private static bool _IsHandlingException; // Make sure we don't go recursive on ourself

        //could move our main function into OpenSimMain and kill this class
        public static void BaseMain(string[] args, string defaultIniFile, ISimulationBase simBase)
            // First line, hook the appdomain to the crash reporter
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException +=

            // Add the arguments supplied when running the application to the configuration
            ArgvConfigSource configSource = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            if (!args.Contains("-skipconfig"))

            // Increase the number of IOCP threads available. Mono defaults to a tragically low number
            int workerThreads, iocpThreads;
            ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads);
            //MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Runtime gave us {0} worker threads and {1} IOCP threads", workerThreads, iocpThreads);
            if (workerThreads < 500 || iocpThreads < 1000)
                workerThreads = 500;
                iocpThreads = 1000;
                //MainConsole.Instance.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Bumping up to 500 worker threads and 1000 IOCP threads");
                ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(workerThreads, iocpThreads);

            BinMigratorService service = new BinMigratorService();
            // Configure nIni aliases and localles
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("On", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("Off", false);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("True", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("False", false);

            //Command line switches
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inimaster");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inigrid");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inisim");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inidirectory");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "oldoptions");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inishowfileloading");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "mainIniDirectory");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "mainIniFileName");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "secondaryIniFileName");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "RegionDataFileName");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Console", "Console");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Console", "LogAppendName");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Network", "http_listener_port");

            IConfigSource m_configSource = Configuration(configSource, defaultIniFile);

            // Check if we're saving crashes
            m_saveCrashDumps = m_configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetBoolean("save_crashes", m_saveCrashDumps);

            // load Crash directory config
            m_crashDir = m_configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetString("crash_dir", m_crashDir);

            //Initialize the sim base now
            Startup(configSource, m_configSource, simBase.Copy(), args);
Beispiel #2
        static int Main(string[] args)
            m_Server = new ServicesServerBase("Client", args);

            IConfig serverConfig = m_Server.Config.Configs["Startup"];
            if (serverConfig == null)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Startup config section missing in .ini file");
                throw new Exception("Configuration error");

            ArgvConfigSource argvConfig = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "host", "h");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "port", "p");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "user", "u");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "pass", "P");


            m_User = serverConfig.GetString("user", "Test");
            m_Host = serverConfig.GetString("host", "localhost");
            m_Port = serverConfig.GetInt("port", 8003);
            m_Pass = serverConfig.GetString("pass", "secret");

            Requester.MakeRequest("http://"+m_Host+":"+m_Port.ToString()+"/StartSession/", String.Format("USER={0}&PASS={1}", m_User, m_Pass), LoginReply);

            int res = m_Server.Run();


            return 0;
        public Tray()

            FormClosing += Tray_FormClosing;

            Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(Application.ExecutablePath);
            WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
            ShowInTaskbar = false;
            MinimizeBox = false;
            MaximizeBox = false;

            // Process any command line parameters
            ArgvConfigSource source = new ArgvConfigSource(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs());
            source.AddSwitch("Main", "watch-process", "p");
            source.AddSwitch("Main", "library", "l");

            // Create a watcher
            _watcher = new Watcher(source);
            _watcher.OnNotifyActivity += _watcher_OnNotifyActivity;
            _watcher.OnNotifyRestart += _watcher_OnNotifyRestart;
            _watcher.OnNotifyError += _watcher_OnNotifyError;

            // Start a thread for the watcher
            _watchThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_watcher.Run));

            // Watch params
            libraryLabel.Text = source.Configs["Main"].GetString("library", Settings.Default.ClientLibrary);
            processLabel.Text = source.Configs["Main"].GetString("watch-process", Settings.Default.ProcessPath);
Beispiel #4
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgvConfigSource argvSource = new ArgvConfigSource(args);
            argvSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "console", "c");
            argvSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "xmlfile", "x");


            GridServerBase app = new GridServerBase();

            IConfig startupConfig = argvSource.Configs["Startup"];
            if (startupConfig != null)
                app.m_consoleType = startupConfig.GetString("console", "local");
                app.m_configFile = startupConfig.GetString("xmlfile", "GridServer_Config.xml");

            app.m_configSource = argvSource;

//            if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "-setuponly")
//            {
//                app.Config();
//            }
//            else
//            {
//            }
Beispiel #5
        public void StartPlugin(RadegastInstance inst)
            Instance = inst;

            ArgvConfigSource configSource = new ArgvConfigSource(new string[0]);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("On", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("Off", false);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("True", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("False", false);

            idealistUserControl = new IdealistUserControl();
            IV = new RadegastViewer(inst, configSource, idealistUserControl);
            inst.TabConsole.AddTab("Idealist", "Idealist", idealistUserControl);
            //while (true)
            //    if (MainConsole.Instance != null)
            //    {
            //        MainConsole.Instance.Prompt();
            //        Thread.Sleep(100);
            //    }
Beispiel #6
        public void StartPlugin(RadegastInstance inst)

            Instance = inst;

            ArgvConfigSource configSource = new ArgvConfigSource(new string[0]);

            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("On", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("Off", false);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("True", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("False", false);

            idealistUserControl = new IdealistUserControl();
            IV = new RadegastViewer(inst, configSource, idealistUserControl);
            inst.TabConsole.AddTab("Idealist", "Idealist", idealistUserControl);
            //while (true)
            //    if (MainConsole.Instance != null)
            //    {
            //        MainConsole.Instance.Prompt();
            //        Thread.Sleep(100);
            //    }
Beispiel #7
        public MainApplication(string[] args)
            commandLineArgs = args;
            argvSource = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            if (!ProcessArgs(args))
		public void AddSwitchCase ()
			string[] arguments = new string[] { "-H" };
			ArgvConfigSource source = new ArgvConfigSource (arguments);

			source.AddSwitch ("Base", "help", "h");
			source.AddSwitch ("Base", "heat", "H");

			IConfig config = source.Configs["Base"];
			Assert.IsNull (config.Get ("nothere"));
			Assert.AreEqual ("", config.Get ("help"));
			Assert.IsNotNull (config.Get ("heat"));
Beispiel #9
        private static IConfig ParseConfig(String[] args)
            //Set up our nifty config..  thanks to nini
            ArgvConfigSource cs = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            // TODO: unused: cs.AddSwitch("Startup", "botcount","n");
            cs.AddSwitch("Startup", "loginuri","l");
            cs.AddSwitch("Startup", "firstname");
            cs.AddSwitch("Startup", "lastname");
            cs.AddSwitch("Startup", "password");
            cs.AddSwitch("Startup", "help","h");

            IConfig ol = cs.Configs["Startup"];
            return ol;
		public void GetArguments ()
			string[] arguments = new string[] { "--help", "-d", "doc.xml", 
			ArgvConfigSource source = new ArgvConfigSource (arguments);

			source.AddSwitch ("Base", "help", "h");
			source.AddSwitch ("Base", "doc", "d");
			source.AddSwitch ("Base", "short");

			string[] args = source.GetArguments ();
			Assert.IsTrue (args != arguments); // must be a different instance
			Assert.AreEqual (4, args.Length);
			Assert.AreEqual ("--help", args[0]);
			Assert.AreEqual ("-d", args[1]);
			Assert.AreEqual ("doc.xml", args[2]);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/pet:cat", args[3]);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// The main function for this application which calls controllers to get them setup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments from the commandline</param>
        public static void Main( string[] args )
            ArgvConfigSource source = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            source.AddSwitch("CommandLineArgs", "mode", "m");
            source.AddSwitch("CommandLineArgs", "config", "c");
            source.AddSwitch("CommandLineArgs", "logpath", "l");
            source.AddSwitch("CommandLineArgs", "help", "h");
            source.AddSwitch("CommandLineArgs", "serverip");
            source.AddSwitch("CommandLineArgs", "serverport", "p");
            source.AddSwitch("CommandLineArgs", "url");
            source.AddSwitch("CommandLineArgs", "nochat");

            bool help = source.Configs["CommandLineArgs"].Contains( "help" );

            if( help ) {
                Console.WriteLine( @"Help text goes here" );
                System.Environment.Exit( 0 );

            string mode = source.Configs["CommandLineArgs"].GetString( "mode","clientandserver" );

            if( mode == "clientonly" ) {
                ClientController.Instance.Initialize( source );
            else if ( mode == "serveronly"  ) {
                ServerController.Instance.Initialize( source );
            else if ( mode == "clientandserver" ) {
                ClientController.Instance.Initialize( source );
                ServerController.Instance.Initialize( source );
            else {
                Console.WriteLine( "You are trying to start Metaverse in an unknown mode. Please type \"Metaverse.exe -help\" for more options." );
                System.Environment.Exit( 0 );

Beispiel #12
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgvConfigSource configSource = new ArgvConfigSource(args);


            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inimaster");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inidirectory");

            ConfigurationLoader configurationLoader = new ConfigurationLoader();
            ConfigSettings appSettings;
            NetworkServersInfo networkSettings;
            configurationLoader.LoadConfigSettings(configSource, out appSettings, out networkSettings);

            MigrationWorker app = new MigrationWorker(configSource);

            Console.WriteLine("Hit enter to quit");
Beispiel #13
        static void Main(string[] args)

            ArgvConfigSource configSource = new ArgvConfigSource(args);
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile");

            AssetInventoryServer server = new AssetInventoryServer(configSource);
            if (server.Start())
                Console.CancelKeyPress +=
                    delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e)
                        m_log.Info("AssetInventory server is shutting down...");

        public void SetupSettings(string[] args)
            var argConfig = new ArgvConfigSource(args);
            argConfig.AddSwitch("Args", "ini", "i");

            var file = argConfig.Configs["Args"].Get("ini", defaultFileSettings);

            if ( File.Exists(file) )
                CoreSettings    = Settings.Configs["Core"];
                NetworkSettings = Settings.Configs["Network"];
                WebSettings     = Settings.Configs["Web"];
                CoreSettings    = Settings.Configs.Add("Core");
                NetworkSettings = Settings.Configs.Add("Network");
                WebSettings     = Settings.Configs.Add("Web");
		public void AddSwitch ()
			string[] arguments = new string[] { "--help", "-d", "doc.xml", 
			ArgvConfigSource source = new ArgvConfigSource (arguments);

			source.AddSwitch ("Base", "help", "h");
			source.AddSwitch ("Base", "doc", "d");

			IConfig config = source.Configs["Base"];
			Assert.IsNotNull (config.Get ("help"));
			Assert.IsNull (config.Get ("h"));
			Assert.IsNull (config.Get ("not here"));
			Assert.IsNull (config.Get ("pets"));
			Assert.AreEqual ("doc.xml", config.Get ("doc"));
			source.AddSwitch ("Pets", "pet");
			config = source.Configs["Pets"];
			Assert.IsNotNull (config.Get ("pet"));
			Assert.AreEqual ("cat", config.Get ("pet"));
        public static void Startup(ArgvConfigSource originalConfigSource, IConfigSource configSource,
                                   ISimulationBase simBase, string[] cmdParameters)
            //Get it ready to run
            simBase.Initialize(originalConfigSource, configSource, cmdParameters, m_configLoader);
                //Start it. This starts ALL modules and completes the startup of the application
                //Run the console now that we are done
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message != "Restart") //Internal needs a restart message
                    UnhandledException(false, ex);
                    //Just clean it out as good as we can
                    IRegionLoader[] regionLoaders = simBase.ApplicationRegistry.RequestModuleInterfaces<IRegionLoader>();
#if (!ISWIN)
                    foreach (IRegionLoader loader in regionLoaders)
                        if (loader != null && loader.Default)
                    foreach (IRegionLoader loader in regionLoaders.Where(loader => loader != null && loader.Default))
                //Then let it restart if it needs by sending it back up to 'while (AutoRestart || Running)' above
            //If it didn't throw an error, it wants to quit
        // Handle all the automagical stuff
        public ServicesServerBase(string prompt, string[] args)
            m_startuptime = DateTime.Now;

            // Save raw arguments
            m_Arguments = args;

            // Read command line
            ArgvConfigSource argvConfig = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "console", "c");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "logfile", "l");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile", "i");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "prompt",  "p");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "logconfig", "g");

            // Automagically create the ini file name
            string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
            string iniFile = fileName + ".ini";
            string logConfig = null;

            IConfig startupConfig = argvConfig.Configs["Startup"];
            if (startupConfig != null)
                // Check if a file name was given on the command line
                iniFile = startupConfig.GetString("inifile", iniFile);
                // Check if a prompt was given on the command line
                prompt = startupConfig.GetString("prompt", prompt);
                // Check for a Log4Net config file on the command line
                logConfig =startupConfig.GetString("logconfig",logConfig);

            // Find out of the file name is a URI and remote load it
            // if it's possible. Load it as a local file otherwise.
            Uri configUri;

                if (Uri.TryCreate(iniFile, UriKind.Absolute, out configUri) &&
                    configUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp)
                    XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(iniFile);
                    m_Config = new XmlConfigSource(r);
                    m_Config = new IniConfigSource(iniFile);
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Error reading from config source.  {0}", e.Message);

            // Merge the configuration from the command line into the
            // loaded file

            // Refresh the startupConfig post merge
            if (m_Config.Configs["Startup"] != null)
                startupConfig = m_Config.Configs["Startup"];

            prompt = startupConfig.GetString("Prompt", prompt);

            // Allow derived classes to load config before the console is
            // opened.

            // Create main console
            string consoleType = "local";
            if (startupConfig != null)
                consoleType = startupConfig.GetString("console", consoleType);

            if (consoleType == "basic")
                MainConsole.Instance = new CommandConsole(prompt);
            else if (consoleType == "rest")
                MainConsole.Instance = new RemoteConsole(prompt);
                MainConsole.Instance = new LocalConsole(prompt);

            // Configure the appenders for log4net
            OpenSimAppender consoleAppender = null;
            FileAppender fileAppender = null;

            if (logConfig != null)
                FileInfo cfg = new FileInfo(logConfig);

            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();
            IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders();

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;
                if (appender.Name == "LogFileAppender")
                    fileAppender = (FileAppender)appender;

            if (consoleAppender == null)
                System.Console.WriteLine("No console appender found. Server can't start");
                consoleAppender.Console = (ConsoleBase)MainConsole.Instance;

                if (null == consoleAppender.Threshold)
                    consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;

            // Set log file
            if (fileAppender != null)
                if (startupConfig != null)
                    string cfgFileName = startupConfig.GetString("logfile", null);
                    if (cfgFileName != null)
                        fileAppender.File = cfgFileName;

            if (startupConfig.GetString("PIDFile", String.Empty) != String.Empty)

            // Register the quit command
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "quit",
                    "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "shutdown",
                    "Quit the application", HandleQuit);
            // Register a command to read other commands from a file
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "command-script",
                                          "command-script <script>",
                                          "Run a command script from file", HandleScript);

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "show uptime",
                        "show uptime",
                        "Show server uptime", HandleShow);

            // Allow derived classes to perform initialization that
            // needs to be done after the console has opened
        private static bool _IsHandlingException; // Make sure we don't go recursive on ourself

        //could move our main function into OpenSimMain and kill this class
        public static void BaseMain(string[] args, string defaultIniFile, ISimulationBase simBase)
            // First line, hook the appdomain to the crash reporter
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException +=

            // Add the arguments supplied when running the application to the configuration
            ArgvConfigSource configSource = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            // Configure Log4Net
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "logconfig");
            string logConfigFile = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetString("logconfig", String.Empty);
            if (logConfigFile != String.Empty)
                XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(logConfigFile));
                //MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using \"{0}\" as configuration file",
                //                 logConfigFile);
                //MainConsole.Instance.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using default OpenSim.exe.config");

            // Increase the number of IOCP threads available. Mono defaults to a tragically low number
            int workerThreads, iocpThreads;
            ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads);
            //MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Runtime gave us {0} worker threads and {1} IOCP threads", workerThreads, iocpThreads);
            if (workerThreads < 500 || iocpThreads < 1000)
                workerThreads = 500;
                iocpThreads = 1000;
                //MainConsole.Instance.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Bumping up to 500 worker threads and 1000 IOCP threads");
                ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(workerThreads, iocpThreads);

            // Check if the system is compatible with OpenSimulator.
            // Ensures that the minimum system requirements are met
            //MainConsole.Instance.Info("[Setup]: Performing compatibility checks... \n");
            string supported = String.Empty;
            if (Util.IsEnvironmentSupported(ref supported))
                int minWorker, minIOC;
                // Get the current settings.
                ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out minWorker, out minIOC);

                //MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[Setup]: Environment is compatible. Thread Workers: {0}, IO Workers {1}\n", minWorker, minIOC);
                MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[Setup]: Environment is unsupported (" + supported + ")\n");
#if BlockUnsupportedVersions
                    Thread.Sleep(10000); //Sleep 10 seconds

            // Configure nIni aliases and localles
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("On", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("Off", false);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("True", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("False", false);

            ///Command line switches
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inimaster");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inigrid");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inisim");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inidirectory");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "oldoptions");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inishowfileloading");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "mainIniDirectory");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "mainIniFileName");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "secondaryIniFileName");


            IConfigSource m_configSource = Configuration(configSource, defaultIniFile);

            // Check if we're saving crashes
            m_saveCrashDumps = m_configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetBoolean("save_crashes", m_saveCrashDumps);

            // load Crash directory config
            m_crashDir = m_configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetString("crash_dir", m_crashDir);

            // check auto restart
            bool AutoRestart = m_configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetBoolean("AutoRestartOnCrash", true);

            //Set up the error reporting
            if (m_configSource.Configs["ErrorReporting"] != null)
                m_sendErrorReport = m_configSource.Configs["ErrorReporting"].GetBoolean("SendErrorReports", true);
                m_urlToPostErrors = m_configSource.Configs["ErrorReporting"].GetString("ErrorReportingURL",

            bool Running = true;
            //If auto restart is set, then we always run.
            // otherwise, just run the first time that Running == true
            while (AutoRestart || Running)
                //Always run once, then disable this
                Running = false;
                //Initialize the sim base now
                Startup(configSource, m_configSource, simBase.Copy(), args);
Beispiel #19
        public static void Startup(ArgvConfigSource originalConfigSource, IConfigSource configSource, ISimulationBase simBase)
            //Get it ready to run
            simBase.Initialize(originalConfigSource, configSource);
                //Start it. This starts ALL modules and completes the startup of the application
                //Run the console now that we are done
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message != "Restart") //Internal needs a restart message
                    string mes = "[AURORA]: Aurora has crashed! Error: " + ex + ", Stack trace: " + ex.StackTrace;

                    handleException(mes, ex);
                    //Just clean it out as good as we can
                //Then let it restart if it needs by sending it back up to 'while (AutoRestart || Running)' above
            //If it didn't throw an error, it wants to quit
Beispiel #20
        //could move our main function into OpenSimMain and kill this class
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // First line, hook the appdomain to the crash reporter
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException +=
                new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);

            // Add the arguments supplied when running the application to the configuration
            ArgvConfigSource configSource = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            // Configure Log4Net
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "logconfig");
            string logConfigFile = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetString("logconfig", String.Empty);
            if (logConfigFile != String.Empty)
                XmlConfigurator.Configure(new System.IO.FileInfo(logConfigFile));
                m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using \"{0}\" as configuration file", 
                m_log.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using default OpenSim.exe.config");

            // Increase the number of IOCP threads available. Mono defaults to a tragically low number
            int workerThreads, iocpThreads;
            System.Threading.ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads);
            m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Runtime gave us {0} worker threads and {1} IOCP threads", workerThreads, iocpThreads);
            if (workerThreads < 500 || iocpThreads < 1000)
                workerThreads = 500;
                iocpThreads = 1000;
                m_log.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Bumping up to 500 worker threads and 1000 IOCP threads");
                System.Threading.ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(workerThreads, iocpThreads);

            // Check if the system is compatible with OpenSimulator.
            // Ensures that the minimum system requirements are met
            m_log.Info("Performing compatibility checks... \n");
            string supported = String.Empty;
            if (Util.IsEnvironmentSupported(ref supported))
                m_log.Info("Environment is compatible.\n");
                m_log.Warn("Environment is unsupported (" + supported + ")\n");

            // Configure nIni aliases and localles

            // Validate that the user has the most basic configuration done
            // If not, offer to do the most basic configuration for them warning them along the way of the importance of 
            // reading these files.
            m_log.Info("Checking for reguired configuration...\n");

            bool OpenSim_Ini = (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "OpenSim.ini")))
                               || (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "opensim.ini")))
                               || (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "openSim.ini")))
                               || (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "Opensim.ini")));
            bool StanaloneCommon_ProperCased = File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "StandaloneCommon.ini"));
            bool StanaloneCommon_lowercased = File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "standalonecommon.ini"));
            bool GridCommon_ProperCased = File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "GridCommon.ini"));
            bool GridCommon_lowerCased = File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "gridcommon.ini"));

            if ((OpenSim_Ini) 
                && (
                || StanaloneCommon_lowercased
                || GridCommon_ProperCased
                || GridCommon_lowerCased
                m_log.Info("Required Configuration Files Found\n");
                MainConsole.Instance = new LocalConsole("Region");
                string resp = MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt(
                                        "\n\n*************Required Configuration files not found.*************\n\n   OpenSimulator will not run without these files.\n\nRemember, these file names are Case Sensitive in Linux and Proper Cased.\n1. ./OpenSim.ini\nand\n2. ./config-include/StandaloneCommon.ini \nor\n3. ./config-include/GridCommon.ini\n\nAlso, you will want to examine these files in great detail because only the basic system will load by default. OpenSimulator can do a LOT more if you spend a little time going through these files.\n\n" + ": " + "Do you want to copy the most basic Defaults from standalone?",
                if (resp == "yes")
                        if (!(OpenSim_Ini))
                                File.Copy(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "OpenSim.ini.example"),
                                          Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "OpenSim.ini"));
                            } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, Make sure OpenSim has have the required permissions\n");
                            } catch (ArgumentException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, The current directory is invalid.\n");
                            } catch (System.IO.PathTooLongException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, the Path to these files is too long.\n");
                            } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, the current directory is reporting as not found.\n");
                            } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, the example is not found, please make sure that the example files exist.\n");
                            } catch (System.IO.IOException)
                                // Destination file exists already or a hard drive failure...   ..    so we can just drop this one
                                //MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, the example is not found, please make sure that the example files exist.\n");
                            } catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, The current directory is invalid.\n");

                        if (!(StanaloneCommon_ProperCased || StanaloneCommon_lowercased))
                                File.Copy(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "StandaloneCommon.ini.example"),
                                          Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "StandaloneCommon.ini"));
                            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, Make sure OpenSim has the required permissions\n");
                            catch (ArgumentException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, The current directory is invalid.\n");
                            catch (System.IO.PathTooLongException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, the Path to these files is too long.\n");
                            catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, the current directory is reporting as not found.\n");
                            catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, the example is not found, please make sure that the example files exist.\n");
                            catch (System.IO.IOException)
                                // Destination file exists already or a hard drive failure...   ..    so we can just drop this one
                                //MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, the example is not found, please make sure that the example files exist.\n");
                            catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, The current directory is invalid.\n");
                MainConsole.Instance = null;
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("On", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("Off", false);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("True", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("False", false);

            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "background");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inimaster");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inidirectory");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "physics");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "gui");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "console");


            // Check if we're running in the background or not
            bool background = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetBoolean("background", false);

            // Check if we're saving crashes
            m_saveCrashDumps = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetBoolean("save_crashes", false);

            // load Crash directory config
            m_crashDir = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetString("crash_dir", m_crashDir);


            if (background)
                m_sim = new OpenSimBackground(configSource);


                m_sim = new OpenSim(configSource);


                while (true)
                        // Block thread here for input
                    catch (Exception e)
                        m_log.ErrorFormat("Command error: {0}", e);
Beispiel #21
 public static void Startup(ArgvConfigSource originalConfigSource, IConfigSource configSource, ISimulationBase simBase, string[] cmdParameters)
     //Get it ready to run
     simBase.Initialize (originalConfigSource, configSource, cmdParameters, m_configLoader);
         //Start it. This starts ALL modules and completes the startup of the application
         //Run the console now that we are done
     catch (Exception ex)
         if (ex.Message != "Restart") //Internal needs a restart message
             UnhandledException (false, ex);
             //Just clean it out as good as we can
         //Then let it restart if it needs by sending it back up to 'while (AutoRestart || Running)' above
     //If it didn't throw an error, it wants to quit
Beispiel #22
        //could move our main function into OpenSimMain and kill this class
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // First line, hook the appdomain to the crash reporter
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException +=
                new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);

            ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 12;

            // Add the arguments supplied when running the application to the configuration
            ArgvConfigSource configSource = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            // Configure Log4Net
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "logconfig");
            string logConfigFile = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetString("logconfig", String.Empty);
            if (logConfigFile != String.Empty)
                XmlConfigurator.Configure(new System.IO.FileInfo(logConfigFile));
                m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using \"{0}\" as configuration file", 
                m_log.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using default OpenSim.exe.config");

                "[OPENSIM MAIN]: System Locale is {0}", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);

            string monoThreadsPerCpu = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONO_THREADS_PER_CPU");

                "[OPENSIM MAIN]: Environment variable MONO_THREADS_PER_CPU is {0}", monoThreadsPerCpu ?? "unset");

            // Verify the Threadpool allocates or uses enough worker and IO completion threads
			// .NET 2.0, workerthreads default to 50 *  numcores
			// .NET 3.0, workerthreads defaults to 250 * numcores
			// .NET 4.0, workerthreads are dynamic based on bitness and OS resources
            // Max IO Completion threads are 1000 on all 3 CLRs
            // Mono 2.10.9 to at least Mono 3.1, workerthreads default to 100 * numcores, iocp threads to 4 * numcores
			int workerThreadsMin = 500;
			int workerThreadsMax = 1000; // may need further adjustment to match other CLR
			int iocpThreadsMin = 1000;
			int iocpThreadsMax = 2000; // may need further adjustment to match other CLR

                int currentMinWorkerThreads, currentMinIocpThreads;
                System.Threading.ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out currentMinWorkerThreads, out currentMinIocpThreads);
                    "[OPENSIM MAIN]: Runtime gave us {0} min worker threads and {1} min IOCP threads", 
                    currentMinWorkerThreads, currentMinIocpThreads);

            int workerThreads, iocpThreads;
            System.Threading.ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads);
            m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Runtime gave us {0} max worker threads and {1} max IOCP threads", workerThreads, iocpThreads);

            if (workerThreads < workerThreadsMin)
                workerThreads = workerThreadsMin;
                m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Bumping up max worker threads to {0}",workerThreads);
            if (workerThreads > workerThreadsMax)
                workerThreads = workerThreadsMax;
                m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Limiting max worker threads to {0}",workerThreads);

			// Increase the number of IOCP threads available.
			// Mono defaults to a tragically low number (24 on 6-core / 8GB Fedora 17)
			if (iocpThreads < iocpThreadsMin)
                iocpThreads = iocpThreadsMin;
                m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Bumping up max IOCP threads to {0}",iocpThreads);
			// Make sure we don't overallocate IOCP threads and thrash system resources
            if ( iocpThreads > iocpThreadsMax )
                iocpThreads = iocpThreadsMax;
                m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Limiting max IOCP completion threads to {0}",iocpThreads);
			// set the resulting worker and IO completion thread counts back to ThreadPool
            if ( System.Threading.ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(workerThreads, iocpThreads) )
                    "[OPENSIM MAIN]: Threadpool set to {0} max worker threads and {1} max IOCP threads",
                    workerThreads, iocpThreads);
	            m_log.Warn("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Threadpool reconfiguration failed, runtime defaults still in effect.");				

            // Check if the system is compatible with OpenSimulator.
            // Ensures that the minimum system requirements are met
            string supported = String.Empty;
            if (Util.IsEnvironmentSupported(ref supported))
                m_log.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Environment is supported by OpenSimulator.");
                m_log.Warn("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Environment is not supported by OpenSimulator (" + supported + ")\n");

            // Configure nIni aliases and localles

            // Validate that the user has the most basic configuration done
            // If not, offer to do the most basic configuration for them warning them along the way of the importance of 
            // reading these files.
            m_log.Info("Checking for reguired configuration...\n");

            bool OpenSim_Ini = (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "OpenSim.ini")))
                               || (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "opensim.ini")))
                               || (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "openSim.ini")))
                               || (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "Opensim.ini")));
            bool StanaloneCommon_ProperCased = File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "StandaloneCommon.ini"));
            bool StanaloneCommon_lowercased = File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "standalonecommon.ini"));
            bool GridCommon_ProperCased = File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "GridCommon.ini"));
            bool GridCommon_lowerCased = File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "gridcommon.ini"));

            if ((OpenSim_Ini) 
                && (
                || StanaloneCommon_lowercased
                || GridCommon_ProperCased
                || GridCommon_lowerCased
                m_log.Info("Required Configuration Files Found\n");
                MainConsole.Instance = new LocalConsole("Region");
                string resp = MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt(
                                        "\n\n*************Required Configuration files not found.*************\n\n   OpenSimulator will not run without these files.\n\nRemember, these file names are Case Sensitive in Linux and Proper Cased.\n1. ./OpenSim.ini\nand\n2. ./config-include/StandaloneCommon.ini \nor\n3. ./config-include/GridCommon.ini\n\nAlso, you will want to examine these files in great detail because only the basic system will load by default. OpenSimulator can do a LOT more if you spend a little time going through these files.\n\n" + ": " + "Do you want to copy the most basic Defaults from standalone?",
                if (resp == "yes")
                        if (!(OpenSim_Ini))
                                File.Copy(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "OpenSim.ini.example"),
                                          Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "OpenSim.ini"));
                            } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, Make sure OpenSim has have the required permissions\n");
                            } catch (ArgumentException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, The current directory is invalid.\n");
                            } catch (System.IO.PathTooLongException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, the Path to these files is too long.\n");
                            } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, the current directory is reporting as not found.\n");
                            } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, the example is not found, please make sure that the example files exist.\n");
                            } catch (System.IO.IOException)
                                // Destination file exists already or a hard drive failure...   ..    so we can just drop this one
                                //MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, the example is not found, please make sure that the example files exist.\n");
                            } catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, The current directory is invalid.\n");

                        if (!(StanaloneCommon_ProperCased || StanaloneCommon_lowercased))
                                File.Copy(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "StandaloneCommon.ini.example"),
                                          Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "config-include"), "StandaloneCommon.ini"));
                            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, Make sure OpenSim has the required permissions\n");
                            catch (ArgumentException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, The current directory is invalid.\n");
                            catch (System.IO.PathTooLongException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, the Path to these files is too long.\n");
                            catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, the current directory is reporting as not found.\n");
                            catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, the example is not found, please make sure that the example files exist.\n");
                            catch (System.IO.IOException)
                                // Destination file exists already or a hard drive failure...   ..    so we can just drop this one
                                //MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, the example is not found, please make sure that the example files exist.\n");
                            catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Output("Unable to Copy StandaloneCommon.ini.example to StandaloneCommon.ini, The current directory is invalid.\n");
                MainConsole.Instance = null;
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("On", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("Off", false);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("True", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("False", false);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("Yes", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("No", false);

            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "background");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inimaster");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inidirectory");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "physics");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "gui");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "console");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "save_crashes");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "crash_dir");


            // Check if we're running in the background or not
            bool background = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetBoolean("background", false);

            // Check if we're saving crashes
            m_saveCrashDumps = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetBoolean("save_crashes", false);

            // load Crash directory config
            m_crashDir = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetString("crash_dir", m_crashDir);           

            if (background)
                m_sim = new OpenSimBackground(configSource);
                m_sim = new OpenSim(configSource);

                while (true)
                        // Block thread here for input
                    catch (Exception e)
                        m_log.ErrorFormat("Command error: {0}", e);
Beispiel #23
        // Handle all the automagical stuff
        public ServicesServerBase(string prompt, string[] args) : base()
            // Save raw arguments
            m_Arguments = args;

            // Read command line
            ArgvConfigSource argvConfig = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "console", "c");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "logfile", "l");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile", "i");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "prompt",  "p");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "logconfig", "g");

            // Automagically create the ini file name
            string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
            string iniFile = fileName + ".ini";
            string logConfig = null;

            IConfig startupConfig = argvConfig.Configs["Startup"];
            if (startupConfig != null)
                // Check if a file name was given on the command line
                iniFile = startupConfig.GetString("inifile", iniFile);
                // Check if a prompt was given on the command line
                prompt = startupConfig.GetString("prompt", prompt);
                // Check for a Log4Net config file on the command line
                logConfig =startupConfig.GetString("logconfig",logConfig);

            // Find out of the file name is a URI and remote load it
            // if it's possible. Load it as a local file otherwise.
            Uri configUri;

                if (Uri.TryCreate(iniFile, UriKind.Absolute, out configUri) &&
                    configUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp)
                    XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(iniFile);
                    Config = new XmlConfigSource(r);
                    Config = new IniConfigSource(iniFile);
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Error reading from config source.  {0}", e.Message);

            // Merge the configuration from the command line into the
            // loaded file

            // Refresh the startupConfig post merge
            if (Config.Configs["Startup"] != null)
                startupConfig = Config.Configs["Startup"];

            ConfigDirectory = startupConfig.GetString("ConfigDirectory", ".");

            prompt = startupConfig.GetString("Prompt", prompt);

            // Allow derived classes to load config before the console is
            // opened.

            // Create main console
            string consoleType = "local";
            if (startupConfig != null)
                consoleType = startupConfig.GetString("console", consoleType);

            if (consoleType == "basic")
                MainConsole.Instance = new CommandConsole(prompt);
            else if (consoleType == "rest")
                MainConsole.Instance = new RemoteConsole(prompt);
                MainConsole.Instance = new LocalConsole(prompt);

            m_console = MainConsole.Instance;

            if (logConfig != null)
                FileInfo cfg = new FileInfo(logConfig);


            if (startupConfig.GetString("PIDFile", String.Empty) != String.Empty)


            // Register the quit command
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "quit",
                    "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "shutdown",
                    "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

            // Allow derived classes to perform initialization that
            // needs to be done after the console has opened
Beispiel #24
        private static bool _IsHandlingException; // Make sure we don't go recursive on ourself

        //could move our main function into OpenSimMain and kill this class
        public static void BaseMain(string[] args, string defaultIniFile, ISimulationBase simBase)
            // First line, hook the appdomain to the crash reporter
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException +=

            //Allow up to 12 simultaneous connections to a given endpoint rather than 2 -OS dev
            ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 12;

            // Add the arguments supplied when running the application to the configuration
            ArgvConfigSource configSource = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            if (!args.Contains("-skipconfig"))

            // Configure Log4Net
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "logconfig");
            string logConfigFile = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetString("logconfig", String.Empty);
            if (logConfigFile != String.Empty)
                XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(logConfigFile));
                //MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using \"{0}\" as configuration file",
                //                 logConfigFile);
                //MainConsole.Instance.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using default OpenSim.exe.config");

            // Increase the number of IOCP threads available. Mono defaults to a tragically low number
            // Added one block -------------------------------------------------------- VS
            //    "[OPENSIM MAIN]: System Locale is {0}", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);
            string monoThreadsPerCpu = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONO_THREADS_PER_CPU");
           // m_log.InfoFormat(
            //    "[OPENSIM MAIN]: Environment variable MONO_THREADS_PER_CPU is {0}", monoThreadsPerCpu ?? "unset");

            // Verify the Threadpool allocates or uses enough worker and IO completion threads
			// .NET 2.0 workerthreads default to 50 *  numcores
			// .NET 3.0 workerthreads defaults to 250 * numcores
			// .NET 4.0 workerthreads are dynamic based on bitness and OS resources
			// Max IO Completion threads are 1000 on all 3 CLRs.
            int workerThreadsMin = 500;
			int workerThreadsMax = 1000; // may need further adjustment to match other CLR
			int iocpThreadsMin = 1000;
			int iocpThreadsMax = 2000; // may need further adjustment to match other CLR
            // -------------------------------------- End block -------------------------

            int workerThreads, iocpThreads;
            ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads);
            // MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[AURORA MAIN]: Runtime gave us {0} worker threads and {1} IOCP threads", workerThreads, iocpThreads);
            //if (workerThreads < 500 || iocpThreads < 1000) //commented out -VS

            if (workerThreads < workerThreadsMin)

                /* workerThreads = 500; // comment out this block -VS
                // iocpThreads = 1000;
                //MainConsole.Instance.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Bumping up to 500 worker threads and 1000 IOCP threads");
                ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(workerThreads, iocpThreads);
                workerThreads = workerThreadsMin;
                //+m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Bumping up to worker threads to {0}", workerThreads);

            if (workerThreads > workerThreadsMax)
                workerThreads = workerThreadsMax;
               // m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Limiting worker threads to {0}",workerThreads);
			// Increase the number of IOCP threads available.
			// Mono defaults to a tragically low number (24 on 6-core / 8GB Fedora 17)
			if (iocpThreads < iocpThreadsMin)
                iocpThreads = iocpThreadsMin;
               // m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Bumping up IO completion threads to {0}",iocpThreads);
			// Make sure we don't overallocate IOCP threads and thrash system resources
            if ( iocpThreads > iocpThreadsMax )
                iocpThreads = iocpThreadsMax;
                //m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Limiting IO completion threads to {0}",iocpThreads);
			// set the resulting worker and IO completion thread counts back to ThreadPool
            if ( System.Threading.ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(workerThreads, iocpThreads) )
	            //m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Threadpool set to {0} worker threads and {1} IO completion threads", workerThreads, iocpThreads);
	            //m_log.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Threadpool reconfiguration failed, runtime defaults still in effect.");				

            // Check if the system is compatible with OpenSimulator.
            // Ensures that the minimum system requirements are met
            //MainConsole.Instance.Info("[Setup]: Performing compatibility checks... \n");
            string supported = String.Empty;
            if (Util.IsEnvironmentSupported(ref supported))
                int minWorker, minIOC;
                // Get the current settings.
                ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out minWorker, out minIOC);

                //MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[Setup]: Environment is compatible. Thread Workers: {0}, IO Workers {1}\n", minWorker, minIOC);
                MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[Setup]: Environment is unsupported (" + supported + ")\n");
#if BlockUnsupportedVersions
                    Thread.Sleep(10000); //Sleep 10 seconds

            BinMigratorService service = new BinMigratorService();
            // Configure nIni aliases and localles
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("On", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("Off", false);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("True", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("False", false);

            //Command line switches
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inimaster");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inigrid");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inisim");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inidirectory");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "oldoptions");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inishowfileloading");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "mainIniDirectory");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "mainIniFileName");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "secondaryIniFileName");


            IConfigSource m_configSource = Configuration(configSource, defaultIniFile);

            // Check if we're saving crashes
            m_saveCrashDumps = m_configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetBoolean("save_crashes", m_saveCrashDumps);

            // load Crash directory config
            m_crashDir = m_configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetString("crash_dir", m_crashDir);

            // check auto restart
            bool AutoRestart = m_configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetBoolean("AutoRestartOnCrash", true);

            //Set up the error reporting
            if (m_configSource.Configs["ErrorReporting"] != null)
                m_sendErrorReport = m_configSource.Configs["ErrorReporting"].GetBoolean("SendErrorReports", true);
                m_urlToPostErrors = m_configSource.Configs["ErrorReporting"].GetString("ErrorReportingURL",

            bool Running = true;
            //If auto restart is set, then we always run.
            // otherwise, just run the first time that Running == true
            while (AutoRestart || Running)
                //Always run once, then disable this
                Running = false;
                //Initialize the sim base now
                Startup(configSource, m_configSource, simBase.Copy(), args);
        //could move our main function into OpenSimMain and kill this class
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // First line, hook the appdomain to the crash reporter
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException +=
                new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);

            // Add the arguments supplied when running the application to the configuration
            ArgvConfigSource configSource = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            // Configure Log4Net
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "logconfig");
            string logConfigFile = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetString("logconfig", String.Empty);
            if (logConfigFile != String.Empty)
                XmlConfigurator.Configure(new System.IO.FileInfo(logConfigFile));
                m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using \"{0}\" as configuration file", 
                m_log.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using default OpenSim.exe.config");

            // Check if the system is compatible with OpenSimulator.   
            // Ensures that the minimum system requirements are met
            m_log.Info("Performing compatibility checks... ");
            string supported = String.Empty;
            if (Util.IsEnvironmentSupported(ref supported))
                m_log.Info("Environment is compatible.\n");
                m_log.Warn("Environment is unsupported (" + supported + ")\n");

            // Configure nIni aliases and localles

            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("On", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("Off", false);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("True", true);
            configSource.Alias.AddAlias("False", false);

            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "background");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inimaster");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "inidirectory");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "gridmode");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "physics");
            configSource.AddSwitch("Startup", "gui");


            // Check if we're running in the background or not
            bool background = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetBoolean("background", false);

            // Check if we're saving crashes
            m_saveCrashDumps = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetBoolean("save_crashes", false);

            // load Crash directory config
            m_crashDir = configSource.Configs["Startup"].GetString("crash_dir", m_crashDir);

            if (background)
                m_sim = new OpenSimBackground(configSource);
                m_sim = new OpenSim(configSource);


                while (true)
                        // Block thread here for input
                    catch (Exception e)
                        m_log.ErrorFormat("Command error: {0}", e);
Beispiel #26
        public static void Startup(ArgvConfigSource configSource)
            OpenSimBase m_sim = new OpenSimBase(configSource);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message != "Restart") //Internal needs a restart message
                    string mes = "[AURORA]: Aurora has crashed! Error: " + ex + ", Stack trace: " + ex.StackTrace;

                    handleException(mes, ex);
                //Just clean it out as good as we can
                //Then let it restart if it needs
Beispiel #27
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            ArgvConfigSource argvConfig = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "format", "f");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile");

            IConfig startupConfig = argvConfig.Configs["Startup"];

            string format = startupConfig.GetString("format", "ini");

            ConfigurationLoader loader = new ConfigurationLoader();
            IConfigSource s = loader.LoadConfigSettings(startupConfig);

            if (format == "mysql")
                foreach (IConfig c in s.Configs)
                    foreach (string k in c.GetKeys())
                        string v = c.GetString(k);

                        if (k.StartsWith("Include-"))
                        Console.WriteLine("insert ignore into config (section, name, value) values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}');", c.Name, k, v);
            else if (format == "xml")

                foreach (IConfig c in s.Configs)
                    int count = 0;

                    foreach (string k in c.GetKeys())
                        if (k.StartsWith("Include-"))


                    if (count > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("<Section Name=\"{0}\">", c.Name);

                        foreach (string k in c.GetKeys())
                            string v = c.GetString(k);

                            if (k.StartsWith("Include-"))
                            Console.WriteLine("    <Key Name=\"{0}\" Value=\"{1}\" />", k, v);

            else if (format == "ini")
                foreach (IConfig c in s.Configs)
                    int count = 0;

                    foreach (string k in c.GetKeys())
                        if (k.StartsWith("Include-"))


                    if (count > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", c.Name);

                        foreach (string k in c.GetKeys())
                            string v = c.GetString(k);

                            if (k.StartsWith("Include-"))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} = \"{1}\"", k, v);

                Console.WriteLine("Error: unknown format: {0}", format);

            return 0;
 public Watcher(ArgvConfigSource config)
     _config = config;
Beispiel #29
        static int Main(string[] args)
            ResultCode resultCode = 0;

            // use a configuration file to list all the sites you want to check
            // provide SMTP server information too

            var version = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version;
            string startup = "LINKCHECKER " + version + " (c) Ian Mercer 2010";

            Console.WriteLine("".PadLeft(startup.Length, '-'));

            if (!File.Exists("LinkChecker.ini"))
                Console.WriteLine("Please reinstall, you need both the .EXE and the .INI file");

            IConfigSource mainSource = new IniConfigSource("LinkChecker.ini");

            ArgvConfigSource argSource = new ArgvConfigSource(args);
            //argSource.AddSwitch("SMTP", "Server", "smtp");
            //argSource.AddSwitch("SMTP", "Port", "port");
            //argSource.AddSwitch("SMTP", "Username", "user");
            //argSource.AddSwitch("SMTP", "Password", "password");

            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "Domain", "d");                // a single domain

            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "Delay", "de");             //

            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "IncludeSelectors", "is");     // Exclude pages option
            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "ExcludeSelectors", "xs");     // Exclude pages option

            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "ExcludePages", "xp");         // Exclude pages option
            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "All", "a");                 //
            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "Pages", "pa");             //
            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "Seo", "s");                 //
            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "Changes", "c");         //
            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "Limit", "li");             //
            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "Dump", "du");               //  dump all text found
            argSource.AddSwitch("Settings", "Suggestions", "su");


            //var SMTPConfig = mainSource.Configs["SMTP"];
            var config = mainSource.Configs["Settings"];

            //string SMTPServer = SMTPConfig.GetString("Server", "");
            //int SMTPPort = SMTPConfig.GetInt("Port", 25);
            //string SMTPUsername = SMTPConfig.GetString("Username", "");
            //string SMTPPassword = SMTPConfig.GetString("Password", "");

            //SMTPConfig.Set("Server", SMTPServer);
            //SMTPConfig.Set("Port", SMTPPort);
            //SMTPConfig.Set("Username", SMTPUsername);
            //SMTPConfig.Set("Password", SMTPPassword);

            int delayBetween = config.GetInt("Delay", 10);
            config.Set("Delay", delayBetween);

            string excludedPathSetting = config.GetString("ExcludePages", ""); //"");       // common duplicate pages / comments
            string excludedPaths = excludedPathSetting;
            config.Set("ExcludePages", excludedPaths);

            string includeSelector = config.GetString("IncludeSelectors", "head title,body");
            string excludeSelector = config.GetString("ExcludeSelectors", ".pageHeader,#header,.header,#footer,.footer,#sidebar,.sidebar," +                                                                        "#feedbackTab,#feedback,.feedback,#feedbackdialog," +
            config.Set("IncludeSelector", includeSelector);
            config.Set("ExcludeSelector", excludeSelector);

            string listPages = config.GetString("Pages", "").ToLower();
            if (listPages != "none" && listPages != "list") listPages = "error";
            config.Set("Pages", listPages);

            string seo = config.GetString("Seo", "").ToLower();
            if (seo != "none" && seo != "list") seo = "error";
            config.Set("Seo", seo);

            string changes = config.GetString("Changes", "").ToLower();
            if (changes != "none" && changes != "error") changes = "list";
            config.Set("Changes", changes);

            int limit = config.GetInt("Limit", 3000);               // 3000 pages limit by default

            string dumpFilePath = config.GetString("Dump");
            if (dumpFilePath != null)
                config.Set("Dump", dumpFilePath);

            bool showSuggestedLinks = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.Get("Suggestions", ""));
            config.Set("Suggestions", showSuggestedLinks);

            string domainSingle = config.GetString("Domain", "");

            // Save any changes back to the config file
            // Don't do this because then they affect everyone after that ...

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(domainSingle))
                Console.WriteLine("  Usage:    linkchecker -d");
                Console.WriteLine("  Parameters:");
                Console.WriteLine("               The domain or starting Url you wish to check");
                Console.WriteLine("                                      all pages at the same level or below will be scanned");
                Console.WriteLine("       -xp:path1,path2            Exclude any paths that include path1, path2, ...");
                Console.WriteLine("                                      e.g. -xp:comment,/recommend,/email,/print");
                Console.WriteLine("     -all                         Complete dump including pages, changes and errors (default)");
                Console.WriteLine("       -pages:none|list|error       Detailed information about page and links (default = error)");
                Console.WriteLine("       -seo:none|list|error         Information about any SEO issues (default = error)");
                Console.WriteLine("       -changes:none|list|error     Changes to pages or links since last run (default=list)");
                Console.WriteLine("     -delay 10                    Delay 10 seconds between pages (less load on server being tested)");
                Console.WriteLine("     -limit 3000                  Limit how many pages (3000 default)");
                Console.WriteLine("     -dump filename               Dump all content from pages to a file");
                Console.WriteLine("       -xs:domSelector2,...         Exclude DOM elements that match jQuery style selectors");
                Console.WriteLine("       -is:domSelector1,...         Include DOM elements that match jQuery style selectors");
                Console.WriteLine("                                       e.g. -is:head title,body -xs:footer,#header,#sidebar,.comment");
                Console.WriteLine("                                    -xs and -is are applied throughout the DOM tree to select elements");
                Console.WriteLine("     You can put <meta linkedpages=\"\\url,\\url2,...\"> on any page to check that those links");
                Console.WriteLine("     are present on the page somewhere.  In effect a 'link contract' that the page must meet.");
                Console.WriteLine("     This allows you to check that none of the key links on your site are broken.");
                Console.WriteLine("     -suggestions                 Lists all the links that are on a page but not in a linkedpages meta tag");
                Console.WriteLine("                                    e.g. <meta linkedpages=\"\\login,\\logout,\\home\">");


                Console.WriteLine("     RESULT CODE is non-zero if there are any errors and you specified error on any element above");

                //Console.WriteLine("     -smtp    An SMTP server to email the results to");
                //Console.WriteLine("     -port    SMTP Server port (25)");
                //Console.WriteLine("     -user    SMTP Server user name");
                //Console.WriteLine("     -password SMTP Server password");
                Console.WriteLine("  Settings may also be placed in a file LinkChecker.ini");
                Console.WriteLine("  An XML dump of your web site will be placed in a subdirectory and used for subsequent runs as a comparison");
                Console.WriteLine("  to alert you when new pages appear or links get broken between pages on your site.");
                return 1;

            int failed = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Domain = " + (domainSingle ?? "null"));

            // Display the config settings to the user
            //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SMTPServer))
            //    Console.WriteLine("SMTP Server " + SMTPServer);

            string cleanDomain = domainSingle.Replace("http://", "");
            Uri urlRoot = new Uri("http://" + cleanDomain);

            string directoryPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, SafeFileName(cleanDomain));
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(directoryPath))

            string fileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH;mm") + ".xml";
            string filePath = Path.Combine(directoryPath, fileName);

            // A web site or part of a web site, e.g.
            WebSite webSite = new WebSite(cleanDomain, delayBetween*1000)

            // Collect error messages
            List<string> errorMessages = new List<string>();

            // Collect SEO warnings
            List<string> seoWarnings = new List<string>();

            // Look for duplicate titles
            Dictionary<string, int> titleCounts = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            Console.WriteLine(" _______________________________________________________________________________________ ");

            int countdown = limit;

            foreach (var webPage in webSite.WebPages)
                // Count only errors and good pages ...
                if ((!(webPage is WebPage.External) && !(webPage is WebPage.OtherContent)) && countdown-- < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Limit reached, use something more than  -limit " + limit + "");

                Uri url = webPage.Url;

                if (webPage is WebPage.Internal)
                    WebPage.Internal webPageInternal = webPage as WebPage.Internal;
                    if (listPages != "none")
                        Console.WriteLine("  title       = " + webPageInternal.Title);
                        Console.WriteLine("  description = " + webPageInternal.MetaDescription);

                        foreach (var message in webPageInternal.ErrorMessages)
                            string err = "  ERROR ON PAGE = " + message;

                        foreach (var message in webPageInternal.SeoWarnings)
                            string err = "  WARNING = " + message;


                    // Check for duplicates too
                    string title = webPageInternal.Title ?? "";

                    if (titleCounts.ContainsKey(title))
                        titleCounts.Add(title, 1);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dumpFilePath))
                        var documentNode = webPageInternal.HtmlDocument.DocumentNode;

                        //<td class="itm" style="text-align:left" nowrap><a href="/ESIG">ESIG</a></td>
                        //<td class="dsc">Engineering Science Interactive Graphics</td>

                        var includeSelected =  documentNode.QuerySelectorAll(includeSelector).ToList();
                        var excludeSelected = documentNode.QuerySelectorAll(excludeSelector).ToList();

                        Func<HtmlNode, bool> includeFilter = node => includeSelected.Contains(node);
                        Func<HtmlNode, bool> excludeFilter = node => excludeSelected.Contains(node);

                        using (FileStream file = File.Open(dumpFilePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file))
                            sw.WriteLine("  title       = " + webPageInternal.Title);
                            sw.WriteLine("  description = " + webPageInternal.MetaDescription);

                            var selected = documentNode.InnerTextButJustTheTextBits(includeFilter, excludeFilter, false);
                            var lines = selected.Split('\n', '\r')
                                                .Select(s => s.Replace('\t', ' '))
                                                .Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) && s.Length > 1);           // ignore single character lines
                            foreach (var line in lines)

                            //var lines = webPageInternal.HtmlDocument.DocumentNode.InnerTextButJustTheTextBits(filterPredicate).Split('\n', '\r')
                            //                            .Select(s => s.Replace('\t', ' '))
                            //                            .Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) && s.Length>1);           // ignore single character lines
                            //foreach (var line in lines)
                            //    sw.WriteLine(line.Trim());

                            sw.WriteLine(" _______________________________________________________________________________________ ");

                else if (webPage is WebPage.External || webPage is WebPage.OtherContent)
                    if (listPages != "none")
                else if (webPage is WebPage.Error)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected type " + webPage);

                //if (showSuggestedLinks)
                //foreach (var suggestion in webPageInternal.SuggestedLinks)
                //    Console.WriteLine(@"Consider adding [LinkedPage(""" + suggestion + @""")]");

                //int count = requiredLinks.Count(x => x.Value > 0);

                //if (count == 0 && requiredLinks.Count > 0)
                //    Console.WriteLine("  +++ all required links found on page");
                //    foreach (var missingLink in requiredLinks.Where(x => x.Value > 0))
                //    {
                //        Console.WriteLine("  **** MISSING LINK FROM " + url + " to " + missingLink);
                //        failed++;
                //    }

                if (listPages != "none")


            // Save the results ...

            XmlWriterSettings xmlWriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            xmlWriterSettings.Indent = true;
            //xmlWriterSettings.CheckCharacters = false;
            xmlWriterSettings.NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Entitize;

            // Serialize to disk
            DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(WebSite), new[]
                    , typeof(WebPage.Error)
                    , typeof(WebPage.ExceptionError)
                    , typeof(WebPage.External)
                    , typeof(WebPage.Internal)
                    , typeof(WebPage.LoadError)
                    , typeof(WebPage.OtherContent)
                    , typeof(WebPage.Timeout)
                    , typeof(System.UriFormatException)             // ick!


            // Now compare that against the previous version
            var lastFile = Directory.EnumerateFiles(directoryPath).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderByDescending(d => d.CreationTimeUtc).FirstOrDefault();

            WebSite previous = null;
            // Read the previous last file in
            if (lastFile != null)
                    using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new FileStream(lastFile.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)))
                        previous = (WebSite)serializer.ReadObject(xmlReader);
                catch (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException ex)  // the one we expect
                    previous = null;
                    resultCode = resultCode | ResultCode.PROGRAM_ERROR;
                catch (Exception ex)        // and for now, catch all others ...
                    previous = null;
                    resultCode = resultCode | ResultCode.PROGRAM_ERROR;

            if (changes != "none")

                bool writeXML = true; // unless ...

                    if (previous != null)
                        var changeLines = previous.StructureCompare(0, webSite).ToArray();

                        if (changeLines.Any())
                            resultCode = resultCode | ResultCode.CHANGE_DETECTED;
                            foreach (var s in changeLines)
                            writeXML = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("NO CHANGES DETECTED SINCE " + lastFile.CreationTime.ToShortDateString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please report: Error comparing " + ex.ToString());

                if (writeXML)
                        // And write the updates to a new file
                        using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.CreateNew), xmlWriterSettings))
                            serializer.WriteObject(xmlWriter, webSite);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to write file " + ex.Message);

            if (errorMessages.Count > 0)
                resultCode = resultCode | ResultCode.PAGE_ERROR;

                Console.WriteLine(@"|-------------------------------------ERRORS " + errorMessages.Count() + "-----------------------------------------|");
                foreach (var err in errorMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("No errors");

            // Find duplicate page titles
            var duplicatePageTitles = titleCounts.Where(x => x.Value > 1).ToList();
            foreach (var duplicatePageTitle in duplicatePageTitles)
                seoWarnings.Add("Duplicate title '" + duplicatePageTitle.Key + "' on " + duplicatePageTitle.Value + " pages");

            if (seo != "none")
                if (seoWarnings.Any())
                    if (seo == "error")
                        resultCode = resultCode | ResultCode.SEO_ERROR;

                    Console.WriteLine(@"|------------------------------------SEO WARNINGS (" + seoWarnings.Count() + ")------------------------------------|");
                    foreach (var err in seoWarnings)



            // Now decide whether to fail or not ...

            if (resultCode > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("**** FAILED WITH ERROR CODE ****");
                if ((resultCode & ResultCode.CHANGE_DETECTED) != 0) Console.WriteLine("  Changes detected");
                if ((resultCode & ResultCode.LINK_ERROR) != 0) Console.WriteLine("  Link error");
                if ((resultCode & ResultCode.PAGE_ERROR) != 0) Console.WriteLine("  Page error");
                if ((resultCode & ResultCode.PROGRAM_ERROR) != 0) Console.WriteLine("  Program error");
                if ((resultCode & ResultCode.SEO_ERROR) != 0) Console.WriteLine("  SEO error");

            if (Environment.MachineName == "XPS")

            return (int)resultCode;
		public void GetStringWithColon() 
			string[] arguments = new string[] {"-c", "\"D:\\test directory\""}; 

			ArgvConfigSource source = new ArgvConfigSource (arguments); 
			source.AddSwitch ("Base", "colon", "c"); 

			Assert.AreEqual ("D:\\test directory", 
Beispiel #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.  Accepts the command line arguments.
 /// </summary>
 public Editor(string[] arguments)
     argvSource = new ArgvConfigSource (arguments);
     SetSwitches ();