public NumberClass Pow(NumberClass n)
            if (n == One || this == One || this == Zero)
            if (n == Zero)
            if (exponent == 0 && n.exponent == 0)
                return(Math.Pow(mantissa, n.mantissa));

            var tempExpo = exponent + Math.Log10(mantissa);

            if (Math.Max(Math.Log10(exponent), 0) + n.exponent < 300)
                tempExpo *= n.GetRealMantissa();
                return(tempExpo < 1e17
                    ? new NumberClass(Math.Pow(10, tempExpo % 1), Math.Floor(tempExpo))
                    : new NumberClass(mantissa, tempExpo));

            tempExpo  = Math.Log10(tempExpo);
            tempExpo += n.exponent + Math.Log10(n.exponent);
            return(new NumberClass(mantissa, tempExpo));
        public string FormatNc(Format format)
            if (exponent < beforeSciCut)
                return($"{mantissa * Math.Pow(10, exponent):#,##0.##}");
            var useMan = !IsMantissaUseless(); // if take mantissa or leave it

            // does not catch engineering but w.e. is probs fine
            string CutOff1Check(string s) => !cutOff1E ? s : RegReplace.Replace(s, "ee");

            // get proper format
            // can be #.000 or #.###
            string GetFormatFromCount(int count, bool optional = false) =>
            $"#.{string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat(optional ? '#' : '0', count))}";

            string formatMantissa;
            string formatExponent;

            switch (format)
            case Format.Engineering:
                var extended = exponent % 3;
                formatMantissa = useMan ? $"{mantissa * Math.Pow(10, extended):##0.00#}" : "";
                formatExponent = new NumberClass(exponent - extended).FormatNc(Format.Engineering)
                                 .Replace("1e", "e");

            case Format.ScientificStatic:
                // format to keep numclass the same leng
                formatExponent = new NumberClass(exponent).FormatNc(Format.Scientific);
                formatMantissa = useMan ? $"{mantissa.ToString(GetFormatFromCount(sciStaticLeng))}" : "";

                formatMantissa = useMan
                        ? $"{mantissa.ToString(GetFormatFromCount(format != Format.ScientificExtended ? 2 : 6))}"
                        : "";
                formatExponent = new NumberClass(exponent).FormatNc(Format.Scientific);
 public NumberClass(NumberClass nc) : this(nc.mantissa, nc.exponent)
 public NumberClass Min(NumberClass n) => n < this ? n : this;
 public NumberClass Max(NumberClass n) => n > this ? n : this;
 private int BaseNegComp(NumberClass n) =>
 !IsNeg() && n.IsNeg()
         ? 1
         : IsNeg() && !n.IsNeg()
             ? -1
             : 0;
 public NumberClass Log(NumberClass @base) => this == Zero ? Zero : Log10() / @base.Log10();