeneralComments;
            poi.ID                     = cp.ID;
            poi.MediaItems             = cp.MediaItems;
            poi.MetadataTags           = cp.MetadataTags;
            poi.MetadataValues         = cp.MetadataValues;
            poi.NumberOfPoints         = cp.NumberOfPoints;
            poi.NumberOfPoints         = cp.NumberOfPoints;
            poi.OperatorID             = cp.OperatorID;
            poi.OperatorInfo           = cp.OperatorInfo;
            poi.OperatorsReference     = cp.OperatorsReference;
            poi.ParentChargePointID    = cp.ParentChargePointID;
            poi.StatusType             = cp.StatusType;
            poi.StatusTypeID           = cp.StatusTypeID;
            poi.SubmissionStatus       = cp.SubmissionStatus;
            poi.SubmissionStatusTypeID = cp.SubmissionStatusTypeID;
            poi.UsageCost              = cp.UsageCost;
            poi.UsageType              = cp.UsageType;
            poi.UsageTypeID            = cp.UsageTypeID;
            poi.UserComments           = cp.UserComments;
            poi.LevelOfDetail          = cp.LevelOfDetail;
            poi.UUID                   = cp.UUID;
        public override void ParseBasicDetails(ChargePoint cp, XmlNode item)
            //parse address info
            string[] loctitle = RemoveFormattingCharacters(item["name"].InnerText).Replace(" - ","~").Replace(",","~").Split('~');

            if (loctitle.Length==1 && loctitle[0].Contains("-")) loctitle = RemoveFormattingCharacters(item["name"].InnerText).Replace("-", "~").Replace(",", "~").Split('~');
            cp.AddressInfo.Town = loctitle[0].Trim();

            if (loctitle[1].Contains(","))
                string[] addressinfo = loctitle[1].Split(',');
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = addressinfo[0].Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = loctitle[1].Trim();

            if (loctitle.Length > 2)
                cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = loctitle[2].Trim();
                if (loctitle.Length > 4)
                    cp.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = loctitle[4].Trim();
                    cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine2 = loctitle[3].Trim();
                else if (loctitle.Length > 3)
                    cp.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = loctitle[3].Trim();

            //parse description
            string descriptionText = item["description"].InnerText;
            cp.StatusType = ImportRefData.Status_Unknown;

            if (descriptionText.Contains("<p>Operational</p>"))
                cp.StatusType = ImportRefData.Status_Operational;

            if (descriptionText.Contains("<p>Undergoing engineering design</p>"))
                cp.StatusType = ImportRefData.Status_PlannedForFuture;

            if (descriptionText.Contains("<p>Out of Service</p>"))
                cp.StatusType = ImportRefData.Status_NonOperational;
            //cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = ConvertUppercaseToTitleCase(RemoveFormattingCharacters(item["description"].InnerText));
 public override void ParseBasicDetails(ChargePoint cp, XmlNode item)
     cp.AddressInfo.Title = RemoveFormattingCharacters(item["name"].InnerText);
     string sourcetext = item["description"].InnerText;
     if (ImportType == ChademoImportType.Japan)
         int indexOfTelephone=  sourcetext.IndexOf("[");
         cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = sourcetext.Substring(0, indexOfTelephone).Trim();
         cp.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone1 = sourcetext.Substring(indexOfTelephone+5,sourcetext.IndexOf("]")-(indexOfTelephone+5));
         cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = ConvertUppercaseToTitleCase(RemoveFormattingCharacters(item["description"].InnerText));
Beispiel #8
        //convert a simple POI to data and back again to fully populate all related properties, as submission may only have simple IDs for ref data etc
        private Model.ChargePoint PopulateFullPOI(Model.ChargePoint poi, Model.CoreReferenceData refData)
            OCMEntities tempDataModel = new OCMEntities();

            //convert simple poi to fully populated db version
            var poiData = new POIManager().PopulateChargePoint_SimpleToData(poi, tempDataModel);

            //convert back to simple POI
            var modelPOI = Model.Extensions.ChargePoint.FromDataModel(poiData, false, false, true, true, refData);

            //clear temp changes from the poi
        public static Model.ChargePoint DeserializePOIFromJSON(string json)
            Model.ChargePoint poi = null;
                if (json != null)
                    poi = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Model.ChargePoint>(json);
            catch (Exception)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Failed to parse json POI data");

        public Model.EditQueueItem GetItemWithDifferences(Core.Data.EditQueueItem item, POIManager cpManager, bool loadCurrentItem)
            var queueItem = Model.Extensions.EditQueueItem.FromDataModel(item);

            //get diff between previous and edit

            Model.ChargePoint poiA = DeserializePOIFromJSON(queueItem.PreviousData);

            if (loadCurrentItem && poiA != null)
                poiA = new POIManager().Get(poiA.ID);
            Model.ChargePoint poiB = DeserializePOIFromJSON(queueItem.EditData);

            queueItem.Differences = cpManager.CheckDifferences(poiA, poiB, useObjectCompare: true);

Beispiel #11
        //convert a simple POI to data and back again to fully populate all related properties, as submission may only have simple IDs for ref data etc
        private Model.ChargePoint PopulateFullPOI(Model.ChargePoint poi)
            OCMEntities tempDataModel = new OCMEntities();
            var         poiData       = new Core.Data.ChargePoint();

            if (poi.ID > 0)
                poiData = tempDataModel.ChargePoints.First(c => c.ID == poi.ID);

            //convert simple poi to fully populated db version
            new POIManager().PopulateChargePoint_SimpleToData(poi, poiData, tempDataModel);

            //convert back to simple POI
            var modelPOI = Model.Extensions.ChargePoint.FromDataModel(poiData, false, false, true, true);

            //clear temp changes from the poi
        List<ChargePoint> IImportProvider.Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            var submissionStatus = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == 100);//imported and published
            var operationalStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 50);
            var operationalMixedStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 75);
            var unknownStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 0);
            var usageTypePublic = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 1);
            var usageTypePrivate = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 2);

            var networkOperator = coreRefData.Operators.First(op=>op.ID==5); //Coulomb Chargepoint Network

            CultureInfo cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
            TextInfo textInfo = cultureInfo.TextInfo;

            string jsString = "{ \"data\": " + InputData + "}";

            JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            jss.RegisterConverters(new JavaScriptConverter[] { new DynamicJsonConverter() });
            dynamic parsedList = jss.Deserialize(jsString, typeof(object)) as dynamic;
            var dataList =;

            int itemCount = 0;
            foreach (var item in dataList)
                    ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();
                    cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();

                    cp.OperatorInfo = networkOperator;
                    cp.OperatorsReference = item["StationID"].ToString();
                    cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = this.DataProviderID }; //couloumb
                    cp.DataProvidersReference = item["StationID"].ToString();
                    cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    cp.AddressInfo.Title = item["Name"] != null ? item["Name"].ToString() : item["StationID"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.Title = textInfo.ToTitleCase(cp.AddressInfo.Title.ToLower());
                    cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = "";
                    cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(item["Geo"]["lat"].ToString());
                    cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(item["Geo"]["long"].ToString());

                    cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = item["Address"].ToString();
                    //cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine2 = item["address2"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.Town = item["City"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = item["State"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = item["postalCode"].ToString();

                    //set country property
                    string countryRef = item["Country"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == countryRef);

                    /*string usageTypeCode = item["type"].ToString();
                    if (usageTypeCode == "COMMERCIAL")
                        cp.UsageType = coreRefData.UsageTypes.FirstOrDefault(u => u.ID == 5); //pay at location
                        Log("Unmatched usage type:"+usageTypeCode);
                    cp.NumberOfPoints = int.Parse(item["Num_port"].ToString());
                    cp.GeneralComments = item["Description"].ToString();

                    /*int numOffline = int.Parse(item["offline"].ToString());
                    if (numOffline > 0)
                        cp.StatusType = operationalMixedStatus;
                        cp.StatusType = operationalStatus;

                    //populate connections
                    cp.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                    var levelTypes = item["levels"].ToArray();
                    foreach (var level in levelTypes)
                        ConnectionInfo con = new ConnectionInfo();
                        if (level.ToString() == "1")
                            con.ConnectionType = new ConnectionType { ID = 1 };//J1772
                            con.Level = new ChargerType { ID = 1 };
                        if (level.ToString() == "2")
                            con.ConnectionType = new ConnectionType { ID = 1 };//J1772
                            con.Voltage = 220;
                            con.Level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };
                        if (level.ToString() == "3")
                            con.ConnectionType = new ConnectionType { ID = 3 };//J1772
                            con.Voltage = 480;
                            con.Level = new ChargerType { ID = 3 };
                     * */
                    cp.DataQualityLevel = 3; //avg, higher than default

                    cp.SubmissionStatus = submissionStatus;
                catch (Exception)
                    Log("Error parsing item " + itemCount);


            return outputList;
        public EVSE GetEVSEFromCP(ChargePoint cp)
            EVSE e = new EVSE();
            e.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Title;
            e.Latitude = cp.AddressInfo.Latitude;
            e.Longitude = cp.AddressInfo.Longitude;

            return e;
        public bool ProcessEquipmentSubmission(HttpContext context, ref OCM.API.Common.Model.ChargePoint cp)
            return(false); //html input provider no longer supported

             * //construct simple model view of new CP based on input, to then be used to contruct data model version
             * cp.AddressInfo = new Common.Model.AddressInfo();
             * cp.AddressInfo.Title = ParseString(context.Request["ocm_loc_title"]);
             * cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = ParseString(context.Request["ocm_loc_addressline1"]);
             * cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine2 = ParseString(context.Request["ocm_loc_addressline2"]);
             * cp.AddressInfo.Town = ParseString(context.Request["ocm_loc_town"]);
             * cp.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = ParseString(context.Request["ocm_loc_stateorprovince"]);
             * cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = ParseString(context.Request["ocm_loc_postcode"]);
             * cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = (double)ParseDouble(context.Request["ocm_loc_latitude"]);
             * cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = (double)ParseDouble(context.Request["ocm_loc_longitude"]);
             * int? countryID = ParseInt(context.Request["ocm_loc_countryid"]);
             * if (countryID != null) cp.AddressInfo.Country = new Common.Model.Country() { ID = (int)countryID };
             * cp.AddressInfo.AccessComments = ParseLongString(context.Request["ocm_loc_accesscomments"]);
             * cp.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone1 = ParseString(context.Request["ocm_loc_contacttelephone1"]);
             * cp.AddressInfo.ContactEmail = ParseString(context.Request["ocm_loc_contactemail"]);
             * //build connection info list
             * //connection 1 to n
             * cp.Connections = new List<Common.Model.ConnectionInfo>();
             * for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
             * {
             *  var connectionInfo = new Common.Model.ConnectionInfo();
             *  int? connectionTypeID = ParseInt(context.Request["ocm_cp_connection" + i + "_type"]);
             *  if (connectionTypeID != null)
             *  {
             *      //TODO: remove/retire or remove entity reference for reference data lookup
             *      var connectionType = new OCM.Core.Data.OCMEntities().ConnectionTypes.First(ct => ct.ID == (int)connectionTypeID);
             *      connectionInfo.ConnectionType = OCM.API.Common.Model.Extensions.ConnectionType.FromDataModel(connectionType);
             *  }
             *  int? chargerLevelID = ParseInt(context.Request["ocm_cp_connection" + i + "_level"]);
             *  if (chargerLevelID != null)
             *  {
             *      connectionInfo.Level = new Common.Model.ChargerType() { ID = (int)chargerLevelID };
             *  }
             *  connectionInfo.Amps = ParseInt(context.Request["ocm_cp_connection" + i + "_amps"]);
             *  connectionInfo.Voltage = ParseInt(context.Request["ocm_cp_connection" + i + "_volts"]);
             *  if (connectionInfo != null)
             *  {
             *      cp.Connections.Add(connectionInfo);
             *  }
             * }
             * cp.NumberOfPoints = ParseInt(context.Request["ocm_cp_numberofpoints"]);
             * int? usageTypeID = ParseInt(context.Request["ocm_cp_usagetype"]);
             * if (usageTypeID != null)
             * {
             *  cp.UsageType = new Common.Model.UsageType() { ID = (int)usageTypeID };
             * }
             * cp.UsageCost = ParseString(context.Request["ocm_cp_usagecost"]);
             * int? statusTypeID = ParseInt(context.Request["ocm_cp_statustype"]);
             * if (statusTypeID != null)
             * {
             *  cp.StatusType = new Common.Model.StatusType() { ID = (int)statusTypeID };
             * }
             * cp.GeneralComments = ParseLongString(context.Request["ocm_cp_generalcomments"]);
             * return true;
             * */
Beispiel #15
        private void PrepareDefaultsForBlankSelections(ChargePoint poi)
            //Where -1 is supplied as dropdown value etc we need to revert to a default or null value;
            //FIXME: the binding method varies between hidden fields and dropdown values
            if (poi.DataProviderID >= 1 || (poi.DataProvider != null && poi.DataProvider.ID > 0))
                int providerId = (poi.DataProvider != null ? poi.DataProvider.ID : (int)poi.DataProviderID);
                poi.DataProviderID = providerId;
                poi.DataProvider = null;
                poi.DataProviderID = (int)StandardDataProviders.OpenChargeMapContrib;

            if (poi.OperatorID >= 1 || poi.OperatorInfo != null)
                int operatorId = poi.OperatorInfo != null ? poi.OperatorInfo.ID : (int)poi.OperatorID;
                poi.OperatorID = operatorId;
                poi.OperatorID = (int)StandardOperators.UnknownOperator;

            if (poi.UsageTypeID > 0 || poi.UsageType != null)
                int usageTypeId = poi.UsageType != null ? poi.UsageType.ID : (int)poi.UsageTypeID;
                poi.UsageTypeID = usageTypeId;
                poi.UsageTypeID = (int)StandardUsageTypes.Unknown;

            if (poi.StatusTypeID >= 0 || (poi.StatusType != null && (poi.StatusTypeID == -1 || poi.StatusTypeID == null)))
                int statusTypeId = poi.StatusType != null ? poi.StatusType.ID : (int)poi.StatusTypeID;
                poi.StatusTypeID = statusTypeId;

            if (poi.StatusTypeID == -1 || poi.StatusTypeID == null)
                poi.StatusType = null;
                poi.StatusTypeID = (int)StandardStatusTypes.Unknown;

            if (poi.SubmissionStatusTypeID == -1)
                poi.SubmissionStatus = null;
                poi.SubmissionStatusTypeID = null;

            if (poi.Connections != null)
                foreach (var connection in poi.Connections)
                    if (connection.ConnectionTypeID == -1)
                        connection.ConnectionType = null;
                        connection.ConnectionTypeID = (int)StandardConnectionTypes.Unknown;

                    if (connection.CurrentTypeID == -1)
                        connection.CurrentType = null;
                        connection.CurrentTypeID = null;

                    if (connection.StatusTypeID == -1)
                        connection.StatusType = null;
                        connection.StatusTypeID = (int)StandardStatusTypes.Unknown;

                    if (connection.LevelID == -1)
                        connection.Level = null;
                        connection.LevelID = null;
Beispiel #16
        public ActionResult Edit(ChargePoint poi)
            var refData = new POIBrowseModel();
            refData.AllowOptionalCountrySelection = false;
            ViewBag.ReferenceData = refData;

            ViewBag.ConnectionIndex = 0; //connection counter shared by equipment details
            ViewBag.EnableEditView = true;

            if (Request["editoption"] == "addconnection")
                //add a placeholder for new equipment details
                if (poi.Connections == null) poi.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                //TODO: setup defaults
                poi.Connections.Add(new ConnectionInfo());
                return View(poi);

            if (Request["editoption"].ToString().StartsWith("remove-equipment"))
                //TODO:remove requested connection
                string[] equipmentElementIDs = Request["editoption"].ToString().Split('-');
                int itemIndex = int.Parse(equipmentElementIDs[2]);
                return View(poi);

            if (Request["editoption"] == "preview")
                //preview poi
                ViewBag.EnablePreviewMode = true;

                //reset any values provided as -1 to a standard default (unknown etc)

                //update preview of poi with fully populated reference data
                poi = new POIManager().PreviewPopulatedPOIFromModel(poi);


                return View(poi);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    User user = null;

                    if (IsUserSignedIn) user = new UserManager().GetUser((int)Session["UserID"]);

                    //reset any values provided as -1 to a standard default (unknown etc)

                    if (poi.AddressInfo.Country == null || poi.AddressInfo.Country.ID == -1) ModelState.AddModelError("Country", "Required");

                    //perform actual POI submission, then redirect to POI details if we can
                    int poiSubmissionID = new SubmissionManager().PerformPOISubmission(poi, user);
                    if (poiSubmissionID > -1)
                        if (poiSubmissionID > 0)
                            return RedirectToAction("Details", "POI", new { id = poiSubmissionID, status = "editsubmitted" });
                            return RedirectToAction("Index");
                        ViewBag.ValidationFailed = true;
                    //return View(poi);
                foreach (ModelState modelState in ViewData.ModelState.Values)
                    foreach (ModelError error in modelState.Errors)

            ViewBag.ReferenceData = new POIBrowseModel();

            return View(poi);
        public List<API.Common.Model.ChargePoint> Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            var submissionStatus = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == 100);//imported and published
            var operationalStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 50);
            var unknownStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 0);
            var usageTypePublic = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 1);
            var usageTypePrivate = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 2);
            var usageTypePrivateForStaffAndVisitors = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 6); //staff and visitors
            var operatorUnknown = coreRefData.Operators.First(opUnknown => opUnknown.ID == 1);

            int itemCount = 0;

            string jsonString = "{ \"data\": " + InputData + "}";

            JObject o = JObject.Parse(jsonString);
            var dataList = o.Values()["list"].Values().ToArray();

            foreach (var item in dataList)
                ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();
                cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = this.DataProviderID }; //AddEnergie
                cp.DataProvidersReference = item["StationID"].ToString();
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();

                cp.AddressInfo.Title = item["ParkName"].ToString();
                cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = item["Address"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Town = item["City"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = item["StateOrProvince"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = item["PostalOrZipCode"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(item["Latitude"].ToString());
                cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(item["Longitude"].ToString());

                //default to canada
                cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ISOCode.ToLower() == "ca");
                //todo: detect country

                //set network operators
                if (this.SelectedNetworkType == NetworkType.ReseauVER)
                    cp.OperatorInfo = new OperatorInfo { ID = 89 };

                if (this.SelectedNetworkType == NetworkType.LeCircuitElectrique)
                    cp.OperatorInfo = new OperatorInfo { ID = 90 };

                bool isPublic = bool.Parse(item["IsPublic"].ToString());
                if (isPublic)
                    cp.UsageType = usageTypePublic;
                    cp.UsageType = usageTypePrivate;

                cp.NumberOfPoints = int.Parse(item["NumPorts"].ToString());
                cp.StatusType = operationalStatus;

                //populate connectioninfo from Ports
                foreach (var port in item["Ports"].ToArray())
                    ConnectionInfo cinfo = new ConnectionInfo() { };
                    ConnectionType cType = new ConnectionType { ID = 0 };

                    cinfo.Amps = int.Parse(port["Current"].ToString());
                    cinfo.Voltage = int.Parse(port["Voltage"].ToString());
                    cinfo.PowerKW = double.Parse(port["KiloWatts"].ToString());
                    cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = int.Parse(port["Level"].ToString()) };
                    //cinfo.Comments = (port["Make"]!=null?port["Make"].ToString()+" ":"") + (port["Model"]!=null?port["Model"].ToString():"");

                    if (port["ConnectorType"].ToString() == "J1772")
                        cType = coreRefData.ConnectionTypes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == 1);
                    else if (port["ConnectorType"].ToString().ToUpper() == "CHADEMO")
                        cType = coreRefData.ConnectionTypes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == 2);//CHADEMO
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unmatched connector" + port["ConnectorType"].ToString());

                    cinfo.ConnectionType = cType;

                    if (cp.Connections == null)
                        cp.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                        if (!IsConnectionInfoBlank(cinfo))

                if (cp.DataQualityLevel == null) cp.DataQualityLevel = 4;

                cp.SubmissionStatus = submissionStatus;


            return outputList;
Beispiel #18
        public void ProcessEditQueueItem(int id, bool publishEdit, int userId)
            //check current user is authorized to approve edits

            //prepare poi details

            var queueItem = DataModel.EditQueueItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ID == id);

            if (queueItem != null && queueItem.IsProcessed == false)
                if (queueItem.EntityType.ID == (int)StandardEntityTypes.POI)
                    //processing a POI add/edit

                    if (publishEdit)
                        //get diff between previous and edit

                        POIManager        poiManager = new POIManager();
                        Model.ChargePoint poiA       = DeserializePOIFromJSON(queueItem.PreviousData);
                        Model.ChargePoint poiB       = DeserializePOIFromJSON(queueItem.EditData);

                        bool poiUpdateRequired = false;

                        if (poiA != null)
                            //this is an edit, load the latest version of the POI as version 'A'
                            poiA = poiManager.Get(poiA.ID);
                            if (poiManager.HasDifferences(poiA, poiB))
                                poiUpdateRequired = true;

                        //save poi update
                        var poiData = new Core.Data.ChargePoint();

                        //if its an edit, load the original details before applying the change
                        if (poiUpdateRequired)
                            //updates to externally provided POIs require old version to be superseded (archived) first
                            if (poiA != null && poiA.DataProviderID != (int)StandardDataProviders.OpenChargeMapContrib)
                                poiManager.SupersedePOI(DataModel, poiA, poiB);
                            poiData = DataModel.ChargePoints.First(c => c.ID == poiB.ID);

                        //set/update cp properties
                        poiManager.PopulateChargePoint_SimpleToData(poiB, poiData, DataModel);

                        //set status type to published if previously unset
                        if (poiData.SubmissionStatusTypeID == null)
                            poiData.SubmissionStatusType = DataModel.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == (int)StandardSubmissionStatusTypes.Submitted_Published);

                        poiData.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        //publish edit

                        //attribute submitter with reputation points
                        if (queueItem.UserID != null)
                            new UserManager().AddReputationPoints((int)queueItem.UserID, 1);

                    //update edit queue item as processed
                    queueItem.IsProcessed     = true;
                    queueItem.ProcessedByUser = DataModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.ID == userId);
                    queueItem.DateProcessed   = DateTime.UtcNow;

Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Consumers should prepare a new/updated ChargePoint with as much info populated as possible
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="submission">ChargePoint info for submission, if ID and UUID set will be treated as an update</param>
        /// <returns>false on error or not enough data supplied</returns>
        public async Task <ValidationResult> PerformPOISubmission(Model.ChargePoint updatedPOI, Model.User user, bool performCacheRefresh = true, bool disablePOISuperseding = false)
                var  poiManager             = new POIManager();
                bool enableEditQueueLogging = bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EnableEditQueue"]);
                bool isUpdate = false;
                bool userCanEditWithoutApproval = false;
                bool isSystemUser = false;
                int? supersedesID = null;//POI from another data provider which has been superseded by an edit

                //if user signed in, check if they have required permission to perform an edit/approve (if required)
                if (user != null)
                    if (user.ID == (int)StandardUsers.System)
                        isSystemUser = true;

                    //if user is system user, edits/updates are not recorded in edit queue
                    if (isSystemUser)
                        enableEditQueueLogging = false;

                    userCanEditWithoutApproval = POIManager.CanUserEditPOI(updatedPOI, user);

                var dataModel = new Core.Data.OCMEntities();

                //if poi is an update, validate if update can be performed
                if (updatedPOI.ID > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(updatedPOI.UUID))
                    if (dataModel.ChargePoints.Any(c => c.Id == updatedPOI.ID && c.Uuid == updatedPOI.UUID))
                        //update is valid poi, check if user has permission to perform an update
                        isUpdate = true;
                        if (userCanEditWithoutApproval)
                            AllowUpdates = true;
                        if (!AllowUpdates && !enableEditQueueLogging)
                            //valid update requested but updates not allowed
                            return(new ValidationResult {
                                IsValid = false, Message = "Updates are disabled"
                        //update does not correctly identify an existing poi
                        return(new ValidationResult {
                            IsValid = false, Message = "Update does not correctly match an existing POI"

                //validate if minimal required data is present
                if (updatedPOI.AddressInfo.Title == null || (updatedPOI.AddressInfo.Country == null && updatedPOI.AddressInfo.CountryID == null))
                    return(new ValidationResult {
                        IsValid = false, Message = "Update failed basic validation"

                //convert to DB version of POI and back so that properties are fully populated
                using (var refDataManager = new ReferenceDataManager())
                    var refData = await refDataManager.GetCoreReferenceDataAsync();

                    updatedPOI = PopulateFullPOI(updatedPOI, refData);

                Model.ChargePoint oldPOI = null;

                if (updatedPOI.ID > 0)
                    //get json snapshot of current cp data to store as 'previous'
                    oldPOI = await poiManager.Get(updatedPOI.ID);

                //if user cannot edit directly, add to edit queue for approval
                var editQueueItem = new Core.Data.EditQueueItem {
                    DateSubmitted = DateTime.UtcNow
                if (enableEditQueueLogging)
                    editQueueItem.EntityId   = updatedPOI.ID;
                    editQueueItem.EntityType = dataModel.EntityTypes.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == 1);
                    //charging point location entity type id

                    //serialize cp as json

                    //null extra data we don't want to serialize/compare
                    updatedPOI.UserComments = null;
                    updatedPOI.MediaItems   = null;

                    string editData = PerformSerialisationToString(updatedPOI, new JsonSerializerSettings {
                        NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

                    editQueueItem.EditData = editData;

                    if (updatedPOI.ID > 0)
                        //check if poi will change with this edit, if not we discard it completely
                        if (!poiManager.HasDifferences(oldPOI, updatedPOI))
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("POI Update has no changes, discarding change.");
                            return(new ValidationResult {
                                IsValid = true, ItemId = updatedPOI.ID, Message = "No POI changes detected"
                            editQueueItem.PreviousData = PerformSerialisationToString(oldPOI, new JsonSerializerSettings {
                                NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

                    if (user != null)
                        editQueueItem.User = dataModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == user.ID);
                    var processedByUser = editQueueItem.User ?? dataModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == (int)StandardUsers.System);

                    editQueueItem.IsProcessed = false;
                    //TODO: send notification of new item for approval

                    //save edit queue item

                    //if previous edit queue item exists by same user for same POI, mark as processed
                    var previousEdits = dataModel.EditQueueItems.Where(e => e.UserId == editQueueItem.UserId && e.EntityId == editQueueItem.EntityId && e.EntityTypeId == editQueueItem.EntityTypeId && e.Id != editQueueItem.Id && e.IsProcessed != true);
                    foreach (var previousEdit in previousEdits)
                        previousEdit.IsProcessed     = true;
                        previousEdit.ProcessedByUser = processedByUser;

                        previousEdit.DateProcessed = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    //save updated edit queue items

                //prepare and save changes POI changes/addition
                if (isUpdate && !AllowUpdates)
                    //user has submitted an edit but is not an approved editor
                    //SendEditSubmissionNotification(updatedPOI, user);

                    //user is not an editor, item is now pending in edit queue for approval.
                    return(new ValidationResult {
                        IsValid = true, ItemId = updatedPOI.ID, Message = "Update submitted for review"

                if (isUpdate && updatedPOI.SubmissionStatusTypeID >= 1000)
                    //update is a delisting, skip superseding poi
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("skipping superseding of imported POI due to delisting");
                    //if poi being updated exists from an imported source we supersede the old POI with the new version, unless we're doing a fresh import from same data provider
                    if (!disablePOISuperseding)
                        //if update by non-system user will change an imported/externally provided data, supersede old POI with new one (retain ID against new POI)
                        if (isUpdate && !isSystemUser && oldPOI.DataProviderID != (int)StandardDataProviders.OpenChargeMapContrib)
                            //move old poi to new id, set status of new item to superseded
                            supersedesID = poiManager.SupersedePOI(dataModel, oldPOI, updatedPOI);

                //user is an editor, go ahead and store the addition/update
                //set/update cp properties
                var cpData = poiManager.PopulateChargePoint_SimpleToData(updatedPOI, dataModel);

                //if item has no submission status and user permitted to edit, set to published
                if (userCanEditWithoutApproval && cpData.SubmissionStatusTypeId == null)
                    cpData.SubmissionStatusTypeId = (int)StandardSubmissionStatusTypes.Submitted_Published; //hack due to conflicting state change for SubmissionStatusType
                    //no submission status, set to 'under review'
                    if (cpData.SubmissionStatusTypeId == null)
                        cpData.SubmissionStatusTypeId = (int)StandardSubmissionStatusTypes.Submitted_UnderReview;

                cpData.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (!isUpdate)
                    //new data objects need added to data model before save
                    if (cpData.AddressInfo != null)


                //finally - save poi update

                //get id of update/new poi
                int newPoiID = cpData.Id;

                //this is an authorised update, reflect change in edit queue item
                if (enableEditQueueLogging && user != null && user.ID > 0)
                    var editUser = dataModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == user.ID);
                    editQueueItem.User = editUser;

                    if (newPoiID > 0)
                        editQueueItem.EntityId = newPoiID;

                    //if user is authorised to edit, process item automatically without review
                    if (userCanEditWithoutApproval)
                        editQueueItem.ProcessedByUser = editUser;
                        editQueueItem.DateProcessed   = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        editQueueItem.IsProcessed     = true;

                    //save edit queue item changes
                    //anonymous submission, update edit queue item
                    if (enableEditQueueLogging && user == null)
                        if (newPoiID > 0)
                            editQueueItem.EntityId = newPoiID;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Added/Updated CP:" + cpData.Id);

                //if user is not anonymous, log their submission and update their reputation points
                if (user != null)
                    AuditLogManager.Log(user, isUpdate ? AuditEventType.UpdatedItem : AuditEventType.CreatedItem, "Modified OCM-" + cpData.Id, null);
                    //add reputation points
                    new UserManager().AddReputationPoints(user, 1);

                //preserve new POI Id for caller
                updatedPOI.ID = cpData.Id;

                if (performCacheRefresh)
                    if (supersedesID != null)
                        await CacheManager.RefreshCachedPOI((int)supersedesID);
                    await CacheManager.RefreshCachedPOI(updatedPOI.ID);

                return(new ValidationResult {
                    IsValid = true, ItemId = updatedPOI.ID, Message = "Update submitted."
            catch (Exception exp)
                AuditLogManager.ReportWebException(true, null, AuditEventType.SystemErrorWeb, "POI Submission Failed", exp);

                //error performing submission
                return(new ValidationResult {
                    IsValid = false, Message = "Submission Failed with an Exception: " + exp.Message
        public List<API.Common.Model.ChargePoint> Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            //TODO: operator not well matched, usage type not known, multiple connectors at same site not imported due to duplicate POI. Requires merge process.
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            var submissionStatus = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == 100);//imported and published
            var operationalStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 50);
            var unknownStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 0);
            var usageTypePublic = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 1);
            var usageTypePrivate = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 2);
            var usageTypePrivateForStaffAndVisitors = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 6); //staff and visitors
            var operatorUnknown = coreRefData.Operators.First(opUnknown => opUnknown.ID == 1);

            int itemCount = 0;

            string jsonString = "{ \"data\": " + InputData + "}";

            JObject o = JObject.Parse(jsonString);
            var dataList = o.Values().First().ToArray();

            var distinctCountries = new List<string>();
            foreach (var item in dataList)
                 * {
              "id": "5813",
              "lng": "5.14287",
              "lat": "52.07858",
              "name": "NewMotion NL-TNM-FC11",
              "address": "Herculesplein 300",
              "postalcode": "3584 AA",
              "city": "Utrecht",
              "country": "NL",
              "phone": "",
              "url": "",
              "owner": "BP",
              "email": "",
              "opentimes": "ma-vr:6:00-23.30 za-zo:8:00-23.30 ",
              "chargetype": "DC snellader",
              "connectortype": "chademo",
              "nroutlets": "2",
              "cards": [
              "pricemethod": "per laadbeurt",
              "price": "6.00",
              "power": "50kW",
              "vehicle": "auto",
              "facilities": [
            "openbaar vervoer"
              "realtimestatus": false
                ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();
                cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = this.DataProviderID }; //AddEnergie
                cp.DataProvidersReference = item["id"].ToString();
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();

                cp.AddressInfo.Title = item["address"].ToString();
                cp.OperatorsReference = item["name"].ToString();

                cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = item["address"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Town = item["city"].ToString().Trim();
                //cp.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = item["StateOrProvince"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = item["postalcode"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(item["lat"].ToString());
                cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(item["lng"].ToString());

                var countryCode = item["country"].ToString().ToLower();

                if (!distinctCountries.Exists(c=>c==countryCode)) distinctCountries.Add(countryCode);

                //fix incorrect country codes
                if (countryCode == "au") countryCode = "at"; //austria, not australia
                if (countryCode == "ml") countryCode = "mt"; //malta, not mali
                if (countryCode == "tu") countryCode = "tr"; //turkey
                if (countryCode == "ad") countryCode = "";// leave for geocoding, probably not andorra
                if (countryCode == "sv") countryCode = "si"; //slovenia, not el salvador
                if (countryCode == "ir") countryCode = "ie"; //ireland, not iran

                cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ISOCode.ToLower() == countryCode);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item["url"].ToString())) cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = item["url"].ToString();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item["email"].ToString())) cp.AddressInfo.ContactEmail = item["email"].ToString();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item["phone"].ToString())) cp.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone1 = item["phone"].ToString();

                var price = item["price"].ToString();
                var pricemethod = item["pricemethod"].ToString();

                cp.UsageCost = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(price)?price+" ":"") + pricemethod;
                //set network operators
                //cp.OperatorInfo = new OperatorInfo { ID = 89 };

                //TODO: Operator, usage,price, power, connector type
                var owner = item["owner"].ToString().ToLower();
                var operatoInfo = coreRefData.Operators.FirstOrDefault(op=>op.Title.ToLower().Contains(owner));

                if (operatoInfo == null)
                    Log("Unknown operator: "+owner);
                    cp.OperatorID = operatoInfo.ID;
                /*bool isPublic = bool.Parse(item["IsPublic"].ToString());
                if (isPublic)
                    cp.UsageType = usageTypePublic;
                    cp.UsageType = usageTypePrivate;

                cp.NumberOfPoints = int.Parse(item["nroutlets"].ToString());
                cp.StatusType = operationalStatus;

                //populate connectioninfo from Ports
                var connectorType = item["connectortype"].ToString();
                var chargetype = item["chargetype"].ToString();
                var power = item["power"].ToString();
                ConnectionInfo cinfo = new ConnectionInfo();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(power))
                        cinfo.PowerKW = double.Parse(power.Replace("kW", ""));
                catch (System.FormatException) { }

                if (connectorType.ToLower().Contains("j1772"))
                    cinfo.ConnectionTypeID = (int)StandardConnectionTypes.J1772;
                    cinfo.LevelID = 2;
                } else  if (connectorType.ToLower().Contains("mennekes"))
                    cinfo.ConnectionTypeID = (int)StandardConnectionTypes.MennekesType2;
                    cinfo.LevelID = 2;
                } else if (connectorType.ToLower().Contains("chademo"))
                    cinfo.ConnectionTypeID = (int)StandardConnectionTypes.CHAdeMO;
                    cinfo.LevelID = 3;
                else if (connectorType.ToLower().Contains("schuko"))
                    cinfo.ConnectionTypeID = (int)StandardConnectionTypes.Schuko;
                    cinfo.LevelID = 2;
                else {
                    Log("Unknown connectorType:" + connectorType);

                if (cinfo.PowerKW >= 50)
                    cinfo.LevelID = 3;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(chargetype))

                    if (chargetype.StartsWith("DC")) cinfo.CurrentTypeID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.DC;
                    if (chargetype.StartsWith("AC simpel")) cinfo.CurrentTypeID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.SinglePhaseAC;
                    //TODO: 3 phase?


               // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unknown chargetype:" + chargetype+ " "+power);

                if (cp.Connections == null)
                    cp.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                    if (!IsConnectionInfoBlank(cinfo))

                if (cp.DataQualityLevel == null) cp.DataQualityLevel = 3;

                cp.SubmissionStatus = submissionStatus;


            string temp = "";
            foreach (var countryCode in distinctCountries)
                temp += ", " + countryCode;
            Log("Countries in import:"+temp);

            return outputList;
        public List<API.Common.Model.ChargePoint> Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            string source = InputData;

            JObject o = JObject.Parse(source);

            var dataList = o["locations"].ToArray();

            var submissionStatus = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == (int)StandardSubmissionStatusTypes.Imported_UnderReview);//imported and under review
            var operationalStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 50);
            var unknownStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 0);
            var usageTypePublic = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 1);
            var usageTypePrivate = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 2);
            var operatorUnknown = coreRefData.Operators.First(opUnknown => opUnknown.ID == 1);

            int itemCount = 0;
            foreach (var item in dataList)
                ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();
                cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = this.DataProviderID }; //
                cp.DataProvidersReference = item["post_id"].ToString();
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();

                // have requested we not use the station names from their data, so we use address
                //cp.AddressInfo.Title = item["name"] != null ? item["name"].ToString() : item["address"].ToString();
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = item["address"] != null ? item["address"].ToString() : item["post_id"].ToString();
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Title.Trim().Replace("&amp;", "&");
                cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = "" + cp.DataProvidersReference;
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = item["address"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Town = item["city"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = item["region"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = item["postal_code"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(item["latitude"].ToString().Trim());
                cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(item["longitude"].ToString().Trim());

                cp.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone1 = item["phone"].ToString();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item["country"].ToString()))
                    string country = item["country"].ToString();
                    int? countryID = null;

                    var countryVal = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title.ToLower() == country.Trim().ToLower());
                    if (countryVal == null)
                        country = country.ToUpper();
                        //match country
                        if (country == "UNITED STATES" || country == "US" || country == "USA" || country == "U.S." || country == "U.S.A.") countryID = 2;

                        if (country == "UK" || country == "GB" || country == "GREAT BRITAIN" || country == "UNITED KINGDOM") countryID = 1;
                        countryID = countryVal.ID;

                    if (countryID == null)
                        this.Log("Country Not Matched, will require Geolocation:" + item["country"].ToString());
                        cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(cy => cy.ID == countryID);
                    //default to US if no country identified
                    //cp.AddressInfo.Country = cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(cy => cy.ID == 2);

                string publicCount = item["public"].ToString();
                string privateCount = item["private"].ToString();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(publicCount) && publicCount != "0")
                        cp.NumberOfPoints = int.Parse(publicCount);
                    catch (Exception) { }
                    cp.UsageType = usageTypePublic;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(privateCount) && privateCount != "0")
                            cp.NumberOfPoints = int.Parse(privateCount);
                        catch (Exception) { }
                        cp.UsageType = usageTypePrivate;

                string verifiedFlag = item["verified_flag"].ToString();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(verifiedFlag) && verifiedFlag != "0")
                    cp.StatusType = operationalStatus;
                    cp.StatusType = unknownStatus;

                //TODO: allow for multiple operators?
                var operatorsNames = item["brands"].ToArray();

                if (operatorsNames.Count() > 0)
                    var operatorName = operatorsNames[0].ToString();
                    var opDetails = coreRefData.Operators.FirstOrDefault(op => op.Title.ToLower().Contains(operatorName.ToString().ToLower()));
                    if (opDetails != null)
                        cp.OperatorInfo = opDetails;
                        Log("Operator not matched:" + operatorName);
                    cp.OperatorInfo = operatorUnknown;

                var connectorTypes = item["techs"].ToArray();
                foreach (var conn in connectorTypes)
                    ConnectionInfo cinfo = new ConnectionInfo() { };
                    ConnectionType cType = new ConnectionType { ID = 0 };
                    ChargerType level = null;
                    cinfo.Reference = conn.ToString();

                    if (conn.ToString().ToUpper() == "J1772")
                        cType = new ConnectionType();
                        cType.ID = 1; //J1772
                        level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };//default to level 2

                    if (conn.ToString().ToUpper() == "CHADEMO")
                        cType = new ConnectionType();
                        cType.ID = 2; //CHadeMO
                        level = new ChargerType { ID = 3 };//default to level 3
                    if (conn.ToString().ToUpper() == "NEMA5")
                        cType = new ConnectionType();
                        cType.ID = 9; //NEMA5-20R
                        level = new ChargerType { ID = 1 };//default to level 1

                    if (cType.ID == 0)
                        var conType = coreRefData.ConnectionTypes.FirstOrDefault(ct => ct.Title.ToLower().Contains(conn.ToString().ToLower()));
                        if (conType != null) cType = conType;
                    cinfo.ConnectionType = cType;
                    cinfo.Level = level;

                    if (cp.Connections == null)
                        cp.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                        if (!IsConnectionInfoBlank(cinfo))

                if (cp.DataQualityLevel == null) cp.DataQualityLevel = 2;

                cp.SubmissionStatus = submissionStatus;

                if (IsPOIValidForImport(cp))


            return outputList;
        /// <summary>
        /// For given POI, return data quality report and supporting analysis results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="poi"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public POIDataQualityReport CheckPOIDataQuality(OCM.API.Common.Model.ChargePoint poi)
            var report = new POIDataQualityReport();

            report.POI = poi;

            DateTime recentUpdateThreshold = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-6);

            if (
                (poi.DateLastConfirmed.HasValue && !(poi.DateLastConfirmed.Value > recentUpdateThreshold))
                (poi.UserComments != null && poi.UserComments.Any(u => u.CheckinStatusType != null && u.CheckinStatusType.IsPositive == true && u.DateCreated > recentUpdateThreshold))
                (poi.MediaItems != null && poi.MediaItems.Any(u => u.DateCreated > recentUpdateThreshold))
                //has either a recent datelastconfirmed value or a recent positive checkin
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Category = "User Feedback", Comment = "Has recent user verification", IsPositive = true
                //low quality score for date last confirmed
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Weighting = 10, Category = "User Feedback", Comment = "No recent user verification.", IsPositive = false

            if (poi.UserComments == null || (poi.UserComments != null && !poi.UserComments.Any()))
                //low quality score for comments
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Weighting = 10, Category = "User Feedback", Comment = "No comments or check-ins", IsPositive = false
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Category = "User Feedback", Comment = "Has comments or check-ins", IsPositive = true

            if (poi.MediaItems == null || (poi.MediaItems != null && !poi.MediaItems.Any()))
                //low quality score for photos
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Weighting = 10, Category = "User Feedback", Comment = "No photos", IsPositive = false
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Category = "User Feedback", Comment = "Has photos", IsPositive = true

            if (poi.UsageTypeID == null || (poi.UsageTypeID != null && poi.UsageType.ID == 0))
                //low quality score for usage type
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Weighting = 10, Category = "Data Completeness", Comment = "Unknown Usage Type", IsPositive = false
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Category = "Data Completeness", Comment = "Usage Type Known", IsPositive = true
            if (poi.StatusType == null || (poi.StatusType != null && poi.StatusType.ID == 0))
                //low quality score for status type
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Weighting = 10, Category = "Data Completeness", Comment = "Unknown Operational Status", IsPositive = false
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Category = "Data Completeness", Comment = "Operational Status Known", IsPositive = true

            if (poi.Connections == null || !poi.Connections.Any())
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Weighting = 50, Category = "Data Completeness", Comment = "No Equipment Details", IsPositive = false
                report.ReportItems.Add(new DataQualityReportItem {
                    Category = "Data Completeness", Comment = "Equipment Details Present", IsPositive = true

            //data quality score starts at 5 (excellent) and is reduced towards 0 for each data issue

            double totalPoints = 100;

            foreach (var p in report.ReportItems.Where(r => r.IsPositive == false))
                totalPoints -= p.Weighting;
            if (totalPoints < 0)
                totalPoints = 0;
            report.DataQualityScore = totalPoints;

        List<ChargePoint> IImportProvider.Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            var submissionStatus = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == 100);//imported and published
            var status_operational = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 50);
            var status_notoperational = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 100);

            var status_operationalMixed = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 75);
            var status_available = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 10);
            var status_inuse = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 20);
            var status_unknown = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 0);
            var usageTypePublic = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 1);
            var usageTypePrivate = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 2);

            JObject o = JObject.Parse(InputData);
            var dataList = o.Values()["ChargingStationList"].Values().ToArray();

            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            int itemCount = 0;

            foreach (var item in dataList)
                    ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();
                    cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();
                    var addressData = item["ChargingStationAddress"];
                    cp.AddressInfo.Title = addressData["Street"] != null ? addressData["Street"].ToString() : item["ChargingStationId"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = "";

                    cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = this.DataProviderID }; //
                    cp.DataProvidersReference = item["ChargingStationId"].ToString();
                    cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = addressData["Street"].ToString();
                    if (addressData["Number"]!=null && addressData["Number"].ToString() != "-")
                        cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 += " " + addressData["Number"].ToString();

                    cp.AddressInfo.Town = addressData["City"].ToString();

                    cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = addressData["PostalCode"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(item["Latitude"].ToString());
                    cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(item["Longitude"].ToString());
                    var countryCode = addressData["Country"].ToString();
                    var country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(ct => ct.ISOCode==countryCode);
                    cp.AddressInfo.Country = country;

                    cp.NumberOfPoints = int.Parse(item["TotalSattelites"].ToString());

                    cp.StatusType = status_operational;
                    string status = item["Status"].ToString().ToLower();

                    if (status == "unavailable" || status == "reserved" || status == "in use")
                        cp.StatusType = status_operational;

                    if (status == "disconnected" || status == "inactive" || status == "suspended")
                        cp.StatusType = status_notoperational;

                    string type = item["Type"].ToString();//fast or normal
                    if (type.ToLower() == "fast" || type.ToLower() == "normal")
                        //populate connections
                        cp.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();

                        ConnectionInfo con = new ConnectionInfo();
                        if (String.Equals(type, "fast", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            con.Level = new ChargerType { ID = 3 };
                            con.Voltage = 400;
                            con.Amps = 75;
                            con.PowerKW = con.Voltage * con.Amps / 1000;
                            con.StatusType = cp.StatusType;
                            con.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.DC };

                        if (String.Equals(type, "normal", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            con.Level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };
                            //based on
                            con.Voltage = 220;
                            con.Amps = 16;
                            con.PowerKW = con.Voltage * con.Amps / 1000;
                            con.StatusType = cp.StatusType;
                            con.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.SinglePhaseAC };

                    //TODO: attempt to match operator
                    var operatorName = item["Operator"].ToString();
                    var operatorInfo = coreRefData.Operators.FirstOrDefault(op => op.Title.ToLower().StartsWith(operatorName.ToLower()));
                    if (operatorInfo != null)
                        cp.OperatorInfo = operatorInfo;
                    } else
                        this.Log("Unknown Operator:" + operatorName);
                    cp.DataQualityLevel = 3; //avg, higher than default

                    cp.SubmissionStatus = submissionStatus;

                catch (Exception exp)
                    Log("Error parsing item " + itemCount+ " "+ exp.ToString());


            return outputList;
        public List<API.Common.Model.ChargePoint> Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            ImportCommonReferenceData importRefData = new ImportCommonReferenceData(coreRefData);
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            string jsString = InputData;// "{ \"data\": " + InputData + "}";
            JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            jss.RegisterConverters(new JavaScriptConverter[] { new DynamicJsonConverter() });
            dynamic parsedList = jss.Deserialize(jsString, typeof(object)) as dynamic;

            var dataList = parsedList.chargingstations;

            int itemCount = 0;
            foreach (var item in dataList)
                 * {
                     "brand":"Station City of Amsterdam",
                     "postal_code":"1025 XL",
                     "spotIds":"BA-3665-1, BA-3066-8"
                 * */
                ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();
                cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = 21 }; //rwe-mobility
                cp.DataProvidersReference = item["id"].ToString();
                cp.OperatorsReference = item["oid"].ToString();
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();


                    cp.AddressInfo.Title = item["location_name"] != null ? item["location_name"].ToString() : (item["brand"] != null ? item["brand"].ToString() : item["street"]);
                    cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Title.Trim().Replace("&amp;", "&");
                catch (Exception)
                    //could not get a location title
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("No title for item: " + cp.DataProvidersReference);
                //cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = item["url"].ToString();

                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = item["house_number"] != null ? item["house_number"] + " " + item["street"].ToString() : item["street"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Town = item["city"].ToString().Trim();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item["postal_code"])) cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = item["postal_code"].ToString().Trim();
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.Title)) cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Town;

                cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(item["latitude"].ToString());
                cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(item["longitude"].ToString());

                if (item["phone"] != null)
                    cp.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone1 = item["phone"].ToString();

                //default to norway
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item["country"].ToString()))
                    string country = item["country"].ToString();
                    int? countryID = null;

                    var countryVal = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title.ToLower() == country.Trim().ToLower());
                    if (countryVal == null)
                        country = country.ToUpper();
                        //match country
                        if (country == "UNITED STATES" || country == "US" || country == "USA" || country == "U.S." || country == "U.S.A.") countryID = 2;

                        if (country == "UK" || country == "GB" || country == "GREAT BRITAIN" || country == "UNITED KINGDOM") countryID = 1;
                        countryID = countryVal.ID;

                    if (countryID == null)
                        this.Log("Country Not Matched, will require Geolocation:" + item["country"].ToString());

                        cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(cy => cy.ID == countryID);
                    //default to US if no country identified
                    //cp.AddressInfo.Country = cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(cy => cy.ID == 2);

                cp.UsageType = null;
                //TODO:identify usage type, number of points, connections

                cp.NumberOfPoints = 1;
                cp.StatusType = importRefData.Status_Operational;

                if (cp.DataQualityLevel == null) cp.DataQualityLevel = 2;

                cp.SubmissionStatus = importRefData.SubmissionStatus_ImportedAndPublished;


            return outputList;
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if 2 CPs have the same location details or very close lat/lng
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current"></param>
        /// <param name="previous"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsDuplicateLocation(ChargePoint current, ChargePoint previous, bool compareTitle)
            //is duplicate item if latlon is exact match for previous item or latlon is within few meters of previous item
            if (
                (GeoManager.IsClose(current.AddressInfo.Latitude, current.AddressInfo.Longitude, previous.AddressInfo.Latitude, previous.AddressInfo.Longitude) && new System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate(current.AddressInfo.Latitude, current.AddressInfo.Longitude).GetDistanceTo(new System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate(previous.AddressInfo.Latitude, previous.AddressInfo.Longitude)) < DUPLICATE_DISTANCE_METERS) //meters distance apart
                || (compareTitle && (previous.AddressInfo.Title == current.AddressInfo.Title))
                //&& previous.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 == current.AddressInfo.AddressLine1
                || (previous.AddressInfo.Latitude == current.AddressInfo.Latitude && previous.AddressInfo.Longitude == current.AddressInfo.Longitude)
                || (current.DataProvidersReference != null && current.DataProvidersReference.Length > 0 && previous.DataProvidersReference == current.DataProvidersReference)
                || (previous.AddressInfo.ToString() == current.AddressInfo.ToString())

                int dataProviderId = (previous.DataProvider != null ? previous.DataProvider.ID : (int)previous.DataProviderID);
                if (previous.AddressInfo.Latitude == current.AddressInfo.Latitude && previous.AddressInfo.Longitude == current.AddressInfo.Longitude)
                    Log(current.AddressInfo.ToString() + " is Duplicate due to exact equal latlon to [Data Provider " + dataProviderId + "]" + previous.AddressInfo.ToString());
                else if (new System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate(current.AddressInfo.Latitude, current.AddressInfo.Longitude).GetDistanceTo(new System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate(previous.AddressInfo.Latitude, previous.AddressInfo.Longitude)) < DUPLICATE_DISTANCE_METERS)
                    Log(current.AddressInfo.ToString() + " is Duplicate due to close proximity to [Data Provider " + dataProviderId + "]" + previous.AddressInfo.ToString());
                else if (previous.AddressInfo.Title == current.AddressInfo.Title && previous.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 == current.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 && previous.AddressInfo.Postcode == current.AddressInfo.Postcode)
                    Log(current.AddressInfo.ToString() + " is Duplicate due to same Title and matching AddressLine1 and Postcode  [Data Provider " + dataProviderId + "]" + previous.AddressInfo.ToString());
                return true;
                return false;
Beispiel #26
        public bool MergeItemChanges(ChargePoint sourceItem, ChargePoint destItem, bool statusOnly)
            //TODO: move to POIManager or a common base?
            bool hasDifferences = true;
            //var diffs = GetDifferingProperties(sourceItem, destItem);

            //merge changes in sourceItem into destItem, preserving destItem ID's
            if (!statusOnly)
                //update addressinfo
                destItem.AddressInfo.Title = sourceItem.AddressInfo.Title;
                destItem.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = sourceItem.AddressInfo.AddressLine1;
                destItem.AddressInfo.AddressLine2 = sourceItem.AddressInfo.AddressLine2;
                destItem.AddressInfo.Town = sourceItem.AddressInfo.Town;
                destItem.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = sourceItem.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince;
                destItem.AddressInfo.Postcode = sourceItem.AddressInfo.Postcode;
                destItem.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = sourceItem.AddressInfo.RelatedURL;
                if (sourceItem.AddressInfo.Country != null) destItem.AddressInfo.Country = sourceItem.AddressInfo.Country;
                destItem.AddressInfo.CountryID = sourceItem.AddressInfo.CountryID;

                destItem.AddressInfo.AccessComments = sourceItem.AddressInfo.AccessComments;
                destItem.AddressInfo.ContactEmail = sourceItem.AddressInfo.ContactEmail;
                destItem.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone1 = sourceItem.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone1;
                destItem.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone2 = sourceItem.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone2;
#pragma warning disable 0612
                destItem.AddressInfo.GeneralComments = sourceItem.AddressInfo.GeneralComments;
#pragma warning restore 0612
                destItem.AddressInfo.Latitude = sourceItem.AddressInfo.Latitude;
                destItem.AddressInfo.Longitude = sourceItem.AddressInfo.Longitude;

                //update general
                destItem.DataProvider = sourceItem.DataProvider;
                destItem.DataProviderID = sourceItem.DataProviderID;
                destItem.DataProvidersReference = sourceItem.DataProvidersReference;
                destItem.OperatorID = sourceItem.OperatorID;
                destItem.OperatorInfo = sourceItem.OperatorInfo;
                destItem.OperatorsReference = sourceItem.OperatorsReference;
                destItem.UsageType = sourceItem.UsageType;
                destItem.UsageTypeID = sourceItem.UsageTypeID;
                destItem.UsageCost = sourceItem.UsageCost;
                destItem.NumberOfPoints = sourceItem.NumberOfPoints;
                destItem.GeneralComments = sourceItem.GeneralComments;
                destItem.DateLastConfirmed = sourceItem.DateLastConfirmed;
                //destItem.DateLastStatusUpdate = sourceItem.DateLastStatusUpdate;
                destItem.DatePlanned = sourceItem.DatePlanned;

                //update connections
                //TODO:: update connections
                var connDeleteList = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                if (sourceItem.Connections != null)
                    if (destItem.Connections == null)
                        destItem.Connections = sourceItem.Connections;
                        var equipmentIndex = 0;
                        foreach (var conn in sourceItem.Connections)
                            //imported equipment info is replaced in order they appear in the import
                            //TODO: if the connection type/power rating has changed we need to create new equipment
                            // rather than update existing as this is probably a physically different equipment installation

                            ConnectionInfo existingConnection = null;

                            existingConnection = destItem.Connections.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Reference == conn.Reference && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(conn.Reference));
                            if (existingConnection == null)
                                if (destItem.Connections != null && destItem.Connections.Count >= (equipmentIndex + 1))
                                    existingConnection = destItem.Connections[equipmentIndex];

                            if (existingConnection != null)
                                //update existing- updates can be either object base reference data or use ID values
                                existingConnection.ConnectionType = conn.ConnectionType;
                                existingConnection.ConnectionTypeID = conn.ConnectionTypeID;
                                existingConnection.Quantity = conn.Quantity;
                                existingConnection.LevelID = conn.LevelID;
                                existingConnection.Level = conn.Level;
                                existingConnection.Reference = conn.Reference;
                                existingConnection.StatusTypeID = conn.StatusTypeID;
                                existingConnection.StatusType = conn.StatusType;
                                existingConnection.Voltage = conn.Voltage;
                                existingConnection.Amps = conn.Amps;
                                existingConnection.PowerKW = conn.PowerKW;
                                existingConnection.Comments = conn.Comments;
                                existingConnection.CurrentType = conn.CurrentType;
                                existingConnection.CurrentTypeID = conn.CurrentTypeID;
                                //add new
            if (sourceItem.StatusType != null) destItem.StatusType = sourceItem.StatusType;

            return hasDifferences;
        public void ProcessEditQueueItem(int id, bool publishEdit, int userId)
            //prepare poi details
            int updatePOIId = 0;
            var queueItem   = DataModel.EditQueueItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ID == id);

            if (queueItem != null && queueItem.IsProcessed == false)
                if (queueItem.EntityType.ID == (int)StandardEntityTypes.POI)
                    //check current user is authorized to approve edits for this POIs country
                    bool hasEditPermission = false;
                    var  editPOI           = DeserializePOIFromJSON(queueItem.EditData);
                    var  userProfile       = new UserManager().GetUser(userId);
                    if (userProfile != null)
                        if (UserManager.HasUserPermission(userProfile, editPOI.AddressInfo.CountryID, PermissionLevel.Editor))
                            hasEditPermission = true;

                    //processing a POI add/edit
                    if (hasEditPermission)
                        if (publishEdit)
                            //get diff between previous and edit

                            POIManager        poiManager = new POIManager();
                            Model.ChargePoint poiA       = DeserializePOIFromJSON(queueItem.PreviousData);
                            Model.ChargePoint poiB       = DeserializePOIFromJSON(queueItem.EditData);

                            bool poiUpdateRequired = false;

                            if (poiA != null)
                                //this is an edit, load the latest version of the POI as version 'A'
                                poiA = poiManager.Get(poiA.ID);
                                if (poiManager.HasDifferences(poiA, poiB))
                                    poiUpdateRequired = true;

                            //save poi update
                            //if its an edit, load the original details before applying the change
                            if (poiUpdateRequired)
                                //updates to externally provided POIs require old version to be superseded (archived) first
                                if (poiA != null && poiA.DataProviderID != (int)StandardDataProviders.OpenChargeMapContrib)
                                    poiManager.SupersedePOI(DataModel, poiA, poiB);

                            //set/update cp properties from simple model to data model
                            var poiData = poiManager.PopulateChargePoint_SimpleToData(poiB, DataModel);

                            //set status type to published if previously unset
                            if (poiData.SubmissionStatusTypeID == null)
                                poiData.SubmissionStatusType = DataModel.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == (int)StandardSubmissionStatusTypes.Submitted_Published);

                            poiData.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                            //publish edit

                            updatePOIId = poiData.ID;

                            //attribute submitter with reputation points
                            if (queueItem.UserID != null)
                                new UserManager().AddReputationPoints((int)queueItem.UserID, 1);

                        //update edit queue item as processed
                        queueItem.IsProcessed     = true;
                        queueItem.ProcessedByUser = DataModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.ID == userId);
                        queueItem.DateProcessed   = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        //TODO: also award processing editor with reputation points if they are approving someone elses edit and they are not Admin

                        //Refresh POI cache
                        Task cacheRefresh = CacheManager.RefreshCachedPOI(updatePOIId);
        public List<API.Common.Model.ChargePoint> Process(API.Common.Model.CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            string importMappingJSON = "{ID:0,LocationTitle:1, AddressLine1:2,	AddressLine2:3,	Town:4,	StateOrProvince:5,	Postcode:6,	Country:7,	Latitude:8,	Longitude:9,Addr_ContactTelephone1:10,	Addr_ContactTelephone2:11,	Addr_ContactEmail:12,	Addr_AccessComments:13,	Addr_GeneralComments:14,	Addr_RelatedURL:15,	UsageType:16,	NumberOfPoints:17,	GeneralComments:18,	DateLastConfirmed:19,	StatusType:20,	DateLastStatusUpdate:21,	UsageCost:22,	Connection1_Type:23,	Connection1_Amps:24,	Connection1_Volts:25,	Connection1_Level:26,	Connection1_Quantity:27,	Connection2_Type:28,	Connection2_Amps:29,	Connection2_Volts:30,	Connection2_Level:31,	Connection2_Quantity:32,	Connection3_Type:33,	Connection3_Amps:34,	Connection3_Volts:35,	Connection3_Level:36,	Connection3_Quantity:37}";

            //get import column mappings from JSON format config item into a Dictionary
            IDictionary<string, JToken> tmpMap = JObject.Parse(importMappingJSON);
            Dictionary<string, int> importMappings = tmpMap.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => (int)pair.Value);

                //Open the Excel workbook.
                using (SpreadsheetDocument document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(this.InputPath, false))
                    //References to the workbook and Shared String Table.
                    var workBook = document.WorkbookPart.Workbook;
                    var workSheets = workBook.Descendants<Sheet>();
                    var sharedStrings = document.WorkbookPart.SharedStringTablePart.SharedStringTable;

                    //fetch first sheet in workbook
                    var importSheetID = workSheets.First().Id;
                    var importSheet = (WorksheetPart)document.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(importSheetID);

                    Row headerRow = importSheet.RootElement.Descendants<Row>().First(r => r.RowIndex == 1);
                    List<Cell> headerCells = headerRow.Descendants<Cell>().ToList();

                    //LINQ query to skip first row with column names.
                    IEnumerable<Row> dataRows =
                        from row in importSheet.RootElement.Descendants<Row>()
                        where row.RowIndex > 1
                        select row;

                    int sourceRowIndex = 0;
                    foreach (Row row in dataRows)
                        ChargePoint import = new ChargePoint();

                            List<Cell> cellList = row.Elements<Cell>().ToList();

                            var textArray = new string[headerCells.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < textArray.Length; i++)
                                string headerCellref = Regex.Replace(headerCells[i].CellReference.Value, @"[\d-]", string.Empty);
                                //if cell has value, populate array position
                                var cell = cellList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CellReference.Value == (headerCellref + (sourceRowIndex + 1)));
                                if (cell != null)
                                    textArray[i] = (cell.DataType != null && cell.DataType.HasValue && cell.DataType == CellValues.SharedString ? sharedStrings.ChildElements[int.Parse(cell.CellValue.InnerText)].InnerText : (cell.CellValue != null ? cell.CellValue.InnerText : null));
                                    //empty cell

                            if (textArray.Any(t=>t!=null))
                                //load import row values from value in worksheet row
                                import.DataProvidersReference = textArray[importMappings["ID"]];
                                import.DataQualityLevel = 3;

                                if (this.DefaultDataProvider != null) import.DataProvider = DefaultDataProvider;

                                    importRow.InvoiceDate = DateTime.FromOADate(
                                        ); //excel date is a double value (from OLE Automation) in days since 1900/1/1

                                import.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();
                                import.AddressInfo.Title = textArray[importMappings["LocationTitle"]];
                                import.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = textArray[importMappings["AddressLine1"]];
                                import.AddressInfo.AddressLine2 = textArray[importMappings["AddressLine2"]];
                                import.AddressInfo.Town = textArray[importMappings["Town"]];
                                import.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = textArray[importMappings["StateOrProvince"]];
                                import.AddressInfo.Postcode = textArray[importMappings["Postcode"]];

                                string countryName = textArray[importMappings["Country"]];
                                import.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == countryName);

                                    import.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(textArray[importMappings["Latitude"]]);
                                catch (Exception exp)
                                    //failed to parse value
                                    throw exp;

                                    import.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(textArray[importMappings["Longitude"]]);
                                catch (Exception exp)
                                    //failed to parse value
                                    throw exp;

                                if (import.Connections == null) import.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();

                                //connection info 1

                                if (textArray[importMappings["Connection1_Type"]] != null)
                                    var conn = new ConnectionInfo();
                                    conn.ConnectionType = coreRefData.ConnectionTypes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == textArray[importMappings["Connection1_Type"]]);
                                if (textArray[importMappings["Connection2_Type"]] != null)
                                    var conn = new ConnectionInfo();
                                    conn.ConnectionType = coreRefData.ConnectionTypes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == textArray[importMappings["Connection2_Type"]]);

                               //blank row
                                import = null;

                        catch (Exception exp)
                            //exception parsing current row
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Excel Import: " + exp.Message);

                           if (import!=null) outputList.Add(import);
            catch (Exception exp)
                //could not read from file
                throw (exp);

            return outputList;
Beispiel #29
        private void InitEditReferenceData(ChargePoint poi)
            //edit/preview may not have some basic info we need for further edits such as a default connectioninfo object
            if (poi.Connections == null)
                poi.Connections = new List<OCM.API.Common.Model.ConnectionInfo>();

            if (poi.Connections.Count == 0)
                poi.Connections.Add(new OCM.API.Common.Model.ConnectionInfo());

            //urls require at least http:// prefix
            if (poi.AddressInfo.RelatedURL != null && poi.AddressInfo.RelatedURL.Trim().Length > 0 && !poi.AddressInfo.RelatedURL.Trim().StartsWith("http"))
                poi.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = "http://" + poi.AddressInfo.RelatedURL;
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle input to API
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void PerformInput(HttpContext context)
            OCM.API.InputProviders.IInputProvider inputProvider = null;
            bool performSubmissionCompletedRedirects = false;

            if (context.Request["format"] == "json")
                inputProvider = new InputProviders.JSONInputProvider();
                inputProvider = new InputProviders.HTMLFormInputProvider();
                performSubmissionCompletedRedirects = true;
            SubmissionManager submissionManager = new SubmissionManager();

            //attempt to determine user from api call
            User user = inputProvider.GetUserFromAPICall(context);

            if (user != null && user.IsCurrentSessionTokenValid == false)
                //session token provided didn't match latest in user details, reject user details.
                context.Response.StatusCode = 401;
                //gather input variables
                if (context.Request["action"] == "cp_submission")
                    //gather/process data for submission
                    OCM.API.Common.Model.ChargePoint cp = new Common.Model.ChargePoint();

                    bool processedOK = inputProvider.ProcessEquipmentSubmission(context, ref cp);
                    bool submittedOK = false;

                    if (processedOK == true)
                        //perform submission

                        int submissionId = submissionManager.PerformPOISubmission(cp, user);
                        if (submissionId > -1) submittedOK = true;

                    if (processedOK && submittedOK)
                        if (performSubmissionCompletedRedirects)
                            if (submittedOK)
                                context.Response.Redirect("", true);
                                context.Response.Redirect("", true);
                            context.Response.StatusCode = 202;
                            //context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
                        if (performSubmissionCompletedRedirects)
                            context.Response.Redirect("", true);
                            context.Response.StatusCode = 500;
                            //context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

                if (context.Request["action"] == "comment_submission")
                    UserComment comment = new UserComment();
                    bool processedOK = inputProvider.ProcessUserCommentSubmission(context, ref comment);
                    if (processedOK == true)
                        //perform submission
                        int result = submissionManager.PerformSubmission(comment, user);

                        if (result >= 0)
                            context.Response.Write("OK:" + result);
                            context.Response.Write("Error:" + result);
                        context.Response.Write("Error: Validation Failed");

                if (context.Request["action"] == "contactus_submission")
                    ContactSubmission contactSubmission = new ContactSubmission();
                    bool processedOK = inputProvider.ProcessContactUsSubmission(context, ref contactSubmission);

                    bool resultOK = submissionManager.SendContactUsMessage(contactSubmission.Name, contactSubmission.Email, contactSubmission.Comment);
                    if (resultOK == true)

                if (context.Request["action"] == "mediaitem_submission")
                    var p = inputProvider as OCM.API.InputProviders.HTMLFormInputProvider;
                    MediaItem m = new MediaItem();
                    bool accepted = false;
                    string msg = "";
                        accepted = p.ProcessMediaItemSubmission(context, ref m, user.ID);
                    catch (Exception exp)
                        msg += exp.ToString();
                    if (accepted)
                        submissionManager.PerformSubmission(m, user);
                        //OutputSubmissionReceivedMessage(context, "OK :" + m.ID, true);
                        //OutputBadRequestMessage(context, "Error, could not accept submission: " + msg);
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle input to API
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void PerformInput(HttpContext context)
            OCM.API.InputProviders.IInputProvider inputProvider = null;
            bool performSubmissionCompletedRedirects            = false;

            if (context.Request["format"] == "json")
                inputProvider = new InputProviders.JSONInputProvider();
                inputProvider = new InputProviders.HTMLFormInputProvider();
                performSubmissionCompletedRedirects = true;
            SubmissionManager submissionManager = new SubmissionManager();

            //attempt to determine user from api call
            User user = inputProvider.GetUserFromAPICall(context);

            if (user != null && user.IsCurrentSessionTokenValid == false)
                //session token provided didn't match latest in user details, reject user details.
                context.Response.StatusCode = 401;
                //gather input variables
                if (context.Request["action"] == "cp_submission")
                    //gather/process data for submission
                    OCM.API.Common.Model.ChargePoint cp = new Common.Model.ChargePoint();

                    bool processedOK = inputProvider.ProcessEquipmentSubmission(context, ref cp);
                    bool submittedOK = false;

                    if (processedOK == true)
                        //perform submission

                        int submissionId = submissionManager.PerformPOISubmission(cp, user);
                        if (submissionId > -1)
                            submittedOK = true;

                    if (processedOK && submittedOK)
                        if (performSubmissionCompletedRedirects)
                            if (submittedOK)
                                context.Response.Redirect("", true);
                                context.Response.Redirect("", true);
                            context.Response.StatusCode = 202;
                            //context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
                        if (performSubmissionCompletedRedirects)
                            context.Response.Redirect("", true);
                            context.Response.StatusCode = 500;
                            //context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

                if (context.Request["action"] == "comment_submission")
                    UserComment comment     = new UserComment();
                    bool        processedOK = inputProvider.ProcessUserCommentSubmission(context, ref comment);
                    if (processedOK == true)
                        //perform submission
                        int result = submissionManager.PerformSubmission(comment, user);

                        if (result >= 0)
                            context.Response.Write("OK:" + result);
                            context.Response.Write("Error:" + result);
                        context.Response.Write("Error: Validation Failed");

                if (context.Request["action"] == "contactus_submission")
                    ContactSubmission contactSubmission = new ContactSubmission();
                    bool processedOK = inputProvider.ProcessContactUsSubmission(context, ref contactSubmission);

                    bool resultOK = submissionManager.SendContactUsMessage(contactSubmission.Name, contactSubmission.Email, contactSubmission.Comment);
                    if (resultOK == true)

                if (context.Request["action"] == "mediaitem_submission")
                    var       p        = inputProvider as OCM.API.InputProviders.HTMLFormInputProvider;
                    MediaItem m        = new MediaItem();
                    bool      accepted = false;
                    string    msg      = "";
                        accepted = p.ProcessMediaItemSubmission(context, ref m, user.ID);
                    catch (Exception exp)
                        msg += exp.ToString();
                    if (accepted)
                        submissionManager.PerformSubmission(m, user);
                        //OutputSubmissionReceivedMessage(context, "OK :" + m.ID, true);
                        //OutputBadRequestMessage(context, "Error, could not accept submission: " + msg);
 public override void ParseAdditionalData(ChargePoint cp, XmlNode item, CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
        public static bool IsPOIValidForImport(ChargePoint poi, bool includeCountryValidation = false)
            if (poi == null) return false;
            if (poi.AddressInfo == null) return false;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(poi.AddressInfo.Title)) return false;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(poi.AddressInfo.AddressLine1) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(poi.AddressInfo.Postcode)) return false;
            if (poi.AddressInfo.Latitude == 0 || poi.AddressInfo.Longitude == 0) return false;

            if (poi.AddressInfo.Latitude < -90 || poi.AddressInfo.Latitude > 90) return false;
            if (poi.AddressInfo.Longitude < -180 || poi.AddressInfo.Longitude > 180) return false;

            if (poi.Connections == null || !poi.Connections.Any()) return false;
            if (poi.AddressInfo.Title.Contains("????")) return false; //imports with invalid character encoding
            if (includeCountryValidation && (poi.AddressInfo.CountryID==null && poi.AddressInfo.Country == null)) return false;
            return true;
 public override void SetDataProviderDetails(ChargePoint cp, XmlNode item)
     cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = this.DataProviderID }; //
     //invent unique id by hashing location title
     cp.DataProvidersReference = CalculateMD5Hash(RemoveFormattingCharacters(item["name"].InnerText));
Beispiel #35
        public bool UpdateItem(ChargePoint cp, APICredentials credentials)
            //TODO: implement batch update based on item list?
                string url = ServiceBaseURL + "?action=cp_submission&format=json";
                url += "&Identifier=" + credentials.Identifier;
                url += "&SessionToken=" + credentials.SessionToken;

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cp);
                string result = PostDataToURL(url, json);
                return true;
            catch (Exception)
                //update failed
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Update Item Failed: {"+cp.ID+": "+cp.AddressInfo.Title+"}");
                return false;
Beispiel #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle input to API
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void PerformInput(HttpContext context)
            if (!bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EnableDataWrites"]))
                OutputBadRequestMessage(context, "API is read only. Submissions not currently being accepted.");
            OCM.API.InputProviders.IInputProvider inputProvider = null;

            var filter = new APIRequestParams();

            //set defaults

            //override ?v=2 etc if called via /api/v2/ or /api/v1
            if (APIBehaviourVersion > 0)
                filter.APIVersion = APIBehaviourVersion;
            if (APIBehaviourVersion >= 2)
                filter.Action = DefaultAction;

            if (context.Request.Url.Host.ToLower().StartsWith("api") && filter.APIVersion == null)
                //API version is mandatory for api V2 onwards via api.openchargemap.* hostname
                OutputBadRequestMessage(context, "mandatory API Version not specified in request");

            bool performSubmissionCompletedRedirects = false;

            //Use JSON format submission if explictly specified or by default if API v3
            if (context.Request["format"] == "json" || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["format"]) && filter.APIVersion >= 3))
                inputProvider = new InputProviders.JSONInputProvider();
                inputProvider = new InputProviders.HTMLFormInputProvider();
                performSubmissionCompletedRedirects = true;
            SubmissionManager submissionManager = new SubmissionManager();

            //attempt to determine user from api call
            User user = inputProvider.GetUserFromAPICall(context);

            if (user != null && user.IsCurrentSessionTokenValid == false)
                //session token provided didn't match latest in user details, reject user details.
                context.Response.StatusCode = 401;
                //allow contact us input whether use is authenticated or not
                if (context.Request["action"] == "contactus_submission" || filter.Action == "contact")
                    ContactSubmission contactSubmission = new ContactSubmission();
                    bool processedOK = inputProvider.ProcessContactUsSubmission(context, ref contactSubmission);

                    bool resultOK = submissionManager.SendContactUsMessage(contactSubmission.Name, contactSubmission.Email, contactSubmission.Comment);
                    if (resultOK == true)

                //if user not authenticated reject any other input
                if (user == null)
                    context.Response.StatusCode = 401;

                //gather input variables
                if (context.Request["action"] == "cp_submission" || filter.Action == "poi")
                    //gather/process data for submission
                    OCM.API.Common.Model.ChargePoint cp = new Common.Model.ChargePoint();

                    bool processedOK = inputProvider.ProcessEquipmentSubmission(context, ref cp);
                    bool submittedOK = false;

                    if (processedOK == true)
                        //perform submission

                        int submissionId = submissionManager.PerformPOISubmission(cp, user);
                        if (submissionId > -1)
                            submittedOK = true;

                    if (processedOK && submittedOK)
                        if (performSubmissionCompletedRedirects)
                            if (submittedOK)
                                context.Response.Redirect("", true);
                                context.Response.Redirect("", true);
                            context.Response.StatusCode = 202;
                        if (performSubmissionCompletedRedirects)
                            context.Response.Redirect("", true);
                            context.Response.StatusCode = 500;

                if (context.Request["action"] == "comment_submission" || filter.Action == "comment")
                    UserComment comment     = new UserComment();
                    bool        processedOK = inputProvider.ProcessUserCommentSubmission(context, ref comment);
                    if (processedOK == true)
                        //perform submission
                        int result = submissionManager.PerformSubmission(comment, user);
                        if (filter.APIVersion >= 3)
                            if (result > 0)
                                OutputSubmissionReceivedMessage(context, "OK", true);
                                OutputBadRequestMessage(context, "Failed");
                            if (result >= 0)
                                context.Response.Write("OK:" + result);
                                context.Response.Write("Error:" + result);
                        context.Response.Write("Error: Validation Failed");

                if (context.Request["action"] == "mediaitem_submission" || filter.Action == "mediaitem")
                    var       p        = inputProvider;// as OCM.API.InputProviders.HTMLFormInputProvider;
                    MediaItem m        = new MediaItem();
                    bool      accepted = false;
                    string    msg      = "";
                        accepted = p.ProcessMediaItemSubmission(context, ref m, user.ID);
                    catch (Exception exp)
                        msg += exp.ToString();
                    if (accepted)
                        submissionManager.PerformSubmission(m, user);
                        //OutputSubmissionReceivedMessage(context, "OK :" + m.ID, true);

                        if (filter.APIVersion >= 3)
                            OutputSubmissionReceivedMessage(context, "OK", true);
                        if (filter.APIVersion >= 3)
                            OutputBadRequestMessage(context, "Failed");
Beispiel #37
        public List<ChargePoint> FindSimilar(ChargePoint cp, int MinimumPercentageSimilarity)
            List<ChargePoint> results = new List<ChargePoint>();
                string url = ServiceBaseURL + "?output=json&action=getsimilarchargepoints";

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cp);
                string resultJSON = PostDataToURL(url, json);
                JObject o = JObject.Parse("{\"root\": " + resultJSON + "}");
                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                List<ChargePoint> c = (List<ChargePoint>)serializer.Deserialize(new JTokenReader(o["root"]), typeof(List<ChargePoint>));
                return c;
            catch (Exception)
                return null;
        public List<API.Common.Model.ChargePoint> Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            string source = InputData;

            JObject o = JObject.Parse(source);

            var dataList = o["ChargeDevice"].ToArray();

            var submissionStatus = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == (int)StandardSubmissionStatusTypes.Imported_UnderReview);//imported and under review
            var submissionStatusDelistedPrivate = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == (int)StandardSubmissionStatusTypes.Delisted_NotPublicInformation);//delisted not public
            var operationalStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 50);
            var nonoperationalStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 100);
            var unknownStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == (int)StandardStatusTypes.Unknown);
            var usageTypeUnknown = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == (int)StandardUsageTypes.Unknown);
            var usageTypePublic = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == (int)StandardUsageTypes.Public);
            var usageTypePublicPayAtLocation = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == (int)StandardUsageTypes.Public_PayAtLocation);
            var usageTypePrivate = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == (int)StandardUsageTypes.PrivateRestricted);
            var usageTypePublicMembershipRequired = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == (int)StandardUsageTypes.Public_MembershipRequired);
            var operatorUnknown = coreRefData.Operators.First(opUnknown => opUnknown.ID == (int)StandardOperators.UnknownOperator);

            int itemCount = 0;

            foreach (var dataItem in dataList)
                bool skipPOI = false;
                var item = dataItem;
                ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();

                var deviceName = item["ChargeDeviceName"].ToString();

                //private addresses are skipped from import
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceName) && deviceName.ToLower().Contains("parkatmyhouse"))
                    //skipPOI = true;
                    skipPOI = true;

                var locationType = item["LocationType"].ToString();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationType))
                    if (locationType.ToLower().Contains("home"))
                        skipPOI = true;

                //parse reset of POI data
                cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = this.DataProviderID }; //UK National Charge Point Registry
                cp.DataProvidersReference = item["ChargeDeviceId"].ToString();
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();

                var locationDetails = item["ChargeDeviceLocation"];
                var addressDetails = locationDetails["Address"];

                cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = "";
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = addressDetails["Street"].ToString().Replace("<br>", ", ");
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationDetails["LocationShortDescription"].ToString()) ? cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 : locationDetails["LocationShortDescription"].ToString();
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Title.Replace("&amp;", "&");
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Title.Replace("<br>", ", ");
                if (cp.AddressInfo.Title.Length > 100) cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Title.Substring(0, 64) + "..";
                cp.AddressInfo.Town = addressDetails["PostTown"].ToString();
                string dependantLocality = addressDetails["DependantLocality"].ToString();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dependantLocality) && dependantLocality.ToLower() != cp.AddressInfo.Town.ToLower())
                    //use depenendantLocality if provided and is not same as town
                    cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine2 = dependantLocality;
                cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = addressDetails["PostCode"].ToString();
                cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(locationDetails["Latitude"].ToString());
                cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(locationDetails["Longitude"].ToString());
                cp.AddressInfo.AccessComments = locationDetails["LocationLongDescription"].ToString().Replace("<br>", ", ").Replace("\r\n", ", ").Replace("\n", ", ");

                //cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = this.NormalizePostcode(cp.AddressInfo.Postcode);
                //TODO: if address wasn't provide in address details try to parse from "LocationLongDescription":
                /*if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine2) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.Town) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.Postcode))

                //if title is empty, attempt to add a suitable replacement
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.Title))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1))
                        cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1;
                        cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Postcode;
                //cp.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone1 = item["phone"].ToString();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(addressDetails["Country"].ToString()))
                    string country = addressDetails["Country"].ToString();
                    int? countryID = null;

                    var countryVal = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title.ToLower() == country.Trim().ToLower());
                    if (countryVal == null)
                        country = country.ToUpper();
                        //match country
                        if (country == "gb" || country == "US" || country == "USA" || country == "U.S." || country == "U.S.A.") countryID = 2;
                        if (country == "UK" || country == "GB" || country == "GREAT BRITAIN" || country == "UNITED KINGDOM") countryID = 1;
                        countryID = countryVal.ID;

                    if (countryID == null)
                        this.Log("Country Not Matched, will require Geolocation:" + item["country"].ToString());
                        cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(cy => cy.ID == countryID);
                    //default to US if no country identified
                    //cp.AddressInfo.Country = cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(cy => cy.ID == 2);

                //operator from DeviceController
                var deviceController = item["DeviceController"];

                cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = deviceController["Website"].ToString();
                var deviceOperator = coreRefData.Operators.FirstOrDefault(devOp => devOp.Title.Contains(deviceController["OrganisationName"].ToString()));
                if (deviceOperator != null)
                    cp.OperatorInfo = deviceOperator;
                    //operator from device owner
                    var devOwner = item["DeviceOwner"];
                    deviceOperator = coreRefData.Operators.FirstOrDefault(devOp => devOp.Title.Contains(devOwner["OrganisationName"].ToString()));
                    if (deviceOperator != null)
                        cp.OperatorInfo = deviceOperator;

                //determine most likely usage type
                cp.UsageType = usageTypeUnknown;

                if (item["SubscriptionRequiredFlag"].ToString().ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                    //membership required
                    cp.UsageType = usageTypePublicMembershipRequired;
                    if (item["PaymentRequiredFlag"].ToString().ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                        //payment required
                        cp.UsageType = usageTypePublicPayAtLocation;
                        //accessible 24 hours, payment not required and membership not required, assume public
                        if (item["Accessible24Hours"].ToString().ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                            cp.UsageType = usageTypePublic;

                //special usage cases detected from text
                if (cp.AddressInfo.ToString().ToLower().Contains("no public access"))
                    cp.UsageType = usageTypePrivate;

                //add connections
                var connectorList = item["Connector"].ToArray();
                foreach (var conn in connectorList)
                    string connectorType = conn["ConnectorType"].ToString();
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectorType))
                        ConnectionInfo cinfo = new ConnectionInfo() { };
                        ConnectionType cType = new ConnectionType { ID = 0 };
                        ChargerType level = null;
                        cinfo.Reference = conn["ConnectorId"].ToString();

                        if (connectorType.ToUpper().Contains("BS 1363") || connectorType.ToUpper().Contains("3-PIN TYPE G (BS1363)"))
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 3; //UK 13 amp plug
                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };//default to level 2

                        if (connectorType.ToUpper() == "IEC 62196-2 TYPE 1 (SAE J1772)" || connectorType.ToUpper() == "TYPE 1 SAEJ1772 (IEC 62196)")
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 1; //J1772
                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };//default to level 2

                        if (connectorType.ToUpper() == "IEC 62196-2 TYPE 2" || connectorType.ToUpper().Contains("TYPE 2 MENNEKES (IEC62196)"))
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 25; //Mennkes Type 2
                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };//default to level 2

                        if (connectorType.ToUpper() == "JEVS G 105 (CHADEMO)" || connectorType.ToUpper() == "JEVS G105 (CHADEMO) DC")
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 2; //CHadeMO
                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 3 };//default to level 3
                        if (connectorType.ToUpper() == "IEC 62196-2 TYPE 3")
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 26; //IEC 62196-2 type 3

                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };//default to level 2

                        if (connectorType.ToUpper() == "TYPE 2 COMBO (IEC62196) DC")
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 33; //CCS with Type 2

                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 3 };//default to level 3

                        if (cType.ID == 0)
                            var conType = coreRefData.ConnectionTypes.FirstOrDefault(ct => ct.Title.ToLower().Contains(conn.ToString().ToLower()));
                            if (conType != null) cType = conType;

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(conn["RatedOutputVoltage"].ToString())) cinfo.Voltage = int.Parse(conn["RatedOutputVoltage"].ToString());
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(conn["RatedOutputCurrent"].ToString())) cinfo.Amps = int.Parse(conn["RatedOutputCurrent"].ToString());
                        //TODO: use AC/DC/3 Phase data

                        if (conn["ChargePointStatus"] != null)
                            cinfo.StatusType = operationalStatus;
                            if (conn["ChargePointStatus"].ToString() == "Out of service") cinfo.StatusType = nonoperationalStatus;

                        if (conn["RatedOutputkW"] != null)
                            double tmpKw = 0;
                            if (double.TryParse(conn["RatedOutputkW"].ToString(), out tmpKw))
                                cinfo.PowerKW = tmpKw;

                        if (conn["RatedOutputVoltage"] != null)
                            int tmpV = 0;
                            if (int.TryParse(conn["RatedOutputVoltage"].ToString(), out tmpV))
                                cinfo.Voltage = tmpV;

                        if (conn["RatedOutputCurrent"] != null)
                            int tmpA = 0;
                            if (int.TryParse(conn["RatedOutputCurrent"].ToString(), out tmpA))
                                cinfo.Amps = tmpA;

                        if (conn["ChargeMethod"] != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(conn["ChargeMethod"].ToString()))
                            string method = conn["ChargeMethod"].ToString();
                            //Single Phase AC, Three Phase AC, DC
                            if (method == "Single Phase AC") cinfo.CurrentTypeID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.SinglePhaseAC;
                            if (method == "Three Phase AC") cinfo.CurrentTypeID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.ThreePhaseAC;
                            if (method == "DC") cinfo.CurrentTypeID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.DC;
                        cinfo.ConnectionType = cType;
                        cinfo.Level = level;

                        if ((cinfo.ConnectionType == null && cinfo.ConnectionTypeID == null) || cinfo.ConnectionType != null && cinfo.ConnectionType.ID == 0)
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectorType))
                                Log("Unknown connector type:" + connectorType);
                        if (cp.Connections == null)
                            cp.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                            if (!IsConnectionInfoBlank(cinfo))
                                //TODO: skip items with blank address info

                //apply data attribution metadata
                if (cp.MetadataValues == null) cp.MetadataValues = new List<MetadataValue>();
                cp.MetadataValues.Add(new MetadataValue { MetadataFieldID = (int)StandardMetadataFields.Attribution, ItemValue = DataAttribution });

                if (cp.DataQualityLevel == null) cp.DataQualityLevel = 3;

                if (cp.SubmissionStatus == null) cp.SubmissionStatus = submissionStatus;

                if (!skipPOI)

            return outputList;
 public virtual void SetDataProviderDetails(ChargePoint cp, XmlNode item)
     throw new Exception("SetDataProviderDetails not implemented");
        public List<ChargePoint> Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            string source = InputData;

            int startPos = source.IndexOf("*markers");
            int endPos = source.LastIndexOf("id=\"footer\"");
            DataProvider dataProvider = coreRefData.DataProviders.FirstOrDefault(d => d.ID == 16); //POD Point
            OperatorInfo operatorInfo = coreRefData.Operators.FirstOrDefault(op => op.ID == 3);

            string jsString = "/*" + source.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos);

            jsString = jsString.Replace("makeMarker(", "");
            jsString = jsString.Replace(");", ",");

            jsString = jsString.Substring(0, jsString.LastIndexOf(","));
            jsString = jsString.Substring(0, jsString.LastIndexOf(","));

            jsString = jsString.Replace("/**markers", "");
            jsString = jsString.Replace("/**", "");
            jsString = jsString.Replace("*markers", "");

            jsString = jsString.Replace("**/", "");
            jsString = jsString.Replace("*/", "");
            jsString = jsString.Replace("\"", "|");
            jsString = jsString.Replace("new google.maps.LatLng(", "\"");
            jsString = jsString.Replace("),", "\",");
            jsString = jsString.Replace("'", "\"");
            jsString = jsString.Replace("|", "'");

            jsString = "{ \"data\":[ " + jsString + "]}";

            JObject o = JObject.Parse(jsString);
            var dataList = o.Values();

            int itemCount =0;
            foreach (var item in dataList.Values())
                    ChargePoint cp  = new ChargePoint();
                    cp.DataProvider = dataProvider;
                    cp.OperatorInfo = operatorInfo;

                    cp.AddressInfo.Title = item["title"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = "";
                    cp.DataProvidersReference = item["position"].ToString().Replace(", ", "@");
                    cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    string content = item["content"].ToString();
                    content = content.Substring(content.LastIndexOf("<p>") + 3, content.LastIndexOf("</p>") - (content.LastIndexOf("<p>") + 3));
                    cp.GeneralComments = content;
                    string[] pos = item["position"].ToString().Split(',');
                    cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(pos[0]);
                    cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(pos[1]);

                    string status = "";
                    string itemIcon = item["icon"].ToString();
                    if (itemIcon.EndsWith("mappodpointblue.png")) status = "Available";
                    if (itemIcon.EndsWith("mappodpointgreen.png")) status = "In Use";
                    if (itemIcon.EndsWith("mappodpointbw.png")) status = "Planned";
                    if (itemIcon.EndsWith("mappodpointred.png")) status = "Not Operational";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(status))
                        var statusType = coreRefData.StatusTypes.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Title.ToLower() == status.ToLower());
                        if (statusType != null)
                            cp.StatusType = statusType;
                catch (Exception)
                    Log("Error parsing item "+itemCount);


            return outputList;
 public virtual void ParseAdditionalData(ChargePoint cp, XmlNode item, CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
     throw new Exception("ParseAdditionalData not implemented");
 public virtual void ParseBasicDetails(ChargePoint cp, XmlNode item)
     throw new Exception("ParseBasicDetails not implemented");
        List<ChargePoint> IImportProvider.Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            var submissionStatus = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == 100);//imported and published
            var operationalStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 50);
            var operationalMixedStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 75);
            var unknownStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 0);
            var usageTypePublic = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 1);
            var usageTypePrivate = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 2);

            var networkOperator = coreRefData.Operators.First(op=>op.ID==9); //blink/ecotality

            string jsString = InputData;
            jsString = "{ \"data\": " + jsString + "}"; //fix data by wrapping on container

            JObject o = JObject.Parse(jsString);

            var response = o.Values();
            var data = response.Values();
            var dataList = data.Values().ToArray();
            int itemCount = 0;

            foreach (var item in data)
                bool skipItem = false;
                    ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();
                    cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();

                    cp.OperatorInfo = networkOperator;
                    cp.OperatorsReference = item["encid"].ToString();
                    cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = this.DataProviderID }; //
                    cp.DataProvidersReference = item["id"].ToString();
                    cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    cp.AddressInfo.Title = item["name"] != null ? item["name"].ToString() : item["name"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = "";
                    cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(item["latitude"].ToString());
                    cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(item["longitude"].ToString());

                    cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = item["address1"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine2 = item["address2"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.Town = item["city"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = item["state"].ToString();
                    cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = item["zip"].ToString();

                    //set country property
                    cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ISOCode == item["country"].ToString());

                    string usageTypeCode = item["type"].ToString();

                    switch (usageTypeCode) {
                        case "COMMERCIAL":  cp.UsageType = coreRefData.UsageTypes.FirstOrDefault(u => u.ID == 5); //pay at location
                        case "RESIDENTIAL": skipItem=true;
                            Log("Unmatched usage type:"+usageTypeCode);

                    cp.NumberOfPoints = int.Parse(item["chargers"].ToString());
                    int numOffline = int.Parse(item["offline"].ToString());
                    if (numOffline > 0)
                        cp.StatusType = operationalMixedStatus;
                        cp.StatusType = operationalStatus;

                    //populate connections
                    cp.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                    var levelTypes = item["levels"].ToArray();
                    foreach (var level in levelTypes)
                        ConnectionInfo con = new ConnectionInfo();
                        if (level.ToString() == "1")
                            con.ConnectionType = new ConnectionType { ID = 1 };//J1772
                            con.Level = new ChargerType { ID = 1 };
                        if (level.ToString() == "2")
                            con.ConnectionType = new ConnectionType { ID = 1 };//J1772
                            con.Voltage = 220;
                            con.Level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };
                        if (level.ToString() == "3")
                            con.ConnectionType = new ConnectionType { ID = 3 };//J1772
                            con.Voltage = 480;
                            con.Level = new ChargerType { ID = 3 };
                    cp.DataQualityLevel = 3; //avg, higher than default

                    cp.SubmissionStatus = submissionStatus;
                    if (!skipItem) outputList.Add(cp);
                catch (Exception)
                    Log("Error parsing item " + itemCount);


            return outputList;
        public List<API.Common.Model.ChargePoint> Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            this.ImportRefData = new CommonImportRefData(coreRefData);

            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            InputData = InputData.Replace(" xmlns=\"\"", "");


            XmlNodeList dataList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//Placemark");

            int itemCount = 0;

            foreach (XmlNode item in dataList)
                bool skipItem = false;

                ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                SetDataProviderDetails(cp, item);

                cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();

                ParseBasicDetails(cp, item);

                //parse coordinates
                string[] posString = item["Point"]["coordinates"].InnerText.Split(',');
                cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(posString[1]);
                cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(posString[0]);

                //determine country or leave for geolocation
                int? countryID = null;
                if (DefaultCountryID != null && countryID == null) countryID = DefaultCountryID;

                if (countryID == null)
                    this.Log("Country Not Matched, will require Geolocation:" + cp.AddressInfo.ToString());
                    cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(cy => cy.ID == countryID);

                cp.Connections = ParseConnectionInfo(item);

                ParseAdditionalData(cp, item, coreRefData);

                cp.DataQualityLevel = 2; //lower than average quality due to spare data
                cp.SubmissionStatus = ImportRefData.SubmissionStatus_Imported;

                if (cp.StatusType == ImportRefData.Status_PlannedForFuture)
                    skipItem = true;

                if (!skipItem) outputList.Add(cp);


            return outputList;
        public string[] UploadPOIImageToStorage(string tempFolder, string sourceImageFile, Model.ChargePoint poi)
            string extension = sourceImageFile.Substring(sourceImageFile.LastIndexOf('.'), sourceImageFile.Length - sourceImageFile.LastIndexOf('.')).ToLower();

            if (extension != ".jpg" && extension != ".jpeg" && extension != ".png" && extension != ".gif")
            var storage = new StorageManager();

                //TODO: allocate sequences properly
                string destFolderPrefix = poi.AddressInfo.Country.ISOCode + "/" + "OCM" + poi.ID + "/";
                string dateStamp        = String.Format("{0:yyyyMMddHHmmssff}", DateTime.UtcNow);
                string largeFileName    = "OCM-" + poi.ID + ".orig." + dateStamp + extension;
                string thumbFileName    = "OCM-" + poi.ID + ".thmb." + dateStamp + extension;
                string mediumFileName   = "OCM-" + poi.ID + ".medi." + dateStamp + extension;

                var metadataTags = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
                metadataTags.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("OCM", poi.ID.ToString()));
                //metadataTags.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Title", poi.AddressInfo.Title));
                metadataTags.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Latitude", poi.AddressInfo.Latitude.ToString()));
                metadataTags.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Longitude", poi.AddressInfo.Longitude.ToString()));

                //TODO: generate thumbnail
                var urls = new string[3];

                //attempt thumbnails
                    //generate thumbnail max 100 wide
                    GenerateImageThumbnails(sourceImageFile, tempFolder + thumbFileName, 100);
                    //generate medium max 400 wide
                    GenerateImageThumbnails(sourceImageFile, tempFolder + mediumFileName, 400);
                    //resize original max 2048
                    GenerateImageThumbnails(sourceImageFile, tempFolder + largeFileName, 2048);
                catch (Exception)
                    AuditLogManager.Log(null, AuditEventType.SystemErrorAPI, "Failed to generate image upload thumbnails : OCM-" + poi.ID, "");

                //attempt upload
                bool success      = false;
                int  attemptCount = 0;
                while (success == false && attemptCount < 5)
                        if (urls[0] == null)
                            urls[0] = storage.UploadImage(sourceImageFile, destFolderPrefix + largeFileName, metadataTags);

                        if (urls[1] == null)
                            urls[1] = storage.UploadImage(tempFolder + thumbFileName, destFolderPrefix + thumbFileName, metadataTags);

                        if (urls[2] == null)
                            urls[2] = storage.UploadImage(tempFolder + mediumFileName, destFolderPrefix + mediumFileName, metadataTags);
                        if (urls[0] != null && urls[1] != null && urls[2] != null)
                            success = true;
                    catch (Exception exp)
                        //failed to store blobs
                        AuditLogManager.Log(null, AuditEventType.SystemErrorAPI, "Failed to upload images to azure (attempt " + attemptCount + "): OCM-" + poi.ID, exp.ToString());
                        //return null;
                    Thread.Sleep(5000); //wait a bit then try again

                //attempt to delete temp files
                    System.IO.File.Delete(tempFolder + thumbFileName);
                    System.IO.File.Delete(tempFolder + mediumFileName);
                    System.IO.File.Delete(tempFolder + largeFileName);
                catch (Exception)

            catch (Exception)
                //failed to upload
                AuditLogManager.Log(null, AuditEventType.SystemErrorAPI, "Final attempt to upload images to azure failed: OCM-" + poi.ID, "");

        public List<API.Common.Model.ChargePoint> Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList dataList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//chargerstation");

            var submissionStatus = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == 100);//imported and published
            var operationalStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 50);
            var unknownStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 0);
            var usageTypePublic = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 1);
            var usageTypePrivate = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 2);
            var usageTypePrivateForStaffAndVisitors = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 6); //staff and visitors
            var operatorUnknown = coreRefData.Operators.First(opUnknown => opUnknown.ID == 1);

            int itemCount = 0;
            foreach (XmlNode chargerstation in dataList)
                var item = chargerstation.SelectNodes("metadata").Item(0);
                ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();
                cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = this.DataProviderID }; //
                cp.DataProvidersReference = item["id"].InnerText; //is id unique across countries?
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();

                cp.AddressInfo.Title = item["name"].InnerText != null ? item["name"].InnerText : item["Street"].InnerText;
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Title.Trim().Replace("&amp;", "&");
                //cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = item["url"].ToString();

                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = item["Street"].InnerText;
                if (item["House_number"] != null) cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 += " " + item["House_number"].InnerText;
                cp.AddressInfo.Town = item["City"].InnerText.Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = item["County"].InnerText.Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = item["Zipcode"].InnerText.Trim();
                string posString = item["Position"].InnerText.Trim();

                int sepPos = posString.IndexOf(",") - 1;
                string lat = posString.Substring(1, sepPos);
                sepPos += 2;
                string lon = posString.Substring(sepPos, (posString.Length - sepPos) - 1);
                cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(lat);
                cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(lon);

                //default to norway
                var countryCode = item["Land_code"].InnerText;
                if (countryCode.ToUpper() == "NOR")
                    cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ISOCode.ToLower() == "no");
                else if (countryCode.ToUpper() == "FIN")
                    cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ISOCode.ToLower() == "fi");
                else if (countryCode.ToUpper() == "SWE")
                    cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ISOCode.ToLower() == "se");
                else if (countryCode.ToUpper() == "DAN")
                    cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ISOCode.ToLower() == "dk");
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unknown country code:" + countryCode);

                cp.AddressInfo.AccessComments = item["Description_of_location"].InnerText;
                cp.AddressInfo.GeneralComments = item["Contact_info"].InnerText;

                cp.NumberOfPoints = int.Parse(item["Number_charging_points"].InnerText);

                var attributes = chargerstation.SelectNodes("attributes").Item(0);
                var connectors = attributes.SelectSingleNode("connectors").SelectNodes("connector");
                foreach (XmlNode connector in connectors)
                    var connectorAttribs = connector.SelectSingleNode("attribute[attrtypeid=4]");
                    var chargingCapacityAttribs = connector.SelectSingleNode("attribute[attrtypeid=5]");
                    var chargingModeAttribs = connector.SelectSingleNode("attribute[attrtypeid=20]");
                    ConnectionInfo cinfo = new ConnectionInfo() { };
                    cinfo.Reference = connector.Attributes["id"].InnerText;

                    ConnectionType cType = new ConnectionType { ID = 0 };
                    if (connectorAttribs != null)
                        var connectorTypeVal = connectorAttribs.SelectSingleNode("attrvalid").InnerText;
                        if (connectorTypeVal == "14")
                            cType.ID = 28;// Schuko CEE 7/4
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "40")
                            cType.ID = 27;// tesla supercharger connnector
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "31")
                            //type 1 == J1772?
                            cType.ID = (int)StandardConnectionTypes.J1772;
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "29")
                            cType.ID = 8;// tesla roadster
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "32")
                            cType.ID = 25;// type 2 (mennekes)
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "50")
                            cType.ID = 28;// type 2 + schuko both present?
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "30")
                            cType.ID = (int)StandardConnectionTypes.CHAdeMO;
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "34")
                            cType.ID = 34;//IEC 60309 3 pin
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "36")
                            cType.ID = 35;//IEC 60309 5 pin
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "39")
                            cType.ID = 33;//Type 2 of CCS coupler
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "41")
                            cType.ID = (int)StandardConnectionTypes.CHAdeMO;//CCS combo + Chademo both present
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "43")
                            cType.ID = (int)StandardConnectionTypes.CHAdeMO;//CHAdeMO + Combo + AC-Type2 all present
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "0")
                            cType.ID = 0;//unknown
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unnknown connectorDetails: " + connectorAttribs.InnerText);

                    if (chargingCapacityAttribs != null)
                        //TODO: 3-Phase power calcs are wrong.
                        var connectorTypeVal = chargingCapacityAttribs.SelectSingleNode("attrvalid").InnerText;
                        if (connectorTypeVal == "7")
                            cinfo.Amps = 16;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 230;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.SinglePhaseAC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 2 }; //default to lvl2
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "8")
                            cinfo.Amps = 32;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 230;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.SinglePhaseAC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 2 }; //default to lvl2
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "10")
                            cinfo.Amps = 16;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 400;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.ThreePhaseAC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 2 }; //default to lvl2
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "11")
                            //500V DC
                            cinfo.Amps = 200;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 500;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.DC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 3 };
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "12")
                            //400V AC (3 Phase) 63A
                            cinfo.Amps = 63;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 400;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.ThreePhaseAC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 3 };
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "13")
                            //tesla super charger
                            cinfo.Amps = 200;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 500;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.DC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 3 };
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "16")
                            cinfo.Amps = 16;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 230;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.ThreePhaseAC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 2 }; //default to lvl2
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "17")
                            cinfo.Amps = 32;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 230;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.ThreePhaseAC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 2 }; //default to lvl2
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "19")
                            //500V DC MAX 50A
                            cinfo.Amps = 50;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 500;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.DC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 3 };
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "20")
                            //TODO: 500VDC max 200A + 400V 3-phase max 63A
                            cinfo.Amps = 200;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 500;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.DC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 3 };
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "22")
                            //480VDC max 270A
                            cinfo.Amps = 270;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 480;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.DC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 3 };
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "27")
                            //tesla super charger
                            cinfo.Amps = 200;
                            cinfo.Voltage = 500;
                            cinfo.CurrentType = new CurrentType { ID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.DC };
                            cinfo.Level = new ChargerType() { ID = 3 };
                        else if (connectorTypeVal == "0")
                            //unknown power level
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("unknown chargingCapacity: " + chargingCapacityAttribs.InnerText);

                    if (cinfo.Amps > 0 && cinfo.Voltage > 0)
                        cinfo.PowerKW = (cinfo.Amps * cinfo.Voltage / 1000);

                    cinfo.ConnectionType = cType;

                    if (chargingModeAttribs != null)
                        var chargeMode = chargingModeAttribs.SelectSingleNode("trans");
                        if (chargeMode != null)
                            cinfo.Comments = chargeMode.InnerText;
                    if (cp.Connections == null)
                        cp.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                        if (!IsConnectionInfoBlank(cinfo))

                if (cp.DataQualityLevel == null) cp.DataQualityLevel = 2;

                cp.SubmissionStatus = submissionStatus;


            return outputList;