Beispiel #1
        private static SRVRecord PickSRV(SRVRecord[] srv)
            // TODO: keep track of connection failures, and try the next priority down.

            if ((srv == null) || (srv.Length == 0))
                throw new ArgumentException();
            if (srv.Length == 1)
                return srv[0];

            // randomize order.  One might wish that the OS would have done this for us.
            // cf. Bob Schriter's Grandfather.
            Random rnd = new Random();
            byte[] keys = new byte[srv.Length];
            Array.Sort(keys, srv);  // Permute me, Knuth!  (I wish I had a good anagram for that)

            int minpri = int.MaxValue;
            foreach (SRVRecord rec in srv)
                if (rec.Priority < minpri)
                    minpri = rec.Priority;

            int weight = 0;
            foreach (SRVRecord rec in srv)
                if (rec.Priority == minpri)
                    weight += rec.Weight;

            int pos = rnd.Next(weight);
            weight = 0;

            foreach (SRVRecord rec in srv)
                if (rec.Priority == minpri)
                    weight += rec.Weight;

                    if ((pos < weight) || (weight == 0))
                        return rec;

            throw new DnsException("No matching SRV");
        public static SRVRecord[] ResolveSRV(string query)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            byte[] name = new byte[256];
            ushort type, dlen, priority, weight, port;
            int size;
            GCHandle handle;
            List<SRVRecord> results = new List<SRVRecord>();

            size = res_query(query, C_IN, T_SRV, buffer, buffer.Length);

            handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                HEADER header = (HEADER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(HEADER));

                int qdcount = ntohs(header.qdcount);
                int ancount = ntohs(header.ancount);

                int headerSize = Marshal.SizeOf(header);

                    fixed (byte* pBuffer = buffer)

                        byte* pos = pBuffer + headerSize;
                        byte* end = pBuffer + size;

                        // We don't care about the question section.
                        while (qdcount-- > 0 && pos < end)
                            size = dn_expand(pBuffer, end, pos, name, 256);
                            if (size < 0) return null;
                            pos += size + 4;

                        // The answers, however, we do care about!
                        while (ancount-- > 0 && pos < end)
                            size = dn_expand(pBuffer, end, pos, name, 256);
                            if (size < 0) return null;

                            pos += size;

                            type = GETSHORT(ref pos);

                            // Skip TTL
                            pos += 6;

                            dlen = GETSHORT(ref pos);

                            if (type == T_SRV)
                                priority = GETSHORT(ref pos);
                                weight = GETSHORT(ref pos);
                                port = GETSHORT(ref pos);

                                size = dn_expand(pBuffer, end, pos, name, 256);
                                if (size < 0) return null;

                                string nameStr = null;
                                fixed (byte* pName = name)
                                    nameStr = new String((sbyte*)pName);

                                var record = new SRVRecord();
                                record.NameNext = nameStr;
                                record.Priority = priority;
                                record.Weight = weight;
                                record.Port = port;

                                pos += size;
                                pos += dlen;


            return results.ToArray();