Beispiel #1
        private String BuildTreeCatList(String rtnList, int level, int parentid, string groupref, int tabid, int displaylevels = 50, String identClass = "nbrightbuy_catmenu", String styleClass = "", String activeClass = "active")
            if (level > displaylevels)
                return(rtnList);                       // stop infinate loop
            // header
            if (level == 0)
                rtnList += "<ul class='" + identClass + " " + styleClass + "'>";
                rtnList += "<ul>";

            var activeCat = _catGrpCtrl.GetCategory(_currentCatId);

            if (activeCat == null)
                activeCat = new GroupCategoryData();
            var depth     = 0;
            var levelList = _catGrpCtrl.GetGrpCategories(parentid, "cat"); // force this to always categories

            foreach (GroupCategoryData grpcat in levelList)
                if (grpcat.isvisible)
                    // update cat info
                    grpcat.url   = _catGrpCtrl.GetCategoryUrl(grpcat, tabid);
                    grpcat.depth = level; //make base 1, to pick up the

                    var openClass = "";
                    if (activeCat.Parents.Contains(grpcat.categoryid) || grpcat.categoryid == _currentCatId)
                        openClass = " open ";

                    if (_currentCatId == grpcat.categoryid)
                        rtnList += "<li class='" + activeClass + openClass + "'>";
                        if (openClass == "")
                            rtnList += "<li>";
                            rtnList += "<li class='" + openClass + "'>";

                    if (_templateBody.Count > grpcat.depth)
                        depth = grpcat.depth;
                    rtnList += GenXmlFunctions.RenderRepeater(grpcat, _templateBody[depth], "", "XMLData", "", StoreSettings.Current.Settings());

                    rtnList = BuildTreeCatList(rtnList, level + 1, grpcat.categoryid, groupref, tabid, displaylevels);

                    rtnList += "</li>";

            rtnList += "</ul>";
