Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the steering force to avoid a line segment.
        /// </summary>
        public static Vector2 AvoidWall(LineSegment line, float elapsedTime, Steerable movingEntity, Vector2 targetedForward)

            // Check if the entity has approached the target
            Vector2 toTarget = movingEntity.Target.Value - movingEntity.Position;

            if (toTarget.Length() <= movingEntity.BoundingRadius + movingEntity.Skin)

            // Allow the entity to move across from back to front.
            if (Vector2.Dot(targetedForward, line.Normal) > AvoidanceAngularEpsilon)

            // Check if the entity has already moved through.
            if (Math2D.PointLineRelation(movingEntity.Position + line.Normal * movingEntity.BoundingRadius, line.Start, line.Normal) == Math2D.SpanType.Back)

            // Check if the entity wants to move through.
            if (Math2D.PointLineRelation(movingEntity.Target.Value - line.Normal * movingEntity.BoundingRadius, line.Start, line.Normal) != Math2D.SpanType.Back &&
                Math2D.PointLineRelation(movingEntity.Position - line.Normal * movingEntity.BoundingRadius, line.Start, line.Normal) != Math2D.SpanType.Back)

            // Check if the target position is in front of the line but the distance to line is less than bounding radius.
            Vector2 lineToEntity;

            if (Math2D.DistanceToLine(line.Start, line.End, movingEntity.Position) > movingEntity.BoundingRadius)
                float targetToLine = Math2D.DistanceToLineSegment(line.Start, line.End, movingEntity.Target.Value, out lineToEntity);
                if (targetToLine <= movingEntity.BoundingRadius)
                    movingEntity.Target = movingEntity.Target.Value + lineToEntity * (movingEntity.BoundingRadius - targetToLine);

            float distance        = Math2D.DistanceToLineSegment(line.Start, line.End, movingEntity.Position, out lineToEntity);
            float decelerateRange = Vector2.Dot(movingEntity.Forward, -line.Normal) * movingEntity.DecelerationRange * 2;

            // If deceleration range is too small, like when the moving entity has a maximum acceleration, there won't be
            // enough space for it to turn or stop.
            if (decelerateRange < movingEntity.Skin)
                decelerateRange = movingEntity.Skin;

            if (decelerateRange + movingEntity.Skin + movingEntity.BoundingRadius >= distance)
                Vector2 lineDirection = Math2D.Rotate90DegreesCcw(lineToEntity);

                // Determine which direction to move across the wall that might takes less time to reach the target.
                if (Vector2.Dot(lineDirection, targetedForward) < 0)
                    lineDirection = -lineDirection;

                // Moves the entity along the wall.
                float penetration = movingEntity.BoundingRadius + movingEntity.Skin - distance;
                if (Vector2.Dot(lineDirection, movingEntity.Forward) > AvoidanceAngularEpsilon && penetration < 0)
                    return(lineDirection * movingEntity.MaxForce);

                // If somehow the entity has penetrate the wall, this force will pull the entity out.
                if (penetration > 0)
                    lineDirection += penetration / movingEntity.Skin * lineToEntity;

                Vector2 desiredForce = lineDirection * movingEntity.MaxSpeed - movingEntity.Velocity;
                return(Vector2.Normalize(desiredForce) * movingEntity.MaxForce);

Beispiel #2
        protected override Vector2 OnUpdateSteeringForce(float elapsedTime, Steerable movingEntity)
            if (!movingEntity.Target.HasValue)

            // Check if the entity has approached the target
            Vector2 toTarget = movingEntity.Target.Value - movingEntity.Position;

            if (toTarget.Length() <= movingEntity.BoundingRadius + movingEntity.Skin)

            LineSegment?nearestLineSegment  = null;
            float       minDistanceToLineSq = float.MaxValue;
            float       detectorLength      = movingEntity.BoundingRadius + movingEntity.DecelerationRange + movingEntity.Skin;

            Vector2 targetedForward = movingEntity.TargetedForward;

            var boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(movingEntity.Position, 0), detectorLength);

            Walls.FindAll(ref boundingSphere, Lines);

            foreach (var line in Lines)
                // Allow the entity to move across from back to front.
                if (Vector2.Dot(targetedForward, line.Normal) > SteeringHelper.AvoidanceAngularEpsilon)

                // Check if the entity has already moved through.
                if (Math2D.PointLineRelation(movingEntity.Position + line.Normal * movingEntity.BoundingRadius, line.Start, line.Normal) == Math2D.SpanType.Back)

                float distanceSq = Math2D.DistanceToLineSegmentSquared(line.Start, line.End, movingEntity.Position + targetedForward * movingEntity.MaxSpeed * elapsedTime);
                if (distanceSq < minDistanceToLineSq)
                    minDistanceToLineSq = distanceSq;
                    nearestLineSegment  = line;

            if (nearestLineSegment.HasValue)
                LineSegment line = nearestLineSegment.Value;

                // Check if the entity wants to move through.
                // Ignore when both target position and entity position are in front of the wall.
                if (Math2D.PointLineRelation(movingEntity.Target.Value - line.Normal * movingEntity.BoundingRadius, line.Start, line.Normal) != Math2D.SpanType.Back &&
                    Math2D.PointLineRelation(movingEntity.Position - line.Normal * movingEntity.BoundingRadius, line.Start, line.Normal) != Math2D.SpanType.Back)

                // Check if the target position is in front of the line but the distance to line is less than bounding radius.
                Vector2 lineToEntity;
                if (Math2D.DistanceToLine(line.Start, line.End, movingEntity.Position) > movingEntity.BoundingRadius)
                    float targetToLine = Math2D.DistanceToLineSegment(line.Start, line.End, movingEntity.Target.Value, out lineToEntity);
                    if (targetToLine <= movingEntity.BoundingRadius)
                        movingEntity.Target = movingEntity.Target.Value + lineToEntity * (movingEntity.BoundingRadius - targetToLine);

                float distance        = Math2D.DistanceToLineSegment(line.Start, line.End, movingEntity.Position, out lineToEntity);
                float decelerateRange = Vector2.Dot(movingEntity.Forward, -line.Normal) * movingEntity.DecelerationRange * 2;

                // If deceleration range is too small, like when the moving entity has a maximum acceleration, there won't be
                // enough space for it to turn or stop.
                if (decelerateRange < movingEntity.Skin)
                    decelerateRange = movingEntity.Skin;

                if (decelerateRange + movingEntity.Skin + movingEntity.BoundingRadius >= distance)
                    Vector2 lineDirection = Math2D.Rotate90DegreesCcw(lineToEntity);

                    // Determine which direction to move across the wall that might takes less time to reach the target.
                    if (Vector2.Dot(lineDirection, targetedForward) < 0)
                        lineDirection = -lineDirection;

                    // Moves the entity along the wall.
                    float penetration = movingEntity.BoundingRadius + movingEntity.Skin - distance;
                    if (Vector2.Dot(lineDirection, movingEntity.Forward) > SteeringHelper.AvoidanceAngularEpsilon && penetration < 0)
                        return(lineDirection * movingEntity.MaxForce);

                    // If somehow the entity has penetrate the wall, this force will pull the entity out.
                    if (penetration > 0)
                        lineDirection += penetration / movingEntity.Skin * lineToEntity;

                    Vector2 desiredForce = lineDirection * movingEntity.MaxSpeed - movingEntity.Velocity;
                    return(Vector2.Normalize(desiredForce) * movingEntity.MaxForce);