Beispiel #1
        private void ParseReplay(Replay replay, MatchResult matchResult)
            replaysteplog  = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            actionlog      = new List <string>();
            boardActionLog = new List <string>();

            int i = 0;

            foreach (ReplayReplayStep replayStep in replay.ReplayStep)
                string eventType = "";
                if (replayStep.RulesEventEndTurn != null)
                    eventType += "RulesEventEndTurn ";
                    if (replayStep.RulesEventEndTurn[0].Turnover != null)
                        eventType += "Turnover " + replayStep.RulesEventEndTurn[0].Turnover;
                    if (replayStep.RulesEventEndTurn[0].TouchdownScorer != "-1" && replayStep.RulesEventEndTurn[0].TouchdownScorer != null)
                        eventType += "Touchdown Scored by " + matchResult.GetPlayerFromID(int.Parse(replayStep.RulesEventEndTurn[0].TouchdownScorer)).name;
                if (replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction != null)
                    //BoardState boardState = new BoardState(replayStep.BoardState[0]);
                    //currentPhase doesn't mean anything?
                    eventType += "CurrentPhase: " + replayStep.BoardState[0].CurrentPhase;

                    eventType += " RulesEventBoardAction ";
                    //RequestType is always 1 so ignore RequestType
                    for (int j = 0; j < replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction.Length; j++)
                        if (replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j].ActionType != null)
                            bool        isCoachChoice = replayStep.RulesEventCoachChoice != null;
                            BoardAction ba            = new BoardAction(replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j], matchResult, isCoachChoice);
                            eventType += ba.ToString();
                            //if (replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j].PlayerId != null )
                            //    eventType += matchResult.GetPlayerFromID(int.Parse( replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j].PlayerId)).name + ": ";

                            //if (replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j].ActionType == "7")
                            //    eventType += "Kicks to square ";
                            //    Point p = GetCellToCoordinates(replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j]);
                            //    eventType += p.x + "," + p.y;
                            //if (replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j].ActionType == "8")
                            //    eventType += "Ball scatters to ";
                            //    Point p = GetCellToCoordinates(replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j]);
                            //    eventType += p.x + "," + p.y;
                            //else if (replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j].ActionType == "42")
                            //    eventType += "Blocks ";
                            //    //eventType += matchResult.GetPlayerFromID(boardState.GetIDOfPlayerAtCell(replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j].Order[0].CellFrom[0])).name;
                            //    eventType += " ActionType " + replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j].ActionType;

                            if (!actionTypeCounts.ContainsKey(replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j].ActionType))
                                actionTypeCounts.Add(replayStep.RulesEventBoardAction[j].ActionType, 0);
                            if (i == 38 || i == 287 || i == 288)
                                eventType += "";
                if (replayStep.RulesEventGameFinished != null)
                    eventType += "GameOver";
                replaysteplog.Add(i, eventType);

                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@"F:\bloodbowl\BB2Replays\Coach-87421-398df405e5e28b66852e002b29e0fc17_2016-01-27_22_30_57\log.txt");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> kvp in replaysteplog)
Beispiel #2
        public BoardAction(ReplayReplayStepRulesEventBoardAction boardAction, MatchResult matchResult, bool isCoachChoice)
            if (boardAction.PlayerId != null)
                actingPlayerName = matchResult.GetPlayerFromID(int.Parse(boardAction.PlayerId)).name;

            switch (boardAction.ActionType)
            case "6": actionDescription = "knocked over"; break;

            case "7": actionDescription = "kicks"; break;

            case "8": actionDescription = "ball scatters"; break;

            case "12": actionDescription = "KO recovery"; break;

            case "42": actionDescription = "blocks"; break;

            default: actionDescription = "Unknown action " + boardAction.ActionType; break;

            if (boardAction.Order != null)
                //get cell to and cell from coordinates here

            description = actingPlayerName + " " + actionDescription;

            if (boardAction.Results != null)
                //get dice details here, skills used etc.
                for (int i = 0; i < boardAction.Results.Length; i++)
                    rollType     = boardAction.Results[i].RollType;
                    description += " Roll Type: " + rollType;
                    if (boardAction.Results[i].CoachChoices != null)
                        dice         = boardAction.Results[i].CoachChoices[0].ListDices;
                        description += " Dice: " + dice;
                        target       = boardAction.Results[i].Requirement;
                        description += " Target: " + target;

            //rollType = boardAction.Results[0].RollType;
            //dice = boardAction.Results[0].CoachChoices[0].ListDices;
            //if ( boardAction.ActionType == "42")
            //    //block
            //    //choosing block dice
            //    description = actingPlayerName + " blocks";

            //if (boardAction.ActionType == "1")
            //    if (isCoachChoice && rollType == "5")
            //    {
            //        description = actingPlayerName + " chooses " + dice;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        description = " Dice: " + boardAction.Results[0].CoachChoices[0].ListDices;
            //    }

Beispiel #3
 public MatchStats(Replay replay, MatchResult matchResult)
     ParseReplay(replay, matchResult);