Beispiel #1
        private static void UploadPhoto(Member member, String photoCollectionID, String base64StringPhoto, String dateTime)
            var byteImage = Convert.FromBase64String(base64StringPhoto);
            var longDateTime = Int64.Parse(dateTime);
            var takenDT = new DateTime(longDateTime);

                var img = data.Photo.ByteArrayToImage(byteImage);
                //throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Argument_InvalidBase64PhotoString);

            var photoCollection = PhotoCollection.GetPhotoCollectionByWebPhotoCollectionID(photoCollectionID);

            if (photoCollection == null)
                photoCollection = new PhotoCollection()
                    DTCreated = DateTime.Now,
                    //Description = Resources.SnapUp_DefaultGalleryDescrpiption,
                    MemberID = member.MemberID,
                    //Name = Resources.SnapUp_DefaultGalleryName

            data.Photo.ProcessMemberPhoto(member, photoCollection.PhotoCollectionID, byteImage, takenDT);
        public void CreateCollection(String nickname, String password, String collectionName)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nickname))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("nickname");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("password");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(collectionName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("collectionName");
            if (collectionName.Length > 50)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Argument_LongCollectionName);

            var member = Member.GetMemberViaNicknamePassword(nickname, password);
            var photoCollection = new PhotoCollection()
                MemberID = member.MemberID,
                WebPhotoCollectionID = UniqueID.NewWebID(),
                Name = collectionName
        private static void MemberSetUp(Member member)

            var defaultGallery = new PhotoCollection()
                WebPhotoCollectionID = UniqueID.NewWebID(),
                MemberID = member.MemberID,
                DTCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Name = member.NickName + "'s Gallery",
                Description = "My First Gallery!"

            string StatusText = "New to next2Friends!";

            /* Create a new member profile for the member. */
            var profile = new MemberProfile()
                MemberID = member.MemberID,
                DTLastUpdated = DateTime.Now,
                DefaultPhotoCollectionID = defaultGallery.PhotoCollectionID,
                TagLine = StatusText

            MemberStatusText.UpdateStatusText(member.MemberID, StatusText);

            var message = new Message()
                Body = "Welcome to Next2Friends",
                WebMessageID = UniqueID.NewWebID(),
                MemberIDFrom = 31,
                MemberIDTo = member.MemberID,
                DTCreated = DateTime.Now
            message.InReplyToID = message.MessageID;

            /* Create the default settings for the member. */
            var settings = new MemberSettings()
                NotifyNewPhotoComment = true,
                NotifyNewProfileComment = true,
                NotifyNewVideoComment = true,
                NotifyOnAAFComment = true,
                NotifyOnFriendRequest = true,
                NotifyOnNewMessage = true,
                NotifyOnNewsLetter = true,
                NotifyOnSubscriberEvent = true,
                MemberID = member.MemberID

            var matchProfile = new MatchProfile()
                MemberID = member.MemberID

            var device = new Device()
                MemberID = member.MemberID,
                PrivateEncryptionKey = UniqueID.NewEncryptionKey(),
                CreatedDT = DateTime.Now,
                DeviceTagID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            // Lawrence: Added block to register default friends and profile views
                // Add Lawrence as Auto Friend
                Friend.AddFriend(1, member.MemberID);
                // Add Anthony as Auto Friend
                Friend.AddFriend(3, member.MemberID);
                // Add Hans as Auto Friend
                Friend.AddFriend(24, member.MemberID);
                // Add Becca as Auto Friend
                Friend.AddFriend(30, member.MemberID);

                ContentViewed(new Member(1), member.MemberID, CommentType.Member);
                ContentViewed(new Member(3), member.MemberID, CommentType.Member);
                ContentViewed(new Member(24), member.MemberID, CommentType.Member);
                ContentViewed(new Member(30), member.MemberID, CommentType.Member);
            catch { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Takes an prepopulated IDataReader and creates an array of PhotoCollections
        /// </summary>
        public static List<PhotoCollection> PopulateObject(IDataReader dr)
            ColumnFieldList list = new ColumnFieldList(dr);

            List<PhotoCollection> arr = new List<PhotoCollection>();

            PhotoCollection obj;

            while (dr.Read())
                obj = new PhotoCollection();
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("PhotoCollectionID")) { obj._photoCollectionID = (int)dr["PhotoCollectionID"]; }
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("WebPhotoCollectionID")) { obj._webPhotoCollectionID = (string)dr["WebPhotoCollectionID"]; }
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("MemberID")) { obj._memberID = (int)dr["MemberID"]; }
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("Name")) { obj._name = (string)dr["Name"]; }
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("Description")) { obj._description = (string)dr["Description"]; }
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("DTCreated")) { obj._dTCreated = (DateTime)dr["DTCreated"]; }



            return arr;
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes an prepopulated IDataReader and creates an array of PhotoCollections
        /// </summary>
        public static List<PhotoCollection> PopulatePhotoCollectionWithJoin(IDataReader dr)
            ColumnFieldList list = new ColumnFieldList(dr);

            List<PhotoCollection> arr = new List<PhotoCollection>();

            PhotoCollection obj;

            while (dr.Read())
                obj = new PhotoCollection();
                obj._photoCollectionID = (int)dr["PhotoCollectionID"];
                obj._webPhotoCollectionID = (string)dr["WebPhotoCollectionID"];
                obj._memberID = (int)dr["MemberID"];
                obj._name = (string)dr["Name"];
                obj._description = (string)dr["Description"];
                obj._dTCreated = (DateTime)dr["DTCreated"];

                if (list.IsColumnPresent("NumberOfPhotos")) { obj.NumberOfPhotos = (int)dr["NumberOfPhotos"]; }
                if (list.IsColumnPresent("DefaultThumbnailURL")) { obj.DefaultThumbnailURL = (string)dr["DefaultThumbnailURL"]; }



            return arr;
                /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the PhotoComment in the database for the member
        /// </summary>
        public static PhotoCollection GetOrCreatePhotoGalleryForToday(int MemberID)
            List<PhotoCollection> photoCollections = PhotoCollection.GetPhotoGalleryForToday(MemberID);

            PhotoCollection photoCollection = null;

            bool CreateGallery = true;

            if (photoCollections.Count > 0)
                photoCollection = photoCollections[0];

                if (photoCollection.DTCreated.Date == DateTime.Now.Date)
                    CreateGallery = false;

            if (CreateGallery)
                photoCollection = new PhotoCollection()
                    MemberID = MemberID,
                    WebPhotoCollectionID = Next2Friends.Misc.UniqueID.NewWebID(),
                    Name = DateTime.Now.Date.ToLongDateString(),
                    DTCreated = DateTime.Now



            return photoCollection;
Beispiel #7
        public static string NSpotXMLGallery(int NSpotID)
            List <PhotoCollection> collections = new List <PhotoCollection>();

            List <Photo> DynamicPhotos = Photo.GetNSpotPhotosByNSpotID(NSpotID);

            PhotoCollection NewCollection    = new PhotoCollection();
            int             MemberID         = -1;
            int             MemberPhotoCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < DynamicPhotos.Count; i++)
                if (DynamicPhotos[i].MemberID != MemberID)
                    NewCollection      = new PhotoCollection();
                    NewCollection.Name = DynamicPhotos[i].Member.NickName;
                    MemberID           = DynamicPhotos[i].MemberID;
                    MemberPhotoCount   = 0;



                // if the next photo is a differnt member of this is the last loop then add
                if (i == (DynamicPhotos.Count - 1))
                    NewCollection.Description = "Photos " + MemberPhotoCount.ToString();
                else if (DynamicPhotos[i + 1].MemberID != MemberID)
                    NewCollection.Description = "Photos " + MemberPhotoCount.ToString();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>");

            for (int i = 0; i < collections.Count; i++)
                List <Photo> photos = collections[i].Photo;

                if (photos.Count > 0)
                    string NickName = photos[0].Member.NickName;

                    string ThumbPath = "user/" + NickName + "/" + "pthmb/";
                    string LargePath = "user/" + NickName + "/" + "plrge/";

                    object[] AlbumParameters = new object[6];
                    AlbumParameters[0] = collections[i].WebPhotoCollectionID;
                    AlbumParameters[1] = ParallelServer.Get(photos[0].ThumbnailResourceFile.FullyQualifiedURL) + photos[0].ThumbnailResourceFile.FullyQualifiedURL;
                    AlbumParameters[2] = LargePath;
                    AlbumParameters[3] = ThumbPath;
                    AlbumParameters[4] = collections[i].Name;
                    AlbumParameters[5] = collections[i].Description;
                    //AlbumParameters[6] = collections[i].Description;

                    //gallery title
                    sb.AppendFormat(@"  <album id=""{0}"" title=""{4}"" tn=""{1}"" lgPath=""{2}"" tnPath=""{3}"" description=""{5}"" >", AlbumParameters);

                    for (int j = 0; j < photos.Count; j++)
                        object[] PhotoParameters = new object[2];
                        PhotoParameters[0] = photos[j].PhotoResourceFile.FileName;
                        PhotoParameters[1] = string.Empty;

                        sb.AppendFormat(@"      <img src=""{0}"" caption=""{1}"" />", PhotoParameters);

                    sb.Append(@"    </album>");


        private void UploadPhoto(Member member, String photoCollectionID, String base64StringPhoto, String dateTime, Boolean SnappedFromMobile)
            var byteImage = Convert.FromBase64String(base64StringPhoto);
            var longDateTime = Int64.Parse(dateTime);
            var takenDT = new DateTime(longDateTime);

            Image img = null;

                img = data.Photo.ByteArrayToImage(byteImage);
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Argument_InvalidBase64PhotoString);

            var photoCollection = PhotoCollection.GetPhotoCollectionByWebPhotoCollectionID(photoCollectionID);

            if (photoCollection == null)
                photoCollection = new PhotoCollection()
                    DTCreated = DateTime.Now,
                    Description = Resources.SnapUp_DefaultGalleryDescrpiption,
                    MemberID = member.MemberID,
                    Name = Resources.SnapUp_DefaultGalleryName

            if (member.ProfilePhotoResourceFileID == 1 && !data.Photo.MemberHasAnyPhotos(member.MemberID))
                data.Photo.ProcessProfilePhoto(member, img);

            data.Photo.ProcessMemberPhoto(member, photoCollection.PhotoCollectionID, byteImage, takenDT, SnappedFromMobile);
            NotifyPhotoUploaded(member, photoCollection);
 private void NotifyPhotoUploaded(Member member, PhotoCollection photoCollection)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(member != null, "member != null");
     var memberAccount = MemberAccount.GetMemberAccountByMemberID(member.MemberID);
     if (MemberAccount.IsTwitterReady(memberAccount))
         if (TwitterService.CanPost(MemberAccountActivity.GetLastActivity(member.MemberID, 1 /* Twitter */, 2 /* PhotoGallery */)))
             TwitterService.NotifyPhotoUploaded(memberAccount.Username, memberAccount.Password, member.WebMemberID, photoCollection.WebPhotoCollectionID);
             MemberAccountActivity.SetLastActivity(member.MemberID, 1 /* Twitter */, 2 /* PhotoGallery */);
Beispiel #10
        public static string NSpotXMLGallery(int NSpotID)
            List<PhotoCollection> collections = new List<PhotoCollection>();

            List<Photo> DynamicPhotos = Photo.GetNSpotPhotosByNSpotID(NSpotID);

            PhotoCollection NewCollection = new PhotoCollection();
            int MemberID = -1;
            int MemberPhotoCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < DynamicPhotos.Count; i++)
                if (DynamicPhotos[i].MemberID != MemberID)
                    NewCollection = new PhotoCollection();
                    NewCollection.Name = DynamicPhotos[i].Member.NickName;
                    MemberID = DynamicPhotos[i].MemberID;
                    MemberPhotoCount = 0;



                // if the next photo is a differnt member of this is the last loop then add
                if (i == (DynamicPhotos.Count - 1))
                    NewCollection.Description = "Photos " + MemberPhotoCount.ToString();
                else if (DynamicPhotos[i + 1].MemberID != MemberID)
                    NewCollection.Description = "Photos " + MemberPhotoCount.ToString();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>");

            for (int i = 0; i < collections.Count; i++)
                List<Photo> photos = collections[i].Photo;

                if (photos.Count > 0)
                    string NickName = photos[0].Member.NickName;

                    string ThumbPath = "user/" + NickName + "/" + "pthmb/";
                    string LargePath = "user/" + NickName + "/" + "plrge/";

                    object[] AlbumParameters = new object[6];
                    AlbumParameters[0] = collections[i].WebPhotoCollectionID;
                    AlbumParameters[1] = ParallelServer.Get(photos[0].ThumbnailResourceFile.FullyQualifiedURL) + photos[0].ThumbnailResourceFile.FullyQualifiedURL;
                    AlbumParameters[2] = LargePath;
                    AlbumParameters[3] = ThumbPath;
                    AlbumParameters[4] = collections[i].Name;
                    AlbumParameters[5] = collections[i].Description;
                    //AlbumParameters[6] = collections[i].Description;

                    //gallery title
                    sb.AppendFormat(@"  <album id=""{0}"" title=""{4}"" tn=""{1}"" lgPath=""{2}"" tnPath=""{3}"" description=""{5}"" >", AlbumParameters);

                    for (int j = 0; j < photos.Count; j++)
                        object[] PhotoParameters = new object[2];
                        PhotoParameters[0] = photos[j].PhotoResourceFile.FileName;
                        PhotoParameters[1] = string.Empty;

                        sb.AppendFormat(@"      <img src=""{0}"" caption=""{1}"" />", PhotoParameters);

                    sb.Append(@"    </album>");


            return sb.ToString();