Beispiel #1
        protected void WriteTradeTriggers()
            int count = trade_triggers.Count;

            var csv = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                TradeTriggerByDate res = trade_triggers[i];

                var newLine = string.Format("{0};{1};{2}",


            //mut.WaitOne(); //wait until safe to enter; prior thread has completed writing.
                String file_name = output_folder + "triggers_strategy" + Strategy_Num.ToString() + "_" + TestingStartDate.ToString("ddMMMyyyy") + "to" + TestingEndDate.ToString("ddMMMyyyy") + "_" + uid + ".csv";
                File.WriteAllText(file_name, csv.ToString());
            catch (System.Exception exp)
                Log("File write error for file name '" + "' Error '" + exp.Message + "'", LogLevel.Warning);
Beispiel #2
        protected void WriteTradeTriggers()
            int count = trade_triggers.Count;

            var csv = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                TradeTriggerByDate res = trade_triggers[i];

                var newLine = string.Format("{0};{1};{2}",


            //mut.WaitOne(); //wait until safe to enter; prior thread has completed writing.
                File.WriteAllText("c:\\temp\\knn\\triggers.csv", csv.ToString());
            catch (System.Exception exp)
                Log("File write error for file name '" + "' Error '" + exp.Message + "'", LogLevel.Warning);
Beispiel #3
        protected void LoadTriggers()
            for (int i = 0; i < symbol_list.Count; i++)
                trade_triggers.Add(new List <TradeTriggerByDate>());

            string trigger_file_path        = "c:\\temp\\knn\\triggers.csv";
            String trigger_config_file_path = "c:\\temp\\knn\\triggers_config.txt";

            System.IO.StreamReader file3 = new System.IO.StreamReader(trigger_config_file_path);
            String line3 = file3.ReadLine();

            if (line3 != null)
                trigger_file_path = line3;

            System.IO.StreamReader file4 = new System.IO.StreamReader(trigger_file_path);
            string line4;

            while ((line4 = file4.ReadLine()) != null)
                string[] values = line4.Split(';');
                if (values.Length == 3)
                    TradeTriggerByDate trig = new TradeTriggerByDate();
                    trig.Symbol     = values[0];
                    trig.TradeDate  = Convert.ToDateTime(values[1]);
                    trig.DaysToHold = Convert.ToInt32(values[2]);
                    trig.Status     = "NotExecuted";

                    int symbol_index = symbol_to_index[trig.Symbol];

Beispiel #4
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            int BarIndex = BarsInProgress;

            bool bFinishedProcessingAllData = false;

            Boolean bLastSymbol = BarIndex == (symbol_list.Count - 1);

            DateTime current_bar_date = Times[BarIndex][0].Date;

            if (bLastSymbol &&
                (((CurrentBar + 1) == Count) || (current_bar_date == TestingEndDate)))  //we are on the last bar to process
                Debug.WriteLine("bFinished trigger");
                bFinishedProcessingAllData = true;

            String debug_txt1 = "Date=" + Times[BarIndex][0].Date.ToShortDateString() + "BarIndex=" + BarIndex.ToString() + "CurrentBar=" + CurrentBar.ToString() + "Count=" + Count.ToString();


            //NOTE: Index 1 is always S&P 500
            if ((BarIndex >= 2 /*1*/) && (BarIndex < (symbol_list.Count)))                        //Start at index=1 since we want to ignore the primary/dummy instrument
                DateTime date_to_process = Times[BarIndex][0].Date;                               //need to wait FutureValueDaysToLookAhead days before we can make calcs

                if ((date_to_process >= TestingStartDate) && (date_to_process <= TestingEndDate)) //  && (CurrentBar >= (20)))  //give 20 days of buffer
                    int SP500_index = 1;

                    TradeScannerResult scan_result = new TradeScannerResult();

                    double OpenPriceToday  = Opens[BarIndex][0];
                    double ClosePriceToday = Closes[BarIndex][0];
                    double SP500_Open      = Opens[SP500_index][0];
                    double SP500_Close     = Closes[SP500_index][0];

                    scan_result.Date                      = date_to_process;
                    scan_result.Symbol                    = symbol_list[BarIndex];
                    scan_result.Description               = company_name_list[BarIndex];
                    scan_result.Open                      = OpenPriceToday;
                    scan_result.Close                     = ClosePriceToday;
                    scan_result.PercentChange_Today       = (((ClosePriceToday / OpenPriceToday) - 1.0) * 100.0);
                    scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today = (((SP500_Close / SP500_Open) - 1.0) * 100.0);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_Today       = scan_result.PercentChange_Today - scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today;

                    scan_result.PercentChange_1Day  = PctChange(BarIndex, 1);
                    scan_result.PercentChange_2Day  = PctChange(BarIndex, 2);
                    scan_result.PercentChange_5Day  = PctChange(BarIndex, 5);
                    scan_result.PercentChange_10Day = PctChange(BarIndex, 10);
                    scan_result.PercentChange_15Day = PctChange(BarIndex, 15);
                    scan_result.PercentChange_20Day = PctChange(BarIndex, 20);

                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_1Day  = scan_result.PercentChange_1Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 1);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_2Day  = scan_result.PercentChange_2Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 2);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_5Day  = scan_result.PercentChange_5Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 5);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_10Day = scan_result.PercentChange_10Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 10);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_15Day = scan_result.PercentChange_15Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 15);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_20Day = scan_result.PercentChange_20Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 20);

                    scan_result.Green_5Day  = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 5);
                    scan_result.Green_10Day = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 10);
                    scan_result.Green_15Day = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 15);
                    scan_result.Green_20Day = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 20);

                    //Indicator_FutureValueChange_Pair indicator_pair = GetIndicatorValue(indicator_list[i], BarIndex, 0, date_to_process);

                    double indicator_value_today = 0.0;

                    scan_result.Indicator_Name = "BOLL";
                    scan_result.Strategy_Name  = Strategy_Num.ToString();

                    double boll_0  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 0);
                    double boll_1  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 1);
                    double boll_2  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 2);
                    double boll_3  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 3);
                    double boll_4  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 4);
                    double boll_5  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 5);
                    double boll_10 = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 10);
                    double boll_15 = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 15);
                    double boll_20 = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 20);

                    indicator_value_today       = boll_0;
                    scan_result.Indicator_Today = indicator_value_today;

                    double boll_0_chg = boll_1 - boll_0;

                    double boll_min             = -1.0;
                    double boll_max             = -0.75;
                    bool   boll_in_range        = (boll_0 > boll_min) && (boll_0 < boll_max);
                    double boll_min_change      = 0.05;
                    double boll_max_change      = 0.25;
                    bool   boll_change_in_range = (boll_0_chg > boll_min_change) && (boll_0_chg < boll_max_change);
                    bool   boll_declining_3dys  = (boll_3 > boll_2) && (boll_2 > boll_1) && (boll_0 > boll_1);

                    scan_result.Indicator_Change_1Day  = indicator_value_today - boll_1;
                    scan_result.Indicator_Change_2Day  = indicator_value_today - boll_2;
                    scan_result.Indicator_Change_5Day  = indicator_value_today - boll_5;
                    scan_result.Indicator_Change_10Day = indicator_value_today - boll_10;
                    scan_result.Indicator_Change_15Day = indicator_value_today - boll_15;
                    scan_result.Indicator_Change_20Day = indicator_value_today - boll_20;

                    double RSI_val = RSI(BarsArray[BarIndex], 14, 3)[0];  //get the indicator val from n days ago
                    scan_result.RSI = RSI_val;

                    bool bBuy = false;
                    switch (Strategy_Num)
                    case 1:     //declining boll for 3, then up spike
                        if (boll_in_range && boll_change_in_range)
                            //strat1 (declining boll for 3, then up spike)
                            if (boll_declining_3dys)
                                bBuy = true;

                    case 2:      //boll up spike
                        if (boll_in_range && boll_change_in_range)
                            bBuy = true;

                    case 3:      //boll crossing -1 threshold, but not too far
                        if ((boll_1 < -1.1) && (boll_0 > -0.9) && (boll_0 < -0.7))
                            bBuy = true;


                    String signal_name = scan_result.Symbol + "-" + Strategy_Num.ToString() + "-" + DaysToHold.ToString();

                    //Check to see if time to sell
                    if (Trade_Status[BarIndex] == "InProgress")
                        //if ((date_to_process > trig.TradeDate)) // && (date_to_process <= trig.TradeDate.AddDays(trig.DaysToHold)))

                        if (DaysSincePurchase[BarIndex] == DaysToHold)     //Use input parameter rather than reading from file trig.DaysToHold //Set Exit for end of nth day
                            Trade_Status[BarIndex] = "Idle";
                            ExitLong(BarIndex, NumShares[BarIndex], signal_name, signal_name);
                            DaysSincePurchase[BarIndex] = -1;
                    else if (bBuy)
                        if (scan_result.Close < AmountPerTrade)  //if price is greater than max per trade, then we cannot purchase
                            TradeTriggerByDate trig = new TradeTriggerByDate();
                            trig.Symbol     = scan_result.Symbol;
                            trig.TradeDate  = scan_result.Date;
                            trig.DaysToHold = DaysToHold;

                            Trade_Status[BarIndex]      = "InProgress";
                            DaysSincePurchase[BarIndex] = 0;
                            //trig.Status = "InProgress";
                            NumShares[BarIndex] = (int)(AmountPerTrade / scan_result.Close);
                            EnterLong(BarIndex, NumShares[BarIndex], signal_name);


            if (bFinishedProcessingAllData == true)
                uid = rnd.Next(100000, 999999).ToString();
Beispiel #5
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            int BarIndex = BarsInProgress;

            bool bFinishedProcessingAllData = false;

            Boolean bLastSymbol = BarIndex == (symbol_list.Count - 1);

            DateTime current_bar_date = Times[BarIndex][0].Date;

            if (bLastSymbol &&
                (((CurrentBar + 1) == Count) || (current_bar_date == TestingEndDate)))  //we are on the last bar to process
                Debug.WriteLine("bFinished trigger");
                bFinishedProcessingAllData = true;

            String debug_txt1 = "Date=" + Times[BarIndex][0].Date.ToShortDateString() + "BarIndex=" + BarIndex.ToString() + "CurrentBar=" + CurrentBar.ToString() + "Count=" + Count.ToString();


            //NOTE: Index 1 is always S&P 500
            if ((BarIndex >= 1 /*1*/) && (BarIndex < (symbol_list.Count)))                        //Start at index=1 since we want to ignore the primary/dummy instrument
                DateTime date_to_process = Times[BarIndex][0].Date;                               //need to wait FutureValueDaysToLookAhead days before we can make calcs

                if ((date_to_process >= TestingStartDate) && (date_to_process <= TestingEndDate)) //  && (CurrentBar >= (20)))  //give 20 days of buffer
                    int SP500_index = 1;
                    if (BarIndex == SP500_index)
                        Date_Price_Pair date_price = new Date_Price_Pair();
                        date_price.Date  = date_to_process;
                        date_price.Price = Closes[BarIndex][0];
                    else  //non S&P500 symbols
                        TradeScannerResult scan_result = new TradeScannerResult();

                        double OpenPriceToday  = Opens[BarIndex][0];
                        double ClosePriceToday = Closes[BarIndex][0];
                        double SP500_Open      = Opens[SP500_index][0];
                        double SP500_Close     = Closes[SP500_index][0];

                            scan_result.Date                      = date_to_process;
                            scan_result.Symbol                    = symbol_list[BarIndex];
                            scan_result.Description               = company_name_list[BarIndex];
                            scan_result.Open                      = OpenPriceToday;
                            scan_result.Close                     = ClosePriceToday;
                            scan_result.PercentChange_Today       = (((ClosePriceToday / OpenPriceToday) - 1.0) * 100.0);
                            scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today = (((SP500_Close / SP500_Open) - 1.0) * 100.0);
                            scan_result.Compare_SP500_Today       = scan_result.PercentChange_Today - scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today;

                            scan_result.PercentChange_1Day  = PctChange(BarIndex, 1);
                            scan_result.PercentChange_2Day  = PctChange(BarIndex, 2);
                            scan_result.PercentChange_5Day  = PctChange(BarIndex, 5);
                            scan_result.PercentChange_10Day = PctChange(BarIndex, 10);
                            scan_result.PercentChange_15Day = PctChange(BarIndex, 15);
                            scan_result.PercentChange_20Day = PctChange(BarIndex, 20);

                            scan_result.Compare_SP500_1Day  = scan_result.PercentChange_1Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 1);
                            scan_result.Compare_SP500_2Day  = scan_result.PercentChange_2Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 2);
                            scan_result.Compare_SP500_5Day  = scan_result.PercentChange_5Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 5);
                            scan_result.Compare_SP500_10Day = scan_result.PercentChange_10Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 10);
                            scan_result.Compare_SP500_15Day = scan_result.PercentChange_15Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 15);
                            scan_result.Compare_SP500_20Day = scan_result.PercentChange_20Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 20);

                            scan_result.Green_5Day  = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 5);
                            scan_result.Green_10Day = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 10);
                            scan_result.Green_15Day = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 15);
                            scan_result.Green_20Day = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 20);

                            //Indicator_FutureValueChange_Pair indicator_pair = GetIndicatorValue(indicator_list[i], BarIndex, 0, date_to_process);

                            double indicator_value_today = 0.0;

                            scan_result.Indicator_Name = "BOLL";
                            scan_result.Strategy_Name  = Strategy_Description; // Strategy_Num.ToString();

                            double boll_0  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 0);
                            double boll_1  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 1);
                            double boll_2  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 2);
                            double boll_3  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 3);
                            double boll_4  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 4);
                            double boll_5  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 5);
                            double boll_10 = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 10);
                            double boll_15 = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 15);
                            double boll_20 = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 20);

                            indicator_value_today       = boll_0;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Today = indicator_value_today;

                            double boll_0_chg = boll_1 - boll_0;

                            double boll_min             = -1.0;
                            double boll_max             = -0.75;
                            bool   boll_in_range        = (boll_0 > boll_min) && (boll_0 < boll_max);
                            double boll_min_change      = 0.05;
                            double boll_max_change      = 0.25;
                            bool   boll_change_in_range = (boll_0_chg > boll_min_change) && (boll_0_chg < boll_max_change);
                            bool   boll_declining_3dys  = (boll_3 > boll_2) && (boll_2 > boll_1) && (boll_0 > boll_1);

                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_1Day  = indicator_value_today - boll_1;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_2Day  = indicator_value_today - boll_2;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_5Day  = indicator_value_today - boll_5;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_10Day = indicator_value_today - boll_10;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_15Day = indicator_value_today - boll_15;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_20Day = indicator_value_today - boll_20;

                            double RSI_val = RSI(BarsArray[BarIndex], 14, 3)[0];  //get the indicator val from n days ago
                            scan_result.RSI = RSI_val;

                            bool bBuy = false;
                            switch (Strategy_Num)
                            case 1:     //declining boll for 3, then up spike
                                if (boll_in_range &&
                                    boll_change_in_range &&
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 2:      //boll up spike
                                if (boll_in_range &&
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 3:      //boll crossing -1 threshold, but not too far
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.1) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.9, -0.7))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 4:      //boll in range, today's change < -0.5% and SP500 change > 0%
                                if (boll_in_range &&
                                    (scan_result.PercentChange_Today < -0.5) &&
                                    (scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today > 0.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 5:      //strat3 + Today 0.75-1.25 and SP500Change 0.5 - 1.0
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.1) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.9, -0.7) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.75, 1.25) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 1.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 6:      //boll up spike + Today < -1.5 + SP500Change < -0.75
                                if (boll_in_range &&
                                    boll_change_in_range &&
                                    (scan_result.PercentChange_Today < -1.5) &&
                                    (scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today < -0.75))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 7:      //strat3 + Today 0.5-2.0 and SP500Change 0.5 - 3.0
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.1) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.9, -0.7) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 2.0) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 3.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 8:      //strat7 + 5-day indicator change -1.5 to -0.5
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.1) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.9, -0.7) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 2.0) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 3.0) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.Indicator_Change_5Day, -1.5, -0.5))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 9:      //strat7 but use 0.0 for min of %ChangeToday and SP500ChangeToday
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.1) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.9, -0.7) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.0, 2.0) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today, 0.0, 3.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 10:      //strat7 but remove SP500%Change condition
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.1) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.9, -0.7) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 2.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 11:      //strat7 but change boll range max to -0.5
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.1) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.9, -0.5) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 2.0) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 3.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 12:      //strat7 but change boll range min/max to -0.95/-0.75
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.1) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.95, -0.75) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 2.0) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 3.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 13:      //strat12 but also add condition for CompSP500_today > 0.15
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.1) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.95, -0.75) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 2.0) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 3.0) &&
                                    (scan_result.Compare_SP500_Today > 0.15))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 14:      //Just testing SP500%change range
                                if (nt.InRange(scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 3.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 15:                                     //strat7, but use 0.0 for SP500 min
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.1) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.9, -0.7) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 2.0) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today, 0.0, 3.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 16:                                     //strat7, but use -1.0 for boll_1 min and -0.5 for boll_0 max
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.0) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.9, -0.5) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 2.0) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today, 0.5, 3.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 17:                                     //strat7 but but use -1.0 for boll_1 min and -0.5 for boll_0 max, use 0.25 for today min, and remove SP500 change
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.0) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.9, -0.5) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.25, 2.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 18:                                     //strat7 but but use -1.2 for boll_1 min and -0.95 for boll_0 max, use 0.25 for today min, and remove SP500 change
                                if ((boll_1 < -1.2) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.95, -0.5) &&
                                    nt.InRange(scan_result.PercentChange_Today, 0.25, 2.0))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 19:                                       //just dropped to range of -1.0 to -0.8
                                if ((boll_1 > -0.5) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -1.0, -0.8))
                                    bBuy = true;

                            case 20:                                      //recovery from below -0.9
                                if ((boll_1 < -0.9) &&
                                    nt.InRange(boll_0, -0.7, -0.3))
                                    bBuy = true;


                            String signal_name = scan_result.Symbol + "-" + Strategy_Num.ToString() + "-" + DaysToHold.ToString() + "-" + StopLossPercent.ToString();

                            //Check to see if time to sell
                            if (Trade_Status[BarIndex] == "InProgress")
                                //if ((date_to_process > trig.TradeDate)) // && (date_to_process <= trig.TradeDate.AddDays(trig.DaysToHold)))

                                if (DaysSincePurchase[BarIndex] == DaysToHold) //Use input parameter rather than reading from file trig.DaysToHold //Set Exit for end of nth day
                                    Trade_Status[BarIndex] = "Idle";
                                    ExitLong(BarIndex, NumShares[BarIndex], signal_name, signal_name);
                                    DaysSincePurchase[BarIndex] = -1;
                            else if (bBuy)
                                if (scan_result.Close < AmountPerTrade)  //if price is greater than max per trade, then we cannot purchase
                                    TradeTriggerByDate trig = new TradeTriggerByDate();
                                    trig.Symbol     = scan_result.Symbol;
                                    trig.TradeDate  = scan_result.Date;
                                    trig.DaysToHold = DaysToHold;

                                    Trade_Status[BarIndex]      = "InProgress";
                                    DaysSincePurchase[BarIndex] = 0;
                                    //trig.Status = "InProgress";
                                    NumShares[BarIndex] = (int)(AmountPerTrade / scan_result.Close);
                                    EnterLong(BarIndex, NumShares[BarIndex], signal_name);

                            Console.WriteLine("Caught exception");

            if (bFinishedProcessingAllData == true)
                uid            = rnd.Next(100000, 999999).ToString();
                results_folder = results_folder + "_" + uid + "\\";
                DirectoryInfo di2 = Directory.CreateDirectory(results_folder);
Beispiel #6
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            //if (BarsInProgress == 0)
            int BarIndex = BarsInProgress;

            bool bFinishedProcessingAllData = false;

            if (((CurrentBar + 1) == Count) && BarIndex == (symbol_list.Count - 1))      //we are on the last bar to process
                bFinishedProcessingAllData = true;

            if ((BarIndex >= 1) && (BarIndex < (symbol_list.Count)))     //Start at index=1 since we want to ignore the primary/dummy instrument
                DateTime date_to_process = Times[BarIndex][0].Date;      //need to wait FutureValueDaysToLookAhead days before we can make calcs

                string symbol_name   = symbol_list[BarIndex];
                double current_price = Closes[BarIndex][0];

                List <TradeTriggerByDate> triggers = trade_triggers[BarIndex];
                for (int i = 0; i < triggers.Count; i++)
                    TradeTriggerByDate trig           = triggers[i];
                    string             trade_id_str   = symbol_name;
                    string             trade_exit_str = "Exit " + trade_id_str;

                    //if (DaysSincePurchase[BarIndex] >= 0)  //Trade in-progress
                    if (trig.Status == "InProgress")
                        if ((date_to_process > trig.TradeDate))     // && (date_to_process <= trig.TradeDate.AddDays(trig.DaysToHold)))

                            if (DaysSincePurchase[BarIndex] == DaysToHold)     //Use input parameter rather than reading from file trig.DaysToHold //Set Exit for end of nth day
                                trig.Status            = "Completed";
                                Trade_Status[BarIndex] = "Idle";
                                ExitLong(BarIndex, NumShares[BarIndex], trade_exit_str, trade_id_str);
                                DaysSincePurchase[BarIndex] = -1;
                    //else if ((trig.TradeDate == date_to_process) && (Trade_Status[BarIndex] != "InProgress"))  //prevent multiple entries for same symbol
                    else if ((trig.TradeDate == date_to_process) && (Trade_Status[BarIndex] != "InProgress")) //prevent multiple entries for same symbol
                        if (current_price < AmountPerTrade)                                                   //if price is greater than max per trade, then we cannot purchase
                            Trade_Status[BarIndex]      = "InProgress";
                            DaysSincePurchase[BarIndex] = 0;
                            trig.Status         = "InProgress";
                            NumShares[BarIndex] = (int)(AmountPerTrade / current_price);
                            EnterLong(BarIndex, NumShares[BarIndex], trade_id_str);
                            scanner_results.Add(trig.Symbol + " " + trig.TradeDate.ToShortDateString() + " " + DaysToHold.ToString());

            if (bFinishedProcessingAllData)
                WriteStringListToCSV(scanner_results, "c:\\temp\\knn\\scanner_results.txt");
Beispiel #7
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            int BarIndex = BarsInProgress;

            bool bFinishedProcessingAllData = false;

            Boolean bLastSymbol = BarIndex == (symbol_list.Count - 1);

            DateTime current_bar_date = Times[BarIndex][0].Date;

            if (bLastSymbol &&
                (((CurrentBar + 1) == Count) || (current_bar_date == TestingEndDate)))  //we are on the last bar to process
                Debug.WriteLine("bFinished trigger");
                bFinishedProcessingAllData = true;

            String debug_txt1 = "Date=" + Times[BarIndex][0].Date.ToShortDateString() + "BarIndex=" + BarIndex.ToString() + "CurrentBar=" + CurrentBar.ToString() + "Count=" + Count.ToString();


            //NOTE: Index 1 is always S&P 500
            if ((BarIndex >= 2 /*1*/) && (BarIndex < (symbol_list.Count))) //Start at index=1 since we want to ignore the primary/dummy instrument
                DateTime date_to_process = Times[BarIndex][0].Date;        //need to wait FutureValueDaysToLookAhead days before we can make calcs

                //if (date_to_process == TestingEndDate)
                if ((date_to_process <= TestingEndDate) && (CurrentBar >= (20)))    //give 20 days of buffer

                    int SP500_index = 1;

                    TradeScannerResult scan_result = new TradeScannerResult();

                    double OpenPriceToday  = Opens[BarIndex][0];
                    double ClosePriceToday = Closes[BarIndex][0];
                    double SP500_Open      = Opens[SP500_index][0];
                    double SP500_Close     = Closes[SP500_index][0];

                    scan_result.Date                      = date_to_process;
                    scan_result.Symbol                    = symbol_list[BarIndex];
                    scan_result.Description               = company_name_list[BarIndex];
                    scan_result.Open                      = OpenPriceToday;
                    scan_result.Close                     = ClosePriceToday;
                    scan_result.PercentChange_Today       = (((ClosePriceToday / OpenPriceToday) - 1.0) * 100.0);
                    scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today = (((SP500_Close / SP500_Open) - 1.0) * 100.0);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_Today       = scan_result.PercentChange_Today - scan_result.SP500_PercentChange_Today;

                    scan_result.PercentChange_1Day  = PctChange(BarIndex, 1);
                    scan_result.PercentChange_2Day  = PctChange(BarIndex, 2);
                    scan_result.PercentChange_5Day  = PctChange(BarIndex, 5);
                    scan_result.PercentChange_10Day = PctChange(BarIndex, 10);
                    scan_result.PercentChange_15Day = PctChange(BarIndex, 15);
                    scan_result.PercentChange_20Day = PctChange(BarIndex, 20);

                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_1Day  = scan_result.PercentChange_1Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 1);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_2Day  = scan_result.PercentChange_2Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 2);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_5Day  = scan_result.PercentChange_5Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 5);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_10Day = scan_result.PercentChange_10Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 10);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_15Day = scan_result.PercentChange_15Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 15);
                    scan_result.Compare_SP500_20Day = scan_result.PercentChange_20Day - PctChange(SP500_index, 20);

                    scan_result.Green_5Day  = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 5);
                    scan_result.Green_10Day = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 10);
                    scan_result.Green_15Day = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 15);
                    scan_result.Green_20Day = GetPercentOfGreenDays(BarIndex, 20);

                    //public string Indicator_Name { get; set; }
                    //public float Indicator_Today { get; set; }
                    //public float Indicator_Change_1Day { get; set; }    //See how indicator has changed over past N days
                    //public float Indicator_Change_2Day { get; set; }
                    //public float Indicator_Change_5Day { get; set; }
                    //public float Indicator_Change_10Day { get; set; }
                    //public float Indicator_Change_15Day { get; set; }
                    //public float Indicator_Change_20Day { get; set; }
                    //public int Green_5Day { get; set; }  //% of Green days in the past N days
                    //public int Green_10Day { get; set; }
                    //public int Green_15Day { get; set; }
                    //public int Green_20Day { get; set; }

                    for (int i = 0; i < indicator_list.Count; i++)
                        //Indicator_FutureValueChange_Pair indicator_pair = GetIndicatorValue(indicator_list[i], BarIndex, 0, date_to_process);

                        double indicator_value_today = 0.0;

                        switch (indicator_list[i])
                        case IndicatorEnum.indicator_BOLLINGER:
                            scan_result.Indicator_Name = "BOLL";

                            double boll_0  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 0);
                            double boll_1  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 1);
                            double boll_2  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 2);
                            double boll_3  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 3);
                            double boll_4  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 4);
                            double boll_5  = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 5);
                            double boll_10 = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 10);
                            double boll_15 = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 15);
                            double boll_20 = ComputeBollinger(BarIndex, 20);

                            indicator_value_today       = boll_0;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Today = indicator_value_today;

                            double boll_0_chg = boll_1 - boll_0;

                            double boll_min             = -1.0;
                            double boll_max             = -0.75;
                            bool   boll_in_range        = (boll_0 > boll_min) && (boll_0 < boll_max);
                            double boll_min_change      = 0.05;
                            double boll_max_change      = 0.25;
                            bool   boll_change_in_range = (boll_0_chg > boll_min_change) && (boll_0_chg < boll_max_change);
                            bool   boll_declining_3dys  = (boll_3 > boll_2) && (boll_2 > boll_1) && (boll_0 > boll_1);

                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_1Day  = indicator_value_today - boll_1;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_2Day  = indicator_value_today - boll_2;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_5Day  = indicator_value_today - boll_5;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_10Day = indicator_value_today - boll_10;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_15Day = indicator_value_today - boll_15;
                            scan_result.Indicator_Change_20Day = indicator_value_today - boll_20;

                            //if (boll_in_range && boll_change_in_range)
                            //    //strat1 (declining boll for 3, then up spike)
                            //    if (boll_declining_3dys)
                            //    {
                            //        Console.WriteLine("\nstrat1\n");

                            //        TradeTriggerByDate trig = new TradeTriggerByDate();
                            //        trig.Symbol = scan_result.Symbol;
                            //        trig.TradeDate = scan_result.Date;
                            //        trig.DaysToHold = 5;
                            //        trade_triggers.Add(trig);

                            //    }
                            //    //strat2 (just boll up spike)
                            //    else
                            //    {
                            //        Console.WriteLine("\nstrat2\n");
                            //        TradeTriggerByDate trig = new TradeTriggerByDate();
                            //        trig.Symbol = scan_result.Symbol;
                            //        trig.TradeDate = scan_result.Date;
                            //        trig.DaysToHold = 5;
                            //        trade_triggers.Add(trig);
                            //    }

                            if ((boll_1 < -1.1) && (boll_0 > -0.9) && (boll_0 < -0.7))
                                TradeTriggerByDate trig = new TradeTriggerByDate();
                                trig.Symbol     = scan_result.Symbol;
                                trig.TradeDate  = scan_result.Date;
                                trig.DaysToHold = 5;




            if (bFinishedProcessingAllData == true)