Beispiel #1
        public Groups()

            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);
            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);

            //veggies = new ObservableCollection<VeggieViewModel>();
            List <GroupObject> testGroup = new List <GroupObject>();

            //Set the groups corresponding to correct list from data obj
            //wedNightGroups = dataCollectionObj.GetWednesdayGroups();

            //Once working the listview will be able to display groups
            //lstView.ItemsSource = wedNightGroups;

             * Done delete the below section

            //Test to create groups add to list and display in listview

            //this section properly creates groups and adds them to
            //An accessable list that the listview can use.

            //To get this to work all we need to do is correct redirect
            //Error and then lat the list view have the list.
            GroupObject groupOne         = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwo         = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupThree       = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupSeven       = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupFour        = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupFive        = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupSix         = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupEight       = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupNine        = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTen         = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupEleven      = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwelve      = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupThirteen    = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupFourteen    = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupFifteen     = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupSixteen     = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupSeventeen   = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupEighteen    = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupNineteen    = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwenty      = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwentyOne   = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwentyTwo   = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwentyThree = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwentyFour  = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwentyFive  = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwentySix   = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwentySeven = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwentyEight = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwentyNine  = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupThirty      = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupThirtyOne   = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupThirtyTwo   = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupThirtyThree = new GroupObject();

            groupOne.Id                      = "720774";
            groupOne.Name                    = "Nixa - Be A Godly Man";
            groupOne.Schedule                = "Wednesday's at 7pm";
            groupOne.LocationName            = "North Point Church - NIXA campus";
            groupOne.LocationAddress         = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupOne.Latitude                = "37.06";
            groupOne.Longitude               = "-93.3";
            groupOne.Url                     = "";
            groupTwo.Id                      = "496665";
            groupTwo.Name                    = "Nixa - FOUNDATIONS";
            groupTwo.Schedule                = "Wednesday's at 7pm";
            groupTwo.LocationName            = "Nixa Campus Groups Room (Suite 15)";
            groupTwo.LocationAddress         = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupTwo.Latitude                = "37.06";
            groupTwo.Longitude               = "-93.3";
            groupTwo.Url                     = "";
            groupThree.Id                    = "713286";
            groupThree.Name                  = "Nixa - New Testament Survey";
            groupThree.Schedule              = "Wednesday's at 7pm";
            groupThree.LocationName          = "Old Commons ";
            groupThree.LocationAddress       = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupThree.Latitude              = "37.06";
            groupThree.Longitude             = "-93.3";
            groupThree.Url                   = "";
            groupFour.Id                     = "503758";
            groupFour.Name                   = "Nixa - North Point Students";
            groupFour.Schedule               = "Wednesday's at 7pm";
            groupFour.LocationName           = "North Point Church - NIXA campus";
            groupFour.LocationAddress        = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupFour.Latitude               = "37.06";
            groupFour.Longitude              = "-93.3";
            groupFour.Url                    = "";
            groupFive.Id                     = "720555";
            groupFive.Name                   = "Nixa - The Art Of Marriage";
            groupFive.Schedule               = "Wednesday's 7:00-8:30pm";
            groupFive.LocationName           = "North Point Church - NIXA campus";
            groupFive.LocationAddress        = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupFive.Latitude               = "37.06";
            groupFive.Longitude              = "-93.3";
            groupFive.Url                    = "";
            groupSix.Id                      = "715343";
            groupSix.Name                    = "Springfield - Dealing With Life's Issues";
            groupSix.Schedule                = "Wednesday's at 7pm";
            groupSix.LocationName            = "North Point Church - Springfield  Campus";
            groupSix.LocationAddress         = "Springfield, MO 65803";
            groupSix.Latitude                = "37.25";
            groupSix.Longitude               = "-93.35";
            groupSix.Url                     = "";
            groupSeven.Id                    = "497384";
            groupSeven.Name                  = "Springfield - FOUNDATIONS";
            groupSeven.Schedule              = "Wednesday's at 7pm";
            groupSeven.LocationName          = "North Point Church - Springfield  Campus";
            groupSeven.LocationAddress       = "Springfield, MO 65803";
            groupSeven.Latitude              = "37.25";
            groupSeven.Longitude             = "-93.35";
            groupSeven.Url                   = "";
            groupEight.Id                    = "705734";
            groupEight.Name                  = "Springfield - Marriage Class";
            groupEight.Schedule              = "Wednesday's at 7pm";
            groupEight.LocationName          = "North Point Church - Springfield  Campus";
            groupEight.LocationAddress       = "Springfield, MO 65803";
            groupEight.Latitude              = "37.25";
            groupEight.Longitude             = "-93.35";
            groupEight.Url                   = "";
            groupNine.Id                     = "703883";
            groupNine.Name                   = "Springfield - Parenting Class";
            groupNine.Schedule               = "Wednesday's at 7pm";
            groupNine.LocationName           = "North Point Church - Springfield  Campus";
            groupNine.LocationAddress        = "Springfield, MO 65803";
            groupNine.Latitude               = "37.25";
            groupNine.Longitude              = "-93.35";
            groupNine.Url                    = "";
            groupTen.Id                      = "419133";
            groupTen.Name                    = "Men's Prayer";
            groupTen.Schedule                = "Tuesdays at 6:30am";
            groupTen.LocationName            = "North Point Church - Springfield  Campus";
            groupTen.LocationAddress         = "Springfield, MO 65803";
            groupTen.Latitude                = "37.25";
            groupTen.Longitude               = "-93.35";
            groupTen.Url                     = "";
            groupEleven.Id                   = "676184";
            groupEleven.Name                 = "NEXT - Springfield";
            groupEleven.Schedule             = "Saturday at 5:00pm, Sunday 11:00am, or Wednesday 7:00pm";
            groupEleven.LocationName         = "North Point Church - Springfield  Campus";
            groupEleven.LocationAddress      = "Springfield, MO 65803";
            groupEleven.Latitude             = "37.25";
            groupEleven.Longitude            = "-93.35";
            groupEleven.Url                  = "";
            groupTwelve.Id                   = "416212";
            groupTwelve.Name                 = "The Book of Signs";
            groupTwelve.Schedule             = "Tuesdays at 6:15pm starting May 7, 2019";
            groupTwelve.LocationName         = "North Point Church - SGF";
            groupTwelve.LocationAddress      = "Springfield, MO 65803";
            groupTwelve.Latitude             = "37.25";
            groupTwelve.Longitude            = "-93.35";
            groupTwelve.Url                  = "";
            groupThirteen.Id                 = "731475";
            groupThirteen.Name               = "Volleyball Group";
            groupThirteen.Schedule           = "Monday's at 7pm";
            groupThirteen.LocationName       = "Boys & Girls Club";
            groupThirteen.LocationAddress    = "Boys & Girls Club";
            groupThirteen.Latitude           = "37.22";
            groupThirteen.Longitude          = "-93.27";
            groupThirteen.Url                = "";
            groupFourteen.Id                 = "691961";
            groupFourteen.Name               = "Young Adult Men's Group";
            groupFourteen.Schedule           = "Saturday's and Sunday's";
            groupFourteen.LocationName       = "North Point Church - Springfield  Campus";
            groupFourteen.LocationAddress    = "Springfield, MO 65803";
            groupFourteen.Latitude           = "37.25";
            groupFourteen.Longitude          = "-93.35";
            groupFourteen.Url                = "";
            groupFifteen.Id                  = "664945";
            groupFifteen.Name                = "Young Adult Unmarried Relationship Group";
            groupFifteen.Schedule            = "Every Other Sunday at 6:00p.m.";
            groupFifteen.LocationName        = "Our Home";
            groupFifteen.LocationAddress     = "Springfield, MO 65803";
            groupFifteen.Latitude            = "37.34";
            groupFifteen.Longitude           = "-93.3";
            groupFifteen.Url                 = "";
            groupSixteen.Id                  = "481556";
            groupSixteen.Name                = "Wednesday Night Dinner Volunteers";
            groupSixteen.Schedule            = "Meets every Thursday at 7";
            groupSixteen.LocationName        = "Springfield Dream Center";
            groupSixteen.LocationAddress     = "Springfield Dream Center";
            groupSixteen.Latitude            = "37.23";
            groupSixteen.Longitude           = "-93.3";
            groupSixteen.Url                 = "";
            groupSeventeen.Id                = "676196";
            groupSeventeen.Name              = "Activity Group for Families of Kids with Special Needs";
            groupSeventeen.Schedule          = "Wednesday's at 6:00pm";
            groupSeventeen.LocationName      = "Perspectives Preparatory Academy ";
            groupSeventeen.LocationAddress   = "Springfield, MO 65804";
            groupSeventeen.Latitude          = "37.14";
            groupSeventeen.Longitude         = "-93.27";
            groupSeventeen.Url               = "";
            groupEighteen.Id                 = "409470";
            groupEighteen.Name               = "Divorce Care";
            groupEighteen.Schedule           = "Sundays at 6:00pm ";
            groupEighteen.LocationName       = "Nixa Campus Groups Room (Suite 15)";
            groupEighteen.LocationAddress    = "Nixa Campus Groups Room (Suite 15)";
            groupEighteen.Latitude           = "37.06";
            groupEighteen.Longitude          = "-93.3";
            groupEighteen.Url                = "";
            groupNineteen.Id                 = "704695";
            groupNineteen.Name               = "Fear Not Fitness";
            groupNineteen.Schedule           = "Sundays at 7 AM ";
            groupNineteen.LocationName       = "Commons Venue at the North Point Nixa Campus";
            groupNineteen.LocationAddress    = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupNineteen.Latitude           = "37.06";
            groupNineteen.Longitude          = "-93.3";
            groupNineteen.Url                = "";
            groupTwenty.Id                   = "640576";
            groupTwenty.Name                 = "Financial Peace University - Nixa";
            groupTwenty.Schedule             = "Sundays 5:00pm";
            groupTwenty.LocationName         = "North Point Church - NIXA campus";
            groupTwenty.LocationAddress      = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupTwenty.Latitude             = "37.06";
            groupTwenty.Longitude            = "-93.3";
            groupTwenty.Url                  = "";
            groupTwentyOne.Id                = "720806";
            groupTwentyOne.Name              = "Finding Strength Women's Study";
            groupTwentyOne.Schedule          = "Sunday's at 5pm";
            groupTwentyOne.LocationName      = "Commons Venue at the North Point Nixa Campus";
            groupTwentyOne.LocationAddress   = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupTwentyOne.Latitude          = "37.06";
            groupTwentyOne.Longitude         = "-93.3";
            groupTwentyOne.Url               = "";
            groupTwentyTwo.Id                = "676194";
            groupTwentyTwo.Name              = "Intentional Parenting";
            groupTwentyTwo.Schedule          = "Sunday's at 9:00am";
            groupTwentyTwo.LocationName      = "Nixa Campus Groups Room (Suite 15";
            groupTwentyTwo.LocationAddress   = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupTwentyTwo.Latitude          = "37.06";
            groupTwentyTwo.Longitude         = "-93.3";
            groupTwentyTwo.Url               = "";
            groupTwentyThree.Id              = "419333";
            groupTwentyThree.Name            = "Men's Breakfast - Nixa";
            groupTwentyThree.Schedule        = "First Saturday of the month, unless scheduled otherwise.";
            groupTwentyThree.LocationName    = "North Point Church - NIXA campus";
            groupTwentyThree.LocationAddress = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupTwentyThree.Latitude        = "37.06";
            groupTwentyThree.Longitude       = "-93.3";
            groupTwentyThree.Url             = "";
            groupTwentyFour.Id               = "359405";
            groupTwentyFour.Name             = "Men's Morning Coffee and Bible Study";
            groupTwentyFour.Schedule         = "Tuesdays at 6:30am ";
            groupTwentyFour.LocationName     = "Commons Venue at the North Point Nixa Campus";
            groupTwentyFour.LocationAddress  = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupTwentyFour.Latitude         = "37.06";
            groupTwentyFour.Longitude        = "-93.3";
            groupTwentyFour.Url              = "";
            groupTwentyFive.Id               = "676180";
            groupTwentyFive.Name             = "NEXT - Nixa";
            groupTwentyFive.Schedule         = "Wednesday April 10, 7 pm ";
            groupTwentyFive.LocationName     = "Nixa Campus Groups Room (Suite 15)";
            groupTwentyFive.LocationAddress  = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupTwentyFive.Latitude         = "37.06";
            groupTwentyFive.Longitude        = " -93.3";
            groupTwentyFive.Url              = "";
            groupTwentySix.Id                = "751285";
            groupTwentySix.Name              = "Nixa - Adult Co-Ed Volleyball Group";
            groupTwentySix.Schedule          = "Fridays at 6pm";
            groupTwentySix.LocationName      = "Sonic on Battlefield Rd.";
            groupTwentySix.LocationAddress   = "Sonic on Battlefield Rd.";
            groupTwentySix.Latitude          = "37.16";
            groupTwentySix.Longitude         = "-93.29";
            groupTwentySix.Url               = "";
            groupTwentySeven.Id              = "644910";
            groupTwentySeven.Name            = "Nixa - The Exchange";
            groupTwentySeven.Schedule        = "Wednesday's at 7pm";
            groupTwentySeven.LocationName    = "North Point Church - NIXA campus";
            groupTwentySeven.LocationAddress = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupTwentySeven.Latitude        = "37.06";
            groupTwentySeven.Longitude       = "-93.3";
            groupTwentySeven.Url             = "";
            groupTwentyEight.Id              = "676192";
            groupTwentyEight.Name            = "None Like Him - Women's Small Group";
            groupTwentyEight.Schedule        = "Monday's at 6pm";
            groupTwentyEight.LocationName    = "Commons Venue at the North Point Nixa Campus";
            groupTwentyEight.LocationAddress = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupTwentyEight.Latitude        = "37.06";
            groupTwentyEight.Longitude       = "-93.3";
            groupTwentyEight.Url             = "";
            groupTwentyNine.Id               = "419153";
            groupTwentyNine.Name             = "Not Quite The NBA";
            groupTwentyNine.Schedule         = "Tuesdays at 7pm";
            groupTwentyNine.LocationName     = "Nixa Junior High Gym";
            groupTwentyNine.LocationAddress  = "Nixa Junior High Gym";
            groupTwentyNine.Latitude         = "37.05";
            groupTwentyNine.Longitude        = "-93.29";
            groupTwentyNine.Url              = "";
            groupThirty.Id                   = "409819";
            groupThirty.Name                 = "Nothing to Prove - Women's Small Group";
            groupThirty.Schedule             = "Mondays at 9:00am";
            groupThirty.LocationName         = "Commons Venue at the North Point Nixa Campus";
            groupThirty.LocationAddress      = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupThirty.Latitude             = "37.06";
            groupThirty.Longitude            = "-93.3";
            groupThirty.Url                  = "";
            groupThirtyOne.Id                = "419321";
            groupThirtyOne.Name              = "The Breakfast Club";
            groupThirtyOne.Schedule          = "2nd & 4th Friday's of Month at 9am";
            groupThirtyOne.LocationName      = "Commons Venue at the North Point Nixa Campus";
            groupThirtyOne.LocationAddress   = "Nixa, MO 65714";
            groupThirtyOne.Latitude          = "37.06";
            groupThirtyOne.Longitude         = "-93.3";
            groupThirtyOne.Url               = "";
            groupThirtyTwo.Id                = "571307";
            groupThirtyTwo.Name              = "Super Serve: Coffee & Cleaning - Springfield";
            groupThirtyTwo.Schedule          = "Mondays: 10am-12pm";
            groupThirtyTwo.LocationName      = "North Point Church - Springfield  Campus";
            groupThirtyTwo.LocationAddress   = "Springfield, MO 65803";
            groupThirtyTwo.Latitude          = "37.25";
            groupThirtyTwo.Longitude         = "-93.35";
            groupThirtyTwo.Url               = "";
            groupThirtyThree.Id              = "568349";
            groupThirtyThree.Name            = "Super Serve: Pizza & Pinning - Springfield";
            groupThirtyThree.Schedule        = "Wednesdays: 5pm-7pm";
            groupThirtyThree.LocationName    = "North Point Church - Springfield  Campus";
            groupThirtyThree.LocationAddress = "Springfield, MO 65803";
            groupThirtyThree.Latitude        = "37.25";
            groupThirtyThree.Longitude       = "-93.35";



            //this.Title = "ListView Code Sample";
            //veggies.Add(new VeggieViewModel { Name = "Tomato", Type = "Fruit" });
            //veggies.Add(new VeggieViewModel { Name = "Romaine Lettuce", Type = "Vegetable" });
            //veggies.Add(new VeggieViewModel { Name = "Zucchini", Type = "Vegetable" });
            //lstView.ItemsSource = veggies;

            //Testing to see if we can do an instance and add to icollectable
            //group.Add(new GroupObject { Name = "Group One", Id = "1" });
            //group.Add(new GroupObject { Name = "Group Two", Id = "2" });
            //group.Add(new GroupObject { Name = "Group Three", Id= "3" });

            //You will set the list that has the corresponding data to listview.
            lstView.ItemsSource = testGroup;
Beispiel #2
        public Events()

            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);
            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);

            //veggies = new ObservableCollection<VeggieViewModel>();
            List <GroupObject> testGroup = new List <GroupObject>();

            //Set the groups corresponding to correct list from data obj
            //wedNightGroups = dataCollectionObj.GetWednesdayGroups();

            //Once working the listview will be able to display groups
            //lstView.ItemsSource = wedNightGroups;

             * Done delete the below section

            //Test to create groups add to list and display in listview

            //this section properly creates groups and adds them to
            //An accessable list that the listview can use.

            //To get this to work all we need to do is correct redirect
            //Error and then lat the list view have the list.
            GroupObject groupOne = new GroupObject();
            GroupObject groupTwo = new GroupObject();

            groupOne.Name     = "Power Up Kids Camp";
            groupOne.Schedule = "June 9-11, 2019";
            groupOne.Url      = "";

            groupTwo.Name     = "Student Camp 2019";
            groupTwo.Schedule = "July 8-12, 2019";
            groupTwo.Url      = "";



            //this.Title = "ListView Code Sample";
            //veggies.Add(new VeggieViewModel { Name = "Tomato", Type = "Fruit" });
            //veggies.Add(new VeggieViewModel { Name = "Romaine Lettuce", Type = "Vegetable" });
            //veggies.Add(new VeggieViewModel { Name = "Zucchini", Type = "Vegetable" });
            //lstView.ItemsSource = veggies;

            //Testing to see if we can do an instance and add to icollectable
            //group.Add(new GroupObject { Name = "Group One", Id = "1" });
            //group.Add(new GroupObject { Name = "Group Two", Id = "2" });
            //group.Add(new GroupObject { Name = "Group Three", Id= "3" });

            //You will set the list that has the corresponding data to listview.
            lstView.ItemsSource = testGroup;