/// <summary> Equals the given other.</summary>
        /// <param name="other"> The other. </param>
        /// <returns> true if the objects are considered equal, false if they are not.</returns>
        private Boolean _Equals(L4FlowKey other)
            var e1 = Equals(this.EndPoints[0], other.EndPoints[0]);
            var e2 = Equals(this.EndPoints[1], other.EndPoints[1]);
            var e3 = Equals(this.EndPoints[0], other.EndPoints[1]);
            var e4 = Equals(this.EndPoints[1], other.EndPoints[0]);
            var e5 = this.L4ProtocolType.Equals(other.L4ProtocolType);

            //var e6 = this.L2ProtocolType.Equals(other.L2ProtocolType);
            return(e5 && ((e1 && e2) || (e3 && e4)));// && e6;
 /// <summary> Tests if this IIBBidirectionalFlowKey is considered equal to another.</summary>
 /// <param name="other"> The i bt bidirectional flow key to compare to this object. </param>
 /// <returns> true if the objects are considered equal, false if they are not.</returns>
 public Boolean Equals(L4FlowKey other) => this._Equals(other);