IEnumerator PlayAndHideNotification(NRNotification notification)
            float fadeDuration = (float)NRSettings.config.UIFadeDuration;

            //TODO: Set icon to success or fail or info
            switch (notification.type)
            case NRNotifType.Success:


            //Reset the notif;
            sliderImg.color  = EditorInput.GetSelectedColor();
            slider.sizeDelta = new Vector2(0, 0);

            //FADE IN
            nImage.DOFade(notifOpacity, fadeDuration / 2f);
            successIcon.DOFade(1f, fadeDuration / 2f);
            text.DOFade(1f, fadeDuration / 2f);
            sliderImg.DOFade(1f, fadeDuration / 2f);

            //Start the slider going
            DOTween.To(SetSliderWidth, 0f, 183.13f, notification.duration).SetEase(Ease.InOutCubic);

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(notification.duration));

            //FADE OUT
            nImage.DOFade(0, fadeDuration / 2f);
            successIcon.DOFade(0, fadeDuration / 2f);
            text.DOFade(0, fadeDuration / 2f);
            sliderImg.DOFade(0, fadeDuration / 2f);

            yield break;
 public static void AddNotifToQueue(NRNotification notif)