static void Main(string[] args)

            int threshold = 10; // It is neuron threshold. Incrementing this value we make neuron more accuratem but it takes more time to learn.
            int neuronTarget = 5; // It is neuron's target value to recognize. He will be trained to do it well.

            Neuron neuron = new Neuron(threshold, neuronTarget);

            List<TrainingData> trainingDataCollection = new TrainingDataProvider().ProvideTrainingData();

            NeuronTrainer trainer = new NeuronTrainer(neuron); // trainer will take care about training scales of neoron's synapses.

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                // During training step neuron will take inbound impact and trainer will correct our neuron's synapses according to its answers.
                // We are going intentionally skip impact with code "5.6". Having this not learned impact we will be able to check our neuron after training
                trainer.Train(trainingDataCollection.Where(x => x.Code != "5.6").ToList().Shuffle<TrainingData>());

            Debug.WriteLine("Neuron's synapses after complex training:");

            // Now neuron will try to recognize new unknown impact.
            var isRecognized = neuron.Recognize(trainingDataCollection.Where(x => x.Code == "5.6").FirstOrDefault());
            Debug.WriteLine("Is recognized unknown correct impact: " + isRecognized);

            // Lets check that our neuron works as expected giving to him the most complicated impact.
            isRecognized = neuron.Recognize(trainingDataCollection.Where(x => x.Code == "6").FirstOrDefault());
            Debug.WriteLine("Is recognized known incorrect impact: " + isRecognized);
 public NeuronTrainer(Neuron neuron)
     this.neuron = neuron;