public ClientDeduplicatorStream(IDataProcessorStream inputStream, uint storageNode, DedupIndex ddb)
     this.inputStream   = inputStream;
     this.currentPos    = 0;
     this.length        = 0;
     this.DedupedCount  = 0;
     storageNodeId      = storageNode;
     this.BlockMetadata = new List <IFileBlockMetadata>();
     dedupedBlocks      = new List <long>();
     this.ddb           = ddb;
Beispiel #2
 public static DedupIndex Instance(int bsId, bool forWriting)
     if (currentBackupSet == 0)
         currentBackupSet = bsId;
     else if (bsId != currentBackupSet)           // refuse to have multiple dedub db loaded simultaneously
         throw new Exception("A dedup DB (#" + currentBackupSet + " is already loaded.");
     if (_instance == null)
         _instance = new DedupIndex();
         long nbItems = _instance.Initialize(forWriting);
         Logger.Append(Severity.INFO, "Deduplication indexes DB ready (" + nbItems + " items)");
Beispiel #3
 internal DataPipeline(PipelineMode mode, DataProcessingFlags flags, int bsId, DedupIndex ddidx) : this(mode, flags)
     this.bsId = bsId;
     ddb       = ddidx;
Beispiel #4
 public void Dispose()
     currentBackupSet = 0;
     index            = null;
     _instance        = null;
Beispiel #5
        internal DataPipeline_(PipelineMode mode, Session s, Backup b, DataProcessingFlags flags)
            backup = b;

            storageSession = s;
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            BChunkHeader    header    = new BChunkHeader();

            header.DataFlags = flags;

            header.Version = Utilities.PlatForm.Instance().NodeVersion;
            //header.TaskId = taskId;
            header.TaskId = b.TaskId;

            // end-of-chain stream
            sessionStream = new NetworkStream(storageSession.DataSocket);

            this.Flags = flags;
            if (ConfigManager.GetValue("BENCHMARK") != null)
                sessionStream = new DummyStream();
            if (flags.HasFlag(DataProcessingFlags.CChecksum))
                finalStream = new NullSinkStream(new ChunkHasherStream(sessionStream), mode);
                finalStream = new NullSinkStream(sessionStream, mode);                // dummy dest stream
            //firstStream = new NullSinkStream(); // test and benchmarking

            // top-of-chain streams
            firstStream = finalStream;
            if (flags.HasFlag(DataProcessingFlags.CEncrypt))
                EncryptorStream encStream = new EncryptorStream(firstStream, true, null);
                header.EncryptionMetaData = encStream.EncryptionMetadata;

                // TODO !! take encryptionMetadata and add it to index
                firstStream = encStream;
            if (flags.HasFlag(DataProcessingFlags.CCompress))
                //firstStream = new CompressorStream(firstStream, CompressorAlgorithm.Lzo, 1024);
                firstStream = new GZCompressorStream(firstStream, System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Compress);
            if (flags.HasFlag(DataProcessingFlags.CDedup))
                cdds = new ClientDeduplicatorStream(firstStream, s.ClientId);

                /*try{ // TODO ! remove cksum provider selection from here, find a more elegant solution
                 *      firstStream = new ChecksummerStream_MHash((ClientDeduplicatorStream)cdds);
                 * }
                 * catch(Exception e){*/
                firstStream = new ChecksummerStream((ClientDeduplicatorStream)cdds);
                //firstStream = new TigerTreeHasherStream((ClientDeduplicatorStream)cdds);

                // Pre-Initialize dedup index (if needed)
            MemoryStream headerStream = new MemoryStream();
            formatter.Serialize(headerStream, header);
            headerData = headerStream.ToArray();
            Logger.Append(Severity.INFO, "Created data pipeline with flags " + flags.ToString());
            //privilegesManager = new Utilities.PrivilegesManager();