protected override object ParseAttributeValue(Parser parser, string name)
            // Override parsing of the 'name' attribute to parse as a reference
            if (StringUtil.NNEqualsIgnoreCase(name, AttributeName))
                // By default, parse a string value (including any whitespace) delimited by single or double quotes.
                // If there's no delimiter, just use the text of the token (perhaps a single word).
                string value;
                int    lineNumber   = parser.Token.LineNumber;
                ushort columnNumber = parser.Token.ColumnNumber;
                if (parser.TokenText == ParseTokenValueQuote1 || parser.TokenText == ParseTokenValueQuote2)
                    ++columnNumber;  // Start just past the quote
                    value = parser.GetToDelimiter(parser.TokenText[0]);
                    value = parser.TokenText;
                parser.NextToken(true);  // Move past delimiter (or token)

                NameRef = new UnresolvedRef(value.Trim(), lineNumber, columnNumber);
            return(base.ParseAttributeValue(parser, name));
 /// <summary>
 /// Find a child namespace in the specified <see cref="NamespaceRef"/> with the specified name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="NamespaceRef"/> to the namespace, or an <see cref="UnresolvedRef"/> if no match was found.</returns>
 public static SymbolicRef Find(SymbolicRef symbolicRef, string name, bool isFirstOnLine)
     if (symbolicRef is NamespaceRef)
         Find(((NamespaceRef)symbolicRef).Namespace.Find(name), name, isFirstOnLine);
     return(new UnresolvedRef(name, isFirstOnLine));
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the current reference refers to the same code object as the specified reference.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool IsSameRef(SymbolicRef symbolicRef)
            UnresolvedRef unresolvedRef = (symbolicRef is AliasRef ? ((AliasRef)symbolicRef).Alias.Expression.SkipPrefixes() : symbolicRef) as UnresolvedRef;

            if (unresolvedRef == null || (string)Reference != (string)unresolvedRef.Reference)

            // The strings of the UnresolvedRefs match, but we have to also verify that any Dot prefixes
            // match - if either side has one, they must match, otherwise neither side can have one.
            Dot         parentDot  = _parent as Dot;
            Dot         parentDot2 = symbolicRef.Parent as Dot;
            SymbolicRef dotPrefix  = (parentDot != null && parentDot.Right == this ? parentDot.Left as SymbolicRef : null);
            SymbolicRef dotPrefix2 = (parentDot2 != null && parentDot2.Right == this ? parentDot2.Left as SymbolicRef : null);

            return(dotPrefix == null || dotPrefix2 == null || dotPrefix.IsSameRef(dotPrefix2));
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the first attribute expression (Call or ConstructorRef) with the specified name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The expression if found, otherwise <c>null</c>.</returns>
        public Expression FindAttributeExpression(string attributeName)
            if (_attributeExpressions != null)
                foreach (Expression expression in _attributeExpressions)
                    // The expression might be a ConstructorRef or an UnresolvedRef, or it might be a Call that
                    // has an invoked expression of one of those types.
                    SymbolicRef symbolicRef = (expression is Call ? ((Call)expression).Expression.SkipPrefixes() as SymbolicRef : expression as SymbolicRef);

                    // Check if the name matches, with or without an "Attribute" suffix
                    if (symbolicRef != null && (symbolicRef.Name == attributeName ||
                                                symbolicRef.Name + NameSuffix == attributeName || symbolicRef.Name == attributeName + NameSuffix))
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove the first attribute expression with the specified name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if found and removed, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
        public bool RemoveAttributeExpression(string attributeName)
            if (_attributeExpressions != null)
                for (int i = _attributeExpressions.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    // The expression might be a ConstructorRef or an UnresolvedRef, or it might be a Call that
                    // has an invoked expression of one of those types.
                    Expression  expression  = _attributeExpressions[i];
                    SymbolicRef symbolicRef = (expression is Call ? ((Call)expression).Expression.SkipPrefixes() as SymbolicRef : expression as SymbolicRef);

                    // Check if the name matches, with or without an "Attribute" suffix
                    if (symbolicRef != null && (symbolicRef.Name == attributeName ||
                                                symbolicRef.Name + NameSuffix == attributeName || symbolicRef.Name == attributeName + NameSuffix))
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the current reference refers to the same code object as the specified reference.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool IsSameRef(SymbolicRef symbolicRef)
            if (!(symbolicRef is TypeParameterRef))

            TypeParameterRef typeParameterRef          = (TypeParameterRef)symbolicRef;
            object           reference                 = GetReferencedType();
            object           typeParameterRefReference = typeParameterRef.GetReferencedType();

            if (reference != typeParameterRefReference)
                // We also have to consider the references the same if the Name and NamespaceNames match.
                // This can occur when types are present both in an assembly reference, and also as CodeDOM
                // objects (either in the current project, or a referenced project).  This can occur if one
                // or both types are in a project with assembly references instead of project references to
                // a type that is defined in the current solution, which isn't uncommon - it will occur in
                // "master" solutions that include projects that are also used in other solutions, and also
                // if a project in the solution uses a non-supported language and so is referenced by its
                // assembly.
                if (Name != typeParameterRef.Name || NamespaceName != typeParameterRef.NamespaceName)

                // With type parameters, the declaring (parent) type names must also match for the type
                // parameters to be considered the same.
                string declaringTypeName = GetDeclaringTypeOrMethodName(reference);
                string typeParameterRefDeclaringTypeName = typeParameterRef.GetDeclaringTypeOrMethodName();
                if (declaringTypeName == null || typeParameterRefDeclaringTypeName == null ||
                    declaringTypeName != typeParameterRefDeclaringTypeName)

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine a default of 1 or 2 newlines when adding items to a <see cref="Block"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public override int DefaultNewLines(CodeObject previous)
            // Default to a preceeding blank line if the object has first-on-line annotations
            if (HasFirstOnLineAnnotations)

            // Default to a preceeding blank line if the previous object was another using directive
            // with a different root namespace, otherwise use a single newline.
            if (previous is UsingDirective)
                SymbolicRef symbolicRef = ((UsingDirective)previous).Namespace.FirstPrefix() as SymbolicRef;
                if (symbolicRef != null && !symbolicRef.IsSameRef(Namespace.FirstPrefix() as SymbolicRef))

            // Default to no preceeding blank line if the previous object was an alias directive with
            // the same root namespace, otherwise use a preceeding blank line.
            if (previous is Alias)
                SymbolicRef symbolicRef = ((Alias)previous).Expression.FirstPrefix() as SymbolicRef;
                if (symbolicRef != null && symbolicRef.IsSameRef(Namespace.FirstPrefix() as SymbolicRef))

            // Default to a preceeding blank line if the object is a different type than the previous one
            if (previous.GetType() != GetType())
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the current reference refers to the same code object as the specified reference.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool IsSameRef(SymbolicRef symbolicRef)
            NamespaceRef namespaceRef = (symbolicRef is AliasRef ? ((AliasRef)symbolicRef).Namespace : symbolicRef as NamespaceRef);

            return(namespaceRef != null && Reference == namespaceRef.Reference);
 protected DocNameBase(SymbolicRef nameRef, params DocComment[] docComments)
     : base(docComments)
     NameRef = nameRef;
 protected DocNameBase(SymbolicRef nameRef, string text)
     : base(text)
     NameRef = nameRef;
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if the current reference refers to the same code object as the specified reference.
 /// </summary>
 public override bool IsSameRef(SymbolicRef symbolicRef)
     return(base.IsSameRef(symbolicRef) || (IsType && Type.IsSameRef(symbolicRef)) || (IsNamespace && Namespace.IsSameRef(symbolicRef)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an <see cref="UnresolvedRef"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public UnresolvedRef(SymbolicRef symbolicRef)
     : this(symbolicRef.Name, symbolicRef.IsFirstOnLine)
     Parent = symbolicRef.Parent;
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if the current reference refers to the same code object as the specified reference.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual bool IsSameRef(SymbolicRef symbolicRef)
     return(symbolicRef != null && Reference == symbolicRef.Reference);
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="BaseInitializer"/> operator.
 /// </summary>
 public BaseInitializer(SymbolicRef symbolicRef, params Expression[] parameters)
     : base(symbolicRef, parameters)
 /// <summary>
 /// Find a child namespace in the specified <see cref="NamespaceRef"/> with the specified name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="NamespaceRef"/> to the namespace, or an <see cref="UnresolvedRef"/> if no match was found.</returns>
 public static SymbolicRef Find(SymbolicRef symbolicRef, string name)
     return(Find(symbolicRef, name, false));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an <see cref="ExternAlias"/> with the specified namespace reference.
 /// </summary>
 public ExternAlias(SymbolicRef rootNamespaceRef)
     RootNamespaceRef = rootNamespaceRef;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an <see cref="Attribute"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public Attribute(SymbolicRef constructorRef, params Expression[] arguments)
     : this(AttributeTarget.None, constructorRef, arguments)
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an <see cref="Attribute"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public Attribute(AttributeTarget target, SymbolicRef constructorRef, params Expression[] arguments)
     : this(target, (arguments.Length > 0 ? (Expression) new Call(constructorRef, arguments) : constructorRef))
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="Dot"/> operator.
 /// </summary>
 public Dot(Expression left, SymbolicRef right)
     : base(left, right)
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="ConstraintClause"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public ConstraintClause(SymbolicRef symbolicRef, params TypeParameterConstraint[] constraints)
     TypeParameter = symbolicRef;
Beispiel #21
 protected ConstructorInitializer(SymbolicRef symbolicRef, params Expression[] parameters)
     : base(symbolicRef, parameters)