private bool IsPackageInstalled(Project project, string packageId, NuGetVersion nugetVersion)
            if (project == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("project");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageId))
                throw new ArgumentException(CommonResources.Argument_Cannot_Be_Null_Or_Empty, "packageId");

            // We simply use ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run instead of PumpingJTF.Run, unlike,
            // VsPackageInstaller and VsPackageUninstaller. Because, no powershell scripts get executed
            // as part of the operations performed below. Powershell scripts need to be executed on the
            // pipeline execution thread and they might try to access DTE. Doing that under
            // ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run will consistently result in a hang
            return(_threadingService.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async delegate
                    IEnumerable <PackageReference> installedPackageReferences = await GetInstalledPackageReferencesAsync(project);

                    return PackageServiceUtilities.IsPackageInList(installedPackageReferences, packageId, nugetVersion);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    await _telemetryProvider.PostFaultAsync(exception, typeof(VsPackageInstallerServices).FullName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal install method. All installs from the VS API and template wizard end up here.
        /// </summary>
        internal async Task InstallInternalAsync(
            Project project,
            List <PackageIdentity> packages,
            ISourceRepositoryProvider repoProvider,
            VSAPIProjectContext projectContext,
            bool includePrerelease,
            bool ignoreDependencies,
            CancellationToken token)
            // Go off the UI thread. This may be called from the UI thread. Only switch to the UI thread where necessary
            // This method installs multiple packages and can likely take more than a few secs
            // So, go off the UI thread explicitly to improve responsiveness
            await TaskScheduler.Default;

            var gatherCache = new GatherCache();
            var sources     = repoProvider.GetRepositories().ToList();

            // store expanded node state
            var expandedNodes = await VsHierarchyUtility.GetAllExpandedNodesAsync();

                var depBehavior = ignoreDependencies ? DependencyBehavior.Ignore : DependencyBehavior.Lowest;

                var packageManager = CreatePackageManager(repoProvider);

                // find the project
                var nuGetProject = await _solutionManager.GetOrCreateProjectAsync(project, projectContext);

                var packageManagementFormat = new PackageManagementFormat(_settings);
                // 1 means PackageReference
                var preferPackageReference = packageManagementFormat.SelectedPackageManagementFormat == 1;

                // Check if default package format is set to `PackageReference` and project has no
                // package installed yet then upgrade it to `PackageReference` based project.
                if (preferPackageReference &&
                    (nuGetProject is MSBuildNuGetProject) &&
                    !(await nuGetProject.GetInstalledPackagesAsync(token)).Any() &&
                    await NuGetProjectUpgradeUtility.IsNuGetProjectUpgradeableAsync(nuGetProject, project, needsAPackagesConfig: false))
                    nuGetProject = await _solutionManager.UpgradeProjectToPackageReferenceAsync(nuGetProject);

                // install the package
                foreach (var package in packages)
                    var installedPackageReferences = await nuGetProject.GetInstalledPackagesAsync(token);

                    // Check if the package is already installed
                    if (package.Version != null &&
                        PackageServiceUtilities.IsPackageInList(installedPackageReferences, package.Id, package.Version))

                    // Perform the install
                    await InstallInternalCoreAsync(
                // collapse nodes
                await VsHierarchyUtility.CollapseAllNodesAsync(expandedNodes);