Beispiel #1
        protected GetTracerParameters DefaultGetTracerImplementation()
            var getTracerParameters = new GetTracerParameters();

            // setup the code to execute when NewRelic.Agent.Core.GetTracer is called
            SetGetTracerDelegate((String tracerFactoryName, UInt32 tracerArguments, String metricName, String assemblyName, Type type, String typeName, String methodName, String argumentSignature, Object invocationTarget, Object[] args, UInt64 functionId) =>
                // we can't assert in here so save off the variables and assert later
                getTracerParameters.tracerFactoryName = tracerFactoryName;
                getTracerParameters.tracerArguments   = tracerArguments;
                getTracerParameters.metricName        = metricName;
                getTracerParameters.assemblyName      = assemblyName;
                getTracerParameters.type              = type;
                getTracerParameters.typeName          = typeName;
                getTracerParameters.methodName        = methodName;
                getTracerParameters.argumentSignature = argumentSignature;
                getTracerParameters.invocationTarget  = invocationTarget;
                getTracerParameters.args              = args;

                // set the flag indicating the tracer was called, we'll be asserting on that later
                getTracerParameters.getTracerCalled = true;

                // create a new GUID for this tracer and push it onto our stack of GUIDs
                getTracerParameters.tracer = Guid.NewGuid();

                // return the GUID as the tracer object, we'll validate that FinishTracer gets it

Beispiel #2
        private void ValidateFinishTracer(GetTracerParameters getTracerParameters, FinishTracerParameters finishTracerParameters, object expectedReturnValue, Exception expectedException)
            // validate that finish tracer was called
            Assert.IsTrue(finishTracerParameters.finishTracerCalled, "NewRelic.Agent.Core.FinishTracer was not called.");

            // validate that FinishTracer received all the right parameters
            Assert.AreEqual(getTracerParameters.tracer, finishTracerParameters.tracerObject, "The tracer received by finish tracer doesn't match the one we returned from GetTracer.");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedReturnValue, finishTracerParameters.returnValue, "FinishTracer did not receive the correct returnValue.");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedException, finishTracerParameters.exceptionObject, "FinishTracer did not receive the expected exception.");
Beispiel #3
        public void profiled_method_called_from_get_tracer()
            var getTracerParameters = new GetTracerParameters();

            // setup the code to execute when NewRelic.Agent.Core.GetTracer is called
            SetGetTracerDelegate((String tracerFactoryName, UInt32 tracerArguments, String metricName, String assemblyName, Type type, String typeName, String methodName, String argumentSignature, Object invocationTarget, Object[] args, UInt64 functionId) =>
                if (methodName == "StaticMethod")
                    // check to see if we are approaching a stack overflow
                    var stackTrace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace();
                    if (stackTrace.FrameCount >= 100)
                        throw new Exception("Stack Overflow Immenent.");

                    // if StaticMethod was called, call another profiled method (whose GetTracer won't do anything).

                    // we can't assert in here so save off the variables and assert later
                    getTracerParameters.tracerFactoryName = tracerFactoryName;
                    getTracerParameters.tracerArguments   = tracerArguments;
                    getTracerParameters.metricName        = metricName;
                    getTracerParameters.assemblyName      = assemblyName;
                    getTracerParameters.type              = type;
                    getTracerParameters.typeName          = typeName;
                    getTracerParameters.methodName        = methodName;
                    getTracerParameters.argumentSignature = argumentSignature;
                    getTracerParameters.invocationTarget  = invocationTarget;
                    getTracerParameters.args              = args;

                    // set the flag indicating the tracer was called, we'll be asserting on that later
                    getTracerParameters.getTracerCalled = true;

                    // create a new GUID for this tracer and push it onto our stack of GUIDs
                    getTracerParameters.tracer = Guid.NewGuid();

                    // return the GUID as the tracer object, we'll validate that FinishTracer gets it

            var finishTracerParameters = DefaultFinishTracerImplementation();

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { StaticMethod(); }, "Exception should not have been thrown.");

            ValidateTracers(getTracerParameters, finishTracerParameters, "StaticMethod", "", null, new object[] { }, null, null);
Beispiel #4
        private void ValidateGetTracer(GetTracerParameters getTracerParameters, String expectedMethodName, String expectedArgumentSignature, object expectedInvocationTarget, object[] parameters, String expectedTypeName)
            // validate that GetTracer was called at all
            Assert.IsTrue(getTracerParameters.getTracerCalled, "NewRelic.Agent.Core.GetTracer was not called.  Are you instrumenting this test suite?");

            // validate that GetTracer received all the right parameters
            Assert.AreEqual("ProfiledMethods", getTracerParameters.assemblyName, "GetTracer did not receive the expected assembly name.");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTypeName, getTracerParameters.typeName, "GetTracer did not receive the expected type name.");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMethodName, getTracerParameters.methodName, "GetTracer did not receive the expected method name.");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedArgumentSignature, getTracerParameters.argumentSignature, "GetTracer did not receive the expected argument signature.");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedInvocationTarget, getTracerParameters.invocationTarget, "GetTracer did not receive the expected invocation target.");
            Assert.AreEqual(parameters.Length, getTracerParameters.args.Length, "GetTracer did not receive the expected parameter array length.");
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                Assert.AreEqual(parameter, getTracerParameters.args[i], "GetTracer did not receive the expected value of parameter #" + i + ".");
Beispiel #5
 protected void ValidateTracers(GetTracerParameters getTracerParameters, FinishTracerParameters finishTracerParameters, String expectedMethodName, String expectedArgumentSignature, object expectedInvocationTarget, object[] expectedParameters, object expectedReturnValue, Exception expectedException, String expectedTypeName = "NewRelic.Agent.Tests.ProfiledMethods.ProfiledMethods")
     ValidateGetTracer(getTracerParameters, expectedMethodName, expectedArgumentSignature, expectedInvocationTarget, expectedParameters, expectedTypeName);
     ValidateFinishTracer(getTracerParameters, finishTracerParameters, expectedReturnValue, expectedException);
Beispiel #6
        public void nested_overloads()
            // setup the callbacks for GetTracer and FinishTracer
            var getOverloadObjectTracerParameters = new GetTracerParameters();
            var getOverloadStringTracerParameters = new GetTracerParameters();

            // setup the code to execute when NewRelic.Agent.Core.GetTracer is called
            SetGetTracerDelegate((String tracerFactoryName, UInt32 tracerArguments, String metricName, String assemblyName, Type type, String typeName, String methodName, String argumentSignature, Object invocationTarget, Object[] args, UInt64 functionId) =>
                if (argumentSignature == "System.Object")
                    // we can't assert in here so save off the variables and assert later
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.tracerFactoryName = tracerFactoryName;
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.tracerArguments   = tracerArguments;
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.metricName        = metricName;
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.assemblyName      = assemblyName;
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.type              = type;
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.typeName          = typeName;
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.methodName        = methodName;
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.argumentSignature = argumentSignature;
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.invocationTarget  = invocationTarget;
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.args              = args;

                    // set the flag indicating the tracer was called, we'll be asserting on that later
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.getTracerCalled = true;

                    // create a new GUID for this tracer and push it onto our stack of GUIDs
                    getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.tracer = Guid.NewGuid();

                    // return the GUID as the tracer object, we'll validate that FinishTracer gets it
                else if (argumentSignature == "System.String")
                    // we can't assert in here so save off the variables and assert later
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.tracerFactoryName = tracerFactoryName;
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.tracerArguments   = tracerArguments;
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.metricName        = metricName;
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.assemblyName      = assemblyName;
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.type              = type;
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.typeName          = typeName;
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.methodName        = methodName;
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.argumentSignature = argumentSignature;
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.invocationTarget  = invocationTarget;
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.args              = args;

                    // set the flag indicating the tracer was called, we'll be asserting on that later
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.getTracerCalled = true;

                    // create a new GUID for this tracer and push it onto our stack of GUIDs
                    getOverloadStringTracerParameters.tracer = Guid.NewGuid();

                    // return the GUID as the tracer object, we'll validate that FinishTracer gets it

            var finishOverloadObjectTracerParameters = new FinishTracerParameters();
            var finishOverloadStringTracerParameters = new FinishTracerParameters();

            // setup the code to execute when NewRelic.Agent.Core.FinishTracer is called
            SetFinishTracerDelegate((Object tracerObject, Object returnValue, Object exceptionObject) =>
                if ((Guid)(tracerObject) == getOverloadObjectTracerParameters.tracer)
                    // we can't assert in here so save off the variables and assert later
                    finishOverloadObjectTracerParameters.tracerObject    = tracerObject;
                    finishOverloadObjectTracerParameters.returnValue     = returnValue;
                    finishOverloadObjectTracerParameters.exceptionObject = exceptionObject;

                    // set the flag indicating the tracer was called, we'll be asserting on that later
                    finishOverloadObjectTracerParameters.finishTracerCalled = true;
                else if ((Guid)(tracerObject) == getOverloadStringTracerParameters.tracer)
                    // we can't assert in here so save off the variables and assert later
                    finishOverloadStringTracerParameters.tracerObject    = tracerObject;
                    finishOverloadStringTracerParameters.returnValue     = returnValue;
                    finishOverloadStringTracerParameters.exceptionObject = exceptionObject;

                    // set the flag indicating the tracer was called, we'll be asserting on that later
                    finishOverloadStringTracerParameters.finishTracerCalled = true;

            // call the method that will be instrumented
            Object parameter = new Object();

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { Overloaded(parameter); }, "Exception should not have been thrown.");

            var expectedOverloadObjectParameters        = new object[] { parameter };
            var expectedOverloadStringParameters        = new object[] { parameter.ToString() };
            var expectedOverloadObjectArgumentSignature = "System.Object";
            var expectedOverloadStringArgumentSignature = "System.String";

            ValidateTracers(getOverloadObjectTracerParameters, finishOverloadObjectTracerParameters, "Overloaded", expectedOverloadObjectArgumentSignature, this, expectedOverloadObjectParameters, null, null);
            ValidateTracers(getOverloadStringTracerParameters, finishOverloadStringTracerParameters, "Overloaded", expectedOverloadStringArgumentSignature, this, expectedOverloadStringParameters, null, null);