// Finish making the getmessageID function
        public String getMessageId(String message, int fieldNum)
            Message t = new Message(message);
            String tempString = t.getElement("MSH", fieldNum);

            return tempString;
        // This method is used to send a message to the server
        public  bool Send(string cmdstring, Queue queue)
            cmdstring = HL7.CreateMLLPMessage(cmdstring);
            exceptionthrown = false;
            //var parameters = os_util.ParseParams(cmdstring);

            Message m = new Message(cmdstring);
            if (m.getElement("MSH", 8).ToUpper().ToString() == "ACK")
                return true;

            if (cmdstring.Length > 0)
                    // We need a connection to the server to send a message
                    if (connectionsocket.Connected)

                        byte[] byData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmdstring);

                            queue.Sent = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            ErrorHandler._ErrorHandler.LogError(ex, "Error sending", this);
                            connected = connectionsocket.Connected ? true : false ;
                            Connect(Settings._instance.RemoteIPAddress, Convert.ToInt32(Settings._instance.RemotePort));


                           var item1 = socketpool.Pop();
                            item1.UserToken = new OSUserToken(this.connectionsocket,
                        Convert.ToInt32(Settings._instance.BufferSize), this._repository);

                           bool IOPending = connectionsocket.ReceiveAsync(item1);
                           // comment this for faster reads
                           if (!IOPending)

                        catch (Exception ex)
                              ErrorHandler._ErrorHandler.LogError(ex, "Did not recieve a message after 3 seconds");  
                        return true;
                        connected = false;
                        Connect(Settings._instance.RemoteIPAddress, Convert.ToInt32(Settings._instance.RemotePort));
                        return false;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    ErrorHandler._ErrorHandler.LogError(ex, "Error sending", this);
                    lasterror = ex.ToString();
                    return false;
                lasterror = "No message provided for Send.";
                return false;
        public void SendMessages()

            foreach (var message in Directory.GetFiles(Settings._instance.OutFolderPath,"*.txt"))

                Queue queue = new Queue();
                    using (FileStream f = new FileStream(message, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                        using (StreamReader newMsg = new StreamReader(f))
                            String msg = "";

                             msg = newMsg.ReadToEnd();
                            Message msgMessage = new Message(msg);

                            if (msgMessage.getElement("MSH", 8) == "ACK")
                                queue.Sent = true;
                                queue.Garbage = true;
                               // _repository.SaveChangesQueue(queue);


                              //  _repository.CreateMhistory(msg);

                               // queue = _repository.CreateQueueRecord(msg);

                                if (Send(msg, queue))
                                    //queue = _repository.GetQueue(queue.ID);

                                    //queue.Sent = true;


                    if (File.Exists(message))
                        if (queue.Sent == true)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ErrorHandler._ErrorHandler.LogError( ex, "- Problem sending message - "+ message);

        public void ProcessClientData(String ackMessage)

            // build the end of message string below to check recieved against it
            string content2 = new String((char) HL7.MLLP_FIRST_END_CHARACTER, 1);
            content2 = content2 + new String((char) HL7.MLLP_LAST_END_CHARACTER, 1);

            // get the message up to the eof characters
            // and remove the message from the string builder
            if (ackMessage.IndexOf(content2) > -1)
                if (ackMessage.IndexOf(content2) == 0)

                        "Should not be here means message recieved did not have start and end MLLP characters ");
                    int temp2 = ackMessage.IndexOf(content2);
                    ackMessage = ackMessage.Substring(1, temp2);
                    Message m = new Message(ackMessage);
                    String messageID = m.getElement("MSH", 9);


        // Do something with the received data, then reset the token for use by another connection.
        // This is called when all of the data has been received for a read socket.
        public void ProcessData(SocketAsyncEventArgs args)
            // Get the last message received from the client, which has been stored in the stringbuilder.
            String received = stringbuilder.ToString();

            //TODO Use message received to perform a specific operation.

            string content2 = new String((char)HL7.MLLP_FIRST_END_CHARACTER, 1);
            content2 = content2 + new String((char)HL7.MLLP_LAST_END_CHARACTER, 1);

           // Settings settings = new Settings();
            // get the message up to the eof characters
            // and remove the message from the string builder
            if (received.IndexOf(content2) > -1)
                if (received.IndexOf(content2) == 0)

                    totalbytecount = 0;
                    stringbuilder.Length = 0;
                   // Console.WriteLine("HERE CLEARING THINGS OUT");

                    //int temp = received.IndexOf(content2);
                    int temp2 = received.IndexOf(content2);
                    totalbytecount = totalbytecount - received.Length;
                    received = received.Substring(1, temp2); 

                    stringbuilder.Remove(0, temp2);
                    totalbytecount = 0;
                    stringbuilder.Length = 0;
                   // Console.WriteLine("Received: \"{0}\". The server has read {1} bytes. {2} buffer {3}", received,received.Length, temp2, stringbuilder.Capacity);

                    Message m = new Message(received);
                    //TODO: Load up a send buffer to send an ack back to the calling client
                    //TODO: Change the ack type based on errors or not.
                    AckMessages ack = new AckMessages(received, _repository);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings._instance.OutFolderPath))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ack.getMessageId()))
                            String path = Path.Combine(Settings._instance.OutFolderPath, ack.getMessageId());

                            if (File.Exists(path))
                                bool b = true;
                                int i = 0;
                                    path = Path.Combine(Settings._instance.OutFolderPath,
                                        string.Format(ack.getMessageId() + "-{0}{1}", i, ".txt"));
                                    if (!File.Exists(path))
                                        b = false;

                                } while (b);


                            using (
                                var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None,
                                fs.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(received), 0, Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount(received));
                            Byte[] sendBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ack.ack);
                            args.SetBuffer(sendBuffer, 0, sendBuffer.Length);
                        ErrorHandler._ErrorHandler.LogInfo("There is an error creating the file: "+ received);                       

        public void  ProcessClientData(SocketAsyncEventArgs args)
            // Get the last message received from the client, which has been stored in the stringbuilder.
            String received = stringbuilder.ToString();

            //TODO Use message received to perform a specific operation.

            // build the end of message string below to check recieved against it
            string content2 = new String((char)HL7.MLLP_FIRST_END_CHARACTER, 1);
            content2 = content2 + new String((char)HL7.MLLP_LAST_END_CHARACTER, 1);

            // get the message up to the eof characters
            // and remove the message from the string builder
            if (received.IndexOf(content2) > -1)
                if (received.IndexOf(content2) == 0)

                    totalbytecount = 0;
                    stringbuilder.Length = 0;
                    //Console.WriteLine("HERE CLEARING THINGS OUT");
                 // ErrorHandler._ErrorHandler.LogInfo("Cleaning out buffer client data ");
                    //int temp = received.IndexOf(content2);
                    int temp2 = received.IndexOf(content2);
                    totalbytecount = totalbytecount - received.Length;
                    received = received.Substring(1, temp2);
                   //  _repository.CreateMhistory(received);
                    stringbuilder.Remove(0, temp2);
                    totalbytecount = 0;
                    stringbuilder.Length = 0;
                   // Console.WriteLine("Received: \"{0}\". The server has read {1} bytes. {2}", received, received.Length, temp2);

                    Message m = new Message(received);
                    String messageID = m.getElement("MSH", 9);
                     //   _repository.CreateAckRecord(received);
                   // _repository.ProcessQueue(messageID);

                   // AckMessages ack = new AckMessages(received, _repository);
                    //Byte[] sendBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ack.ack);
                    //args.SetBuffer(sendBuffer, 0, sendBuffer.Length);


            // All the data has been read from the 
            // client. Display it on the console.
            //Console.WriteLine("Read {0} bytes from socket. \n Data : {1}",
            //    content.Length, content);
            // Echo the ACk message here async or in the caller
            //Send(handler, content);

            //TODO: Load up a send buffer to send an ack back to the calling client


            // Clear StringBuffer, so it can receive more data from the client.

        public void CreateAckRecord(String m)
            //  _magDb.Registries.      //Add(registry);
                var message = new Message(m);

                AckMessRecieved ackMess = new AckMessRecieved();
                ackMess.Message = m;
                ackMess.MessageID = message.getElement("MSH", 9);
                ackMess.SentDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;
                var _magDb = new MagLink_engineEntities();
                _magDb.Entry(ackMess).State = ackMess.ID == 0 ? EntityState.Added : EntityState.Modified;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorHandler._ErrorHandler.LogError(ex, "Error saving changes to ackMessages Received");

        public Queue CreateQueueRecord(String message)
            Queue queue = new Queue();

                queue.SentDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;
                queue.Message = message;
                Message m = new Message(message);
                queue.MessageID = m.getElement("MSH", 9);
                queue.Garbage = false;
                queue.Sent = false;
                queue.PatientMRN = m.getElement("PID", 3);

                //using (_magDb)
                   var _magDb = new MagLink_engineEntities();
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorHandler._ErrorHandler.LogError(ex, "Error making queue record in table");                    

            return queue;

        public void CreateMhistory(String message)
                Message_History history = new Message_History();
                history.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now;
                history.Message = message;
                Message m = new Message(message);
                history.PatID = m.getElement("PID", 3);
                history.PatName = m.getElement("PID", 5);
                history.messageid = m.getElement("MSH", 9);

                //using (_magDb)
              var      _magDb = new MagLink_engineEntities();
                  //  _magDb.Dispose();
            catch (Exception ex)
                    ErrorHandler._ErrorHandler.LogError(ex, "Error entering data in the message history table");
