public mobSocialPlugin(MobSocialObjectContext context, mobSocialSettings mobSocialSettings,
                        ISettingService settingService, IMessageTemplateService messageTemplateService,
                        IScheduleTaskService scheduleTaskService,
                        IMobSocialService mobSocialService,
                        ILocalizationService localizationService,
                        IStoreContext storeContext,
                        IVideoBattleService videoBattleService)
     : base(storeContext, settingService)
     _context                = context;
     _mobSocialSettings      = mobSocialSettings;
     _settingService         = settingService;
     _messageTemplateService = messageTemplateService;
     _scheduleTaskService    = scheduleTaskService;
     _mobSocialService       = mobSocialService;
     _localizationService    = localizationService;
     _videoBattleService     = videoBattleService;
     _storeContext           = storeContext;
     _config = new HttpRuntimeSection(); //TODO Move to dependency registrar and perform injection
        /// <summary>
        /// Install plugin
        /// </summary>
        public override void Install()
            //this.AddOrUpdatePluginLocaleResource("Plugins.ProductCarousel.Cache", "true");
            //It's required to set initializer to null (for SQL Server Compact).
            //otherwise, you'll get something like "The model backing the 'your context name' context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database"

            var mobSocialSettings = new mobSocialSettings()
                Version            = MobSocialConstant.ReleaseVersion,
                ProfilePictureSize = 100,
                WidgetZone         = "after_header_links",
                PeopleSearchAutoCompleteEnabled            = true,
                PeopleSearchAutoCompleteNumberOfResults    = 10,
                EventPageSearchAutoCompleteNumberOfResults = 10,
                PeopleSearchTermMinimumLength         = 3,
                EventPageSearchTermMinimumLength      = 1,
                ShowProfileImagesInSearchAutoComplete = true,
                CustomerAlbumPictureThumbnailWidth    = 290,
                MaximumMainAlbumPictures         = 10,
                MaximumMainAlbumVideos           = 10,
                EventPageAttendanceThumbnailSize = 25,
                UninvitedFriendsNumberOfResults  = 20,
                CustomerProfileUpdateViewCountAfterNumberOfSeconds = 180, // 3 minutes,
                FacebookWebsiteAppId    = "1234567890123456",
                BusinessPageSearchUrl   = "BusinessSearch",
                ArtistPageMainImageSize = 300,
                ArtistPageThumbnailSize = 150,
                // Would you like to replace the api key with your own?
                // Find more info here by contacting us at [email protected]
                EchonestAPIKey = "DQFW7ZCMHBBLMLVFE",
                // Would you like to replace the partner id with your own?
                // Find more info here by contacting us at [email protected]
                SevenDigitalPartnerId            = "9378",
                SongFileMaximumUploadSize        = _config.MaxRequestLength,
                SongFileSampleMaximumUploadSize  = _config.MaxRequestLength,
                PurchasedSongFeePercentage       = 30,
                ShowVideoThumbnailsForBattles    = true,
                DefaultVotingChargeForPaidVoting = 0.99m,
                EnableFacebookInvite             = true,

            var mediaSettings = new MediaSettings()
                AvatarPictureSize = 200





