public void StartParsingMainDir(string[] args)
            List <string> extra;

                // parse the command line
                extra = options.Parse(args);

                if (BaseName.Length < 1)
            catch (OptionException e)
                // output some error message
                Console.WriteLine("Didn't receive any valid parameters. " + NO_BASENAME_ERROR);
                Console.WriteLine("Try `--help' for more information.");

            MoveIntoProjectDir(BaseName); //Move into the directory

            var xmlFuncs = new XMLMgr();

            if (!File.Exists("caches.xml"))
                Console.WriteLine("caches.xml doesn't exist.");

            string outID, outVersion;

            Dictionary <String, String> dirToParse = xmlFuncs.ReadFromCacheFile("caches.xml"); //Read our caches file, provided it is there
            var firstElement = dirToParse.FirstOrDefault();

            outID      = firstElement.Key;
            outVersion = firstElement.Value;

            if (outID.Length != 0 && Directory.Exists(outID))
                DirGenerateCaches(outID, Convert.ToInt32(outVersion));
                Console.WriteLine("An error occured while trying to read caches.xml or the directory doesn't exist!");
        public static void VerifyBootstrapper(string mainChSetFolderName)
            if (exeName.Length < 1)
                Utils.LogInfo("-exename argument is null, empty or was not provided, not running bootstrapper checks...\n"); //Let them know and continue...

            FileInfo fStream     = new FileInfo(exeName);
            string   fStreamPath = Path.GetFullPath(exeName);

            string targetDir      = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(mainChSetFolderName, "bootstrapper"));
            string targetFilePath = Path.Combine(targetDir, exeName);

            if (!File.Exists(fStreamPath))
                Utils.FatalError($"File: \"{fStreamPath}\" not found so it won't be copied to \"{targetDir}\", exiting...\n");


            Utils.FStreamReplace(fStream, targetFilePath);

            //Last but not least gen the new caches.xml file in the target directory containing the hash of the exe.
            var    hashFuncs = new Hashing();
            string SHA1Hash  = hashFuncs.genFileHash(targetFilePath); //Generate our sha1 file hash which we'll use later on

            XMLMgr.WriteCacheXML(Path.Combine(targetDir, "caches.xml"), mainChSetFolderName, SHA1Hash);

            //Evaluate if it should be compressed or not
            evalShouldCompress(targetFilePath, targetDir);

            if (bootstrapOnly)
                Utils.LogInfo("Bootstrapping done, the application will now exit (-bonly argument was passed)!\n", true);