protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if the role is not admin, redirect to default
            if (!(Request.Cookies["roles"].Value == "2"))
                                                       "{noAccess}", "alert('{You have no Access to this!}');window.location.href='Default.aspx' ", true);

            QuestionMidLayer qml = new QuestionMidLayer();

            txtId.Text = "" + (qml.getMaxID() + 1);
            qml.CloseConnection();   //should I close it?
        protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            QuestionMidLayer qml = new QuestionMidLayer();

            //all the elements to save to database
            int    Id          = Convert.ToInt32(txtId.Text);
            string question    = txtQuestion.Text;
            string optionA     = txtOptionA.Text;
            string optionB     = txtOptionB.Text;
            string optionC     = txtOptionC.Text;
            string optionD     = txtOptionD.Text;
            string answer      = txtAnswer.Text;
            string description = txtDescription.Text;
            string image       = "";

            string fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileUploadImg.FileName); //get file name

            string filePath = "~/images/questionImages/";

            image = fileName; //change imgae name to the file name


            if (qml.SaveQuestion(Id, question, optionA, optionB, optionC, optionD, answer,
                                 description, image))
                //notification for succeed and refresh the page
                                                       "{saveProduct}", "alert('{Product saved!}');window.location.href='AddProduct.aspx' ", true);
                //notification failure
                                                       "{saveError}", "alert('{Save Failed! Contact the developer!}');window.location.href='AddProduct.aspx' ", true);