public void setRangeLayoutFor(DataSet dataSet, RangeLayout rangeLayout)
            if (dataSet == null)
            DataSet newDataSet = DataSetFactory.create(dataSet.getWorksheet(), dataSet.getRange(), dataSet.getName(), rangeLayout,

            model.swapDataSets(dataSet, newDataSet);
Beispiel #2
        public void generateProcessCapability(int LSL, int USL, DataSet dataSet, _Worksheet sheet)
            int    index = 0;
            int    row = 1;
            int    column = 1;
            double correctionFactor1, correctionFactor2;

            double[] averages                = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] Rvalues                 = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] averageOfAverages       = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] xChartUpperControlLimit = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] xChartLowerControlLimit = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] rChartUpperControlLimit = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] rChartLowerControlLimit = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] averageOfRvalues        = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            int[]    ArrayIndex              = new int[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] constantC4              = new double[25] {
                0.0, 0.7979, 0.8862, 0.9213, 0.9400, 0.9515, 0.9594, 0.9650, 0.9693, 0.9727, 0.9754, 0.9776, 0.9794, 0.9810, 0.9823, 0.9835, 0.9845, 0.9854, 0.9862, 0.9869, 0.9876, 0.9882, 0.9887, 0.9892, 0.9896
            double[] constantD2 = new double[25] {
                0.0, 1.128, 1.693, 2.059, 2.326, 2.534, 2.704, 2.847, 2.970, 3.078, 3.173, 3.258, 3.336, 3.407, 3.472, 3.532, 3.588, 3.640, 3.689, 3.735, 3.778, 3.819, 3.858, 3.895, 3.931
            sheet.Cells[row, column]     = "Index";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 1] = "Observation";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 2] = "Average";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] = "Max";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] = "Min";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] = "R";

            for (index = 1; index < dataSet.amountOfVariables(); index++)
                sheet.Cells[row, column]     = index - 1;
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 1] = dataSet.getVariables()[index].name;
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 2] = "=AVERAGE(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!" + dataSet.getVariables()[index].Range + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] = "=MAX(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!" + dataSet.getVariables()[index].Range + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] = "=MIN(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!" + dataSet.getVariables()[index].Range + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] = (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] as Range).Value - (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] as Range).Value;
                ArrayIndex[index - 1]        = index;
                var cellValue = (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 2] as Range).Value;
                if (cellValue < -214682680)
                    cellValue = 0;                         // if cellValue is the result of a division by 0, set value to 0
                averages[index - 1] = cellValue;
                cellValue           = (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] as Range).Value;
                Rvalues[index - 1]  = cellValue;

            // create variable to limit amount of subsamples in 1 measurement to 25
            int safe;

            if (dataSet.rangeSize() > 24)
                safe = 24;
                safe = dataSet.rangeSize();

            if (dataSet.getVariableNamesInFirstRowOrColumn())
                correctionFactor1 = constantC4[safe - 1];
                correctionFactor2 = constantD2[safe - 1];
                correctionFactor1 = constantC4[safe];
            correctionFactor2 = constantD2[safe];

            double sigma = Rvalues.Average() / correctionFactor2;
            double Cp    = (USL - LSL) / (6 * sigma);
            double Cpk   = Math.Min((USL - averages.Average()) / (3 * sigma), (averages.Average() - LSL) / (3 * sigma));

            row    = 1;
            column = 1;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 7]  = "LSL";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 8]  = "USL";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 9]  = "Cp";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 10] = "Cpk";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 7]  = LSL;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 8]  = USL;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 9]  = Cp;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 10] = Cpk;
Beispiel #3
        public void generateProcessCapability(List <Variable> variables, double LSL, double USL, DataSet dataSet, _Worksheet sheet)
            int    index = 0;
            int    row = 1;
            int    column = 1;
            double correctionFactor1, correctionFactor2;

            double[] averages                = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] Rvalues                 = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] averageOfAverages       = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] xChartUpperControlLimit = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] xChartLowerControlLimit = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] rChartUpperControlLimit = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] rChartLowerControlLimit = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] averageOfRvalues        = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            int[]    ArrayIndex              = new int[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] constantC4              = new double[25] {
                0.0, 0.7979, 0.8862, 0.9213, 0.9400, 0.9515, 0.9594, 0.9650, 0.9693, 0.9727, 0.9754, 0.9776, 0.9794, 0.9810, 0.9823, 0.9835, 0.9845, 0.9854, 0.9862, 0.9869, 0.9876, 0.9882, 0.9887, 0.9892, 0.9896
            double[] constantD2 = new double[25] {
                0.0, 1.128, 1.693, 2.059, 2.326, 2.534, 2.704, 2.847, 2.970, 3.078, 3.173, 3.258, 3.336, 3.407, 3.472, 3.532, 3.588, 3.640, 3.689, 3.735, 3.778, 3.819, 3.858, 3.895, 3.931
            sheet.Cells[row, column]     = "Index";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 1] = "Observation";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 2] = "Average";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] = "STD DEV";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] = "Max";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] = "Min";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 6] = "R";

            sheet.Cells[100, 100] = "=ROWS(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!" + variables[0].Range + ")";
            int length = Convert.ToInt32((sheet.Cells[100, 100] as Range).Value);

            sheet.Cells[100, 100] = "";

            double        temp    = 0;
            List <double> allVals = new List <double>();

            double[] all = new double[length * variables.Count];
            foreach (Variable var in variables)
                string   ran   = var.Range.ToString();
                Array    arr   = dataSet.getWorksheet().Range[ran].Value;
                double[] vals  = new double[length];
                int      count = 0;
                foreach (var item in arr)
                    temp        = Convert.ToDouble(item);
                    vals[count] = temp;
            all = allVals.ToArray();

            double totMean = 0;
            double totStd  = 0;

            for (index = 0; index < variables.Count; index++)
                sheet.Cells[row, column]     = index;
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 1] = variables[index].name;
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 2] = "=AVERAGE(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!" + variables[index].Range + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] = "=STDEV(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!" + variables[index].Range + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] = "=MAX(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!" + variables[index].Range + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] = "=MIN(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!" + variables[index].Range + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 6] = (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] as Range).Value - (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] as Range).Value;
                totMean           = totMean + Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[row, column + 2] as Range).Value);
                totStd            = totStd + (Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] as Range).Value));
                ArrayIndex[index] = index;
                var cellValue = (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 2] as Range).Value;
                if (cellValue < -214682680)
                    cellValue = 0;                         // if cellValue is the result of a division by 0, set value to 0
                averages[index] = cellValue;
                cellValue       = (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 6] as Range).Value;
                Rvalues[index]  = cellValue;
            totMean = all.Average();
            totStd  = sheet.Application.WorksheetFunction.StDev(all);
            //totMean = totMean / variables.Count;
            //totStd = totStd / variables.Count;

            if (dataSet.getVariableNamesInFirstRowOrColumn())
                correctionFactor1 = constantC4[variables.Count - 1];
                correctionFactor2 = constantD2[variables.Count - 1];
                correctionFactor1 = constantC4[variables.Count];
            correctionFactor2 = constantD2[variables.Count];

            double sigma  = totStd;
            double Cp     = (USL - LSL) / (6 * sigma);
            double Cpk    = Math.Min((USL - totMean) / (3 * sigma), (totMean - LSL) / (3 * sigma));
            double Pbelow = sheet.Application.WorksheetFunction.NormDist(LSL, totMean, totStd, true);
            double Pabove = 1.0 - sheet.Application.WorksheetFunction.NormDist(USL, totMean, totStd, true);

            row    = 1;
            column = 1;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 8]  = "LSL";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 9]  = "USL";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 10] = "Cp";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 11] = "Cpk";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 12] = "P(below LSL)";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 13] = " Per million";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 14] = "P(above USL)";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 15] = " Per million";

            sheet.Cells[row, column + 8]  = LSL;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 9]  = USL;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 10] = Cp;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 11] = Cpk;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 12] = Pbelow;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 13] = Pbelow * 1000000;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 14] = Pabove;
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 15] = Pabove * 1000000;
Beispiel #4
        public void generateXRChart(List <Variable> variables, int startindex, int stopindex, int plotstartindex, int plotstopindex, DataSet dataSet, int offset, _Worksheet sheet)
            int    counter = 0;
            int    index = 0;
            int    row = 1;
            int    column = 1;
            double xControlLimitFactor, rControlLimitFactor1, rControlLimitFactor2;

            double[] averages                 = new double[dataSet.rangeSize()];
            double[] Rvalues                  = new double[dataSet.rangeSize()];
            double[] averageOfAverages        = new double[dataSet.rangeSize()];
            double[] xChartUpperControlLimit  = new double[dataSet.rangeSize()]; //amountOfVariables()
            double[] xChartLowerControlLimit  = new double[dataSet.rangeSize()];
            double[] rChartUpperControlLimit  = new double[dataSet.rangeSize()];
            double[] rChartLowerControlLimit  = new double[dataSet.rangeSize()];
            double[] averageOfRvalues         = new double[dataSet.rangeSize()];
            double[] RvaluesInRange           = new double[stopindex - startindex];          // +1
            double[] averageOfAveragesInRange = new double[stopindex - startindex];          // +1
            int[]    ArrayIndex               = new int[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1]; // +1
            double[] xChartConstants          = new double[25] {
                0.0, 1.128, 1.693, 2.059, 2.326, 2.534, 2.704, 2.847, 2.970, 3.078, 3.173, 3.258, 3.336, 3.407, 3.472, 3.532, 3.588, 3.640, 3.689, 3.735, 3.778, 3.819, 3.858, 3.895, 3.931
            double[] rChartConstants1 = new double[25] {
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.076, 0.136, 0.184, 0.223, 0.256, 0.283, 0.307, 0.328, 0.347, 0.363, 0.378, 0.391, 0.403, 0.415, 0.425, 0.434, 0.443, 0.451, 0.459
            double[] rChartConstants2 = new double[25] {
                0, 3.267, 2.574, 2.282, 2.114, 2.004, 1.924, 1.864, 1.816, 1.777, 1.744, 1.717, 1.693, 1.672, 1.653, 1.637, 1.662, 1.607, 1.597, 1.585, 1.575, 1.566, 1.557, 1.548, 1.541
            sheet.Cells[row, column]     = "Index";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 1] = "Observation";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 2] = "Average";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] = "Max";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] = "Min";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] = "R";

            string colLetter    = variables[0].Range[1].ToString();
            int    columnIndex  = ColumnLetterToColumnIndex(colLetter);
            int    columnIndex2 = columnIndex + variables.Count - 1;
            string colLetter2   = ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(columnIndex2);
            char   chstart      = variables[0].Range[3];
            int    start        = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(chstart);
            int    final        = 0;

            for (counter = 1; counter <= dataSet.rangeSize(); counter++) //amountOfVariables()
                for (index = 0; index < variables.Count; index++)
                    sheet.Cells[row, column] = counter;
                    if (variables.Count > 1)
                        sheet.Cells[row, column + 1] = variables[0].name + "-" + variables[variables.Count - 1].name;
                        sheet.Cells[row, column + 1] = variables[index].name;
                int temp = counter;
                if (dataSet.getVariableNamesInFirstRowOrColumn())
                    temp = counter + 1;
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 2] = "=AVERAGE(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!$" + colLetter + "$" + start + ":$" + colLetter2 + "$" + temp + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] = "=MAX(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!$" + colLetter + "$" + temp + ":$" + colLetter2 + "$" + temp + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] = "=MIN(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!$" + colLetter + "$" + temp + ":$" + colLetter2 + "$" + temp + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] = (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] as Range).Value - (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] as Range).Value;
                var cellValue = (double)sheet.Cells[row, column + 2].Value;
                if (cellValue < -214682680)
                    cellValue = 0;                         // if cellValue is the result of a division by 0, set value to 0
                averages[counter - 1] = cellValue;
                cellValue             = (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] as Range).Value;
                Rvalues[counter - 1]  = cellValue;
                start = start + 1;
                final = temp;

            for (counter = startindex; counter < stopindex; counter++)
                RvaluesInRange[counter - startindex]           = Rvalues[counter];
                averageOfAveragesInRange[counter - startindex] = averages[counter];

            if (dataSet.getVariableNamesInFirstRowOrColumn())
                xControlLimitFactor  = xChartConstants[variables.Count - 1];
                rControlLimitFactor1 = rChartConstants1[variables.Count - 1];
                rControlLimitFactor2 = rChartConstants2[variables.Count - 1];
                xControlLimitFactor  = xChartConstants[variables.Count];
                rControlLimitFactor1 = rChartConstants1[variables.Count];
                rControlLimitFactor2 = rChartConstants2[variables.Count];

            for (counter = 0; counter <= final - 2; counter++)
                averageOfAverages[counter]       = averageOfAveragesInRange.Average();
                xChartUpperControlLimit[counter] = averageOfAveragesInRange.Average() + 3.0 * (Rvalues.Average() / (xControlLimitFactor * Math.Sqrt(variables.Count)));
                xChartLowerControlLimit[counter] = averageOfAveragesInRange.Average() - 3.0 * (Rvalues.Average() / (xControlLimitFactor * Math.Sqrt(variables.Count)));
                averageOfRvalues[counter]        = RvaluesInRange.Average();
                rChartUpperControlLimit[counter] = RvaluesInRange.Average() * rControlLimitFactor2;
                rChartLowerControlLimit[counter] = RvaluesInRange.Average() * rControlLimitFactor1;

            // new subsets of arrays for plotting data

            double[] plotaverages                = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotRvalues                 = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotaverageOfAverages       = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotxChartUpperControlLimit = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotxChartLowerControlLimit = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotrChartUpperControlLimit = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotrChartLowerControlLimit = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotaverageOfRvalues        = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];

            for (int i = plotstartindex; i <= plotstopindex; i++)
                ArrayIndex[i - plotstartindex]                  = i;
                plotaverages[i - plotstartindex]                = averages[i];
                plotRvalues[i - plotstartindex]                 = Rvalues[i];
                plotaverageOfAverages[i - plotstartindex]       = averageOfAverages[i];
                plotxChartUpperControlLimit[i - plotstartindex] = xChartUpperControlLimit[i];
                plotxChartLowerControlLimit[i - plotstartindex] = xChartLowerControlLimit[i];
                plotrChartUpperControlLimit[i - plotstartindex] = rChartUpperControlLimit[i];
                plotrChartLowerControlLimit[i - plotstartindex] = rChartLowerControlLimit[i];
                plotaverageOfRvalues[i - plotstartindex]        = averageOfRvalues[i];

            var Xcharts      = (ChartObjects)sheet.ChartObjects();
            var XchartObject = Xcharts.Add(340, 20, 550, 300);
            var Xchart       = XchartObject.Chart;

            Xchart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlXYScatterLines;
            Xchart.ChartWizard(Title: "X-Chart " + dataSet.Name, HasLegend: true);
            var XseriesCollection = (SeriesCollection)Xchart.SeriesCollection();
            var avgseries         = XseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var avgAvgseries      = XseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var UCLseries         = XseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var LCLseries         = XseriesCollection.NewSeries();

            avgseries.Name       = ("Observation Averages");
            avgAvgseries.Name    = ("Center Line");
            UCLseries.Name       = ("UCL");
            LCLseries.Name       = ("LCL");
            avgseries.Values     = plotaverages;
            avgAvgseries.Values  = plotaverageOfAverages;
            UCLseries.Values     = plotxChartUpperControlLimit;
            LCLseries.Values     = plotxChartLowerControlLimit;
            avgseries.XValues    = ArrayIndex;
            UCLseries.XValues    = ArrayIndex;
            LCLseries.XValues    = ArrayIndex;
            avgAvgseries.XValues = ArrayIndex;

            var Rcharts      = (ChartObjects)sheet.ChartObjects();
            var RchartObject = Rcharts.Add(340, 20 + offset, 550, 300);
            var Rchart       = RchartObject.Chart;

            Rchart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlXYScatterLines;
            Rchart.ChartWizard(Title: "R-Chart " + dataSet.Name, HasLegend: true);
            var RseriesCollection = (SeriesCollection)Rchart.SeriesCollection();
            var rSeries           = RseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var averageRSeries    = RseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var UCLSeries         = RseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var LCLSeries         = RseriesCollection.NewSeries();

            rSeries.Name           = ("Observation R");
            averageRSeries.Name    = ("Center Line");
            UCLSeries.Name         = ("UCL");
            LCLSeries.Name         = ("LCL");
            rSeries.Values         = plotRvalues;
            averageRSeries.Values  = plotaverageOfRvalues;
            UCLSeries.Values       = plotrChartUpperControlLimit;
            LCLSeries.Values       = plotrChartLowerControlLimit;
            rSeries.XValues        = ArrayIndex;
            averageRSeries.XValues = ArrayIndex;
            UCLSeries.XValues      = ArrayIndex;
            LCLSeries.XValues      = ArrayIndex;
Beispiel #5
        public void generateXRChart(int startindex, int stopindex, int plotstartindex, int plotstopindex, DataSet dataSet, int offset, _Worksheet sheet)
            // declaration of variables
            int    index = 0;
            int    row = 1;
            int    column = 1;
            double xControlLimitFactor, rControlLimitFactor1, rControlLimitFactor2;

            double[] averages                 = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] Rvalues                  = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] averageOfAverages        = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] xChartUpperControlLimit  = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] xChartLowerControlLimit  = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] rChartUpperControlLimit  = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] rChartLowerControlLimit  = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] averageOfRvalues         = new double[dataSet.amountOfVariables()];
            double[] RvaluesInRange           = new double[stopindex - startindex + 1];
            double[] averageOfAveragesInRange = new double[stopindex - startindex + 1];
            int[]    ArrayIndex               = new int[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] xChartConstants          = new double[25] {
                0.0, 1.880, 1.023, 0.729, 0.577, 0.483, 0.419, 0.373, 0.337, 0.308, 0.285, 0.266, 0.249, 0.235, 0.223, 0.212, 0.203, 0.194, 0.187, 0.180, 0.173, 0.167, 0.162, 0.157, 0.153
            double[] rChartConstants1 = new double[25] {
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.076, 0.136, 0.184, 0.223, 0.256, 0.283, 0.307, 0.328, 0.347, 0.363, 0.378, 0.391, 0.403, 0.415, 0.425, 0.434, 0.443, 0.451, 0.459
            double[] rChartConstants2 = new double[25] {
                0, 3.267, 2.574, 2.282, 2.114, 2.004, 1.924, 1.864, 1.816, 1.777, 1.744, 1.717, 1.693, 1.672, 1.653, 1.637, 1.662, 1.607, 1.597, 1.585, 1.575, 1.566, 1.557, 1.548, 1.541
            // write  labels to sheet
            sheet.Cells[row, column]     = "Index";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 1] = "Observation";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 2] = "Average";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] = "Max";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] = "Min";
            sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] = "R";

            // write values to sheet
            for (index = 1; index < dataSet.amountOfVariables(); index++)
                sheet.Cells[row, column]     = index - 1;
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 1] = dataSet.getVariables()[index].name;
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 2] = "=AVERAGE(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!" + dataSet.getVariables()[index].Range + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] = "=MAX(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!" + dataSet.getVariables()[index].Range + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] = "=MIN(" + dataSet.getWorksheet().Name + "!" + dataSet.getVariables()[index].Range + ")";
                sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] = (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 3] as Range).Value - (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 4] as Range).Value;
                var cellValue = (double)sheet.Cells[row, column + 2].Value;
                if (cellValue < -214682680)
                    cellValue = 0;                         // if cellValue is the result of a division by 0, set value to 0
                averages[index - 1] = cellValue;
                cellValue           = (double)(sheet.Cells[row, column + 5] as Range).Value;
                Rvalues[index - 1]  = cellValue;
            // make arrays for calculation within limits
            for (index = startindex; index <= stopindex; index++)
                RvaluesInRange[index - startindex]           = Rvalues[index];
                averageOfAveragesInRange[index - startindex] = averages[index];

            // create variable to limit amount of subsamples in 1 measurement to 25
            int safe;

            if (dataSet.rangeSize() > 24)
                safe = 24;
                safe = dataSet.rangeSize();
            if (dataSet.getVariableNamesInFirstRowOrColumn())
                xControlLimitFactor  = xChartConstants[safe - 1];
                rControlLimitFactor1 = rChartConstants1[safe - 1];
                rControlLimitFactor2 = rChartConstants2[safe - 1];
                xControlLimitFactor = xChartConstants[safe];
            rControlLimitFactor1 = rChartConstants1[safe];
            rControlLimitFactor2 = rChartConstants2[safe];

            for (index = 0; index < dataSet.amountOfVariables(); index++)
                averageOfAverages[index]       = averageOfAveragesInRange.Average();
                xChartUpperControlLimit[index] = averageOfAveragesInRange.Average() + (xControlLimitFactor * Rvalues.Average());
                xChartLowerControlLimit[index] = averageOfAveragesInRange.Average() - (xControlLimitFactor * Rvalues.Average());
                averageOfRvalues[index]        = RvaluesInRange.Average();
                rChartUpperControlLimit[index] = RvaluesInRange.Average() * rControlLimitFactor2;
                rChartLowerControlLimit[index] = RvaluesInRange.Average() * rControlLimitFactor1;

            // new subsets of arrays for plotting data

            double[] plotaverages                = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotRvalues                 = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotaverageOfAverages       = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotxChartUpperControlLimit = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotxChartLowerControlLimit = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotrChartUpperControlLimit = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotrChartLowerControlLimit = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];
            double[] plotaverageOfRvalues        = new double[plotstopindex - plotstartindex + 1];

            for (int i = plotstartindex; i <= plotstopindex; i++)
                ArrayIndex[i - plotstartindex]                  = i;
                plotaverages[i - plotstartindex]                = averages[i];
                plotRvalues[i - plotstartindex]                 = Rvalues[i];
                plotaverageOfAverages[i - plotstartindex]       = averageOfAverages[i];
                plotxChartUpperControlLimit[i - plotstartindex] = xChartUpperControlLimit[i];
                plotxChartLowerControlLimit[i - plotstartindex] = xChartLowerControlLimit[i];
                plotrChartUpperControlLimit[i - plotstartindex] = rChartUpperControlLimit[i];
                plotrChartLowerControlLimit[i - plotstartindex] = rChartLowerControlLimit[i];
                plotaverageOfRvalues[i - plotstartindex]        = averageOfRvalues[i];

            var Xcharts      = (ChartObjects)sheet.ChartObjects();
            var XchartObject = Xcharts.Add(340, 20, 550, 300);
            var Xchart       = XchartObject.Chart;

            Xchart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlXYScatterLines;
            Xchart.ChartWizard(Title: "X-Chart " + dataSet.Name, HasLegend: true);
            var XseriesCollection = (SeriesCollection)Xchart.SeriesCollection();
            var avgseries         = XseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var avgAvgseries      = XseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var UCLseries         = XseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var LCLseries         = XseriesCollection.NewSeries();

            avgseries.Name       = ("Observation Averages");
            avgAvgseries.Name    = ("Center Line");
            UCLseries.Name       = ("UCL");
            LCLseries.Name       = ("LCL");
            avgseries.Values     = plotaverages;
            avgAvgseries.Values  = plotaverageOfAverages;
            UCLseries.Values     = plotxChartUpperControlLimit;
            LCLseries.Values     = plotxChartLowerControlLimit;
            avgseries.XValues    = ArrayIndex;
            UCLseries.XValues    = ArrayIndex;
            LCLseries.XValues    = ArrayIndex;
            avgAvgseries.XValues = ArrayIndex;

            var Rcharts      = (ChartObjects)sheet.ChartObjects();
            var RchartObject = Rcharts.Add(340, 20 + offset, 550, 300);
            var Rchart       = RchartObject.Chart;

            Rchart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlXYScatterLines;
            Rchart.ChartWizard(Title: "R-Chart " + dataSet.Name, HasLegend: true);
            var RseriesCollection = (SeriesCollection)Rchart.SeriesCollection();
            var rSeries           = RseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var averageRSeries    = RseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var UCLSeries         = RseriesCollection.NewSeries();
            var LCLSeries         = RseriesCollection.NewSeries();

            rSeries.Name           = ("Observation R");
            averageRSeries.Name    = ("Center Line");
            UCLSeries.Name         = ("UCL");
            LCLSeries.Name         = ("LCL");
            rSeries.Values         = plotRvalues;
            averageRSeries.Values  = plotaverageOfRvalues;
            UCLSeries.Values       = plotrChartUpperControlLimit;
            LCLSeries.Values       = plotrChartLowerControlLimit;
            rSeries.XValues        = ArrayIndex;
            averageRSeries.XValues = ArrayIndex;
            UCLSeries.XValues      = ArrayIndex;
            LCLSeries.XValues      = ArrayIndex;
Beispiel #6
        public static DataSet modify(DataSet dataSet, string newRange)
            string tmp   = dataSet.Range;
            int    temp  = tmp.IndexOf(':');
            int    start = tmp.IndexOf('$', temp + 1) + 1;

            char[] ch = tmp.ToCharArray();
            ch[start] = newRange.ToCharArray()[0];
            string newtmp = new string(ch);

            Range range = dataSet.getWorksheet().Range[newtmp];

            List <Variable> variables = createVariables(dataSet.getWorksheet(), range, dataSet.getRangeLayout(), dataSet.getVariableNamesInFirstRowOrColumn());
            DataSet         test      = new DataSet(dataSet.getWorksheet(), range, dataSet.getName(), dataSet.getRangeLayout(), dataSet.getVariableNamesInFirstRowOrColumn(), variables);
